The Inevitable Outcome of the Sexual Harassment Scandals

one thing is certain the leftists lost

their self described "moral high ground"

what a bunch of fakes

Link to these self-descriptions?

And what the fuck do sexual harassment episodes have to do with politics?

fuck you phony

So let's see that's ............... no answer and................ no answer.

Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the "I can't back my shit up" game at home.
Brought to you by Charmin.

fuck you phony
I know men and their hornyness, the good ol' boy networks and sexual harassment is real. But even liberals call women "Bitches" and use that blackish vernacular to disparage those they don't like. I despise that word. It insults and desegregates all of us. Yo, Bitches...The new "N" word.

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