The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

See? There you are denying what she said! We know exactly what happened you sick fuck, because she wrote about it. In black and white. In plain English. It says what it says and it cannot be disputed
She wrote on line about showering with her father and you take that and make outrageous and dishonest claims about her being older and it being rape and molestation. You’re sick
She wrote on line about showering with her father and you take that and make outrageous and dishonest claims about her being older and it being rape and molestation. You’re sick

There is way more to it than that. You are protecting a pedophile.
Yes it is a normal thing idiot. I don’t believe you were ever a parent and if you were my guess is you weren’t involved in raising the kids. Stop trying to make a natural normal parenting thing perverted. It’s not
It’s not normal for parents to shower with their children, you sick fuck. And some website from a pro-pedophile group proves nothing.

I don’t care what an ignorant deviant like you “believes”. I am the most involved father that’s ever lived. My wife and I have always been married. Children always in our care. I read every bed time story, watched every Disney cartoon, changed every diaper, fed every bottle, attended every school event, and whole lot more.

You’re the one with no children and I’m so thankful for that.
No, I’m not. You’re calling somebody a pedophile for political reasons without evidence.
When a person’s daughter talks about their victimization in their private diary, that’s all the evidence anyone needs.

It’s sick that you defend pedophiles because of your fucked-up political ideology and your sexual deviance. 🤢 🤮
You’re exploiting by politicizing her private writings and lying about her father.
You’re the asshole “politicizing”. A fucking crime was committed and all you can talk about is your love for Biden and how he must be protected at all costs.

The fact that you keep bringing up politics, proves it.
She wrote on line about showering with her father
Bingo. End of story. She didn’t make that entry because it was a highlight of her childhood you sick fuck.

It said what it said, in plain English, in black & white. And you’re a legitimate piece of shit for defending Biden just because he is a Democrat.
It’s not normal for parents to shower with their children, you sick fuck. And some website from a pro-pedophile group proves nothing.
Pro-pedophile group?! See now your crazy is spinning out of control. You’re just gonna call everybody pedos now huh? There are many articles from parenting orgs and from medical orgs addressing the conversation. It’s not a pedo thing. You making it a pedo thing is sick. Do you also think breastfeeding is a pedo thing?
When a person’s daughter talks about their victimization in their private diary, that’s all the evidence anyone needs.
She didn’t say she was victimized by her father in the shower. You’re just lying and making up that narrative
You just did. And then you claimed it didn’t say what it says. And no matter how many times you deny it, I’ll be right here exposing your lies, your dogmatic ideology, and your deviance.
I wrote it. I know what it says. It could have used a comma but I was obviously talking about YOU not her. Anybody with a brain and 2 cents could see that
You’re the asshole “politicizing”. A fucking crime was committed and all you can talk about is your love for Biden and how he must be protected at all costs.
The only crime committed was the theft of the diary which is the only thing that actually made it to court. If you think the contents exposed crimes against Joe then why didn’t the Florida DA go after him? Cause there isnt anything there numbnuts. You’re lying
Bingo. End of story. She didn’t make that entry because it was a highlight of her childhood you sick fuck.

It said what it said, in plain English, in black & white. And you’re a legitimate piece of shit for defending Biden just because he is a Democrat.
I’m not defending Biden because he’s a dem. I’m attacking you for trying to take advantage of his daughter and for making up things that you have no proof happened.

A parent showering with their child is not a crime.
The only crime committed was the theft of the diary
You’re the absolute worst. A girl was victimized and you want to call the evidence the “crime” while you defend the predator.
If you think the contents exposed crimes against Joe then why didn’t the Florida DA go after him? Cause there isnt anything there numbnuts. You’re lying
You’re so damn stupid, I can’t stand it. A Florida DA has no jurisdiction in Delaware, you fucking high school dropout.
You’re the absolute worst. A girl was victimized and you want to call the evidence the “crime” while you defend the predator.
Bullshit. You’re just saying a girl was victimized because you don’t like her father. You’re calling him a rapist and a molester. What’s wrong with you?

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