The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

I’ve answered your question many times. I’m not a mind reader but I would assume that Biden was talking about losing a son and relating with the mother on that level. For you to politicize that is pretty disgusting g

Another stupid Democrat trick, claim you answered my question when you didn't.


That's always what Democrats do when you're caught lying. Evade, evade, evade then claim you already answered.

No you didn't you lying fuck, answer the question
Should Biden be ashamed for saying to a Gold Star wife his son died in the military when he didn't and she knew he was lyiing to her and was upset? Or is that OK because you're OK with Biden lying?

WTF would I be ashamed for defending a gold star wife? I double down, more power to her and fuck you
If that’s how she took it and was offended then he should apologize to her. But that’s between them. Don’t see why you’re here trying to twist and politicize on social media
I’ve answered your dumb question like 5 times now… it’s not a yes or no question. I’m not a mind reader but there are many things he could have meant in his statement to the mother. If I were to assume I’d say he meant that he knows what it’s like to bury a son. As he did bury a son… in a flag draped coffin. Probably many parallels he was feeling and trying to express
What if she was 3?

Nice new avitar! You're right, Trump is being fucked by the lying, election interfering Democrats. Can't wait to start that red State prosecution of the criminal Democrats murdering Americans by letting in felons. Texas, Alabama, here we come! Let's start with old Joe's mug shot.
Nice new avitar! You're right, Trump is being fucked by the lying, election interfering Democrats. Can't wait to start that red State prosecution of the criminal Democrats murdering Americans by letting in felons. Texas, Alabama, here we come! Let's start with old Joe's mug shot.
You’re off the rails Kaz… not making sense
I’ve answered your dumb question like 5 times now… it’s not a yes or no question. I’m not a mind reader but there are many things he could have meant in his statement to the mother. If I were to assume I’d say he meant that he knows what it’s like to bury a son. As he did bury a son… in a flag draped coffin

Why did the mods delete your reply? Did you attack family members?

So why can't you answer it now again? Did you forget your answer? Yes or no is a lot shorter answer than all the bull you're throwing
So why can't you answer it now again? Did you forget your answer? Yes or no is a lot shorter answer than all the bull you're throwing
I did answer it again… read my reply. That’s the answer
You’re off the rails Kaz… not making sense

Did Biden know what he told the gold star wife that his son died in the military wasn't true, yes or no?

That doesn't make sense to you. WOW.

OK, let's start making it easier for you since you came clean you don't understand simple yes/no questions. Did Biden's son die in the military? Either of them? Did they?

Is that simpleton enough for you to understand?
Did Biden know what he told the gold star wife that his son died in the military wasn't true, yes or no?
You’re asking me to read somebody’s mind. It’s not a yes or no question. If I’m guessing about what he meant I told you my thoughts. He was relating with losing a child.
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Did Biden's son die in the military? Either of them? Did they?
Bidens kid was in the military and died from cancer here in the USA. He was buried in a flag draped coffin.

Biden never used the words that his son did in the military, whatever that means… so what are you talking about?
You’re asking me to read somebody’s mind. It’s not a yes or no question. If I’m guessing about what he meant I told you my thoughts. He was relating with kissing a child.

Yes, thank you, you don't know. That is the correct answer. But wow, you worked hard to defend the lying SOB Biden who insulted and offended a gold star wife who's husband Old Joe murdered. We'll be taking that up soon in Mississippi courts! Old Joe, on trial for murder
You didn't answer the question, you're running away and hiding because you got caught lying again and again and again
I am answering. Every question you ask. Im just not giving a yes or no answer to a question that can’t be answered with a yes or no.
Yes, thank you, you don't know. That is the correct answer. But wow, you worked hard to defend the lying SOB Biden who insulted and offended a gold star wife who's husband Old Joe murdered. We'll be taking that up soon in Mississippi courts! Old Joe, on trial for murder
Haha, yes I can’t read the guys mind and neither can you. So stop pretending like you can and stop politicizing something so ugly and tragic.
Bidens kid was in the military and died from cancer here in the USA. He was buried in a flag draped coffin.

Biden never used the words that his son did in the military, whatever that means… so what are you talking about?

So now again you're claiming that Joe doesn't know what coming home in a flag draped coffin means. Wow you have no respect for Biden.

Slade: Biden doesn't know basic military terms that the WIVES of military know.

So do you feel bad for her since your Savior slammed her? She was upset. You should be ashamed of yourself
Haha, yes I can’t read the guys mind and neither can you. So stop pretending like you can and stop politicizing something so ugly and tragic.

Nowhere did I say I could read his mind. You go off in so many lies for shit you make up with no benefit for doing it. I get nothing from you, you're a liar with so little actual content
I am answering. Every question you ask. Im just not giving a yes or no answer to a question that can’t be answered with a yes or no.

The answer is it doesn't matter if Biden knew or not, he came out smelling like a dumpster either way. Yes, he knowingly lied to a gold star wife or no, he's so delusional he doesn't know if what he's saying is true or not.

It really doesn't matter, either way Old Joe is a lying idiot who offended a gold star wife.

You and Biden should both be ashamed
So now again you're claiming that Joe doesn't know what coming home in a flag draped coffin means. Wow you have no respect for Biden.
I, unlike you, am not assuming to read minds. Coming home could be the final resting place. It could mean the end of his service. It could mean many different things. Why do you try so hard to politicize the death of soldiers? That’s sick
Nowhere did I say I could read his mind. You go off in so many lies for shit you make up with no benefit for doing it. I get nothing from you, you're a liar with so little actual content
I lie?? So you say… yet you can’t point to one. Typical

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