The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Democrats will take one fact, subtract on all of it, deny it to the bitter end, scream “Russia! Russia! Russia!”, cry “conspiracy theory!” and convince themselves it’s all a lie.

Because, just like with men they insist are “real women”, a liberal is someone who must deny all reality because reality doesn’t match up with their bat-shit crazy ideology.
Nice deflection but what MAC described is exactly what YOU are doing. Saying “but but the Dems do it” is not an excuse. Own up to your own disgusting actions
Ok Mac1958 and Slade3200 - it’s time for you to once again suspend all reality, deny all facts, and return to the world of your infantile make believe. Joe Biden is sleazy as hell. Now deny how he plagiarized all of his speeches. Do what you guys do best: lie.

Screw you and your diversions. You’ve spent pages here lying about and accusing the man of rape and molestation now you’re trying to run towards plagiarized speeches?! Seriously, fuck off

I save this language for true sickos and you manipulating things that parents do while raising their children, making it into some kind of evil perversion is so completely out of line.
Nice deflection but what MAC described is exactly what YOU are doing. Saying “but but the Dems do it” is not an excuse. Own up to your own disgusting actions
Except I’m not doing that at all. Your projecting. I accurately described the tactics of the left. Deny reality and lie. It’s all you people do.
Screw you and your diversions. You’ve spent pages here lying about and accusing the man of rape and molestation now you’re trying to run towards plagiarized speeches?! Seriously, fuck off.
Bwahahaha!! Now that you have something on video you can’t deny, you’re “triggered” and desperate to turn the conversation back to something you think you can deny (spoiler alert: you’re wrong on that).
Explain why children cannot purchase a Playboy to be “exposed to naked bodies”.

Take your time, sick fuck. We’ll all wait. :popcorn:
You’re kind of quiet over there, clown. Maybe because you realize you’ve been exposed one seriously sick puppy.
Except I’m not doing that at all. Your projecting. I accurately described the tactics of the left. Deny reality and lie. It’s all you people do.
When you ignore a criticism made against you and blame somebody else of doing
the same thing then you are literally deflecting. You can say No you’re not but that’s exactly what you’re doing
Bwahahaha!! Now that you have something on video you can’t deny, you’re “triggered” and desperate to turn the conversation back to something you think you can deny (spoiler alert: you’re wrong on that).
You accused the man of molesting and raping his daughter and accused me of supporting him in those actions and now you expect me to let that slide so you can change the subject to copying speeches?!

Are you high or just a complete moron?!
You accused the man of molesting and raping his daughter and accused me of supporting him in those actions and now you expect me to let that slide so you can change the subject to copying speeches?!
I wasn’t “changing” the subject at all, liar. I was merely adding something posted today on another platform. I was supplementing the thread.

It’s comical that you actually believe any thread you’re in revolves around you. That’s the trait of a narcissist. A trait many predators share.
When the “criticism” is a blatant lie, it’s not “criticism”. It’s a lie. 🤷‍♂️
the criticism wasn't a lie, it was dead on accurate. The only fact you had about this situation was one vague line in a stolen diary with not context and from that you deduced that a man raped and molested his daughter. Thats exactly what the criticism was towards you that you brushed off.
Because our society wants to shelter kids from exposure to over specialized content.
There is nothing worse than the low-IQ left. They use words wrong in a desperate attempt to make other people think they are “smart” 😂

What is “over specialized” about the human body in a magazine? According to you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with adults getting naked with children (clearly your childhood was horrific), so there shouldn’t be anything “overly specialized” about it. And that’s your term for the content. The laws written that makes selling a Playboy to a minor illegal doesn’t call it “overly specialized”. Your made-up term for it, so you have to defend it.
Not that thats controllable anymore with the internet and social media.
My children don’t have social media and we monitor their internet usage so it’s absolutely “controllable”. It’s so annoying how you leftists always make shit up and are always wrong.
My children don’t have social media and we monitor their internet usage so it’s absolutely “controllable”. It’s so annoying how you leftists always make shit up and are always wrong.
That’s my plan as well… but don’t fool yourself into thinking they aren’t going to have easy access to porn and all kinds of content once they set their mind on wanting to find it.
That’s my plan as well… but don’t fool yourself into thinking they aren’t going to have easy access to porn and all kinds of content once they set their mind on wanting to find it.
And even if that were true (and it’s not)…none of that justifies sleazy Joe Biden showering with his daughter. It just doesn’t.

“It’s ok for Joe to shower with his daughter because children can find content inappropriate for them on the internet” is a horrible argument
That was an autocorrect typo. Should have said oversexualized
So then you do agree that nudity is inappropriate for children? I mean, if a naked adult were no big deal, you wouldn’t label it as “over-sexualized”.

And it would be completely legal to walk down the street naked if it wasn’t a big deal.
There’s absolutely no reason for a father to shower with his daughter. Or even her mother, in fact. Let the kid keep taking baths until they feel comfortable standing under running water on their own.

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