The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

When did H. Clinton say that?
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections.

You might want to reconsider your opinion. Trump ran on a prolife platform and.......

The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

I voted for the man.

Are you admitting the assumption I highlighted is wrong? The Dems are the ones who have been losing elections since 08.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections.

You might want to reconsider your opinion. Trump ran on a prolife platform and.......

The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

I voted for the man.

Are you admitting the assumption I highlighted is wrong? The Dems are the ones who have been losing elections since 08.

No, not at all. Spot on. Are you assuming that will continue?

Republicans lucked out. Obama passed and/or lobbied for Obamacare before the 2010 census granting largely republicans power to do the redistricting in many states. Obamas unpopular policies continued to aid republicans until Trump won in 2016. But still, the government dependent are breeding at an alarmingly fast rate. At this time hispanics and blacks enrolled in schools outnumber white children. 75% of black children are born outside a two parent household. Those kids aren't going to grow up voting republican. The two things republicans need to do to continue their sucess is to make abortion legal, safe, affordable, and enforce our immigration laws. Those two things will end the democrat party. But then again, they might not. The evangelical vote would leave them in droves, so I suppose the disicion is tougher at face value.

The only reason the Republican Party is still relevant is because so much of the democrat voter base is either too stupid to vote or are registered felons.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!
Can any of you Liberals pinpoint an exact timeline for when this is supposed to happen. Republicans have been against the procedure for as long as I can remember and have not been ashamed to admit that fact. Fast forward to today and Republicans are the majority in the Fed and kicking the snot out of Democrats nationwide. Just curious as to when this Democratic party inspired, Republican apocalypse is supposed to go down so I can start building my bunker and shit.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

The whole point of PP is to rid the world of all those black babies. That is why it began and that is why it still exists.

Libs would like free abortions because it means even less black babies being born. Margaret Sanger didn't want those lesser beings around. The left wants just enough for votes but not enough that they can't handle taking care of them. Of course, they see all blacks as people who need cradle to grave care since they don't believe blacks can contribute, save for a handful of puppets to make them look good.

I see potential contributors to society, not loads. Sadly, so many have been indoctrinated and are grossly ignorant so they will continue to support Dems in exchange for money each month. Pretty sad that the party that claims to care has spent the last 6 decades keeping people down.
That mentality has changed since the day's when Democrats where openly racist. Now they can't afford to kill off votes from a groups support they believe is their divine right to get.
The delusional dimwits are these stupid Moon Bat Libtards that thinks the Feminazis support for killing children on demand for the sake of convenience will win them elections.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections.

You might want to reconsider your opinion. Trump ran on a prolife platform and.......

The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

I voted for the man.

Are you admitting the assumption I highlighted is wrong? The Dems are the ones who have been losing elections since 08.

No, not at all. Spot on. Are you assuming that will continue?

Republicans lucked out. Obama passed and/or lobbied for Obamacare before the 2010 census granting largely republicans power to do the redistricting in many states. Obamas unpopular policies continued to aid republicans until Trump won in 2016. But still, the government dependent are breeding at an alarmingly fast rate. At this time hispanics and blacks enrolled in schools outnumber white children. 75% of black children are born outside a two parent household. Those kids aren't going to grow up voting republican. The two things republicans need to do to continue their sucess is to make abortion legal, safe, affordable, and enforce our immigration laws. Those two things will end the democrat party. But then again, they might not. The evangelical vote would leave them in droves, so I suppose the disicion is tougher at face value.

The only reason the Republican Party is still relevant is because so much of the democrat voter base is either too stupid to vote or are registered felons.

The next census will be in 2020, I think you'll see blue State losing reps. If minorities have jobs and are happy they don't much care who's in office but considering the last 8 years they will start caring more.
Remember Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors? It wasn't in Juarez or Tijuana, it happened in Philadelphia, Pa. They inspected pizza joints and fast food places for health issues but the abortion lobby was so powerful that nobody inspected abortion clinics until a woman died during the procedure. It seems that Dr. Gosnel was butchering full term infants as well as conducting abortions. Who do you think benefits most from abortions? It surely isn't the woman. Some women exhibit symptoms of PTSD for the rest of their lives as well as physical symptoms. The ironic thing is that abortions benefit (mostly) liberal men. In one swipe of a scalpel all their responsibilities go away. Liberal men don't give a shit about women. As a matter of fact they seem to care more about trans liberal sodomites than they do about real women. It's likely that Michael Savage was right and liberalism is a mental illness.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

The whole point of PP is to rid the world of all those black babies. That is why it began and that is why it still exists.

