The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

I don't know Joe nor do I know anything about his family life.
You know the Ashley Biden diary. You know the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell. You know Joe Biden went on video and admitted to bribing the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating he and his dirt-bag son.

You know it all. And you spread lies in defense of that sleazy mother-fucker because you believe in dirty Democrats at all costs.
I would defend the same for Trump or anybody else if the situation was the same.
Lie. Just the photo of Trump in public with is daughter on his lap caused the left to claim he was (or wanted to) having sex with her. And no - you didn’t defend that at all.

Just imagine if there was an authentic diary from Ivanka stating daddy showered with her.
I give a shit and you should give a shit.
Of course you do - because you need to move the conversation away from Biden being the sleaziest dirt-bag to ever sit in the Oval Office. You think “stolen” is your trigger word to pull off that fucked-up agenda.
If this was a public statement or police report made by his daughter that is a completely different story.
Yeah…because those could be lies due to an agenda. This, however, you know is 100% honest because it was never meant to be seen. Nobody lies to themselves in a diary.
But when something is stolen and then given to the media with no context then that is just fucked up.
Again - like “stolen” you think you can hide behind the word “context”. She wrote in a diary in plain English. It included all “context”.
You have no idea what kind of exercise she was doing when writing that
You have no idea there even was an “exercise”. Yet here you are throwing shit at the wall, desperately hoping you can get some of your pure bullshit to stick.

Furthermore, the reason is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. The fact is, what she wrote is all that matters. It was clear, concise, thorough, in plain English, and included full context. And it shows Joe Biden is a sleazy mother-fucker. And so are you for defending him. #BeleiveAllWomen, remember clown?
, you have no idea what her memories or experience was, and yet you are here calling rape and molestation.
I do because she wrote it down, lying piece of shit.
There was zero molestation or rape accusation and the fact that you are claiming there is shows your agenda.
You don’t understand the “context” of her writing. If you did, you would know that it does in fact show both molestation and rape.

It was part of her “victim exercise”. Her therapist told her that victims of rape from parents see the best results by writing it down on her diary.

(Fight fire with fire, mother-fucker. If you’re going to play that game, I’ll play by your own disgusting rules and I’ll still beat you to the ground. Because I’m on the right side of the facts. Still want to keep playing your sick game?)
Did you read the diary page? Do you think she wrote it during the year the shower happened?
Who cares what year it was written, clown? How does the year in any way alter the fact that sleazy Joe was showering with his daughter??

Explain it to all of us like we’re 5…
You know the Ashley Biden diary. You know the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell. You know Joe Biden went on video and admitted to bribing the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating he and his dirt-bag son.

You know it all. And you spread lies in defense of that sleazy mother-fucker because you believe in dirty Democrats at all costs.
No I actually don’t know either of those things. I have zero first hand knowledge or context around either of those items and think it pretty disgusting for people to dig though people private lives to play political football.

You’re not trying to protect Ashley Biden, you’re using her to go after her father and in the process you are making up lies about her personal life and politicizing it.
Lie. Just the photo of Trump in public with is daughter on his lap caused the left to claim he was (or wanted to) having sex with her. And no - you didn’t defend that at all.

Just imagine if there was an authentic diary from Ivanka stating daddy showered with her.
Yeah the left did jump on that photo and now your following suit. It petty partisan politics.
Again - like “stolen” you think you can hide behind the word “context”. She wrote in a diary in plain English. It included all “context”.
Bullshit. There is not context. You don’t know how old she was you don’t know if it was a memory or something she was told, you don’t know what she thought “probably might be inappropriate”…. You don’t know shit…. And from that small vague line you’ve deducted rape and molestation. You’re a fool
You don’t understand the “context” of her writing. If you did, you would know that it does in fact show both molestation and rape.

It was part of her “victim exercise”. Her therapist told her that victims of rape from parents see the best results by writing it down on her diary.

(Fight fire with fire, mother-fucker. If you’re going to play that game, I’ll play by your own disgusting rules and I’ll still beat you to the ground. Because I’m on the right side of the facts. Still want to keep playing your sick game?)
It implies molestation and rape from her childhood but not by her father in a shower. You’re conflating to separate ideas in diary page that again… you know nothing about
Who cares what year it was written, clown? How does the year in any way alter the fact that sleazy Joe was showering with his daughter??

Explain it to all of us like we’re 5…
Because you’re simple brain was trying to say that she wrote that as a child afyer the shower incident happened and that’s why you were being factual when backing up the idea that she was 12 when Biden showered with her. Your so called “logic” is absurd
Again, you’re denying reality. A little girl suffered and you’re like “fuck her, defend King Joe at all costs”. You are the absolute worst.
Don’t pretend to be defending a girl. You’re politicizing her private writings making up lies about her father. You’re as sleezy as it gets
Yeah the left did jump on that photo and now your following suit. It petty partisan politics.
I’m not “following suit”. I’ve never made a single assumption (or comment) about a normal photo of Joe Biden and his daughter.

But there is nothing normal about a sleazy dirt-bag showering with his daughter.
Bullshit. There is not context. You don’t know how old she was
Bwahaha! See? You alternate hiding behind “context” and “stolen”. I don’t need to know how old she was. Joe Biden showering with his 5 year old daughter is wrong and gross as hell. Joe Biden showering with his 25 year old daughter is wrong and gross as hell.
And from that small vague line you’ve deducted rape and molestation. You’re a fool
Nothing “vague” about “daddy made me shower with him” you sick bastard. Shame on you for defending the predator and harming the victim.

You truly are the absolute worst society has to offer.
It implies molestation and rape from her childhood but not by her father in a shower.
The fact that you even have to use the phrase “by her father in a shower” would make you vomit and then condemn Joe Biden if you were normal.

But you’re not normal. You’re the worst of the worst.
Because you’re simple brain was trying to say that she wrote that as a child afyer the shower incident happened and that’s why you were being factual when backing up the idea that she was 12 when Biden showered with her. Your so called “logic” is absurd
We’re still waiting for you to explain it. Because whether she was 5 or 25 doesn’t change anything. You can’t hide behind her age no matter how desperate you are, you sick bastard.
Don’t pretend to be defending a girl. You’re politicizing her private writings making up lies about her father. You’re as sleezy as it gets
So now Ashley is lying?? Man you are the worst. Discredit the victim to protect the predator at all costs. You’re the quintessential leftist. Total trash.
The Democrats know that Joe Biden is unfit/unqualified for office. They talk about it all the time. And yet they will vote for him anyway. This is why the Democrat Party fails at everything they do. They elect bad candidates with bad policies and then run the nation into the ground.

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