The iPhone - Obamacare Analogy

Websites that did not expect the volume of hits they received...

Just sayin'

Does the number 51,000 mean anything?

That's the first week. If everyone had been able to access the sign up to completion without getting 401 error messages or computer freezes, there would have been a lot more.

I tried accessing the site on Day 1 and saw exactly what I knew I was going to see: a server crashing because I'm in New Jersey.

People will wait weeks to get a new iPhone, specifically the under 30 crowd, but they may not be too keen to sign up quickly on

Google had most of the kinks worked out by the time they became the "search engine du jour" as you called them. They didn't jump the gun and roll out a defective product from the get go. For the most part Google was able to handle millions of search queries in it's infancy, due to competent coders and website technicians. Like I said, people had three years to get this right, and they failed miserably.
Three and a half years, more than $600,000,000.00 (paid by taxpayers) and we get a website that isn't functional...

Just sayin'...

Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

Did Google use more than $600,000,000.00 million dollars of taxpayer money for its development and launch?


Alrighty then...
Three and a half years, more than $600,000,000.00 (paid by taxpayers) and we get a website that isn't functional...

Just sayin'...

Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

Actually, Google was fine in 2003. I know because I used it to do plenty of research for high school projects with it.

Stop making excuses. The way you iron out kinks in server function is to do alpha and beta testing on the software and coding. You can't simply hope to have all of it work right off the bat. This is simple server mechanics, NoTea. Amazon has 20 million visitors a day now. The Obamacare servers were unable to handle 2 million. Pathetic.

Beta testing doesn't cut it when 7,000,000 try to log on at 8:00am EST.

But you are right, "You can't simply hope to have all of it work right off the bat" so tell that to the Tea Baggers and Fox. Not me. I already knew that.
Three and a half years, more than $600,000,000.00 (paid by taxpayers) and we get a website that isn't functional...

Just sayin'...

Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

Did Google use more than $600,000,000.00 million dollars of taxpayer money for its development and launch?


Alrighty then...

Google is a private enterprise funded by investors, not federal LAW.

Want to link that $600M figure to a verifiable source because bloggers are not held to the truth, just throwing more chum to their trained seals.
Three and a half years, more than $600,000,000.00 (paid by taxpayers) and we get a website that isn't functional...

Just sayin'...

Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

This is not spin:
Canadian firm hired to build troubled Obamacare exchanges |

why didn't he hire apple, google, facebook, bing or some american firm to develop it?

Hmmm, no comments from the libs on obama sending govt work out of the country?
Last night on Bill Maher's show Chris Matthews nailed the right's rant about how Obamacare is not working.

To paraphrase, "Why is it that Apple can announce a new iPhone and two hours later run out of stock and can't fill orders and that's called a success?"

So you're comparing people who design products for Apple to the people who designed the aca website and Steve Jobs to obama?

:lol: :lol:
Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

Did Google use more than $600,000,000.00 million dollars of taxpayer money for its development and launch?


Alrighty then...

Google is a private enterprise funded by investors, not federal LAW.

Want to link that $600M figure to a verifiable source because bloggers are not held to the truth, just throwing more chum to their trained seals.

perfect description of obama worshipers-----thanks :lol:
Three and a half years, more than $600,000,000.00 (paid by taxpayers) and we get a website that isn't functional...

Just sayin'...

Google used to freeze up when they became the search engine du jour in 2003, too. Jeff Bezos ran into similar bandwidth and hard disk space when Amazon had exponential bursts of growth.

There was no way the servers for 34 states could be tested without literally millions of people trying to log on at the same time. I knew the site was going to crash months ago, way before October 1. It was a no-brainer.

The salient point remains that it's about the spin, not the facts.

Did Google use more than $600,000,000.00 million dollars of taxpayer money for its development and launch?


Alrighty then...

Let me help you with that number, from a source I know you dearly love. Don't you silly people ever verify anything before you drink the Koolaid?

$93M ObamaCare website may face months of glitches, experts warn

WASHINGTON – The $93 million website launched to process customers through the new ObamaCare marketplace may experience significant technical glitches for months, computer software experts told
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Did Google use more than $600,000,000.00 million dollars of taxpayer money for its development and launch?


Alrighty then...

Google is a private enterprise funded by investors, not federal LAW.

Want to link that $600M figure to a verifiable source because bloggers are not held to the truth, just throwing more chum to their trained seals.

perfect description of obama worshipers-----thanks :lol:

Looks like you're the trained seal if you bought the $600M lie. It cannot be corroborated anywhere but Fox News is quoting $93M. Is your chum tasty this morning? Bark and clap, boy.
Google is a private enterprise funded by investors, not federal LAW.

Want to link that $600M figure to a verifiable source because bloggers are not held to the truth, just throwing more chum to their trained seals.

perfect description of obama worshipers-----thanks :lol:

Looks like you're the trained seal if you bought the $600M lie. It cannot be corroborated anywhere but Fox News is quoting $93M. Is your chum tasty this morning? Bark and clap, boy.

I never used the 600M figure. But I guess you think that 93M is chump change.

But you ignored my question about obama using a canadian firm to develop the website. I thought you hated evil americans who outsource work. more hypocrisy or are you pissed that he hired a canadian firm?
Does the number 51,000 mean anything?

Since it's not the number of hits the site received, it means nothing.

That's how many managed to enroll. Out of 2.5 million people. Go learn some statistics.

Republican Meme for the year prior to Oct 1st 2013: "Obamacare" is unpopular, people hate it. It's going to be a failure. It's the most horriblist worstest thing ever in the history of forever.

