The interview I just saw on Hannity with the deceased Seattle youths father was one of the most incredible thing all parents should hear.

Boo Hoo, I'm sure it was political and Hannity is a fake. It was about the lack of police, you know about law and order.

I am shocked at you republicans , you seem to care so much, but you guys pick who you boo hoo for.

A 16 years was fatally shot and a 14 year old in critical condition.

Now why doesn't he have their parents on his show. That would really be a tear jerker.
You are a true peace of shit.

Like I said, boo hoo. I laugh at you trampers. Only because he was on Hannity do you feel sorry for him,
you guys are so predicable it makes me ill. You get to pick who you feel sorry for.
Penelope, what do you not understand? George Floyd was a victim of a police officer and the parents are grieving over their loss. That was real. But his parents were told right away. They knew with certainty is was their son who died. Mr. Anderson has waited weeks and still has not heard from anyone in authority that it was his son that was shot. He went to the hospital and they refused to let him see his sons body to identify it really was him. For weeks he wondered could the kids who told him that his son was murdered could have been wrong.

The nation grieved with the loss of George Floyd. Their was not an ounce of mercy for Mr. Anderson and his family. Both senseless murders. Perhaps it is you who does not understand the human heart. Both young men were black, neither got the care they needed, and both murders were senseless. I'm not picking who I cry for. I cry for both. Why don't you?

I feel sorry for any parent that suffers a child death, what about run aways, they can wait for years with no end in sight and not know what happened,
what about the child who is picked up by the stranger, they probably never know what happens to their child.
Totally irrelevant to the this parent's suffering.
Boo Hoo, I'm sure it was political and Hannity is a fake. It was about the lack of police, you know about law and order.

I am shocked at you republicans , you seem to care so much, but you guys pick who you boo hoo for.

A 16 years was fatally shot and a 14 year old in critical condition.

Now why doesn't he have their parents on his show. That would really be a tear jerker.
Grow up. Are YOU mourning those deaths or accepting them as collateral damage and thus unimportant?

You grow up, if its on Hannity you got to feel for the man who knew his son was dead.
Boo Hoo, I'm sure it was political and Hannity is a fake. It was about the lack of police, you know about law and order.

I am shocked at you republicans , you seem to care so much, but you guys pick who you boo hoo for.

A 16 years was fatally shot and a 14 year old in critical condition.

Now why doesn't he have their parents on his show. That would really be a tear jerker.
It's the Democrat leadership or lack of that let these thugs take over. Your party has blood on your hands on this one. All because you lost an election.
Boo Hoo, I'm sure it was political and Hannity is a fake. It was about the lack of police, you know about law and order.

I am shocked at you republicans , you seem to care so much, but you guys pick who you boo hoo for.

A 16 years was fatally shot and a 14 year old in critical condition.

Now why doesn't he have their parents on his show. That would really be a tear jerker.
Grow up. Are YOU mourning those deaths or accepting them as collateral damage and thus unimportant?

You grow up, if its on Hannity you got to feel for the man who knew his son was dead.
Doesn't matter where it's reported. A parent should not have to mourn the loss of a child, especially when that child was an innocent victim. Grow up.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I agree. I was in tears when the father of the deceased son was crying. It's one of the saddest stories of the evildoing allowed in Seattle's little no-mans-land street party gone wrong.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I have never EVER seen Hannity get that emotional.

We definitely need a lot more of THAT!
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
He was 19
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
He was 19
Why would a father let his 19 year old go into a lawless zone? Thank you for correcting my mistake...
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
Oh, Hannity... I love you. You're so thoughtful warm and sincere. Gag.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
Probably because they Mayor of Seattle told everybody it was a block party and the summer of love fest.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
Oh, Hannity... I love you. You're so thoughtful warm and sincere. Gag.
Yes, he is a thoughtful, sincere and humble man who has a dedication to all that is right and good.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
He was 19
Why would a father let his 19 year old go into a lawless zone? Thank you for correcting my mistake...
He may not have had a choice. 19 is an adult.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
Oh, Hannity... I love you. You're so thoughtful warm and sincere. Gag.
Say that about him any other time and you may have an argument. This time it was legit.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I have never EVER seen Hannity get that emotional.

We definitely need a lot more of THAT!
I don't know, Mr. Farnsworth. I'm crying as I'm reading this post, and I could barely stay with Mr. Hannity through that almost whole hour-long interview of a good man's loss of his son.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
Oh, Hannity... I love you. You're so thoughtful warm and sincere. Gag.
Say that about him any other time and you may have an argument. This time it was legit.
All about TV, ratings and that's it.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
This was the 19 yr olds father. He was rhe first one killed.
Hannity has always been to me, the most rah-rah, flag waving, patriotic, constitution loving media personality on T.V. As a guy who came "from the streets" so to speak (not by choice I assure you), I get him. I don't always agree with him, but I get him as a guy who is being sincere. You get what you see, and I respect that.

He's also less conservative and more libertarian than most in my assessment. He can look back at the conservative politicians he used to support and say, "I was wrong". He's also a big believer in forgiveness and Faith, which is important and what I use as a separator of old school "conservatives". Most of which I don't personally get along with, and many of which, I think are only tough when they have the stick. I digress...

His show last night really was the most clear example of this as he gave a grieving father over half hour of his show and had a heart to heart, even as he did inject some pro-police politics and the like from time to time. It was definitely a kind gesture for him to give this father such an amount of time. Which, eventually lead to Trump calling this father when he saw the episode.

In my opinion, if media did this and allowed all sides of the debate (Hannity at one point even told his friend, "you can say whatever you want you can even criticize me if you want) and wore their patriotism and heart on their sleeve as Hannity does, society would be in a better place.
I again have a question for the father who lost his son...."What the fuck were you thinking letting your 16 year old son walk into a zone that was taken over by a mob, and not think something bad was going to happen?" Each of my children were taught "If you put yourself into a compromising situation, something bad could happen to you". I feel very sorry for the kid who got shot up in another Socialist country in the Summer of Love, but when will people learn? Liberals hate people, which is why they let people kill each other, while holding the police away....
He was 19
Why would a father let his 19 year old go into a lawless zone? Thank you for correcting my mistake...
He may not have had a choice. 19 is an adult.
It's true that he was 19, but according to the father and the family friend, the son who got murdered was so trusting he would go along with just about everything. Some who are 19 are not operating on an adult level yet and are either late bloomers or very simple people who never operate as an adult on a lifelong basis, and people take advantage of them. I've known people who have these kind of children who make every effort to be sure they are taken care of by savings accounts that provide them the livelihood they may not be able to earn when they come of age. :sad:

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