The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

It's a fake headline...

Mnuchin said he was consulting with the Justice Department as to the constitutional questions raised by the Democrats’ request and appeared deeply skeptical of the lawmakers’ intentions. He did not flatly reject the notion that he might ultimately comply, but his letter to the House Ways and Means Committee suggested that Mnuchin would not hold himself to any timeline.

Mnuchin’s decision to not reject the Democratic request outright could buy the Treasury Department more time, since courts might not want to get involved until such a decision is made.
It's a fake headline...

Mnuchin said he was consulting with the Justice Department as to the constitutional questions raised by the Democrats’ request and appeared deeply skeptical of the lawmakers’ intentions. He did not flatly reject the notion that he might ultimately comply, but his letter to the House Ways and Means Committee suggested that Mnuchin would not hold himself to any timeline.

Mnuchin’s decision to not reject the Democratic request outright could buy the Treasury Department more time, since courts might not want to get involved until such a decision is made.

Oversight of government means to see how government is functioning not investigating individuals in government. It's the executive branch that investigates individual crimes and we just learned from a special counsel that there he found no evidence of crime by the President.
All you learned is a Trump homer is trying to hide the facts of the report.

Gee, and Muller is staying quiet all this time. Funny how that is.

Yeah, it's funny how anonymous sources claim that AG's Barr summary of the Mueller report is not correct. Regardless that AG Barr offered to Mueller review and comment of his summary, and he declined.

You gotta love anonymous sources familiar with the matter. They come pretty handy when Democrat media want's to lie about something.
Oversight of government means to see how government is functioning not investigating individuals in government. It's the executive branch that investigates individual crimes and we just learned from a special counsel that there he found no evidence of crime by the President.
All you learned is a Trump homer is trying to hide the facts of the report.

Gee, and Muller is staying quiet all this time. Funny how that is.

Yeah, it's funny how anonymous sources claim that AG's Barr summary of the Mueller report is not correct. Regardless that AG Barr offered to Mueller review and comment of his summary, and he declined.

You gotta love anonymous sources familiar with the matter. They come pretty handy when Democrat media want's to lie about something.

Isn't it amazing how CNN and ilk always seem to have these anonymous sources? What's even more astonishing is that they continue to use them in spite of being wrong all the time.
Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.
Nobody is surprised. The request had to be made and denied before it could go to court. It's no where near over.

Have you considered that if he is forced to have them released that the House cannot use them as evidence in any impeachment case?

Maybe the smart thing to do if there were something nefarious in those returns to drop them in Nadler's lap, so he can fondle them for his pleasure and then they will be useless as they cannot be used as evidence.
Why not, impeachment is not a legal but political process.

The only reason they would be in possession of the tax returns is legislative. As you pointed out, impeachment is a political process, not a legislative one.
If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.

How many times did we vote on impeachment for Carter or Obama? You do realize those are the only other two, right? Clinton WAS impeached, so there was no "try"!
If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.
And yet ONLY Clinton was actually Impeached after he committed perjury before a Judge. Ohh did I mention he also tried to tamper with the witnesses?
If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.
After Nixon, there were only Carter, Clinton and Obama, and the Republicans didn't try to impeach Carter or Obama, and Clinton was clearly guilty of committing a felony while while still President, so you're little attempt to justify the treachery of the Democrats just doesn't hold up.
If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.
when did they talk impeachment on the level the left is doing?
If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.

If they wanted to impeach DumBama, they would have. He lost Congress after his first two years. What was stopping them?

It's one thing if some commentator on CNN or MSNBC talks about impeachment, and quite another when ranking members of the house say it.
Perfectly on topic. If anything Barr said was misleading or inaccurate, Mueller would be the first to be in contact with the MSM. However Mueller and Barr (who have mutual respect for each other) are working together on the redaction copy which will be presented to Congress.

Remember Mueller's team were mostly anti-trump clowns that would have first sounded the alarm if Barr was hiding something.
Are you saying Barr is redacting Trump's tax returns?
Sure it does. One more time:

In the 1881 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, the Supreme Court held that Congress can’t use its powers to delve into someone’s private financial matters unless there is a proper legislative purpose.
The guy's sister just retired under accusations of "tax fraud" and you think there is no legislative purpose? Maybe that's why the piece of shit puppet Barr is refusing to release the Mueller report un-redacted, because I bet there's plenty of legislative purpose in that document.

This is just more proof you care more about your party, than you do the country.
Sure it does. One more time:

In the 1881 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, the Supreme Court held that Congress can’t use its powers to delve into someone’s private financial matters unless there is a proper legislative purpose.
The guy's sister just retired under accusations of "tax fraud" and you think there is no legislative purpose? Maybe that's why the piece of shit puppet Barr is refusing to release the Mueller report un-redacted, because I bet there's plenty of legislative purpose in that document.

This is just more proof you care more about your party, than you do the country.

LMAO You really are a whinny little shit.

Whine away dumbass.
That IS what the law says The Congress may ONLY see specific identifiable tax information to a specific person in a close executive meeting nd MAY NOT disclose that information, read the fucking law DUMBASS.
The law say's you shall submit your returns, it doesn't allow any discretion on your part.
Yeah, it's funny how anonymous sources claim that AG's Barr summary of the Mueller report is not correct. Regardless that AG Barr offered to Mueller review and comment of his summary, and he declined.

You gotta love anonymous sources familiar with the matter. They come pretty handy when Democrat media want's to lie about something.
How would you know?

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