The Iraqi blunder by the GOP....where will they go next?

Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.

Hardly anyone (especially liberals like dont taz me bro) do not get a thing and are completely ignorant when it comes to logistics.

The morons (especially liberals like don't taz me bro) believe those military bases are OCCUPATION and examples of American "imperialism." Yes, they are all that stupid. All of those countries from South Korea to Japan, to Germany etc etc greatly appreciate our presence there. One, it is great economically for the area, AND it provides an umbrella of protection from those country's enemies.

Most important for the US is it provides a readiness that cannot quantified if any trouble arises in those regions. It significantly cuts time and cost with transit issues. This is real basic stuff that moron liberals (especially like the dont taz me bro know it all) do not get.

You see, amateurs always discuss what they would do. In the case of liberals (like the moron I have mentioned) they hate the country. They have always hated the country.

Everything this country has done from its founding to ever military campaign, has been illegitimate. They all believe every group from the Natives to the Mexicans and of course "African Americans" need to be paid reparations. Even then they will not be happy. They never are. They will create victims out of everything and everyone until every last conservative is converted to their perversions and no longer exist.

They are not worthy of your respect. Not one bit of it. Do not get sucked into their fake outrage or their laughable moral platitudes about how they stand for the down trodden and abused. They wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering. Look at the OP and those that thank him and agree with him. They are all fucking double talking insidious losers. All of them. Not one exception.

You realize that no one reads your drivel, correct?
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.
W's gambit's only chance for success lay in convincing Iraq that our only enemy was Saddam.

See this is the liberals way of moving the goal posts. As if ANYTHING we did was going to make al-Quada love us. No way no how was that going to happen so we really did the only thing we could. Establish a democracy, which was unknown in the ME, give the people their freedom to decide their fate and leave it up to them. So far, regardless of the left wing slant, it has worked out. Saddam was removed as at threat. Tried by his countryman and found guilty. His sons and their rape rooms have been shutdown. Women are now voting. Things could be better if the military had just not left equipment in the theater to be captured by ISIS. But then again I think that was the administration's goal all along, supply the Syrian insurgents by any means.

None of them are worth a bag of shit. We are close to the second civil war. I hope you are getting prepared. No sense in even trying to be logical with them.

The line is drawn in the sand. Know that. They will not listen to you.

What I have seen is that the left will predict the worse of scenerios and when that does not happen they start looking for things to put their slant on. It started with Vietnam. The TET offensive was a huge loss for the north, was it reported that way by the most trusted man in news? Hell no he lied.

All the left needed in Iraq was one casualty in order to claim the whole thing was a disaster. They predicted many more deaths then did occur and they were wrong but that didn't stop them. They predicted that the draft would be brought back, that too didn't stop them. They predicted long ago that the government in Iraq wouldn't last, they even have a president that all but abandoned Iraq and the government still has not fallen. Must hurt to be a liberal and know so much that isn't so.

Yes, the ONE reason the left hated Vietnam and the ONE reason why it is seen as such a disaster (which it was due to the mass protests and that being the first "war" conducted from the Pentagon) is the left are communists. They really always have been. Since the days of the founding of the ACLU and it really gained traction after the assassination of Kennedy.

The "conflict" was about stopping the spread of COMMUNISM. Get that? The left in this country (communist press and hippy asshole college know it alls) made their little pawns think it was about "peace and love." Their little pied pipers in their music certainly seduced many minds. Yeah....CHE!!!! CHE!!!! CHE!!!!

As a result of the mass pressure put on by organized protests (most bought and paid for by Saul Alinskyites and community organizer commies) the generals could not conduct the war they wanted. Commie US journalists slanted it to make it look like the Americans were so awful. They only reported the atrocities committed by Americans. They almost made the communists who came in and murdered like heroes.

Remember this?


Look at the stupid kuuunt giving aid and comfort to the innocent communists. LOOK AT IT! She is viewed as some kind of fucking hero to this day by the commies on the left.

As a result of all of that, and the take over of Pol Pot, this is what you get.

Please, watch, this, whole, Video, just to see what the left will get when they get it their way.

Watch what happens. View of the images in the video. The left in this country still do not take responsibility. That, is a laugh.

They are enemies to mankind. They are insidious godless sacks of shit. They do not deserve one moment of your time.
Right or wrong, the invasion of Iraq would have been a success if dipshit Bremer had not demobilized the Iraqi military.

Here's the biggest American military blunder of all time in black and white:

Speculation of course but consider, what happened to the German army after WW2? Were they trusted? How about Japanese? They were not even allowed to keep their swords after WW2.

