The Iraqi blunder by the GOP....where will they go next?

The "I love ISIS" crowd sure likes to spin the narrative. DNC walking points I assume.

Quite the screw up was Iraq. Every objective met in a short period of time and with a lot less fatalities then were predicted by the "I love ISIS" crowd.

Now read some information for a change and learn how ISIS really was formed. Not during Bush but during and by Obama:

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
Every objective except the war paying for itself, troops being greeted with roses and chocolates, no nation building, training Iraqis to take care of their own country, finding the WMDs we were assured posed a threat to America, etc.

Right and finding big foot the loc nest monster and all sorts of objectives that never were objectives that the "I love ISIS" crowd can name after the fact.
All of the things I mentioned were touted by the pro war crowd before the fact, not after.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
W's gambit's only chance for success lay in convincing Iraq that our only enemy was Saddam.
No threat to our nation? Neither did Hitler, and how did that work out?

Hitler was allied with the Japanese who launched an attack on one of our military bases. Iraq does not even remotely compare to that situation.
In fact, America funded/armed Iraq against Iran during the Iraq-Iran war, then invaded Iraq to repel Saddam from Kuwait - but left him in power.

Iran doesn't like America that much, not only because of the Iraq-Iran war, but because they believe that America will get another country to invade them via-proxy i.e Israel, Saudi Arabia,etc.

That's why Iran (if they are doing so) want to develop nuclear weapons, as a defense against invasion - just like North Korea did.

So by increasing the war rhetoric we are having the opposite effect, and actually encouraging Iran to develop said weapons.
Which on you
Which one of you warmongering assholes wants to volunteer to compose the condolence letters to the mothers of the brave troops who'll "give their lives" doing the bidding of Halliburton, and the Saudi royals...??
Maybe you could blame the Democratic senators who got lied to, once again to support the actions..??
It seemed to work for you the last time..!!:anj_stfu::ahole-1:
Wow that was original. I've never seen that sentiment expressed here. OK, not in the last 20 minutes anyway.
Whose sock are, exactly?

I wonder which of them will be composing the condolence letter to Ambassador Stevens parents for Hillary and Obama. and all the military who have been killed under them?
what a puke
Which on you
Which one of you warmongering assholes wants to volunteer to compose the condolence letters to the mothers of the brave troops who'll "give their lives" doing the bidding of Halliburton, and the Saudi royals...??
Maybe you could blame the Democratic senators who got lied to, once again to support the actions..??
It seemed to work for you the last time..!!:anj_stfu::ahole-1:
Wow that was original. I've never seen that sentiment expressed here. OK, not in the last 20 minutes anyway.
Whose sock are, exactly?

I wonder which of them will be composing the condolence letter to Ambassador Stevens parents for Hillary and Obama. and all the military who have been killed under them?
what a puke
Probably the same functionary and rubber stamp used for the 10 embassy attacks and thousands of military losses during the Bush administration.
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.
Obama merely carried out the terms of the deal negotiated by W, and removed the troops as agreed upon by him..
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.

The failure to have a residual force is mostly the Iraqis fault. They thwarted Bushes negotiations as well as Obama's for long term US presence. As soon as we gave them their sovereignty back they voted for us to leave.
Yes, the GOP and Halliburton are counting on a war in Iran if they gain the WH in 2016. That is why they don't want any kind of agreement with Iran.

So you're planning on voting for Hillary, who voted for the Invasion?

Yes she did...and has since said that she regrets that.

Sounds like a pretty big mistake.... you know, getting duped by Bush the idiot then voting to get us into the biggest military blunder ever?

And you want that for president?


And you want another Warmonger Republican for president? You just want another war, huh?
Iraq was a success. We achieved every objective set. Then Obama came into power.

If it was such a success why did Bush agree to pull every American combat troop out by the end of 2011 if the Iraqis were not ready and living happily ever after? That's not success. Bush started a war and had five years to finish it. WWII didn't take that long. No terrorists in Iraq surrendered and called it quits. That is failure from the President that started a war where other options were plentiful and available.
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.

