The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

What “incident”?? I thought you said this was normal?? Normal things are not referred to as “incidents”.
The shower incident that neither of us know anything about yet you’ve deemed it as the worst act of evil a human can do
No I’m defending peoples private lives
Man you are disgusting. “Joe Biden should be allowed to molest and rape his children because it’s their private lives”.

No jack-hole, crime is not “private”. That’s why it’s made public by arrest records, court records, etc. All public.

We all know why you’re defending it. You people stick together.
“Joe Biden should be allowed to molest and rape his children because it’s their private lives”.
Molest and rape?! You’re a disgusting human and are way out of line. Don’t put that shit in my mouth.

Fact is you know nothing about this situation and now you’re accusing a man of raping and molesting his daughter and accusing me of supporting that.

Fuck off
Fact is you know nothing about this situation and now you’re accusing a man of raping and molesting his daughter and accusing me of supporting that.
Fact is, we all know and you continue to defend it because Biden has a (D) behind his name. It’s disgraceful and you should be ashamed of yourself.

People like you are the absolute worst and why we have the problems we do.
Because history has taught us about people like him
Haha, so you’re going off assumptions based on historical examples of what other people have done. Not based off direct evidence regarding the situation at hand.

Yeah, you’re a moron. Stop politicizing and tormenting this poor girl with you assumptions and prejudice
You’ve said 3 dozen times now that a parent showering with their children is “normal” and it’s not.
Many parents take their kids into the shower when they are young for many reasons that don’t involve sexual perversion. You’re a complete ass for making the jump to evil, rape and molestation. Seek help
Many parents take their kids into the shower when they are young for many reasons that don’t involve sexual perversion. You’re a complete ass for making the jump to evil, rape and molestation. Seek help
See? Now you’re back to “it’s normal”. Give it a few posts when I back your ass into a corner with facts and you’ll post for the 10th time crying “I never said that”. You keep going back and forth because you’re a liar and you’re sick.
Molest and rape?! You’re a disgusting human and are way out of line.
They'll take one fact, add on a few stretches and assumptions and rumors and extrapolations, and convince themselves it's The Truth.

They're just becoming more and more feral. Ugly stuff. This is what has been unlocked in this country over the last seven years.
They'll take one fact, add on a few stretches and assumptions and rumors and extrapolations, and convince themselves it's The Truth.

They're just becoming more and more feral. Ugly stuff. This is what has been unlocked in this country over the last seven years.
Democrats will take one fact, subtract on all of it, deny it to the bitter end, scream “Russia! Russia! Russia!”, cry “conspiracy theory!” and convince themselves it’s all a lie.

Because, just like with men they insist are “real women”, a liberal is someone who must deny all reality because reality doesn’t match up with their bat-shit crazy ideology.
3-5 year olds also can’t keep diaries,
No shit… sherlock. How many time do I need to explain this. A grown adult can make a diary entry about childhood experiences. Given she was obviously writing about old memories and mentioning things like sex with friends any person with a sliver of intellect could see that she wasn’t writing at the time these situations occurred.
Ok Mac1958 and Slade3200 - it’s time for you to once again suspend all reality, deny all facts, and return to the world of your infantile make believe. Joe Biden is sleazy as hell. Now deny how he plagiarized all of his speeches. Do what you guys do best: lie.

See? Now you’re back to “it’s normal”. Give it a few posts when I back your ass into a corner with facts and you’ll post for the 10th time crying “I never said that”. You keep going back and forth because you’re a liar and you’re sick.
Go ahead and post your facts then… and stop with the hyperbolic claims of molestation and rape
Explain why children cannot purchase a Playboy to be “exposed to naked bodies”.
Because our society wants to shelter kids from exposure to over specialized content. Not that thats controllable anymore with the internet and social media. But that’s up to parents on how and when they want to teach and expose children to that stuff.

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