So why would we keep an army that we were just fighting intact? Makes no sense.

Hardly anyone (especially liberals like dont taz me bro) do not get a thing and are completely ignorant when it comes to logistics.

The morons (especially liberals like don't taz me bro) believe those military bases are OCCUPATION and examples of American "imperialism." Yes, they are all that stupid. All of those countries from South Korea to Japan, to Germany etc etc greatly appreciate our presence there. One, it is great economically for the area, AND it provides an umbrella of protection from those country's enemies.

Most important for the US is it provides a readiness that cannot quantified if any trouble arises in those regions. It significantly cuts time and cost with transit issues. This is real basic stuff that moron liberals (especially like the dont taz me bro know it all) do not get.

You see, amateurs always discuss what they would do. In the case of liberals (like the moron I have mentioned) they hate the country. They have always hated the country.

Everything this country has done from its founding to ever military campaign, has been illegitimate. They all believe every group from the Natives to the Mexicans and of course "African Americans" need to be paid reparations. Even then they will not be happy. They never are. They will create victims out of everything and everyone until every last conservative is converted to their perversions and no longer exist.

They are not worthy of your respect. Not one bit of it. Do not get sucked into their fake outrage or their laughable moral platitudes about how they stand for the down trodden and abused. They wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering. Look at the OP and those that thank him and agree with him. They are all fucking double talking insidious losers. All of them. Not one exception.

You realize that no one reads your drivel, correct?

Oh, I know you don't you piece of shit. You are nothing. You are nothing but a fucking pawn. You are worth nothing. You are nothing but a bag of left wing cliches speaking lie after fucking lie.

You are all about the bandwagon. That, is all you are about. You and every last lying sack of shit who rejects every and all facts proves everything I claim about you is true.

You stupid ass American hating sack of brainwashed shit.

Giggle away motherfucker. Your time will come.
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
I think the problem here to the RWers is that they are wrong, they know it but it would require them to say that Obama & co are right...
They can't do that, they are programed to hate him... It is quite sad...

I think that the left could be more objective with Bush. He did a bad job but wasn't necessarily a bad person. You could at times see him trying his best but he had lads pulling the strings. He didn't have the intellectual capacity for the job.
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
Hillary voted for the war. Deal with it.

Yes, we achieved every objective we set. We won the war and it was a success.
Then Obama came into office. He still hasnt figured out a strategy to deal with ISIS. He's said so himself. He's flubbed every foreign policy issue since coming in to office. None of the Democrat candidates has a strategy either, other than blaming Bush.
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
Hillary voted for the war. Deal with it.

Yes, we achieved every objective we set. We won the war and it was a success.
Then Obama came into office. He still hasnt figured out a strategy to deal with ISIS. He's said so himself. He's flubbed every foreign policy issue since coming in to office. None of the Democrat candidates has a strategy either, other than blaming Bush.

Rabbis, stop it with those sacks of Israel hating, American hating shit. They will not acknowledge any of the facts. They always reject facts. Always.

They are nothing but morons who think you are a moron. They are in their little echo chambers shouting bullshit in the form of democrat socialist propaganda.

They have been doing this for 50 years. They are godless. They are insidious. They are liars. They are pawns.

It will not matter if you quote Hillary or show them all of the things the democrats propagated about wmds before BOOOOSH took office.

They will go to the Halliburton cliche. It is as predictable as rain. I have clearly showed the FACTCHECK in regards to that lie. They are pieces of shit, and if there was something else I could say to describe what disasters that all are, I would.

You know what the prophets warned about. What you are witnessing is exactly what they said in regards to the wolves in sheeps clothing. Yes, they worship their false idols. Buckle your seat belt, it is only going to get worse.
the biggest blunder is by the mulatto in the presidents chair, he set the world to talking on Monday after admitting in a press conference from Germany the United States does not have a cohesive strategy to combat the terror group ISIS.

the fact is, he supports muslime terrorism. :up: prove me wrong you stupid fucking liberscums !

Read more at Obama No complete strategy on ISIS
Yes she did...and has since said that she regrets that.

:bsflag: that bitchkunt has not regretted one fucking thing she has done or said, when she regrets being the #1 criminal in the U.S.A., i MIGHT pay attention to her words, "MIGHT" meaning what she would say most likely be one more lie to add to the millions she has already told. :up:
I think the OP has a point. I think an increasing number--an increasing majority--of Americans realize that the Iraq War was a mistake. If the GOP nominee insists on defending the war, he/she will hurt their chances to win.

