The Intellectual Alt.Right explained:

Chivalry; Swords of Chivalry; Chivalry Today; Blog. ... this out very eloquently is Joseph Campbell, ... Joseph Campbell traces the beginning of love, as we think of it today, to twelfth-century troubadours.

Attempting to focus on Ancient Greece as a source of all enlightenment is the sign of an unenlightened mind.

Look around. Audit a few classes. Expand your narrow mind, because if it were any narrower you'd be in danger of becoming a cyclops Chivalry Today - Don't just Talk Chivalry. Live It.
The enlightenment was a liberalist happening

100% backwards of course. The process of Western Civilization was about the growing freedom of the individual from the state thus the enlightenment was very very conservative since liberals oppose freedom very openly. Where have you been?
'Intellectual alt right' is an oxymoron.
can the liberal say why??
Alt rights view intellectualism as a negative quality.

so can you name even one alt right position that is not intellectual?
Well, at the top of the heap there's Donald Trump.

but you clean forgot to say which position is not intellectual?? I wonder why?
Because I don't think he's held one position that IS intellectual. What do you think he's ever said that seemed remotely intellectual?
can the liberal say why??
Alt rights view intellectualism as a negative quality.

so can you name even one alt right position that is not intellectual?
Well, at the top of the heap there's Donald Trump.

but you clean forgot to say which position is not intellectual?? I wonder why?
Because I don't think he's held one position that IS intellectual. What do you think he's ever said that seemed remotely intellectual?

He said he wants strict constructionists on the Court as opposed to liberals who want Constitution to read liberal and anti American.
The Alt. Right is ethno European nationalist.
Mainstream American liberal culture is hip hop nationalist.

Which is superior? See how easy that was? Now lets see if even one liberal can respond substantively.
The pseudocons are bullshit gobbling, piss guzzling retards who bleev whatever they are told to bleev.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

The liberal culture is you can't get rich without being evil, so it is okay to steal from the rich.

"You didn't build that!"

The Alt Right is just another name for racialist inbred losers who can't wait for permission to start lynching darkies and gassing Jews and homosexuals again.
can you say where the Alt Right is mistaken or non intellectual

Well, there's you......
The pseudocons are bullshit gobbling, piss guzzling retards who bleev whatever they are told to bleev.

if so why so afraid to give us your most substantive example of this? What do you learn from your fear?

Good grief...are you still trying to justify this train-wreck of a thread?!

Alt Right exists and just elected Trump Congress SCOTUS and State govts. Great that liberals lack the IQ to understand what happened!!

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