Libs would like free abortions because it means even less black babies being born. Margaret Sanger didn't want those lesser beings around. The left wants just enough for votes but not enough that they can't handle taking care of them. Of course, they see all blacks as people who need cradle to grave care since they don't believe blacks can contribute, save for a handful of puppets to make them look good.

I see potential contributors to society, not loads. Sadly, so many have been indoctrinated and are grossly ignorant so they will continue to support Dems in exchange for money each month. Pretty sad that the party that claims to care has spent the last 6 decades keeping people down.

You would need to see a cultural and values shift to the likes of which the world had never seen to squeeze the potential out of all those oopsies. But the op is equally valid on white babies as well. Don't see the need to bring race into the equation. Though I suppose you could make the argument that black babies are in fact disproportionally aborted. And no, democrats don't want to abort their voting base.

No, Dems need their base but, at the same time, want to keep the numbers low enough to maintain control.

The mothers who take risks by not using birth control and who want someone to pay for their abortion would probably be piss poor moms anyway. Thing is, nothing is really free. And it's always us middle class who get the bill for all the stuff that is free to others.

It's not that unplanned babies don't stand of chance of becoming valuable members of society. Under the right circumstances, anyone will be fine. It's the idiots raising many that result in a dumbed down population with little respect for others. That goes for everyone, and not talking race here.

It's that too many these days don't know the first thing about facing consequences for their actions or about taking responsibility. Many women in the past had unplanned pregnancies because birth control was non-existent. What happened was that they took full responsibility and raised the children the best they could. And, amazingly, the kids grew up to be functioning members of society. We just don't see that anymore. What's passed down now is how to milk the system. True, some should not have kids because they clearly do not appreciate how precious life is and they see babies as problems or as responsibilities to pass off to others.

Birth control is already cheap. If they screw that up and get pregnant, then making payments to the clinic for their abortion will teach a valuable lesson. They will experience the consequences of their decisions instead of just passing it on to others. When they don't learn, they repeat the same mistakes.

People need to learn how to deal with their own problems. Letting them off the hook by paying for an easy way out isn't going to improve them. It'll just make them feel more entitled. Let them have an abortion. Let them pay for them the same way the rest of us have to pay for what we want. It's called being an adult.

How's that workin at the moment?

The people who have the trust of this group, meaning nanny government liberals, need to start changing their rhetoric instead of continuing to encourage people to play the victim and blame others for their lot in life. That would go far. Point is that we need to start working toward a better way instead of giving up and pretending there is no hope.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections.

You might want to reconsider your opinion. Trump ran on a prolife platform and.......

The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

I voted for the man.

Are you admitting the assumption I highlighted is wrong? The Dems are the ones who have been losing elections since 08.

No, not at all. Spot on. Are you assuming that will continue?

Republicans lucked out. Obama passed and/or lobbied for Obamacare before the 2010 census granting largely republicans power to do the redistricting in many states. Obamas unpopular policies continued to aid republicans until Trump won in 2016. But still, the government dependent are breeding at an alarmingly fast rate. At this time hispanics and blacks enrolled in schools outnumber white children. 75% of black children are born outside a two parent household. Those kids aren't going to grow up voting republican. The two things republicans need to do to continue their sucess is to make abortion legal, safe, affordable, and enforce our immigration laws. Those two things will end the democrat party. But then again, they might not. The evangelical vote would leave them in droves, so I suppose the disicion is tougher at face value.

The only reason the Republican Party is still relevant is because so much of the democrat voter base is either too stupid to vote or are registered felons.

The next census will be in 2020, I think you'll see blue State losing reps. If minorities have jobs and are happy they don't much care who's in office but considering the last 8 years they will start caring more.

So my assessment is correct? And I could care less when the next census is. I only made that point to demonstrate a small part of the reason Republicans have seen so much statewide success.
The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats!

The whole point of PP is to rid the world of all those black babies. That is why it began and that is why it still exists.

Libs would like free abortions because it means even less black babies being born. Margaret Sanger didn't want those lesser beings around. The left wants just enough for votes but not enough that they can't handle taking care of them. Of course, they see all blacks as people who need cradle to grave care since they don't believe blacks can contribute, save for a handful of puppets to make them look good.

I see potential contributors to society, not loads. Sadly, so many have been indoctrinated and are grossly ignorant so they will continue to support Dems in exchange for money each month. Pretty sad that the party that claims to care has spent the last 6 decades keeping people down.

You would need to see a cultural and values shift to the likes of which the world had never seen to squeeze the potential out of all those oopsies. But the op is equally valid on white babies as well. Don't see the need to bring race into the equation. Though I suppose you could make the argument that black babies are in fact disproportionally aborted. And no, democrats don't want to abort their voting base.