But the Democrats have an Iraq problem too because Obama failed to keep a residual force in Iraq and thereby invited the disaster that we see unfolding. Wrong or not, the Iraq invasion did establish a democratic government, and if Iraq descends into a Jihadist and Iranian puppet state, Democrats will be on the hot seat for Obama's failure to leave a residual force.

Obama "couldn't" keep a residual force in the country. The Iraqi government would not grant diplomatic immunity to the US military personnel, so the US was forced to leave, otherwise the soliders could be trialled in Iraqi courts and put to death completely outside the US's control.

It was the Iraqi Government that ended the war in the end, not Obama or even Bush even though Bush signed the treaty to in 2008.

There is no mentions of any residual force to remain in Iraq in the bill signed by Bush in 2008 to end the war, btw.
Hey idiot that was for the next president to decide....

Btw moron did the Iraq parliament vote to let Obama bomb their country and send American troops again?

GTFO with your legal bull shit.
.. They didn't
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
Hillary voted for the war. Deal with it.

Yes, we achieved every objective we set. We won the war and it was a success.
Then Obama came into office. He still hasnt figured out a strategy to deal with ISIS. He's said so himself. He's flubbed every foreign policy issue since coming in to office. None of the Democrat candidates has a strategy either, other than blaming Bush.

Yea the US military defeated a country that had been at war, or under sanctions, or bombed back to the stone age. However the Bush occupation was a complete disaster that resulted in the Iraq Civil war. Which is now spiraling out of control into a regional conflict. Bush broke it, and in 2008 was force to negociate a new SOFA and to accept a complete US withdrawal by 2012. But it's all President Obama's fault! :laugh2: Now you want the president to announce our plans to defeat ISIS to ISIS? Yeah like that's going to happen.
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
Hillary voted for the war. Deal with it.

Yes, we achieved every objective we set. We won the war and it was a success.
Then Obama came into office. He still hasnt figured out a strategy to deal with ISIS. He's said so himself. He's flubbed every foreign policy issue since coming in to office. None of the Democrat candidates has a strategy either, other than blaming Bush.

Yea the US military defeated a country that had been at war, or under sanctions, or bombed back to the stone age. However the Bush occupation was a complete disaster that resulted in the Iraq Civil war. Which is now spiraling out of control into a regional conflict. Bush broke it, and in 2008 was force to negociate a new SOFA and to accept a complete US withdrawal by 2012. But it's all President Obama's fault! :laugh2: Now you want the president to announce our plans to defeat ISIS to ISIS? Yeah like that's going to happen.
The US defeated the second largest army in the middle east. The US defeated a determined insurgency, which is rare. The US left Iraq as a stable democracy, which staged two free and fair elections for the first time since the 1950s.
Obama had the opportunity to leave troops there and cut and run. This is not my opinion but the statements of 2 Sec Defs.
Yeah the Middle East is a mess because of Obama's bumbled policies.
I just love the RWers trying to defend Iraq...

Well lads get on your soapboxes and say Iraq was a success...
Say you would do it all again...
Insist on your Presidential Candidate saying that...
Tell them the trillions of dollars of debt and hundreds of thousands of lives was necessary...

And keep saying it..

Democrat, easy win...
Hillary voted for the war. Deal with it.

Yes, we achieved every objective we set. We won the war and it was a success.
Then Obama came into office. He still hasnt figured out a strategy to deal with ISIS. He's said so himself. He's flubbed every foreign policy issue since coming in to office. None of the Democrat candidates has a strategy either, other than blaming Bush.

Yea the US military defeated a country that had been at war, or under sanctions, or bombed back to the stone age. However the Bush occupation was a complete disaster that resulted in the Iraq Civil war. Which is now spiraling out of control into a regional conflict. Bush broke it, and in 2008 was force to negociate a new SOFA and to accept a complete US withdrawal by 2012. But it's all President Obama's fault! :laugh2: Now you want the president to announce our plans to defeat ISIS to ISIS? Yeah like that's going to happen.
The US defeated the second largest army in the middle east. The US defeated a determined insurgency, which is rare. The US left Iraq as a stable democracy, which staged two free and fair elections for the first time since the 1950s.
Obama had the opportunity to leave troops there and cut and run. This is not my opinion but the statements of 2 Sec Defs.
Yeah the Middle East is a mess because of Obama's bumbled policies.

Iraq had been decimated by 2 wars, crippling sanction nearly continuously since 1980. The FUBAR occupation is like a rusty wire (that gave way) that was holding the cork in the old bottle of ME Champagne. Bush popped the cork and it will never go back again. The ME was a mess long before Bush was elected President, he just fucked it up even more.

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