The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Wait…disgusting?? What’s “disgusting” about naked bodies, Slade?

The disgusting part is the perversion you are injecting into the discussion... About a young girl. It's sick. you are taking a situation you know nothing about. You don't know how old she was, you don't know that Joe was naked, you don't know anything about the incident she was writing about... Yet you make conclusions that he is a pedo

Thats disgusting and fucked up.
We are talking about young kids and their parents... Not running around the school yard with strangers.
It’s comical how you’re trying to make the case that incest is somehow ok. It’s only “creepy” if it’s outside the family.
Explain what is damaging for children to see naked bodies.
What isn’t damaging about it? There’s a reason a 9 year old cannot purchase a Playboy, you disgusting fucking jack-hole.
I didn't say anything about sex or rape... Thats you manipulating the conversation because you can't explain yourself. Try again.
So you don’t like it when someone uses your own tactics? Imagine that.

I didn’t say anything about being “naked”. That was you manipulating the conversation like the disingenuous jack-hole that you are.

The conversation from the very beginning has been about a grown man (Joe Biden) showering with his daughter, and you know it.
you're lying about the age of his daughter from a single line from a stolen diary.
I never mentioned her age. Whether she was 3 or 23 it’s sick, evil, and wrong. You’re the one desperately trying to cover for Creepy Joe by claiming it’s ok if his victim was a certain age.
A thirty year old could write about a memory they had from when they were 3.... Couldn't they?
No. Because…
  1. Nobody has memories from when they are 3. Nobody.
  2. 30 year olds don’t keep diaries
Are you really that stupid that you think that diary entry was written right after the event happened?
Are you really so stupid as to keep claiming that it’s ok for a grown man to force his daughter to shower with him? The entire board finds you repulsive.
Not what I asked... Why do you need to keep changing the question I'm asking?
I’m using your immature tactic. Funny how you don’t like it when someone else does exactly what you’re doing.
You're implying that there was some act of sexuality going on... do you have proof of that?
Yes. Her diary. When she said daddy hopped in the shower with her 🤢🤮
Do you have any idea how old she was?
Doesn’t matter if she was 3 or 23. It’s so fucking disturbing and wrong, no age justifies your sickness. Or his.
Well you are a moron and you know nothing about me
I know everything about you. You vehemently defend the most evil thing a person can do. You’ve shown the entire board who you are.
and you know nothing about the situation that Bidens daughter was writing about...
I do know. Ashley told us in her diary. It’s all right there, you sick fuck.
you are taking a situation you know nothing about.
The whole world knows thank to Ashley documenting it.
You don't know how old she was
It doesn’t matter if she was 3 or 23. It’s deeply disturbing either way.
, you don't know that Joe was naked
He didn’t hop into the shower with her with his suit on. And we know she didn’t have a bathing suit on. It’s all there in black and white and you’re a PoS for trying to defend something this heinous.
you don't know anything about the incident she was writing about...
What “incident”?? I thought you said this was normal?? Normal things are not referred to as “incidents”.

Nobody calls going to lunch with a co-worker an “incident”. You just slipped up!! Indisputable proof that you know it’s wrong. You’re a real piece of shit.
You’re the one defending grown men showering with their daughters 🤢 🤮
No I’m defending peoples private lives from trolls like yourself who lie and politicize situations they know nothing about. You’re taking something innocent like showers and injecting some kind of perversion into them. It’s disgusting
It’s comical how you’re trying to make the case that incest is somehow ok. It’s only “creepy” if it’s outside the family.

What isn’t damaging about it? There’s a reason a 9 year old cannot purchase a Playboy, you disgusting fucking jack-hole.
We aren’t talking about 9 year olds. Why do you need to keep changing the age?

I’m talking about 3-5 year olds
So you don’t like it when someone uses your own tactics? Imagine that.

I didn’t say anything about being “naked”. That was you manipulating the conversation like the disingenuous jack-hole that you are.

The conversation from the very beginning has been about a grown man (Joe Biden) showering with his daughter, and you know it.
Correct that’s the conversation and you know nothing about that situation yet you are injecting perversion into it
I never mentioned her age. Whether she was 3 or 23 it’s sick, evil, and wrong. You’re the one desperately trying to cover for Creepy Joe by claiming it’s ok if his victim was a certain age.
Nothing sick about it. I asked my girl about it tonight to see what her take was. She laughed when I told her the debate and said she used to shower with her mom all the time and she used to go in the bath room when her dad was showering in the AM and sit on the heater to stay warm and she saw him naked a bunch.

She laughed at the notion that there is some kind of damage or evil with seeing naked bodies. And said she knows many parents that shower with their young kids, mostly for time saving purposes when they need to get somewhere.

You’re trying way to hard to make this a sexual or perverted thing. I get that you hate Joe Biden and want to make him look as bad as possible but taking it to this level is sad and pathetic
  1. Nobody has memories from when they are 3. Nobody.
  2. 30 year olds don’t keep diaries
Bullshit and bullshit. People in therapy keep diaries all the time it’s a type of therapy technique. And kids absolutely have memories from their earlier years 3-5

Are you really so stupid as to keep claiming that it’s ok for a grown man to force his daughter to shower with him? The entire board finds you repulsive.
Force? Why do you use that word? Ashley certainly didn’t use it.

Do mothers force their babies to suck on their boobs? Is that how you would characterize breast feeding?
You vehemently defend the most evil thing a person can do.
A parent bathing a child is the most evil thing a person can do?! Really?

Murder torture and rape seems worst to me but that’s just my POV I guess

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