The Iran Nuclear Deal Is ***The Law of the Land***

According to Obama's State Department, it is neither a treaty nor an executive agreement, but merely a political agreement and not binding.

President Obama didn’t require Iranian leaders to sign the nuclear deal that his team negotiated with the regime, and the deal is not “legally binding,” his administration acknowledged in a letter to Representative Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) obtained by National Review.

“The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,” wrote Julia Frifield, the State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, in the November 19 letter.

Frifield wrote the letter in response to a letter Pompeo sent Secretary of State John Kerry, in which he observed that the deal the president had submitted to Congress was unsigned and wondered if the administration had given lawmakers the final agreement. Frifield’s response emphasizes that Congress did receive the final version of the deal. But by characterizing the JCPOA as a set of “political commitments” rather than a more formal agreement, it is sure to heighten congressional concerns that Iran might violate the deal’s terms.

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The constitution says otherwise.
lol No, it doesn't, not when it is read by an intelligent person.
Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
The constitution says otherwise.
lol No, it doesn't, not when it is read by an intelligent person.
Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
I have a bad feeling about this...North Korea's apparent knuckling under to Trump is one thing. I think Iranians are good people caught in a weird place...Iran's present regime is deluded with hate of America and cloaked in a religion , they would rather cut off their noses than capitulate. And see everyone die in the process. Even their own...

"Iran's present regime is deluded with hate of America and cloaked in a religion"

Mary it isn't a "cloak", it's the REASON for the hatred. Real Islam calls for World conquest, convert, die, or pay "jizzya" a tax. True Islam is a World Theocracy.
Can we not all remember that a stipulation of this deal was that Iran turn over the work that they didn’ Iran negged on the deal. Kind of a big plot hole in this whole discussion .
lol No, it doesn't, not when it is read by an intelligent person.
Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.
I have a bad feeling about this...North Korea's apparent knuckling under to Trump is one thing. I think Iranians are good people caught in a weird place...Iran's present regime is deluded with hate of America and cloaked in a religion , they would rather cut off their noses than capitulate. And see everyone die in the process. Even their own...

"Iran's present regime is deluded with hate of America and cloaked in a religion"

Mary it isn't a "cloak", it's the REASON for the hatred. Real Islam calls for World conquest, convert, die, or pay "jizzya" a tax. True Islam is a World Theocracy.
I understand that, Iranians aren't stupid. They will overthrow these anachronistic religious bearded imams the same way they overturned the Shaw and American interference. It will happen. But in the meantime, Iranians still seem hypnotized by this Rasputin like anti American Islamic and when that spell is broken, is anyone's guess.
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Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.
As I said. I anxiously await the draft resolution for non-performance.
The JCPOA is not a treaty. Technically, it isn't even an executive agreement. However, all the parties concerned treat it as an executive agreement.

Therefore, not "the law of the land". Whoever wrote that article is an idiot.
Only dumbass motherfuckers think that the Iran deal was a good deal… So quit your bitching
Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.
Your cite doesn't say what you claim.
President Barak Obama violated the United States Constitution by illegally negotiating a TREATY on behalf of the United States, an act he did NOT have the legal authority to do.
The JCPOA is not a treaty. Try again, loser.
"President Barak Obama violated the United States Constitution by illegally negotiating a TREATY on behalf of the United States, an act he did NOT have the legal authority to do."

Explain why he didn't have the authority
You want me to read you the exact passages from the U.S. Constitution or do you think you can look them up for yourself?

What am I asking for? Unless you are spoon-fed you snowflakes won't look anything up!

"The Constitution provides that the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur" (Article II, section 2)."

Former President Obama COMPLETELY BY-PASSED CONGRESS in order to negotiate his 'deal'. He neither 'ought 'advice' or 'consent' from the Senate BEFORE he engaged in negotiations with Iran, Once his 'deal' was done he immediately took it to the U.N. for ratification.

Forget '2/3rds of Senators approving' - He by-passed Congress AGAIN, refusing to allow them to even read it....because he KNEW it would not pass...before running to the U.N. to get it ratified.
I guess it really sucks for you that the JCPOA isn't a treaty.

It was, at most, an executive agreement.
The JCPOA is not a treaty. Technically, it isn't even an executive agreement. However, all the parties concerned treat it as an executive agreement.

