The Intellectual Alt.Right explained:

There are people of the right who say there is no such thing as the Alt Right.

Who's, uh, right?
The Alt. Right is ethno European nationalist.
Mainstream American liberal culture is hip hop nationalist.

Which is superior? See how easy that was? Now lets see if even one liberal can respond substantively.
Does a decoder ring come with that?
'Intellectual alt right' is an oxymoron.
can the liberal say why??
Alt rights view intellectualism as a negative quality.

so can you name even one alt right position that is not intellectual?
Well, at the top of the heap there's Donald Trump.

but you clean forgot to say which position is not intellectual?? I wonder why?
While I myself am sure the alt-right has intellectual positions (ones Sir Ed is obviously clueless about), I would posit it to say they would all sink to the level of a pseudo-intellectualism
It has been amusing to watch EdwardBaiamonte trip over such an easy task as to define (with an example) exactly what he believes constitutes an intellectual position
one based on reason as opposed to liberal positions which are based on ignorance or emotion. Easy to prove. Name a significant liberal position that is not based on ignorance or emotion.
While I myself am sure the alt-right has intellectual positions (ones Sir Ed is obviously clueless about), I would posit it to say they would all sink to the level of a pseudo-intellectualism
all?? if so why so afraid to name even one?? What do you learn from your fear?
British and American conservatism and liberalism both spring out of the liberal tradition of the European enlightenment.

People like Sir Ed may want to audit a few freshmen classes at their local community colleges.

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