The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

We saw, what, 8 months of solid rioting?
No, we did not.
OK, only 7-months of rioting:

Ah, so the real reason for your post is simply an attack on religion. Religion had nothing to do with the attack in the capital. Space lasers? I don't believe greene actually uttered those words.

Swords, six headed snakes? Where is all that coming from?

Your real goal here is an attack on religion and to paint all Republicans as crazy. You should have just said "I hope this gun legislation passes so we can try and get all Republicans disqualified from owning firearms.
Most Republican evangelical Christians are crazy. 75 million Republicans voted for crazy. They also voted for a criminal. One can only conclude that these 75 million no longer, or never had any self respect.

I've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do.

It's not an attack on religion you idiot. It's the Right-wing crazies taking religion hostage.
No, most republican Christians are not crazy. For the most part, you choose to think of them that way because your left wing echo chambers program you tinting that way, and your hatred for anything that disagrees with you reinforces it.

I do love this guilt by association though. So, if you voted or supported trump, then you are crazy. OK, let's just take that a bit further, shall we. So, Clinton was a serial sex offender, and he was associated with epstein, a known pedophile. You guys supported and voted for Clinton, so I guess that makes all democrats pedophiles and serial set offenders.

See how that works?
Did I forget to mention evil? 've thought about this hundreds times after discovering Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. How could any real Christian vote for someone who could do something like that to sick and dying children? The only logical answer is these people sold their souls to the devil, and use Christianity as a way to circumvent the evil they do. No human being with a moral compass would ever vote for another human being who involves him or herself with activity like that, then label themselves Christians. They aren't Christians and they never were. It's used as a facade to hide who they are.

And I do love your false association comparisons, along with your lies. First off, we don't know if Clinton was a pedophile. Secondly, if he was, then we'll put Trump in that same camp, and you voted for him right? LOL! Your comparisons have nothing to do with the evil of stealing money from a cancer charity that went straight to children.

Your whataboutism /false association comparison, was meant for losers like you. Thanks for the heads up.
Nope, its not a false comparison, its an exact comparison. I'm not denying anything trump may or may not have done, im saying that, the left loves to play the guilt by association game, that if you support trump, then you are obviously supporting everything he does. So, if that's the case, then the left, as well, has a lot of problems in their own corner.

It doesn't matter if Clinton was ever proven to have done any of those things. There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same.

So, with that method, it doesn't matter if Clinton was proven guilty of anything. He was accused of it, so that means he is guilty of it, and leftists by association, are guilty of if too. There were plenty of allegations against Clinton, and one confirmed case of sexual impropriety with the Lewinsky scandal.
Dude, your distraction is not going to help you. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do, I don't support the bad. And those things have no equal footing to what Trump did. He incited an insurrection for God's sake. Are you friggin kidding me? You assume that everyone on the Left kneels at the alter of Bill Clinton. Think again.

"There are plenty of unproven accusations the left have levied against trump, and even with lack of any evidence, they still are adamant that trump is guilty of them, and anyone who supported trump is also guilty of the same." These are just examples of the blatant lies by you and your ilk. There are many proven accusations against Trump. Anytime you want to go over them, while I link the proof, I want you to provide counter information where I am wrong. And if you don't, then we all know you are full of it.
GOP activists wake up and harass democrats in DC with US flags
They beat people with those flags. Smashed windows and broke down doors with those flags.

Stop trying to minimize what happened that day.
What really happened that day compared to the "peaceful" antifa/BLM riots, that the democrats encouraged. Lets compare:
View attachment 453846
Your meme is full of lies and misinformation.

Sorry for your luck.

What lies? What misinformation? Don't just throw out something like that? Tells us where its wrong.
Racial justice protests were condemned by republicans, riots were condemned by all. Capitol insurrection was condemned by republicans for all of two days, and is now being defended.

Racial justice protests were encouraged by Democrats, not riots.

Insurrection was encouraged by every republican from dOnald tRump on down.

That's just a couple of things. When your meme or post is composed of 100% lies and fake news do not expect me to take the time to dissect it piece by piece.
The problem is, you views are skewed by your bias.

For example, the left keeps saying that they were racial injustice protests, but continually completely ignore the violence and destruction that accompanied it. Each of those protests during the day, turned into riots at night.

Republicans were not condemning racial injustice protests, they were condemning riots. Again, you selectively choose to see one side and ignore the other.