Oct 1st millions of people flock to exchanges (despite the constant refrain of how unpopular it is and how much people will hate it) and the sites (who thought they would only get a handful of hits) crashed. Imagine that.

You don't have to buy it the first day. You have months and months to get signed up before tax penalties will be assessed when you file your 2014 taxes in even have time to save up the $95 you'd have to pay if you decide to burden the rest of us for your healthcare. could get a job that provides it like most of the country. I hear the Army is looking for a few good men. Great socialist healthcare there!
perfect description of obama worshipers-----thanks :lol:

Looks like you're the trained seal if you bought the $600M lie. It cannot be corroborated anywhere but Fox News is quoting $93M. Is your chum tasty this morning? Bark and clap, boy.

I never used the 600M figure. But I guess you think that 93M is chump change.

But you ignored my question about obama using a canadian firm to develop the website. I thought you hated evil americans who outsource work. more hypocrisy or are you pissed that he hired a canadian firm?

You endorsed the quote, dumbass. So own it.

I read the article in the Examiner. The job was awarded to the American arm of CGI in Fairfax, VA and received the contract because their Canadian owner created Canada's single payer online system.
Since it's not the number of hits the site received, it means nothing.

That's how many managed to enroll. Out of 2.5 million people. Go learn some statistics.

Republican Meme for the year prior to Oct 1st 2013: "Obamacare" is unpopular, people hate it. It's going to be a failure. It's the most horriblist worstest thing ever in the history of forever.

Oct 1st millions of people flock to exchanges (despite the constant refrain of how unpopular it is and how much people will hate it) and the sites (who thought they would only get a handful of hits) crashed. Imagine that.

You don't have to buy it the first day. You have months and months to get signed up before tax penalties will be assessed when you file your 2014 taxes in even have time to save up the $95 you'd have to pay if you decide to burden the rest of us for your healthcare. could get a job that provides it like most of the country. I hear the Army is looking for a few good men. Great socialist healthcare there!

People have been told for how long that if they don't sign up they will be breaking the law and face a penalty if they don't get and you are shocked that when the website is finally up people flock to it? This 'greatest thing since sliced white bread' is finally here and you're surprised that people actually want to see what it's all about? How derpy that no one figured it would get massive hits. I mean, seriously. They had 3 1/2 years to get this thing up and running and it's a mess. Of course people are going to try and sign up asap ... they figure it will take the six month lead-time before their application goes through, what with how well the website is working. :rolleyes:

What makes you think that just because people are going to the website they're there to sign up, anyway? How do you know they're not just checking things out (plans, cost, etc) to compare to what is available in the private insurance?
Looks like you're the trained seal if you bought the $600M lie. It cannot be corroborated anywhere but Fox News is quoting $93M. Is your chum tasty this morning? Bark and clap, boy.

I never used the 600M figure. But I guess you think that 93M is chump change.

But you ignored my question about obama using a canadian firm to develop the website. I thought you hated evil americans who outsource work. more hypocrisy or are you pissed that he hired a canadian firm?

You endorsed the quote, dumbass. So own it.

I read the article in the Examiner. The job was awarded to the American arm of CGI in Fairfax, VA and received the contract because their Canadian owner created Canada's single payer online system.

Looks like obama is thinking ahead.
No one is forcing anyone to buy an I phone.

The analogy fails.

The analogy has nothing to do with the individual mandate and is right on the money. The GOP has been gleefully pointing to the glitches in the Exchanges as evidence of it's failure and yet glitches in the rollout of new software or hardware isn't greeted the same.

It has everything to do with it.
Looks like you're the trained seal if you bought the $600M lie. It cannot be corroborated anywhere but Fox News is quoting $93M. Is your chum tasty this morning? Bark and clap, boy.

I never used the 600M figure. But I guess you think that 93M is chump change.

But you ignored my question about obama using a canadian firm to develop the website. I thought you hated evil americans who outsource work. more hypocrisy or are you pissed that he hired a canadian firm?

You endorsed the quote, dumbass. So own it.

I read the article in the Examiner. The job was awarded to the American arm of CGI in Fairfax, VA and received the contract because their Canadian owner created Canada's single payer online system.

CGI Federal is a subsidiary of Montreal-based CGI Group. With offices in Fairfax, Va., the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts, according to

The company is deeply embedded in Canada’s single-payer system. CGI has provided IT services to the Canadian Ministries of Health in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Saskatchewan, as well as to the national health provider, Health Canada, according to CGI's Canadian website.

As Canada’s No. 1 IT provider, the company states on its website that “95 federal departments, agencies, and crown corporations and most of Canada’s provinces partner with” the firm.

Ooo, obama picked a company that is deeply embedded in running a single payer system. Was obama a boyscout? Always be prepared!

So this mighty firm that apparently knows its shit, is #1 in Canada in fact, and has had 3 1/2 years to get it up and running failed to do its job with the aca website. Things that make you go hmmm .....
No one is forcing anyone to buy an I phone.

The analogy fails.

The analogy has nothing to do with the individual mandate and is right on the money. The GOP has been gleefully pointing to the glitches in the Exchanges as evidence of it's failure and yet glitches in the rollout of new software or hardware isn't greeted the same.

Apple's glitches rarely last long once discovered. They have a patch for it in days. It's been almost 2 weeks since this Obamacare website launched and it still looks like a 3 year old put it together.
Last night on Bill Maher's show Chris Matthews nailed the right's rant about how Obamacare is not working.

To paraphrase, "Why is it that Apple can announce a new iPhone and two hours later run out of stock and can't fill orders and that's called a success?"


Because buying an Iphone is voluntary and people actually want it.

And it works.

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