The Iraqi blunder by the GOP....where will they go next?

No threat to our nation? Neither did Hitler, and how did that work out?

Hitler was allied with the Japanese who launched an attack on one of our military bases. Iraq does not even remotely compare to that situation.

As you pointed out that Iraq was not a direct threat to US, thus Hitler does compare to that.

Do you think FDR was right to wage war against Hitler, despite the lack of a direct threat to the US?
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:

Some of them have already started calling for it It's amazing how many old men in D.C. lose no sleep sending other people's children to die for their own personal ambitions.
Wow you're just guzzling Ron Paul's piss, arent you? The lesson of history is if you take war off the table as an option then you get war. If you leave war on the table you get peace.

Poor Rabbit. You must be getting annoyed, since you are starting with the obscenities. LOVE IT! You are as easily read as a book.....:badgrin:
You must be losing this argument very badly to deflect. Next you'll criticize typos in people's posts.
Saddam Hussein did not invade Kuwait?

In 1991? LOL. That was well over and done with. Please refresh my memory as to when Kuwait was used as an excuse for the 2002 invasion. Funny how you folks keep moving the goal post to justify the slaughtering of thousands of innocent people and ending and/or ruining the lives of thousands of American soldiers. You're as bad as the left trying to come up with excuses to keep justifying ObamaCare's "success."

He did not foment terrorism? He did not violate the cease fire agreements? He did not kick inspectors out repeatedly? He did not fire on US planes in the no-fly zone?
What you say is technically true but practically irrelevant.

Please demonstrate how any of those things would be a threat to our national security. Bush used the fear of 9-11 to justify an otherwise unnecessary invasion and we will pay for that for at least a generation if not more.
Saddam Hussein did not invade Kuwait?

In 1991? LOL. That was well over and done with. Please refresh my memory as to when Kuwait was used as an excuse for the 2002 invasion. Funny how you folks keep moving the goal post to justify the slaughtering of thousands of innocent people and ending and/or ruining the lives of thousands of American soldiers. You're as bad as the left trying to come up with excuses to keep justifying ObamaCare's "success."

He did not foment terrorism? He did not violate the cease fire agreements? He did not kick inspectors out repeatedly? He did not fire on US planes in the no-fly zone?
What you say is technically true but practically irrelevant.

Please demonstrate how any of those things would be a threat to our national security. Bush used the fear of 9-11 to justify an otherwise unnecessary invasion and we will pay for that for at least a generation if not more.
It was over and done, which is why we had troops stationed in Kuwait, why Saddam was under sanctions, and why we had a no fly zone in the North?
You are heading down the road of incoherence, ignorance and stupidity. IOW right where narco-libertarianism leads.
Saddam Hussein did not invade Kuwait?

In 1991? LOL. That was well over and done with. Please refresh my memory as to when Kuwait was used as an excuse for the 2002 invasion. Funny how you folks keep moving the goal post to justify the slaughtering of thousands of innocent people and ending and/or ruining the lives of thousands of American soldiers. You're as bad as the left trying to come up with excuses to keep justifying ObamaCare's "success."

He did not foment terrorism? He did not violate the cease fire agreements? He did not kick inspectors out repeatedly? He did not fire on US planes in the no-fly zone?
What you say is technically true but practically irrelevant.

Please demonstrate how any of those things would be a threat to our national security. Bush used the fear of 9-11 to justify an otherwise unnecessary invasion and we will pay for that for at least a generation if not more.
We withdrew from Afghanistan and allowed al Qaeda to take up residence there and use it for training etc. I guess Afghanistan wasnt a threat to our national security either.
We withdrew from Afghanistan and allowed al Qaeda to take up residence there and use it for training etc. I guess Afghanistan wasnt a threat to our national security either.

Afghanistan harbored the very people who launched an attack on American soil. That was a justified invasion. In fact, it's the only justified war we've engaged in since WWII. Not sure how you can't tell the difference.
This is close to 15 years past history and the libs still tout it here every single day. Could it be because their own Massimo Lider Obama has fucked up foreign policy so badly they need to change the conversation?
Iraq was a success. We achieved every objective set. Then Obama came into power.

President Bush signed the SOFA at the end of his second term it effectively put an our occupation of Iraq. That was all on President Bush. The fuck up was done under his administration and nobody could put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. The only thing achieved was the liberation of Iraqis oil field to the international community. The Iraq Civil war and the regional conflict that is developing from it, will forever be President Bushes (43) legacy.
You keep posting the same bullshit even though I refute it every time. Two SecDefs say differently. It was clear Obama had the opportunity to renegotiate but failed to do so in his haste to get out at any cost.

You have never refuted the fact that it was Bush who in 2008 was effectively forced by the Iraqis to negotiate a new SOFA by the end of that year. Nor have you ever once proven that the agreement was not binding.
The "I love ISIS" crowd sure likes to spin the narrative. DNC walking points I assume.

Quite the screw up was Iraq. Every objective met in a short period of time and with a lot less fatalities then were predicted by the "I love ISIS" crowd.

