The Internet Frees The Enslaved Of Totalitarian Despotic Regimes.


Jan 24, 2017
Their minds at any rate. Such as the governments of China and the U.S. Deal with it. The internet gives the downtrodden and brainwashed a glimpse of the real world. Instead of what the government wants them to think. I myself found out that in WW II we were on the wrong side! Hitler was right! The holocaust was largely a fraud! For one example out of zillions, it didn't take long for war to be declared on Germany when they attacked Poland. But on Nov. 30, 1939, Russia invaded Finland. Though Russia eventually got their asses kicked, war was never declared on them for doing so.
Their minds at any rate. Such as the governments of China and the U.S. Deal with it. The internet gives the downtrodden and brainwashed a glimpse of the real world. Instead of what the government wants them to think. I myself found out that in WW II we were on the wrong side! Hitler was right! The holocaust was largely a fraud! For one example out of zillions, it didn't take long for war to be declared on Germany when they attacked Poland. But on Nov. 30, 1939, Russia invaded Finland. Though Russia eventually got their asses kicked, war was never declared on them for doing so.

Their minds at any rate. Such as the governments of China and the U.S. Deal with it. The internet gives the downtrodden and brainwashed a glimpse of the real world. Instead of what the government wants them to think. I myself found out that in WW II we were on the wrong side! Hitler was right! The holocaust was largely a fraud! For one example out of zillions, it didn't take long for war to be declared on Germany when they attacked Poland. But on Nov. 30, 1939, Russia invaded Finland. Though Russia eventually got their asses kicked, war was never declared on them for doing so.

I have to give you credit ... when you go crazy, you'd don't do a half-arsed job.

Their minds at any rate. Such as the governments of China and the U.S. Deal with it. The internet gives the downtrodden and brainwashed a glimpse of the real world. Instead of what the government wants them to think. I myself found out that in WW II we were on the wrong side! Hitler was right! The holocaust was largely a fraud! For one example out of zillions, it didn't take long for war to be declared on Germany when they attacked Poland. But on Nov. 30, 1939, Russia invaded Finland. Though Russia eventually got their asses kicked, war was never declared on them for doing so.

I have to give you credit ... when you go crazy, you'd don't do a half-arsed job.

Everything I said was true. Like it or not.
Their minds at any rate. Such as the governments of China and the U.S. Deal with it. The internet gives the downtrodden and brainwashed a glimpse of the real world. Instead of what the government wants them to think. I myself found out that in WW II we were on the wrong side! Hitler was right! The holocaust was largely a fraud! For one example out of zillions, it didn't take long for war to be declared on Germany when they attacked Poland. But on Nov. 30, 1939, Russia invaded Finland. Though Russia eventually got their asses kicked, war was never declared on them for doing so.
IP address 192.558.1.4
This is human progress

Antisemitism 1939


Antisemitism 2017


One can only imagine what the next 78 years will do to your ideology.
Keep it up, Adolf ... and we'll raise the rent on your trailer.
Keep it up, Adolf ... and we'll raise the rent on your trailer.

Oh. I can keep it up. In the Babylonian talmud, it says, "In one, for instance,where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood. and when he had intercourse after the age of three he found no blood." A religion that supports screwing babies. Interesting. I have four more pages of teachings from the talmud. Maybe you would like to sick the mossad or the jewish anti-defamation league on me for telling the truth.

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