The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

You fit in perfectly with the ignorant clowns who lie 24x7 to defend heinous acts by anyone who identifies as a Democrat. Disgusting.
Yet when asked for a source to your claim you dodge and insult and have yet to provide one. Pathetic
Do you see what you’re doing here. Indisputable evidence that Joe Biden is a sick pedophile and you’re posting over and over and over “prove she was 12”.

Who the fuck care is she was 12? Or 11? Or 10? Or 17? Her father was victimizing her and you’re victimizing her further by defending the predator and constantly trying to take the focus off of his actions and place on her age (as if her age fucking matters). What the fuck is wrong with you??
Who cares?! Well you’re making claims that the man is a pedo, yet it’s obvious that you are making claims without any reliable source to back them up. It’s a pattern for how you operate.

If they were showering together while she was 12 I’d agree that was inappropriate. But you can’t back that claim. You call me ignorant for not knowing it like it’s something that is proven and obvious. Yet here you are unable to show anything to back it up. That’s pathetic and just shows how gullible you are.
Who the fuck care is she was 12? Or 11? Or 10? Or 17? Her father was victimizing her and you’re victimizing her further by defending the predator and constantly trying to take the focus off of his actions and place on her age (as if her age fucking matters). What the fuck is wrong with you??
What if she was 2 or 3 or 4? That’s very different than 12 or 11 or 17… the fact you even said that reveals that you don’t know how old she was, yet you acted like it was common knowledge yesterday.

And it’s pretty rich that you’re claiming I am victimizing her further as you’re out here lying and using a line from a stolen diary of hers to advance a political agenda. That is quite literally victimizing her. She sued over the stolen diary. and here you are lying about it and politicizing it. You should be ashamed of yourself
Do you see what you’re doing here. Indisputable evidence that Joe Biden is a sick pedophile and you’re posting over and over and over “prove she was 12”.

Who the fuck care is she was 12? Or 11? Or 10? Or 17? Her father was victimizing her and you’re victimizing her further by defending the predator and constantly trying to take the focus off of his actions and place on her age (as if her age fucking matters). What the fuck is wrong with you??

What if she was 3?
Xiden and the demafacist have not failed, their entire goal is to destroy the working class…they have succeed greatly in making their lives harder and making them worse off
What if she was 2 or 3 or 4? That’s very different than 12 or 11 or 17… the fact you even said that reveals that you don’t know how old she was, yet you acted like it was common knowledge yesterday.

And it’s pretty rich that you’re claiming I am victimizing her further as you’re out here lying and using a line from a stolen diary of hers to advance a political agenda. That is quite literally victimizing her. She sued over the stolen diary. and here you are lying about it and politicizing it. You should be ashamed of yourself
Hey Markle what's up with the "disagree" but not actually responding? You are the one that threw out the claim that she was 12 when showering with her dad and you're the one who posted a stolen page from her diary. So back your claims up... Because without that you're just spreading stolen personal information and then lying about it to advance a political agenda and that's just dirty
Hey Markle what's up with the "disagree" but not actually responding? You are the one that threw out the claim that she was 12 when showering with her dad and you're the one who posted a stolen page from her diary. So back your claims up... Because without that you're just spreading stolen personal information and then lying about it to advance a political agenda and that's just dirty
Why "Disagree"?

Because I don't give a tinker's dam what you demand or think.

If you could read that passage about Ashley Biden, and not see serious issues, you're a sad person. Like Hunter, she too turned out to be a promiscuous drug addict. If you don't think that is indicative of the mental health of the Biden family, you have some serious problems.

FIVE members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse.​

  • Joe Biden's children Hunter and Ashley, his brother Frank, niece Caroline and late son's widow Hallie have all had stints in rehab, can reveal
Why "Disagree"?

Because I don't give a tinker's dam what you demand or think.

If you could read that passage about Ashley Biden, and not see serious issues, you're a sad person. Like Hunter, she too turned out to be a promiscuous drug addict. If you don't think that is indicative of the mental health of the Biden family, you have some serious problems.

FIVE members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse.​

  • Joe Biden's children Hunter and Ashley, his brother Frank, niece Caroline and late son's widow Hallie have all had stints in rehab, can reveal
Your entire response was a diversion from the question I asked so it’s fair to assume you’re making claims that the President showered with his 12 year old daughter and you have zero substance to back it up? Nothing that shows she was 12 years old. You just made it up or heard it somewhere online and accepted it as fact and worthy of repeating. We can deal with other items later. But for that specific claim you made, you have nothing… is that right?
Your entire response was a diversion from the question I asked so it’s fair to assume you’re making claims that the President showered with his 12 year old daughter and you have zero substance to back it up? Nothing that shows she was 12 years old. You just made it up or heard it somewhere online and accepted it as fact and worthy of repeating. We can deal with other items later. But for that specific claim you made, you have nothing… is that right?