Now read some information for a change and learn how ISIS really was formed. Not during Bush but during and by Obama:

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
Every objective except the war paying for itself, troops being greeted with roses and chocolates, no nation building, training Iraqis to take care of their own country, finding the WMDs we were assured posed a threat to America, etc.
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.
What Hillary and her Libya fuck up? Under the Obama administration?

Bush is gone but Obama and Hillary are still fucking up.
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.
What Hillary and her Libya fuck up? Under the Obama administration?

Bush is gone but Obama and Hillary are still fucking up.

You trying to compare Iraq and the screw up there with Libya? Really?
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.

History deprived progs conveniently forget Truman's mismanagement of Korea after it was his sole responsibility by sending Troops on an executive order. The mission could have been over in less than a year but the administration's bad decisions dragged it on for three years at the cost of 50,000 American G.I.'s and we are still living with the democrat party's bad decisions that made sure North Korea would not only survive but become a rogue nuclear power . LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam with a fake crisis and set the rules so they could win every battle and still lose the war at the cost of 50,000 G.I.'s. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe to cover up his sexual perversion. Democrats voted for Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and then they undermined the mission every way they could. Under Bush's leadership the Military went farther, faster and took more real estate with less casualties than any other conflict of it's kind but the Obama administration abandoned the mission and the idiots on the left who seemingly never read a history book now think it's the "biggest mistake". You gotta wonder about the education of today's progs.
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:

Some of them have already started calling for it It's amazing how many old men in D.C. lose no sleep sending other people's children to die for their own personal ambitions.
Wow you're just guzzling Ron Paul's piss, arent you? The lesson of history is if you take war off the table as an option then you get war. If you leave war on the table you get peace.

War with who exactly? The war that Hussein was never starting with us? News flash. We started the war, not him. We were the aggressors in Iraq and as a result of deposing him we are now stuck with ISIS.

Please read the following article, which ain't no friend of the Iraq war. It will tell you that it was Obama's administration responsible.

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:

Some of them have already started calling for it It's amazing how many old men in D.C. lose no sleep sending other people's children to die for their own personal ambitions.
Wow you're just guzzling Ron Paul's piss, arent you? The lesson of history is if you take war off the table as an option then you get war. If you leave war on the table you get peace.

War with who exactly? The war that Hussein was never starting with us? News flash. We started the war, not him. We were the aggressors in Iraq and as a result of deposing him we are now stuck with ISIS.

Please read the following article, which ain't no friend of the Iraq war. It will tell you that it was Obama's administration responsible.

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
ISISBOOMBAH was formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq™.
The "I love ISIS" crowd sure likes to spin the narrative. DNC walking points I assume.

Quite the screw up was Iraq. Every objective met in a short period of time and with a lot less fatalities then were predicted by the "I love ISIS" crowd.

Now read some information for a change and learn how ISIS really was formed. Not during Bush but during and by Obama:

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
Every objective except the war paying for itself, troops being greeted with roses and chocolates, no nation building, training Iraqis to take care of their own country, finding the WMDs we were assured posed a threat to America, etc.

Right and finding big foot the loc nest monster and all sorts of objectives that never were objectives that the "I love ISIS" crowd can name after the fact.
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:

Some of them have already started calling for it It's amazing how many old men in D.C. lose no sleep sending other people's children to die for their own personal ambitions.
Wow you're just guzzling Ron Paul's piss, arent you? The lesson of history is if you take war off the table as an option then you get war. If you leave war on the table you get peace.

War with who exactly? The war that Hussein was never starting with us? News flash. We started the war, not him. We were the aggressors in Iraq and as a result of deposing him we are now stuck with ISIS.

Please read the following article, which ain't no friend of the Iraq war. It will tell you that it was Obama's administration responsible.

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
ISISBOOMBAH was formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq™.

Sounds like they have always been there, so I guess your argument is we didn't kill enough.

Read the article.
Some of them have already started calling for it It's amazing how many old men in D.C. lose no sleep sending other people's children to die for their own personal ambitions.
Wow you're just guzzling Ron Paul's piss, arent you? The lesson of history is if you take war off the table as an option then you get war. If you leave war on the table you get peace.

War with who exactly? The war that Hussein was never starting with us? News flash. We started the war, not him. We were the aggressors in Iraq and as a result of deposing him we are now stuck with ISIS.

Please read the following article, which ain't no friend of the Iraq war. It will tell you that it was Obama's administration responsible.

Truth in Media The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann s Truth In Media
ISISBOOMBAH was formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq™.

Sounds like they have always been there, so I guess your argument is we didn't kill enough.

Read the article.
Kill as many as you like. They'll make more.
Yes, the GOP and Halliburton are counting on a war in Iran if they gain the WH in 2016. That is why they don't want any kind of agreement with Iran.

So you're planning on voting for Hillary, who voted for the Invasion?

Yes she did...and has since said that she regrets that.

Sounds like a pretty big mistake.... you know, getting duped by Bush the idiot then voting to get us into the biggest military blunder ever?

And you want that for president?


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