As far as I'm aware, Republicans have always, and are still condemning the capitol riots. Sure, there are a few out there who may defend it, but they are few and far between and do not represent everyone in the republican party.

And yes, the democrats encouraged those riots. What would you say about city leaders who watched as their cities burned and did nothing about it. I'd say that's akin to condoning it....and leaders like Pelosi and Harris said there should be more uprisings.
"Each of those protests turn into a riot" is a lie. Only a few did. There were literally thousands of protests across the USA. They didn't make news, only then riots did. Republicans did indeed condemn the protests, when they were studiously pretending they weren't happening. They are still doing that right here on this board today.

Some, not all republicans condemned the insurrection. That lasted about a day and a half. Now most are defending it as a peaceful demonstration, and likening it to a bunch of rowdy frat boys.

tRump supporters must open their eyes to objective reality and rejoin the real world or this Nation is doomed.
Also, only a few did? We saw, what, 8 months of solid rioting? Look, I can't claim that EVERY protest turned into a riot, but many did, and many cost people their businesses and sometimes, their very lives, and you guys defended that, the entire time.
That's another lie. You just make shit up out of thin air. This is why the Republican party went to shit; lies.
Trumpism has always been more a religion than a political movement.
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GOP activists wake up and harass democrats in DC with US flags
They beat people with those flags. Smashed windows and broke down doors with those flags.

Stop trying to minimize what happened that day.
What really happened that day compared to the "peaceful" antifa/BLM riots, that the democrats encouraged. Lets compare:
View attachment 453846
Your meme is full of lies and misinformation.

Sorry for your luck.

What lies? What misinformation? Don't just throw out something like that? Tells us where its wrong.
Racial justice protests were condemned by republicans, riots were condemned by all. Capitol insurrection was condemned by republicans for all of two days, and is now being defended.

Racial justice protests were encouraged by Democrats, not riots.

Insurrection was encouraged by every republican from dOnald tRump on down.

That's just a couple of things. When your meme or post is composed of 100% lies and fake news do not expect me to take the time to dissect it piece by piece.
The problem is, you views are skewed by your bias.

For example, the left keeps saying that they were racial injustice protests, but continually completely ignore the violence and destruction that accompanied it. Each of those protests during the day, turned into riots at night.

Republicans were not condemning racial injustice protests, they were condemning riots. Again, you selectively choose to see one side and ignore the other.

As far as I'm aware, Republicans have always, and are still condemning the capitol riots. Sure, there are a few out there who may defend it, but they are few and far between and do not represent everyone in the republican party.

And yes, the democrats encouraged those riots. What would you say about city leaders who watched as their cities burned and did nothing about it. I'd say that's akin to condoning it....and leaders like Pelosi and Harris said there should be more uprisings.
"Each of those protests turn into a riot" is a lie. Only a few did. There were literally thousands of protests across the USA. They didn't make news, only then riots did. Republicans did indeed condemn the protests, when they were studiously pretending they weren't happening. They are still doing that right here on this board today.

Some, not all republicans condemned the insurrection. That lasted about a day and a half. Now most are defending it as a peaceful demonstration, and likening it to a bunch of rowdy frat boys.

tRump supporters must open their eyes to objective reality and rejoin the real world or this Nation is doomed.
So, where are they defending the riot? You have some that actually did protest and some that went to the capitol to cause havoc. Again, not everyone there went there to riot, though the left will continually fail to make that distinction. If you were at the presidents rally, the left will say you were part of a terrorist group and thus part of the riot.

Now, I admit, I don't read every thread on this forum, but of the ones I have read, I don't see people supporting what happened at the capitol. Now, yes, youll probably point me to a post or two of someone who did support it and say "see, conservatives support and defend the riot!", to which I'll reply, no, conservatives don't defend the riots, those two people you found did, thats not.representative of the group as a whole.
A vote for Trump is a vote against Democracy. 75 million voted for Trump. So yes, that is representative of the group as a whole. The group as a whole, kept mostly quiet about Trump trying to use Quid Pro Quo on Biden with Ukraine. Trump was found to have obstructed that investigation with threats to government officials. He fired those who spoke the truth under oath against him. And I could go on and on and on.
We saw, what, 8 months of solid rioting?
No, we did not.
OK, only 7-months of rioting:

View attachment 454280
Still no, and that ridiculous meme has already been shredded.
Your ass has been shredded. You didn't lay a glove on that meme. Not one item has been disproved.
All of them have.

