The Intellectual Alt.Right explained:

"Hip-Hop, ethno European nationalist"? The radical left sounds as clueless as they did before WW2. Americans just want immigration laws enforced and less federal regulations that impact their daily lives. That's why they voted for Trump.

sadly more voted for Hilary because she preserves the hip hop status quo ghetto plantations filled with millions of crippled dependents who vote for welfare rather than the commonweal.
why a stupid liberal term when conservatives have failed to stem the cultural degradation that features 75% of black kids being born into broken or never formed homes? Conservatives need an alternative!!

To answer that question go to the history of who has controlled the government of this country for the vast majority of the last century. Then cross reference that with the congressional bills introduced, passed, and signed into law, Then do some multiplanic cause and effect analysis to determine the possible and probable effects of each of them on the communities you would like to examine. That will give you a basic understanding of the reasons for all of the existing conditions in the communities. EDIT I guess some have more than others. Content vital to subject so subject removed.
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why a stupid liberal term when conservatives have failed to stem the cultural degradation that features 75% of black kids being born into broken or never formed homes? Conservatives need an alternative!!

To answer that question go to the history of who has controlled the government of this country for the vast majority of the last century. Then cross reference that with the congressional bills introduced, passed, and signed into law, Then do some multiplanic cause and effect analysis to determine the possible and probable effects of each of them on the communities you would like to examine. That will give you a basic understanding of the reasons for all of the existing conditions in the communities. As for your OP You assume there is an actual ALT RIGHT genre. When you give some type of credence to ANY label given to a group of people to vilify, or to marginalize them you are just as guilty of the act as the scum who initiate the labeling. "racist" has become the new "******", "sexist" has become the new "slut", and "liberal" has become the new "LOOSER"
If you have to label someone by anything other than their actual deeds, you are labeling yourself as worse than they are. Calling liberals scum is easy because of their constant attacks on morality, honor, honesty, respect, and their complete lack of personal accountability.

so you like the Alt Right better than the largely failed Right?
The Alt. Right is ethno European nationalist.
Mainstream American liberal culture is hip hop nationalist.

Which is superior? See how easy that was? Now lets see if even one liberal can respond substantively.

So, white supremacist then. Got it.

We already knew.

subject is which culture is superior not which is supremacist. A liberal cant rersist playing the race card. It worked so well until Trump!!

Do you realize how dumb that post is?
Your whole premise relies on race ,dope.

Is that you Richard Spencer?
So far, this thread only proves, that the alt-right is a stupid liberal term, parroted by Hillary and her minions for political gain, that no way represented any kind of significant influence, in reality. Right, Jake?

It's very real. Bannon uses the term and speaks highly them. It's very easy to find. If you want to that is.

steve bannon and the alt right - Google Search

Bannon uses the term, but not in the way libtards do.

Steve Bannon: 'Zero Tolerance' for Anti-Semitic, Racist Elements of the Alt-Right - Breitbart
The Alt. Right is ethno European nationalist.
Mainstream American liberal culture is hip hop nationalist.

Which is superior? See how easy that was? Now lets see if even one liberal can respond substantively.
Ben Carson is ethno-European, that is news to me...
If I said he was I will pay the fool liberal with his pants down $10,000. Bet??

So he's then inferior to someone who is?
Your whole premise relies on race .
wrong of course. it relies on an interest in stopping the degradation of our culture. Now do you understand? What chance do blacks have to get off the liberal ghetto plantation if your white guilt and ignorance frees them from criticism??
I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

Gee, I guess I was confused by your words 'mainstream liberal'.
I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

Gee, I guess I was confused by your words 'mainstream liberal'.

why tell us that you were confused????? Do you have any idea what your point is?
So far, this thread only proves, that the alt-right is a stupid liberal term, parroted by Hillary and her minions for political gain, that no way represented any kind of significant influence, in reality. Right, Jake?

It's very real. Bannon uses the term and speaks highly them. It's very easy to find. If you want to that is.

steve bannon and the alt right - Google Search

Bannon uses the term, but not in the way libtards do.

Steve Bannon: 'Zero Tolerance' for Anti-Semitic, Racist Elements of the Alt-Right - Breitbart

A Bannon picture is worth a thousand words:


Enjoy your white supremacy. It's looks like a spectacular way of life.
I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

I'm a mainstream liberal and about as non hip hop as a human can get,

did someone tell you thread was about you?? Please reread for comprehension

Gee, I guess I was confused by your words 'mainstream liberal'.

why tell us that you were confused????? Do you have any idea what your point is?

I know exactly what my point was and everyone here who can read does.
So far, this thread only proves, that the alt-right is a stupid liberal term, parroted by Hillary and her minions for political gain, that no way represented any kind of significant influence, in reality. Right, Jake?

It's very real. Bannon uses the term and speaks highly them. It's very easy to find. If you want to that is.

steve bannon and the alt right - Google Search

Bannon uses the term, but not in the way libtards do.

Steve Bannon: 'Zero Tolerance' for Anti-Semitic, Racist Elements of the Alt-Right - Breitbart

A Bannon picture is worth a thousand words:


Enjoy your white supremacy. It's looks like a spectacular way of life.

A liberal cant think so used pictures!!
sort of reminds you of all the pictures the MSM used of Trump during the campaign!! Keep it up!! and especially keep playing the race card!!
Your whole premise relies on race .
wrong of course. it relies on an interest in stopping the degradation of our culture. Now do you understand? What chance do blacks have to get off the liberal ghetto plantation if your white guilt and ignorance frees them from criticism??
You tell me I'm wrong and it's not about race and then proceed to lecture me about the awful life of blacks in America.

Pretty dumb.
The Alt. Right is ethno European nationalist.
Mainstream American liberal culture is hip hop nationalist.

Which is superior? See how easy that was? Now lets see if even one liberal can respond substantively.

"Mainstream American liberal culture" can best be described by the quotes of RFK:

"What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents."

"Just because we cannot see clearly the end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey. On the contrary, great change dominates the world, and unless we move with change we will become its victims."

"Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman's rifle and Speck's knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans."

Read some more here,
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikiquote

and consider them as you reflect on the road we are set to travel.

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