The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.

Why is releasing his tax returns "the right thing to do"? Because you want to see them, or because you say so?
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President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.

Cohen agreed to plead guilty and tell a lot of lies about his President to get a reduced sentence. His lies are the only "proof" against Trump. In either event, if there was a Trump trial, Cohen would have to testify. The Constitution gives the accused the right to call witnesses, its in the bill of rights.

Cohen should get another sentence in jail, for lying to Congress again.
His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.

Cohen agreed to plead guilty and tell a lot of lies about his President to get a reduced sentence. His lies are the only "proof" against Trump. In either event, if there was a Trump trial, Cohen would have to testify. The Constitution gives the accused the right to call witnesses, its in the bill of rights.


Directing the payment structure for what?
Still refusing, why not simply agree that with which you ought to?

Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.

Why is releasing his tax returns "the right thing"? Because you want to see them, or because you say so?
it's his last political bullet.

all the dems have now are empty chambers and a shitload of firepower coming back at them.
IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

Even if Congress gets them, you won't.

They’ll release what is in public interest to know.
Not legally they won't, it is a FEDERAL Felony to release someones tax info without consent.

Yes they can, if it's in the pubic interest to know.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
There is NOTHING in that regulation that allows disclosure of specific persons information for anything other then CRIMINAL proceeds and then those proceeds must be specified before hand and no disclosure may occur to the PUBLIC. Try again.
Congress is not asking Trump to turnover his tax returns. They are asking the IRS. A 1924 law allows the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to examine anyone’s tax returns in private, without their permission. Secondly, congress has a responsibility to oversea the executive branch and to audit it's performance. In this case it is the IRS. According to Trump the agency has been auditing his returns now for 3+ years some over 5 years. Typically audits run 3 to 6 months and more complex cases they can run a 1 to 2 years but 3 to 5 years years would be very usually. Some of these returns go back over 7 years. Is the IRS sitting on those returns because the tax payer is the president?

Congress will get his tax returns. However, it may not help democrats at all. First because it may be too late to effect the election and secondly because there may be nothing there democrats can use against Trump. In which case it may help Trump. Proving Trump is unethical is not going to sway his base. That's one of the things they like about.
Because you are wrong!

You have no right to see his tax returns!!

Quote me saying I have a right to see his tax returns or retract.

Holy shit!

So why are you bitchinh about not seeing them if you do not believe you have the right to see his returns?


Just because he is not legally required to publicise his tax-returns, does not mean that Trump shouldn't do the right thing in releasing them. Duh.

I don't understand why you seem to keep shutting down a part of your brain when it comes to Trump.

Why is releasing his tax returns "the right thing"? Because you want to see them, or because you say so?
it's his last political bullet.

all the dems have now are empty chambers and a shitload of firepower coming back at them.
For the next two years there will be one indictment after another. The drumbeat of bad news will destroy the Democrats, and the deep state is doomed. Barr is going to clean out the FBI and the DOJ. The former should be shut down.
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Even if Congress gets them, you won't.

They’ll release what is in public interest to know.
Not legally they won't, it is a FEDERAL Felony to release someones tax info without consent.

Yes they can, if it's in the pubic interest to know.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
There is NOTHING in that regulation that allows disclosure of specific persons information for anything other then CRIMINAL proceeds and then those proceeds must be specified before hand and no disclosure may occur to the PUBLIC. Try again.
Congress is not asking Trump to turnover his tax returns. They are asking the IRS. A 1924 law allows the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to examine anyone’s tax returns in private, without their permission. Secondly, congress has a responsibility to oversea the executive branch and to audit it's performance. In this case it is the IRS. According to Trump the agency has been auditing his returns now for 3+ years some over 5 years. Typically audits run 3 to 6 months and more complex cases they can run a 1 to 2 years but 3 to 5 years years would be very usually. Some of these returns go back over 7 years. Is the IRS sitting on those returns because the tax payer is the president?

Congress will get his tax returns. However, it may not help democrats at all. First because it may be too late to effect the election and secondly because there may be nothing there democrats can use against Trump. In which case it may help Trump. Proving Trump is unethical is not going to sway his base. That's one of the things they like about.
How would his tax returns prove he is unethical if everything he did was totally legal?
Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
When did they try to impeach Obama?
Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
When did they try to impeach Obama?
They didn't he is lying.
And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Reid admitted he was lying when he said, "Romney didn't win, did he?"

Romney's release of his tax returns proved that Reid lied.

You're right. But I don't think many people remember how serious was the lie of Harry Reid. Please allow me to remind our Progressive good friends. Some of them may never have known about this lie.

"Harry Reid, D-Nev. has no regrets about his 2012 claims that then presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years."

"The outgoing Senate Minority Leader even bragged to CNN that the comments, which had been described as McCarthyism, helped keep Romney from winning the election."

"'They can call it whatever they want. Romney didn't win did he?' Reid said during a wide-ranging interview."

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Is that the litmus test in today's America? If you have nothing to hide, let us look at what we want to?

The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Is that the litmus test in today's America? If you have nothing to hide, let us look at what we want to?

Not for real Americans, only for Democrats.
Looks like the dems want to keep the IRS as a weapon even when there is no crime.
Perhaps they should run it through FISA to get a warrant because of some "damning" information obtained
by Guido's ex-brother-in-law.

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