Obama "couldn't" keep a residual force in the country. The Iraqi government would not grant diplomatic immunity to the US military personnel, so the US was forced to leave, otherwise the soliders could be trialled in Iraqi courts and put to death completely outside the US's control.

It was the Iraqi Government that ended the war in the end, not Obama or even Bush even though Bush signed the treaty to in 2008.

There is no mentions of any residual force to remain in Iraq in the bill signed by Bush in 2008 to end the war, btw.
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.

Obama "couldn't" keep a residual force in the country. The Iraqi government would not grant diplomatic immunity to the US military personnel, so the US was forced to leave, otherwise the soliders could be trialled in Iraqi courts and put to death completely outside the US's control.

It was the Iraqi Government that ended the war in the end, not Obama or even Bush even though Bush signed the treaty to in 2008.

There is no mentions of any residual force to remain in Iraq in the bill signed by Bush in 2008 to end the war, btw.

How did Bush think the Iraq government could totally go it alone? We still have troops in South Korea, Germany, and Japan. And these countries, unlike Iraq, are all established democracies. Good Grief. Add insult to injury when Bush decided to agree to pull out all troops. So the "President" then, Bush, no only invaded a country on false premise. He also decided to leave the country swinging in the wind.
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.
One of many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

Given the right's failure to learn from the disaster that was Vietnam, the conservative disaster that is Iraq is even that much more reprehensible.

And today we have conservatives advocating that Americans again be sent to the ME to needlessly die in Iraq.
Yes, Hillary voted for the war based on lies and :cherry picked data. Many did and now they see what a colossal screw up that it was.

Tired fucking cliche from an ignorant fucking liar like the Dont Taz Me Bro moron said. You liberals are fucking ignorant, and you are all fucking liars.

I know and we get it. saddam hussein was a just good guy. He did not torture anyone, and he was never trying to get WMDS.Of course his two son in laws both admitted that he was indeed attempting to get them and that was his goal. They were both executed. You stupid fucking liberal moron.

Yet, Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDS. That means the so called LIES (YOU STUPID LIBERAL FUCKING MORON) was propagated by the democrats before BOOOOOOSH took office. I know liberals like you (especially the dont taz me bro mod) do not get how the paradigm shifted after 911 (a great day for American haters since the Pentagon and stock brokers were attacked and killed) on how to deal with nations that sponsored terror and were perceived threats. We all saw what 19 sandNIGGERS did with out A GUN (the one thing that pisses liberals off about 911).

BOOOOOSH did not lie It has been proven he did not lie. You, and along with every arrogant piece of shit liberal are nothing but fucking losers. You are nothing but fucking cliches.

BTW, all of the things we are experiencing is actually the result of Carter foreign policies in the Middle East. You stupid fucking ignorant loser.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.

Hardly anyone (especially liberals like dont taz me bro) do not get a thing and are completely ignorant when it comes to logistics.

The morons (especially liberals like don't taz me bro) believe those military bases are OCCUPATION and examples of American "imperialism." Yes, they are all that stupid. All of those countries from South Korea to Japan, to Germany etc etc greatly appreciate our presence there. One, it is great economically for the area, AND it provides an umbrella of protection from those country's enemies.

Most important for the US is it provides a readiness that cannot quantified if any trouble arises in those regions. It significantly cuts time and cost with transit issues. This is real basic stuff that moron liberals (especially like the dont taz me bro know it all) do not get.

You see, amateurs always discuss what they would do. In the case of liberals (like the moron I have mentioned) they hate the country. They have always hated the country.

Everything this country has done from its founding to ever military campaign, has been illegitimate. They all believe every group from the Natives to the Mexicans and of course "African Americans" need to be paid reparations. Even then they will not be happy. They never are. They will create victims out of everything and everyone until every last conservative is converted to their perversions and no longer exist.