Markle is a deplorable who makes up shit about people.

Doesn't change the fact Biden is an idiot.

Speaking to a fellow Democrat about Joe Biden being the party’s nominee in 2020, Obama famously warned, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”

Oh I don’t think Biden said his wife came home in a flag draped coffin. I think he saw his son in one… and I think he buried he his wife and daughter. Tragic things. So when he tries to console others and relate with their feelings of loss and shits like you try and politicize that it’s rather sick
So you're actually arguing that the President of the United States doesn't know what his son coming home in a flag draped coffin means. Wow, I could never insult Biden as much as you just did because you're a supporter and you just said Biden is the stupidest mother fucker to ever be President.

Slade3200: No, Biden didn't understand what he said

Incredible. How did the gold star wife he said it to know when Biden, the .... PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES .. didn't, anyway, Fido?
Joe has lost two children… Joe had a military burial for his son where there was a flag draped coffin. Correct? If you don’t think there are similarities there to draw a relation to somebody who lost a military child then I don’t know what to tell you. I feel for this mom but my guess is she was Anti-Biden before this and in an incredible amount of pain from losing a son.

This isn’t about lying. It’s a grieving mother in pain and a peanut gallery trying to politicize the event.

Your son coming home in a flag draped coffin means he died in the military. It doesn't mean he served in the military and it doesn't mean his son died in a traffic accident.

How does everyone know that but Biden? How stupid is he?
This a father standing over his kids coffin and you’re calling him a liar for trying to help a mother going through the same thing… you should be ashamed of yourself.

WTF are you talking about? I should be "ashamed of myself" for knowing what coming home in a flag draped coffin means??? Should the woman who's husband died in the military and knew what it meant too when Biden lied to her face be ashamed too?

Should you be ashamed for talking about a gold star wife that way?

Do you know what a gold star wife is or do you not know that either?
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So you're actually arguing that the President of the United States doesn't know what his son coming home in a flag draped coffin means. Wow, I could never insult Biden as much as you just did because you're a supporter and you just said Biden is the stupidest mother fucker to ever be President.

Slade3200: No, Biden didn't understand what he said

Incredible. How did the gold star wife he said it to know when Biden, the .... PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES .. didn't, anyway, Fido?
I I’m saying you’re twisting his statement out of context and he was simply saying that he knows what it’s like to bury a child.

Don’t put words in my mouth
I I’m saying you’re twisting his statement out of context and he was simply saying that he knows what it’s like to bury a child.

Don’t put words in my mouth

You're so full of shit. I asked you a simple question and you can't untie yourself from all the knots you tied yourself into.

What Biden said was not true. He said his son died in the military. That as a LIE. Simple question, did Joe Biden know it wasn't true when he said it to the gold star wife or did he not know and is so lost in brain fog he didn't know it wasn't true?

Simple question, yet you dance and squirm and divert, then your lying ass tells me I'm the problem when you can't answer a simple, straight forward yes or no question. Let's try it again.


She knew it was a lie, he was President of the United States, did he know?

Is this finally clear enough or are you that stupid you still don't understand the question?

Fucking moron
You're so full of shit. I asked you a simple question and you can't untie yourself from all the knots you tied yourself into.

What Biden said was not true. He said his son died in the military. That as a LIE. Simple question, did Joe Biden know it wasn't true when he said it to the gold star wife or did he not know and is so lost in brain fog he didn't know it wasn't true?

Simple question, yet you dance and squirm and divert, then your lying ass tells me I'm the problem when you can't answer a simple, straight forward yes or no question. Let's try it again.


She knew it was a lie, he was President of the United States, did he know?

Is this finally clear enough or are you that stupid you still don't understand the question?

Fucking moron
I’ve answered your question many times. I’m not a mind reader but I would assume that Biden was talking about losing a son and relating with the mother on that level. For you to politicize that is pretty disgusting g
No you should be ashamed for twisting and politicizing death and grief

Should Biden be ashamed for saying to a Gold Star wife his son died in the military when he didn't and she knew he was lyiing to her and was upset? Or is that OK because you're OK with Biden lying?

WTF would I be ashamed for defending a gold star wife? I double down, more power to her and fuck you

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