The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

Even if Congress gets them, you won't.

They’ll release what is in public interest to know.
Not legally they won't, it is a FEDERAL Felony to release someones tax info without consent.

Yes they can, if it's in the pubic interest to know.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Odd. I open your link and the first thing I see is:

(a) General rule Returns and return information shall be confidential, and except as authorized by this title—
employee of the United States,
employee of any State, any local law enforcement agency receiving information under subsection (i)(1)(C) or (7)(A), any local child support enforcement agency, or any local agency administering a program listed in subsection (l)(7)(D) who has or had access to returns or return information under this section or section 6104(c), and
person (or officer or employee thereof) who has or had access to returns or return information under subsection (e)(1)(D)(iii), subsection (k)(10), paragraph (6), (10), (12), (16), (19), (20), or (21) of subsection (l), paragraph (2) or (4)(B) of subsection (m), or subsection (n),
shall disclose any return or return information obtained by him in any manner in connection with his service as such an officer or an employee or otherwise or under the provisions of this section.

So, it says that the returns must be confidential.

Now, perhaps instead of linking to the entire law, you should quote EXACTLY the passage you think applies.
a child didn't get their way, so they throw a temper tantrum and scream I HATE YOU THIS ISN'T FAIR as they run off to their room.

the left didn't get their way, so they throw a temper tantrum and scream....

so many similarities.
Obama administration's track record: 0 indictemnts, 0 convictions.

You will wake up to that fact for the rest of your life.

And Yet Trump Will Never Be Impeached, and You Will Cry In Your Pillow Nightly Knowing This!

Thats a stupid ass prediction considering Trump is almost certain to be impeached in the House if he wins 2020.

If Trump win in 2020 what are the Chances the House Stays Blue?

What will he be impeached for?

He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.

Didn't you get the memo back in 2008 and the next Republican President was not born yet and the House would stay blue for the next one hundred years?

I know but still they had the dream of one political party rule until the people voted in 2010...
Damn soon they will be down to trying to defeat him with a democrat that acts normal and actually has an idea for running the government.

Lol can't help it I could not keep myself from almost laughing myself to death at the thought of a dem acting normal and with an idea.


“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?

There is no law that require a Presidential candidate to show their tax returns, I also thought traditions were something progressives didn’t like.
Just like there's no law that require a Presidential candidate to not be a rapist of young girls. Fortunate for donnie.

Yes there is. It applies to more than just candidates, though.


Can't you Trumpbots get ANYTHING right?

The IRS did NOT deny the request.

Steve Mnuchin - who runs the Treasury for Donnie (who can't remember where his own father was born) Trump - said he would not immediately comply.

The IRS itself did NOT deny the request.

Treasury Dept. Declines House Request for Trump’s Tax Returns

Useless Trumpbots. Cannot even post an article headline without screwing it up.

You people seem so stupid you must have a book beside your toilets 'How to Wipe Your Own Ass in 10 Easy Steps'.

You're kidding, aren't you? PLEASE say you are being facetious. Otherwise, you look like a fool.

As you know, the IRS is only one of the Bureaus overseen by the US Department of the Treasury.

US Department of the Treasury
Meh, in the long run, there aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat... and when we make all the undocumented citizens and restore voting rights to the convicted, you guys are done.

Amusing, have you looked in the proverbial mirror lately?

The two front-runners, by a long distance, are...Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Two ANGRY OLD WHITE GUYS! You're a hoot! :D
Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set. Just as the precedent will be set on obsructing justice if he gets away with that.

It's like you rightwingers WANT to be ruled by crooks.

There is no law that says a candidate has to release his tax returns, nor should there be. Trump took his chances with the voters and he was elected without releasing them. It is now a moot point.


Moot point? To 3/4 of Americans its not moot point. We want to see why he so desperately doesn't want to us to see them.

And there will be a law like that as soon as Democrats will get in power, you better belive it.

And that law will apply to anyone that runs AFTER Trump.


It will apply to whomever Democrats will choose for it to apply.

Laws cannot apply retroactively. Trump is out.

IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

Even if Congress gets them, you won't.

They’ll release what is in public interest to know.
Not legally they won't, it is a FEDERAL Felony to release someones tax info without consent.

Yes they can, if it's in the pubic interest to know.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Odd. I open your link and the first thing I see is:

(a) General rule Returns and return information shall be confidential, and except as authorized by this title—
employee of the United States,
employee of any State, any local law enforcement agency receiving information under subsection (i)(1)(C) or (7)(A), any local child support enforcement agency, or any local agency administering a program listed in subsection (l)(7)(D) who has or had access to returns or return information under this section or section 6104(c), and
person (or officer or employee thereof) who has or had access to returns or return information under subsection (e)(1)(D)(iii), subsection (k)(10), paragraph (6), (10), (12), (16), (19), (20), or (21) of subsection (l), paragraph (2) or (4)(B) of subsection (m), or subsection (n),
shall disclose any return or return information obtained by him in any manner in connection with his service as such an officer or an employee or otherwise or under the provisions of this section.

So, it says that the returns must be confidential.

Now, perhaps instead of linking to the entire law, you should quote EXACTLY the passage you think applies.

Yes, it would be nice to know which law counters that one.
Damn soon they will be down to trying to defeat him with a democrat that acts normal and actually has an idea for running the government.

Lol can't help it I could not keep myself from almost laughing myself to death at the thought of a dem acting normal and with an idea.


“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?

There is no law that require a Presidential candidate to show their tax returns, I also thought traditions were something progressives didn’t like.
There's also no law that requires a Presidential candidate to not be a draft-dodging coward with fake bone spurs....fortunate for donnie.

Worked for slick Willy as well. Did you hate him for it?


...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
You don't set the bar all that high.

(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.
"Shall" means shall, bee-otch!

As you know, that is not who subpoenaed the Trump tax returns.
The Democrats in the House are playing their constituents for the fools they are. Pelosi knows they aren't going to get Trump's tax information.
Just like there's no law that require a Presidential candidate to not be a rapist of young girls. Fortunate for donnie.

I presume you mean "Billie", as in former President Bill Clinton.

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
then what happened?

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Just like there's no law that require a Presidential candidate to not be a rapist of young girls. Fortunate for donnie.

I presume you mean "Billie", as in former President Bill Clinton.

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)
The United States never had a Presidential candidate that had shielded and covered for a serial sexual predator until Hillary. I believe it was divine intervention.

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
then what happened?
Then they eat pizz

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
then what happened?
Then they eat pizza.

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
then what happened?
Then they eat pizz

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
then what happened?
Then they eat pizza.
I guess they will starve.

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