No, Dems need their base but, at the same time, want to keep the numbers low enough to maintain control.

The mothers who take risks by not using birth control and who want someone to pay for their abortion would probably be piss poor moms anyway. Thing is, nothing is really free. And it's always us middle class who get the bill for all the stuff that is free to others.

It's not that unplanned babies don't stand of chance of becoming valuable members of society. Under the right circumstances, anyone will be fine. It's the idiots raising many that result in a dumbed down population with little respect for others. That goes for everyone, and not talking race here.

It's that too many these days don't know the first thing about facing consequences for their actions or about taking responsibility. Many women in the past had unplanned pregnancies because birth control was non-existent. What happened was that they took full responsibility and raised the children the best they could. And, amazingly, the kids grew up to be functioning members of society. We just don't see that anymore. What's passed down now is how to milk the system. True, some should not have kids because they clearly do not appreciate how precious life is and they see babies as problems or as responsibilities to pass off to others.

Birth control is already cheap. If they screw that up and get pregnant, then making payments to the clinic for their abortion will teach a valuable lesson. They will experience the consequences of their decisions instead of just passing it on to others. When they don't learn, they repeat the same mistakes.

People need to learn how to deal with their own problems. Letting them off the hook by paying for an easy way out isn't going to improve them. It'll just make them feel more entitled. Let them have an abortion. Let them pay for them the same way the rest of us have to pay for what we want. It's called being an adult.

How's that workin at the moment?

The people who have the trust of this group, meaning nanny government liberals, need to start changing their rhetoric instead of continuing to encourage people to play the victim and blame others for their lot in life. That would go far. Point is that we need to start working toward a better way instead of giving up and pretending there is no hope.

Don't know who you're talking about but I don't know of anyone so gullible so as to be tricked in such a scheme.
You might want to reconsider your opinion. Trump ran on a prolife platform and.......

The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

I voted for the man.

Are you admitting the assumption I highlighted is wrong? The Dems are the ones who have been losing elections since 08.

No, not at all. Spot on. Are you assuming that will continue?

Republicans lucked out. Obama passed and/or lobbied for Obamacare before the 2010 census granting largely republicans power to do the redistricting in many states. Obamas unpopular policies continued to aid republicans until Trump won in 2016. But still, the government dependent are breeding at an alarmingly fast rate. At this time hispanics and blacks enrolled in schools outnumber white children. 75% of black children are born outside a two parent household. Those kids aren't going to grow up voting republican. The two things republicans need to do to continue their sucess is to make abortion legal, safe, affordable, and enforce our immigration laws. Those two things will end the democrat party. But then again, they might not. The evangelical vote would leave them in droves, so I suppose the disicion is tougher at face value.

The only reason the Republican Party is still relevant is because so much of the democrat voter base is either too stupid to vote or are registered felons.

The next census will be in 2020, I think you'll see blue State losing reps. If minorities have jobs and are happy they don't much care who's in office but considering the last 8 years they will start caring more.

So my assessment is correct? And I could care less when the next census is. I only made that point to demonstrate a small part of the reason Republicans have seen so much statewide success.

Oh ok, so they don't hate willing elections like you said?
The whole point of PP is to rid the world of all those black babies. That is why it began and that is why it still exists.

Libs would like free abortions because it means even less black babies being born. Margaret Sanger didn't want those lesser beings around. The left wants just enough for votes but not enough that they can't handle taking care of them. Of course, they see all blacks as people who need cradle to grave care since they don't believe blacks can contribute, save for a handful of puppets to make them look good.

I see potential contributors to society, not loads. Sadly, so many have been indoctrinated and are grossly ignorant so they will continue to support Dems in exchange for money each month. Pretty sad that the party that claims to care has spent the last 6 decades keeping people down.

You would need to see a cultural and values shift to the likes of which the world had never seen to squeeze the potential out of all those oopsies. But the op is equally valid on white babies as well. Don't see the need to bring race into the equation. Though I suppose you could make the argument that black babies are in fact disproportionally aborted. And no, democrats don't want to abort their voting base.

No, Dems need their base but, at the same time, want to keep the numbers low enough to maintain control.

The mothers who take risks by not using birth control and who want someone to pay for their abortion would probably be piss poor moms anyway. Thing is, nothing is really free. And it's always us middle class who get the bill for all the stuff that is free to others.

It's not that unplanned babies don't stand of chance of becoming valuable members of society. Under the right circumstances, anyone will be fine. It's the idiots raising many that result in a dumbed down population with little respect for others. That goes for everyone, and not talking race here.

