The Iraqi blunder by the GOP....where will they go next?

This is close to 15 years past history and the libs still tout it here every single day. Could it be because their own Massimo Lider Obama has fucked up foreign policy so badly they need to change the conversation?
Iraq was a success. We achieved every objective set. Then Obama came into power.

You see THEY call it a blunder so that MAKES IT SO. What else do Democrats have. If they ever had a: POSTIVE message I think half the country would FAINT

Irish,,,,,I mean Staph. Good to see you!
Yes, the GOP and Halliburton are counting on a war in Iran if they gain the WH in 2016. That is why they don't want any kind of agreement with Iran.
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:
View attachment 42273

EXACTLY! The drums of war have already begun. We will invade Iran and do the Saudi's bidding for them. Our young people will die for the Saudis.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
Obama's policies of appeasement will lead us inexorably into war, just as such policies have in the past.
Which one of you warmongering assholes wants to volunteer to compose the condolence letters to the mothers of the brave troops who'll "give their lives" doing the bidding of Halliburton, and the Saudi royals...??
Maybe you could blame the Democratic senators who got lied to, once again to support the actions..??
It seemed to work for you the last time..!!:anj_stfu::ahole-1:
Yes, Hillary voted for the war based on lies and :cherry picked data. Many did and now they see what a colossal screw up that it was.

Yep, monday morning quarterbacks win every super bowl, don't believe me, ask'em.
Which one of you warmongering assholes wants to volunteer to compose the condolence letters to the mothers of the brave troops who'll "give their lives" doing the bidding of Halliburton, and the Saudi royals...??
Maybe you could blame the Democratic senators who got lied to, once again to support the actions..??
It seemed to work for you the last time..!!:anj_stfu::ahole-1:
Wow that was original. I've never seen that sentiment expressed here. OK, not in the last 20 minutes anyway.
Whose sock are, exactly?
The neo-cons will never admit to what a colossal fuck their Iraq War was. One of the worst foreign policy decisions made in recent history.
WTF is a "neo-con"? That term died with Pat Buchanan btw. I love the Ron Paul Isolationists on here who think unless troops are pouring over the Mexican border we shouldnt do anythign. And even then maybe just take a vote or something.
It's a good thing twerps like that didnt exist in 1942. OK they did. They were called "fairies".
Got a mirror..??:ahole-1:
Yes, it is now 2015 and we are still paying for the GOP Hawks screw up, as even Rand Paul admits..

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

And we will be paying for the blunder for generations to come. But now the GOP and its Hawks want another try. They screwed over Iraq. Next will be Iran. If they gain the WH, which history says may very well happen, prepare for a new war in Iran.

who knew.

Your a partisan idiot.

program and got those pesky sanctions lifted. Obama and Kerry strike again.

There won't be a war in Iran.

LMAO so no Dems voter for the Iraq war??


My whole family was in the military up until this last generation. Everyone. Aunts, Uncles both my Father and Mother and both my brothers.

Everyone of them is glad they are no longer in the military especially with this CIC who cares not one iota for the military.

There will be no war in Iran because Barry and Kerry already fixed that problem through negotiations.

Oh wait. I forgot. Those negotiations fell through because Iran will do what it wants about it nuclear program and got those pesky sanctions lifted. Obama and Kerry strike again.

There won't be a war in Iran.
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The neo-cons will never admit to what a colossal fuck their Iraq War was. One of the worst foreign policy decisions made in recent history.
WTF is a "neo-con"? That term died with Pat Buchanan btw. I love the Ron Paul Isolationists on here who think unless troops are pouring over the Mexican border we shouldnt do anythign. And even then maybe just take a vote or something.
It's a good thing twerps like that didnt exist in 1942. OK they did. They were called "fairies".
Got a mirror..??:ahole-1:
Congratulations. I've read 2 posts of yours and already decided you are a worthless queen. Welcome to Iggy.
Which one of you warmongering assholes wants to volunteer to compose the condolence letters to the mothers of the brave troops who'll "give their lives" doing the bidding of Halliburton, and the Saudi royals...??
Maybe you could blame the Democratic senators who got lied to, once again to support the actions..??
It seemed to work for you the last time..!!:anj_stfu::ahole-1:

Basically, we are fighting Islamic extremist who are being assisted by many from Saddam's regime who are still seeking revenge for the 2003 invasion. And yes,the next GOP President knows his first task is to begin building a case for a war with Iran. I expect DICK has a play book of lies and deceit to lead the nation to war. He wrote it while W as playing with his spurs....
Yes, the GOP and Halliburton are counting on a war in Iran if they gain the WH in 2016. That is why they don't want any kind of agreement with Iran.
Iran next, they are all gearing up for it:
View attachment 42273

EXACTLY! The drums of war have already begun. We will invade Iran and do the Saudi's bidding for them. Our young people will die for the Saudis.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
Obama's policies of appeasement will lead us inexorably into war, just as such policies have in the past.

You got that from DICK's playbook, huh?
Yes, it is now 2015 and we are still paying for the GOP Hawks screw up, as even Rand Paul admits..

