The Infuriating Popularity of Donald Trump

Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
In the first place, Trump just might be the ONLY Republican candidate that Joe Biden could actually beat in 2024. In the second place, Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t understand the Deep State and doesn’t want to understand it. If he should be re-elected, he would saturate his administration with Deep State CFR globalists, just as he did in his first administration. Trump is an empty suit.

Trump continues to be a rabid supporter of the kill shots, aka Covid vaccinations; he continues to be a rabid supporter of Red Flag gun confiscation laws; he continues to ignore the counsel of true freedomists regarding who the enemy is; and he is every bit the Zionist War Hawk that are Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, et al.
Trump did understand it. He had to accept some swamp people. Otherwise, the battle would have been ten times worse. As it was, he was peppered every day from all directions. Very few politicians would have survived that onslaught. And even less of his critics.
Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

As much as I wish the opposite, you happen to be right on this topic.
Point of contention...

This is not an "American Establishment", these are globalists and their minions. There is nothing "American" about these sociopaths. They have not a shred of patriotic loyalty, they revile the COTUS and pretty much all Americans in general. They're elitist scum and probably fuck kids.

Let's pretend that anything or even EVERYTHING Trump's (and the republic's) enemies say about him is true. He would still not be as loathsome as hitlary, the meat puppet faggot and his wookie or the fuckin potato. Trump still is preferable to anyone the democrook criminal syndicate could run and if not for the covid hoax and mail in ballots the potato would still be in a basement somewhere and forgotten.

Let's face the facts also, Trump isn't all that charismatic or even "likeable". He's arrogant and says some goofy shit on occasion, whereas the fuckin potato can't even read a teleprompter and not sound like a jabbering buffoon. His press secretary is a circus shit show all on it's own. There's no contest there, Trump looks like Zeus or a Prophet of God compared to the entire collective of genetic garbage and criminal sociopaths the DNC has to offer. It's not that Trump is "that great" or he has some cult followers, it's because the democrooks suck harder than an intergalactic black hole.

Great post! We see Trump for who he is. Real Americans aren't looking for another boy scout like Jimmy Carter, we desperately need an AMERICA FIRST President. Trump has been the only AMERICA FIRST President we've had in decades. It's as simple as that.
Great post! We see Trump for who he is. Real Americans aren't looking for another boy scout like Jimmy Carter, we desperately need an AMERICA FIRST President. Trump has been the only AMERICA FIRST President we've had in decades. It's as simple as that.

He did expose how many official Gov't traitors really inhabit the Swamp.
Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

Well, Hitler and Stalin are still routinely being brought up long after they are dead.

The orange douchebag being in the news isn't something to be proud of. But hey, if you knew that, you wouldn't be a trumpard. :itsok:
I honestly can't believe no on running against him has said. "This guy has legions of followers unlike any other president. Maybe if I started putting America first, wanted America to be for americans, showed pride in American values and morals, didn't let other countries and fringe groups have power over us, and showed some backbone I'd have legions of followers also".

If they see trump being so popular, you'd think they would look at why he is so popular.

But they don't. They just say "ok everything thing people like about trump I am going to be the exact opposite".

I mean everyone loved mr Rogers. No one that's the polar opposite of Mr Rogers was ever as beloved.
Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

Why would I be surprised complete morons would stop being complete morons?
Poor babies. 7 years of negative press, wild unfounded accusations, and even political weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ has done nothing to diminish Trumps support.

“One of the stunning facts of the age is the continued prominence of Donald Trump. His candidates did well in the G.O.P. primaries this year. He won more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. His favorability ratings within his party have been high and basically unchanged since late 2016. In a range of polls, some have actually shown Trump leading President Biden in a race for re-election in 2024.”

The best President of modern times is going to be well liked. Especially after what we are seeing out of Mr Potatohead.

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