The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Is that the litmus test in today's America? If you have nothing to hide, let us look at what we want to?


Yup. Boxers or briefs? Could cost you a state, if there are enough democrats in it.
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Considering that Trump has been perpetually audited for ages, your hope that he has cheated on his taxes is beyond futile.
Then why doesn't he just show his returns?
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
Oversight of government means to see how government is functioning not investigating individuals in government. It's the executive branch that investigates individual crimes and we just learned from a special counsel that there he found no evidence of crime by the President.
What he got to hide?
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.

Sure they can. That doesn't mean it is legal or can be enforced or that someone is compelled to turn them over without reason.
Congress is like a court, you have to do what they say. What's the Quarterpounder in Chief got to hide?

Really none of your business what or if he's got something to hide. You cannot confiscate tax returns for pure political reasons as the Democrats want to do now.

First, the law. While it is true that IRS Code 6103(f) appears to give the committee the power to get tax returns, the statute must be exercised in a way consistent with Congress’ constitutional authority. The Supreme Court has said Congress has broad authority to conduct inquiries but that its authority is not unlimited. In the 1881 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, the Supreme Court held that Congress can’t use its powers to delve into someone’s private financial matters unless there is a proper legislative purpose. In 1957, the Supreme Court held in Watkins v. U.S. that a congressional information demand must relate to a “legitimate task of the Congress” and noted that Congress is not a “law enforcement agency” that can seek information to uncover or expose crimes.

Why Congress Might Not Get Trump's Tax Returns
Trump has something to hide. Inquiring minds want to know what.
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Is that the litmus test in today's America? If you have nothing to hide, let us look at what we want to?

The guy's a liar, So...
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

The Mueller report was a bust for you loons so now its "What can find in his tax returns?" There just has to be something we can use to hang the man. LOL

Too funny.
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.
LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.

The only people I see squirming are the left loons. Oh and I'm an Independent.

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Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.

The only people I see squirming are the left loons. Oh and I'm an Independent.

Left loons will get his tax returns, so not squirming... this time.
Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.

The only people I see squirming are the left loons. Oh and I'm an Independent.

Left loons will get his tax returns, so not squirming... this time.

Sure hope you aren't holding your breath.

When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.

The only people I see squirming are the left loons. Oh and I'm an Independent.

Left loons will get his tax returns, so not squirming... this time.

Sure hope you aren't holding your breath.

I am enjoying watching you Trumpets falling all over yourselves defending a liar and a cheat.

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