They are not worthy of your respect. Not one bit of it. Do not get sucked into their fake outrage or their laughable moral platitudes about how they stand for the down trodden and abused. They wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering. Look at the OP and those that thank him and agree with him. They are all fucking double talking insidious losers. All of them. Not one exception.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
W's gambit's only chance for success lay in convincing Iraq that our only enemy was Saddam.

See this is the liberals way of moving the goal posts. As if ANYTHING we did was going to make al-Quada love us. No way no how was that going to happen so we really did the only thing we could. Establish a democracy, which was unknown in the ME, give the people their freedom to decide their fate and leave it up to them. So far, regardless of the left wing slant, it has worked out. Saddam was removed as at threat. Tried by his countryman and found guilty. His sons and their rape rooms have been shutdown. Women are now voting. Things could be better if the military had just not left equipment in the theater to be captured by ISIS. But then again I think that was the administration's goal all along, supply the Syrian insurgents by any means.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
W's gambit's only chance for success lay in convincing Iraq that our only enemy was Saddam.

See this is the liberals way of moving the goal posts. As if ANYTHING we did was going to make al-Quada love us. No way no how was that going to happen so we really did the only thing we could. Establish a democracy, which was unknown in the ME, give the people their freedom to decide their fate and leave it up to them. So far, regardless of the left wing slant, it has worked out. Saddam was removed as at threat. Tried by his countryman and found guilty. His sons and their rape rooms have been shutdown. Women are now voting. Things could be better if the military had just not left equipment in the theater to be captured by ISIS. But then again I think that was the administration's goal all along, supply the Syrian insurgents by any means.

None of them are worth a bag of shit. We are close to the second civil war. I hope you are getting prepared. No sense in even trying to be logical with them.

The line is drawn in the sand. Know that. They will not listen to you.
Yes, the GOP and Halliburton are counting on a war in Iran if they gain the WH in 2016. That is why they don't want any kind of agreement with Iran.

So you're planning on voting for Hillary, who voted for the Invasion?

Yes she did...and has since said that she regrets that.

Sounds like a pretty big mistake.... you know, getting duped by Bush the idiot then voting to get us into the biggest military blunder ever?

And you want that for president?


And you want another Warmonger Republican for president? You just want another war, huh?

And the left want Mrs. Clinton, the war hawk trying to compensate for not having a set. The left can go hide in front of their monitors no one is asking them to do anything.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
W's gambit's only chance for success lay in convincing Iraq that our only enemy was Saddam.

See this is the liberals way of moving the goal posts. As if ANYTHING we did was going to make al-Quada love us. No way no how was that going to happen so we really did the only thing we could. Establish a democracy, which was unknown in the ME, give the people their freedom to decide their fate and leave it up to them. So far, regardless of the left wing slant, it has worked out. Saddam was removed as at threat. Tried by his countryman and found guilty. His sons and their rape rooms have been shutdown. Women are now voting. Things could be better if the military had just not left equipment in the theater to be captured by ISIS. But then again I think that was the administration's goal all along, supply the Syrian insurgents by any means.

None of them are worth a bag of shit. We are close to the second civil war. I hope you are getting prepared. No sense in even trying to be logical with them.

The line is drawn in the sand. Know that. They will not listen to you.

What I have seen is that the left will predict the worse of scenerios and when that does not happen they start looking for things to put their slant on. It started with Vietnam. The TET offensive was a huge loss for the north, was it reported that way by the most trusted man in news? Hell no he lied.

All the left needed in Iraq was one casualty in order to claim the whole thing was a disaster. They predicted many more deaths then did occur and they were wrong but that didn't stop them. They predicted that the draft would be brought back, that too didn't stop them. They predicted long ago that the government in Iraq wouldn't last, they even have a president that all but abandoned Iraq and the government still has not fallen. Must hurt to be a liberal and know so much that isn't so.

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