It's that too many these days don't know the first thing about facing consequences for their actions or about taking responsibility. Many women in the past had unplanned pregnancies because birth control was non-existent. What happened was that they took full responsibility and raised the children the best they could. And, amazingly, the kids grew up to be functioning members of society. We just don't see that anymore. What's passed down now is how to milk the system. True, some should not have kids because they clearly do not appreciate how precious life is and they see babies as problems or as responsibilities to pass off to others.

Birth control is already cheap. If they screw that up and get pregnant, then making payments to the clinic for their abortion will teach a valuable lesson. They will experience the consequences of their decisions instead of just passing it on to others. When they don't learn, they repeat the same mistakes.

People need to learn how to deal with their own problems. Letting them off the hook by paying for an easy way out isn't going to improve them. It'll just make them feel more entitled. Let them have an abortion. Let them pay for them the same way the rest of us have to pay for what we want. It's called being an adult.

How's that workin at the moment?

The people who have the trust of this group, meaning nanny government liberals, need to start changing their rhetoric instead of continuing to encourage people to play the victim and blame others for their lot in life. That would go far. Point is that we need to start working toward a better way instead of giving up and pretending there is no hope.

Don't know who you're talking about but I don't know of anyone so gullible so as to be tricked in such a scheme.

Really? You haven't seen the thugs burning down their neighborhoods because a cop justifiably shot a thug? They believe they are all victims and claim that they live in squalor because of racists. They demand reparations because of what people who are no longer alive did to other people who are no longer alive.

What about the women's march? They feel like victim and demanded free abortion. Why? Because they think they deserve it because they are victims.

What about the illegal aliens who march and demand things? They claim they are entitled to everything here and believe they are denied because of bigots. More victimhood.

Our leaders have people divided into groups and they speak to each group differently. We have race baiters who constantly preach that minorities are entitled to things because of racism and bigotry.

Too many seem to believe that they are entitled to having other people pay their way. We have affirmative action and minority college funds that exclude the majority. Some groups have been treated special and now it's taken as fact that others must do for them.

The angry mobs in the streets are all making demands and it's not about equality. They want money. They want police to ignore crimes by minorities. Women's libs want free birth control and abortions. Muslims want their own sharia law zones. Hispanics want Spanish to be spoken in schools because they refuse to learn English. They want amnesty for breaking immigration laws. They got Obamacare for free. They even asked if they could get away with voting. They feel entitled to everything just because "bigots" want border security and they claim it's wrong to tell them that breaching our borders is wrong. How insulting to call an illegal alien an illegal alien.

They all feel entitled to ignore the current laws and they want special privileges. Most of the time it's about more money or freebies.

So, yes, there is ample evidence that several of the left's pet groups have embraced the notion that they are victims, it's the fault of others, and they deserve compensation for the supposed wrongs. Not like someone took them aside one day and talked them into participating in a scheme. Took years of rhetoric taught in schools, hate speech spoken by leaders, and echoed by media. Eventually, a lot of people came to believe it. They would be the ignorant ones making fools of themselves out there protesting and rioting for no fucking reason. It's all about claiming victimhood and following it up by making demands. Can't believe you haven't noticed that.
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The Inevitable Suicide of Republicans (Abortion)

I don't know why Republicans have a death wish but their stance on abortion certainly leads me to assume that they must hate winning elections. Most of the women who lack the ability to delay instant gratification after a night of cashing out the ol EBT card at the local mini mart for some booze and end up giving it up to the first passing truck driver in the parking lot vote democrat. Indeed a woman who cant ensure the stranger she's sleeping with is wearing a rubber isn't exactly the type whose inclined to climb the corporate ladder any time soon. And when she has this child she cannot afford, nor care to take the time to properly raise, the child will simply grow up mimicking the attitudes, behaviors, and values of the mother. In short, they'll grow up thinking that having a different man in the house every night and mooching off of the taxpayer is normal behavior. Thus the cycle is repeated over and over again producing more and more government dependant democrats.

For all these reasons and more, abortion and contraception should be safe, free, and easily accessible. There should be an abortion clinic beside every liquor store, Macdonalds, and Walmart. For every sign that says "EBT accepted here" there should be a map right below it with instructions to the nearest abortion clinic. In addition, there should be advertisements on tv and abortion should be normalized on evening dramas and sitcoms. Republicans have nothing to lose but millions of democrats! GOP just won an election dinglepuss with Hillary championing free abortions and Trump promising to appoint a judge to end Roe vs. Wade.

You know, you really should stop watching the fake news. Hillary lost.

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