Sorry for your luck.

None of them have. I didn't pay for "contradiction" this is supposed to be a debate.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

“I really wish those good, decent, moral Conservatives would stop impeding the ‘progress’ we filthy fucked in the head indecent, immoral weirdos are making, I wish they’d just ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”

Speaking of filthy and no borders, maybe the US wouldn't have had to worry so much about our southern border had the filth from the US minded their own business, while taking over Central and South American countries, their politics, their resources, and their way of life; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

And speaking of socialist shithole, do you have any idea how much socialism you've been enjoying your entire life in this country? Here's just a taste;

Here is a real insurrectionist that attacked the Capitol Building that Slick Willy let out of jail and is now doing BLM terrorism;

Susan Lisa Rosenberg was long suspected of setting off a bomb that exploded in the capitol building on Nov 7 1983. Charges were dropped because she was convicted on related charges (explosive possession [750 lbs]) and sentenced to 58 years. Her lawyers contend that, had the case not been politically charged, Rosenberg would have only received a five-year sentence.

Her target was the Republican cloakroom of the US Senate on the 2nd floor.

Her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on Jan 20, 2001.

Today [2021] Susan Lisa Rosenberg serves as vice chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents, a non-profit foundation that sponsors the fundraising and does administrative work for the Black Lives Matter global network.

Trumpism has always been more a religion than a political movement.
America First Populism is a religion? Maybe you just don't know what a "religion" is?
If it was America first, Republicans wouldn't have shut down 1600 polling places that affected minorities and purged illegally, over a million voters from the voting rolls. Voter suppression of a certain racial minority in this country is not "America first." It's white supremacy first. Try and remember that.
2022 and 2024 can't come fast enough. The US will be sick and tired of the democrat socialists by then.

p.s. there is no "Trumpism", only America First Populism, get used to it, its here to stay
We won't win elections rigged against us.
Here is a real insurrectionist that attacked the Capitol Building that Slick Willy let out of jail and is now doing BLM terrorism;

Susan Lisa Rosenberg was long suspected of setting off a bomb that exploded in the capitol building on Nov 7 1983. Charges were dropped because she was convicted on related charges (explosive possession [750 lbs]) and sentenced to 58 years. Her lawyers contend that, had the case not been politically charged, Rosenberg would have only received a five-year sentence.

Her target was the Republican cloakroom of the US Senate on the 2nd floor.

Her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on Jan 20, 2001.

Today [2021] Susan Lisa Rosenberg serves as vice chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents, a non-profit foundation that sponsors the fundraising and does administrative work for the Black Lives Matter global network.

Republicans and their what about the other guy cop out. Are you people so goddamn weak you can't stay focused on the topic?
2022 and 2024 can't come fast enough. The US will be sick and tired of the democrat socialists by then.

p.s. there is no "Trumpism", only America First Populism, get used to it, its here to stay
We won't win elections rigged against us.
Neither will the Left. That's why they were prepared for the voter suppression this time.
I didn’t realize how obsessed the regressive left is with Trump. I wonder if in 30 plus years they will still be obsessed with Trump the way were with Reagan. Trump looks like he will continue to live rent free inside the regressive left’s head.
Of course they will continue to obsess about President Trump. He was one of the greatest Presidents in the history of this nation. They will have to attempt to belittle and destroy his proven policies over and over.
Trump is a career criminal, but please, do continue living with these illusions of yours. It only strengthens the other side.
So is Soros, Gates, and any career politician, but you continue to be an Ostrich also everyone can kick your ass while you bury your head in the sand.
Soros and Gates are not under scrutiny. Trump is. Your whataboutism just exposes you as a loser.
I didn’t realize how obsessed the regressive left is with Trump. I wonder if in 30 plus years they will still be obsessed with Trump the way were with Reagan. Trump looks like he will continue to live rent free inside the regressive left’s head.
Of course they will continue to obsess about President Trump. He was one of the greatest Presidents in the history of this nation. They will have to attempt to belittle and destroy his proven policies over and over.
Trump is a career criminal, but please, do continue living with these illusions of yours. It only strengthens the other side.
So is Soros, Gates, and any career politician, but you continue to be an Ostrich also everyone can kick your ass while you bury your head in the sand.
Soros and Gates are not under scrutiny. Trump is. Your whataboutism just exposes you as a loser.

Your obsession with Trump shows what a loser you are. Grow up skippy boi.

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