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

And we will be paying for the blunder for generations to come. But now the GOP and its Hawks want another try. They screwed over Iraq. Next will be Iran. If they gain the WH, which history says may very well happen, prepare for a new war in Iran.

LMAO so no Dems voter for the Iraq war??

WOW who knew.

Your a partisan idiot.

I hope you don't have any family in the military. If the GOP wins the WH in 2016, they may be in Iran in 2018. My son in law is in the military and I sure don't want him battling in Iran. If the right GOP candidate is elected, you can count on it.
So, are you just plain stupid, or do you work at it?

If you fear we may be in Iran in 2018, and this is 2015, its a good likelihood that your son in law will be out of the military before then Enlistments are not lifetime things. They usually run four to six years.

If he plans on making a career of it, then he understands what it is he is signing up for. Apparently, you don't.
Yes, it is now 2015 and we are still paying for the GOP Hawks screw up, as even Rand Paul admits..

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

And we will be paying for the blunder for generations to come. But now the GOP and its Hawks want another try. They screwed over Iraq. Next will be Iran. If they gain the WH, which history says may very well happen, prepare for a new war in Iran.

LMAO so no Dems voter for the Iraq war??

WOW who knew.

Your a partisan idiot.

I hope you don't have any family in the military. If the GOP wins the WH in 2016, they may be in Iran in 2018. My son in law is in the military and I sure don't want him battling in Iran. If the right GOP candidate is elected, you can count on it.
So, are you just plain stupid, or do you work at it?

If you fear we may be in Iran in 2018, and this is 2015, its a good likelihood that your son in law will be out of the military before then Enlistments are not lifetime things. They usually run four to six years.

If he plans on making a career of it, then he understands what it is he is signing up for. Apparently, you don't.

No, for him it comes naturally.... he lives in a delusional world where a majority of Dems didn't vote to go into Iraq.
This is close to 15 years past history and the libs still tout it here every single day. Could it be because their own Massimo Lider Obama has fucked up foreign policy so badly they need to change the conversation?
Iraq was a success. We achieved every objective set. Then Obama came into power.

President Bush signed the SOFA at the end of his second term it effectively put an our occupation of Iraq. That was all on President Bush. The fuck up was done under his administration and nobody could put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. The only thing achieved was the liberation of Iraqis oil field to the international community. The Iraq Civil war and the regional conflict that is developing from it, will forever be President Bushes (43) legacy.
Yes, it is now 2015 and we are still paying for the GOP Hawks screw up, as even Rand Paul admits..

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

And we will be paying for the blunder for generations to come. But now the GOP and its Hawks want another try. They screwed over Iraq. Next will be Iran. If they gain the WH, which history says may very well happen, prepare for a new war in Iran.

LMAO so no Dems voter for the Iraq war??

WOW who knew.

Your a partisan idiot.

I hope you don't have any family in the military. If the GOP wins the WH in 2016, they may be in Iran in 2018. My son in law is in the military and I sure don't want him battling in Iran. If the right GOP candidate is elected, you can count on it.
So, are you just plain stupid, or do you work at it?

If you fear we may be in Iran in 2018, and this is 2015, its a good likelihood that your son in law will be out of the military before then Enlistments are not lifetime things. They usually run four to six years.

If he plans on making a career of it, then he understands what it is he is signing up for. Apparently, you don't.

He is a career man. I just hope he will be a trainer or have a desk job before the Republicans invade Iran. He doesn't need to be sent to the ME or African again.
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.

LBJs vietnam war was the biggest blunder in the history of our country.

Hard to say since we will be dealing with Bush's Iraq for decades.
Iraq The Biggest Mistake In American Military History - Forbes

Iraq invasion is quickly becoming the greatest blunder the US has military has ever executed. Even Rand Paul admits as much.

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

If the GOP regains the WH in 2016, they have their sights set on Iran. That will be their next huge blunder.

LBJs vietnam war was the biggest blunder in the history of our country.

Until the Iraq invasion and occupation of 2003.
Yes, it is now 2015 and we are still paying for the GOP Hawks screw up, as even Rand Paul admits..

Rand Paul says GOP hawks created ISIS New York Post

And we will be paying for the blunder for generations to come. But now the GOP and its Hawks want another try. They screwed over Iraq. Next will be Iran. If they gain the WH, which history says may very well happen, prepare for a new war in Iran.

LMAO so no Dems voter for the Iraq war??

WOW who knew.

Your a partisan idiot.

I hope you don't have any family in the military. If the GOP wins the WH in 2016, they may be in Iran in 2018. My son in law is in the military and I sure don't want him battling in Iran. If the right GOP candidate is elected, you can count on it.
So, are you just plain stupid, or do you work at it?

If you fear we may be in Iran in 2018, and this is 2015, its a good likelihood that your son in law will be out of the military before then Enlistments are not lifetime things. They usually run four to six years.

If he plans on making a career of it, then he understands what it is he is signing up for. Apparently, you don't.

He is a career man. I just hope he will be a trainer or have a desk job before the Republicans invade Iran. He doesn't need to be sent to the ME or African again.
Your insanity is showing. Simply because your a coward and fear having to defend things does not mean that the Republicans are going to start a war with Iran, now or anytime in the future.

Get a grip.

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