The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

It’s not natural? According to who?
According to every decent human who ever walked this Earth
God made us all naked. Kids who are 3,4,5 years old don’t know what sexuality is or care about “private parts”.
Here we go. “God made us all naked” is one of the three favorite lines of pedophiles.
Kids run around naked well into ages where they retain memories.
No, they don’t. The entire board agrees here that you’re wrong (and sick)
How do you know she was in elementary school?
Because 3 year olds don’t keep diaries, jerk. They can’t write. Now what?
And where did you get these rules on what’s normal or not?
From decency (which comes from morality, which comes from God). Next?
Fact is you don’t know how old she was.
Fact is, I don’t need to know her age to know Joe Biden is a sleazy PoS who forced his daughter to shower with him.
It’s disgusting.
Everything you’ve said in this thread is disgusting. You’re a shining example of everything that is wrong with the world today. A Democrat could rape a child on national television and you would literally defend it. You’re that fucked up. Democrats at all costs. I never understood how an Adolf Hitler could come to power until I came across Democrats like you. Now I see how.
Hey Markle I’m still waiting for you to back up that bullshit you said about Bidens daughter being 12 when he showered with her. Since we both know you can’t how about you admit that you were wrong and spreading misinformation
Hey Slade3200 - we’re all waiting for you to admit that it is wrong to force a child to shower with you. But you can’t, and we all know why. 🤢🤮
What rule says that kids can’t see naked bodies ones they reach the age of memory retention?
There are about a dozen statutes outlawing showing children naked people, you sick fuck. Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor is one. I refuse to search on the more serious one’s as I don’t want my hard drive to look like yours.
To make up lies about people and accuse a parent of something perverted with zero evidence is disgraceful
To deny the account of a juvenile victim is disgraceful. You should be ashamed, but like all predators, you don’t know shame.
Why is that sick?
Because a grown man showering with his daughter is sick. It’s self-evident. Your question is as ignorant and absurd as saying “why is rape wrong?”.
Are you implying that he did something sexual with her?
He did. He showered with her.
If not then what is sick about a parent teaching their child how to shower.
I have children. Didn’t need to “teach them to shower”. Nor did anyone “teach me to shower”. Washing with soap underneath water comes naturally to even special needs children.
What’s sick about being naked? That’s how God made us. Please do explain
Then why don’t you walk down the street naked? I mean, if “that’s how God made us”, why do you go to work in clothes?

There, just “explained”. Now what, predator?
Yeah, losing his mom and sister in a car wreck, no big deal… I bet it was the showers with pops!!
Vanessa Bryant just lost her husband and daughter in a horrific helicopter “wreck” - is she doing crack cocaine and patronizing prostitutes?

You know what didn’t happen to Vanessa Bryant? Her daddy didn’t shower with her. I’m sorry, I know that deeply disappoints you,
Who gives a shit how old she was?!? It’s wrong whether she’s 12 or 112, you sick bastard.

Ewwwww!! WTF dude?? I have daughters and I never showered with them when they were 3 or 4. Never. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Furthermore, you sick bastard, a 3 or 4 year old cannot keep a diary. They can’t write, asshole. And she couldn’t put that in years later because nobody has memories from when they were 3 or 4. The brain isn’t developed enough yet for that.

Now what? You’re painted into a corner, sicko. Now what excuse do you have? You just admitted whatever her age was, it was inappropriate even by your sick standards. I pray you don’t have children and never do, because it is abundantly clear who and what you are.
Agree! No excuse for this behavior.

My mother gave me baths through age 4, after which time I bathed myself and enjoyed playing with all my bath toys. At age 8, I was ready to start showering, and my mother stood outside the shower, fully clothed, and gave me moral encouragement because, well, it was a bit scary. After a couple of times, I did it by myself.

This is how it is done in normal homes. My dad had different jobs - like teaching me to ride a bike. Not teaching me how to take a shower! And besides, there’s not a whole lot to teach anyway.
Because 3 year olds don’t keep diaries, jerk. They can’t write. Now what?

From decency (which comes from morality, which comes from God). Next?

Fact is, I don’t need to know her age to know Joe Biden is a sleazy PoS who forced his daughter to shower with him.

Everything you’ve said in this thread is disgusting. You’re a shining example of everything that is wrong with the world today. A Democrat could rape a child on national television and you would literally defend it. You’re that fucked up. Democrats at all costs. I never understood how an Adolf Hitler could come to power until I came across Democrats like you. Now I see how.
Yes, Democrats are excusing and normalizing all sorts of sick behavior. We are going to have a generation of messed up kids thanks to this lunacy.
I don’t have to tell you - his daughter Ashley Biden told you in her diary. After you got off reading it, you immediately went to work claiming it’s “normal”, to defend your messiah.

Because you’re a typical liberal. Protect a Democrat in office at all costs.
Liar. She said nothing about how old she was.
Who gives a shit how old she was?!? It’s wrong whether she’s 12 or 112, you sick bastard.
Age matters dumbass. Parents change diapers, breastfeed, bath their kids and teach them how to shower when they are young. It’s not I appropriate. It’s parenting. You all perverting that is disgusting
Furthermore, you sick bastard, a 3 or 4 year old cannot keep a diary. They can’t write, asshole. And she couldn’t put that in years later because nobody has memories from when they were 3 or 4. The brain isn’t developed enough yet for that
Bullshit. Kids start school when they are 4. I have memories of preschool I can think back on right now.
It has the full context. “Daddy made me shower with him” is very clear. It is so creepy how you get off on this.
Now I’m getting off on it?! Here you go lying again. Can’t hang in an honest debate? That’s pathetic
According to every decent human who ever walked this Earth

Here we go. “God made us all naked” is one of the three favorite lines of pedophiles.

No, they don’t. The entire board agrees here that you’re wrong (and sick)
Don’t speak for the entire board. Speak for your self. What is evil about naked bodies?
Everything you’ve said in this thread is disgusting. You’re a shining example of everything that is wrong with the world today.
Right back at you. Perverting parenting, lying, manipulating stories, and invading a woman’s privacy by politicizing a stolen diary. You should be ashamed of yourself
Hey Slade3200 - we’re all waiting for you to admit that it is wrong to force a child to shower with you. But you can’t, and we all know why. 🤢🤮
Parents bath their kids and parents take their kids into the shower. It’s how they clean them and teach them hygiene. You perverting that is what’s sick.

Parents also force kids to wipe their ass when they change their diapers. Go ahead and make that perverted too. Sicko

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