Therefore, not "the law of the land". Whoever wrote that article is an idiot.
Only dumbass motherfuckers think that the Iran deal was a good deal… So quit your bitching
I am stating a fact, retard. The JCPOA is not a treaty. No one gives a shit if you think it was a good deal.
Article 6 of the US constitution stipulates that we are bound by the UN Charter, a treaty which was ratified by Congress and made law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.

A case can be made that the US has not acted in good faith to exhaust any dispute.
The JCPOA is not a treaty. Technically, it isn't even an executive agreement. However, all the parties concerned treat it as an executive agreement.

Therefore, not "the law of the land". Whoever wrote that article is an idiot.
Actually it is INTERNATIONAL LAW agreed to by the USA representative to the UN. So it IS the law of the international land which includes the land of the USA.

Nope, sorry, You're stupid. We are sovereign and the Constitution clearly spells out how treaties are done. Next.
It is not a treaty, it is INTERNATIONAL LAW that the USA voted for in the affirmative.
No, the JCPOA is not an international law. It is, at most, an executive agreement.

President Barak Obama violated the United States Constitution by illegally negotiating a TREATY on behalf of the United States, an act he did NOT have the legal authority to do.

As such, the document Obama took to the U.N. - again by-passing Congress without allowing them the opportunity to look at it - was an agreement between the U.S. CITIZEN Barak Obama and the Nation of Iran.

Failing to have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the United States in such a capacity, nothing within Obama's personal treaty is legally binding for the united States.

The United nations was DUPED by the former President, who presented them with an illegally negotiated Treaty that was not worth the paper it was written on regarding its legal status as an official Treaty / Agreement involving the United States.

Democrats / Snowflakes can invoke Slick Willy's argument based on semantics if they want, but it does not change the fact that what Obama attempted to do and thought he had done was negotiate a legally binding TREATY with Iran on behalf of the United States. He thought wrong.....

Snowflakes can continue to worship, praise, and fawn all over the dictator-wannabe who made it a habit of violating the Constitution, and Rule of law if they want.

The U.N. can do whatever it wants to do. Every nation in the world can do what it wants to do.

The United States will not have its hands tied by a former President who claimed powers and authorities he did not have, who violated the Constitution and illegally, illegitimately negotiated a treaty / deal on behalf of the United States.[/QUOTE]

Now Iran is freed from any restraints and can build a nuke.

Way to go conservatives, way to go.[/QUOTE]

Already were moron.[/QUOTE]

Forget it, they hate America and simply want to make us just one more cog in their Global Utopia.[/QUOTE]

Iran aren't the Globalists, even if they hate America.

The Globalists are America, more specifically a rabble of elite Jews, and Anglos in the U.S.A.
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.
As I said. I anxiously await the draft resolution for non-performance.
If you understood what I posted, then you would realize no such resolution is necessary.
All the UN resolution did was to endorse JCPOA and JCPOA includes and dispute resolution section which outlines the process by which a member can leave and reimpose sanctions, therefor the UN resolution endorsed this process by which a member can leave and impose sanctions.
I anxiously await the US draft resolution for non-performance.
The US doesn't have to submit a resolution to the UN. If any member leaves, the UN sanctions automatically snap back unless a new resolution passes that will keep them suspended. Since the US has a veto, no such new resolution can pass.
Can you cite the text that supports the statement.
Of course.

Upon receipt of the notification from the complaining participant, as described above, including a description of the good-faith efforts the participant made to exhaust the dispute resolution process specified in this JCPOA, the UN Security Council, in accordance with its procedures, shall vote on a resolution to continue the sanctions lifting. If the resolution described above has not been adopted within 30 days of the notification, then the provisions of the old UN Security Council resolutions would be re-imposed, unless the UN Security Council decides otherwise.
Your cite doesn't say what you claim.
Of course it does.
The JCPOA is not a treaty. Technically, it isn't even an executive agreement. However, all the parties concerned treat it as an executive agreement.

Therefore, not "the law of the land". Whoever wrote that article is an idiot.
Only dumbass motherfuckers think that the Iran deal was a good deal… So quit your bitching
I am stating a fact, retard. The JCPOA is not a treaty. No one gives a shit if you think it was a good deal.
The Iran deal was a piece of shit that’s why It had to go...

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