The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Nobody except pedophiles “teachers their children how to shower” by getting into a shower with them. You’re really telling on yourself here by claiming over and over that this sick, disturbing behavior is “normal”.
Why is that disturbing? What do you think is going on in there?
The only person who wouldn’t is one who is turned on by all of it.
More of your idiot logic. Nothing about this disgusting conversation turns me on. You trying to make this into a perverted act is what’s disgusting here
Don’t speak for the entire board.
I didn’t. The people of USMB all spoke for themselves and it’s a consensus - you are one sick mother-fucker.
What is evil about naked bodies?
What is evil about sex? Nothing? Oh, I guess rape is ok then, right!

You can play your game all you want, everyone here now sees who and what you are. This isn’t about “naked bodies”. This is about a sick pedophile - Joe Biden - forcing his daughter to shower with him.
Who the hell said she wrote it when she was three?!
You did, jack-hole! You said it was appropriate for adults to shower with 3-year olds as a response to Joe’s repugnant actions. We pointed out she wasn’t 3 because three year olds can’t write.
She was obviously grown reflecting on her past
Yeah - her “past” 24 hours when she wrote that 🤢 🤮
What is immoral about being naked?
What is “immoral” about sex in marriage? Nothing? Oh, I guess raping your wife is ok then, right?

We can play your disingenuous game all day, jack-hole. And I’ll keep exposing your lies, your disingenuous bullshit, and your dark, disturbing deviance.
Because children should never be naked with adults. Ever. The fact that you need that explained to you tells us all exactly who you are.

Keep outing yourself, sicko.
We are talking about young kids and their parents... Not running around the school yard with strangers. Explain what is damaging for children to see naked bodies.
You can play your game all you want, everyone here now sees who and what you are. This isn’t about “naked bodies”. This is about a sick pedophile - Joe Biden - forcing his daughter to shower with him.
Its exactly about naked bodies... You are jumping to a conclusion and calling a man a pedophile with no evidence of anything of the sort. you're lying about the age of his daughter from a single line from a stolen diary.
You did, jack-hole! You said it was appropriate for adults to shower with 3-year olds as a response to Joe’s repugnant actions. We pointed out she wasn’t 3 because three year olds can’t write.
A thirty year old could write about a memory they had from when they were 3.... Couldn't they? Are you really that stupid that you think that diary entry was written right after the event happened?
What is “immoral” about sex in marriage?
Not what I asked... Why do you need to keep changing the question I'm asking?

You're implying that there was some act of sexuality going on... do you have proof of that? No, Do you have any idea how old she was? No.

You're literally just making shit up to defame a guy you don't like politically.
I’d rather be a “moron” than a sick fucking deviant like you.
Well you are a moron and you know nothing about me and you know nothing about the situation that Bidens daughter was writing about... yet you make moronic assumptions

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