The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns


...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.

Sure they can. That doesn't mean it is legal or can be enforced or that someone is compelled to turn them over without reason.
Congress is like a court, you have to do what they say. What's the Quarterpounder in Chief got to hide?
Nope. From what I've read the IRS doesn't have to reveal anything. They don't have to send the House Trump's tax returns and didn't.

Sucks to be your stupid ass.
What you read is wrong.

I doubt it. You should look it up yourself smart ass. I did.
You don't set the bar all that high.

(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.
"Shall" means shall, bee-otch!
Closed session and NO disclosure. It is a felony to release the information.

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Considering that Trump has been perpetually audited for ages, your hope that he has cheated on his taxes is beyond futile.

...wait...I may be to bored to play this game with wrong...wrong...wrong
The law is very clear and it provides no discretion on the part of the IRS. "Shall" means shall.

Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
Oversight of government means to see how government is functioning not investigating individuals in government. It's the executive branch that investigates individual crimes and we just learned from a special counsel that there he found no evidence of crime by the President.
Show us where it is very clear that the IRS can hand over anyone's Tax Returns to Congress. The IRS has a legal duty of confidentiality to taxpayers.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The left would be wise to drop this or it will come back to bite them the left won't control the Ways and Means Committee forever

Psst, dummy, Democrats don't have a problem with crooked candidates trying to conceal their tax returns.

Are you implying that "concealing tax return" is a crime, or you're just butthurt because you can't get what you want?
My guess is for the same reason Obama wouldn't release his college transcripts.


Obama released his tax returns, while under audit by the IRS.

Good for him...

Bad for you.

Because guess what, if he gets away with it the precedent is set.


Presidents before did not release them until Nixon started it.

It amazes me how you hate the GOP but love what Nixon started...

Also you will never see Trump returns even if Congress get them, so reality sucks again!

...Nixon was a crook, hiding crooked shit in his tax returns. That is WHY we descided it was a good idea to for candidates to show them.

Trump is undoing a lot of good governing conventions out of personal expediency and you are abetting him.

Now you got it. The best way to show you're not a crook is to show crooked shit in your tax return.
The problem with this request by Congressional Libtards and the reason why it won't be complied with by President Trump, is that there is no positive reason for him to do it.

Mr. Trump knows that the libs will just look for talking points and try to make political hay, and he will be denounced as a "crook" over the returns, regardless of what is on them.

It really isn't a benefit to the President to do it.
There is no law that says a candidate has to release his tax returns, nor should there be. Trump took his chances with the voters and he was elected without releasing them. It is now a moot point.


Moot point? To 3/4 of Americans its not moot point. We want to see why he so desperately doesn't want to us to see them.

And there will be a law like that as soon as Democrats will get in power, you better belive it.

Dream on!

Thank God Pelosi is not as ridiculous as those that vote for her!

As you stated you have no right to see them, so yes it is a moot point, but alas you will never stop because you believe you have a right when you do not!

Congress has the power to see the tax-returns and eventually make public any improprities in it.

And NO, NOT MOOT. You just say to yourself that because you have ZERO interest in holding Trump accountable for anything, especailly not constant fucking lies about releasing his tax-returns.

Holy shit you are so pathetic lying about me and my personal opinion of Trump!

Also you better know Trump is protected as a citizen and President and Congress has to obey the laws on the books, so you will never see Trump returns and that is a damn fact!

Also you have no say in anything except with your one vote, well unless you cheat and the way you write I would not be surprised if you voted more than once in the same election...

Trump promised to release his tax returns many many many times, he did not promise that because it was the truth, but because it was expedient. Why is it you feel it's ok to shamelessly lie to you and the rest of America like that?

Why do you not demand he keep his word, even if it's not ILLEGAL to shamelessly lie?

He did say he'll release his tax returns. Not exactly a "promise", as you leftard insist on that term.

Did he said when he's going to release them? Yes, he said that too, when audits are done.

Are audits done? As I understand, they're not.

Based on that, he's not lying.

Butthurt much?
Damn soon they will be down to trying to defeat him with a democrat that acts normal and actually has an idea for running the government.

Lol can't help it I could not keep myself from almost laughing myself to death at the thought of a dem acting normal and with an idea.


“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?
Is it "normal" to be the subject of an FBI investigation while running for President?
IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

and what will you do with them?

lie about them like Harry Reid did with Romneys?

How do you know Reid lied?


Reid admitted he was lying when he said, "Romney didn't win, did he?"

Romney's release of his tax returns proved that Reid lied.
Congress can subpoena pretty much anything it wants to.

Sure they can. That doesn't mean it is legal or can be enforced or that someone is compelled to turn them over without reason.
Congress is like a court, you have to do what they say. What's the Quarterpounder in Chief got to hide?

Really none of your business what or if he's got something to hide. You cannot confiscate tax returns for pure political reasons as the Democrats want to do now.

First, the law. While it is true that IRS Code 6103(f) appears to give the committee the power to get tax returns, the statute must be exercised in a way consistent with Congress’ constitutional authority. The Supreme Court has said Congress has broad authority to conduct inquiries but that its authority is not unlimited. In the 1881 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, the Supreme Court held that Congress can’t use its powers to delve into someone’s private financial matters unless there is a proper legislative purpose. In 1957, the Supreme Court held in Watkins v. U.S. that a congressional information demand must relate to a “legitimate task of the Congress” and noted that Congress is not a “law enforcement agency” that can seek information to uncover or expose crimes.

Why Congress Might Not Get Trump's Tax Returns
Wow, Trump lied and I should be shocked...

Why I do not care?

Simple, this is Trump usual nonsense to get simple minded fools distracted from what he is doing...

So in the end you went from how you believe it is your right to see them to Trump lying and I will say it is none of your business and no matter how much you stomp your feet it will not change the reality!

You are shortsighted fool that deserves nothing but a lifetime of being lied to.

What Trump is doing is destroying all standards we kept our leadership to

And here you are, cheering him on: Yes please! May I have another?

What standards..........

you're a fucking joke


Clinton lied about a blowjob, he appologized for those lies and asked Americans for forgiveness.

You will NEVER see me say that this lying was "moot".

And of course you forgave him and yet are more upset about Trump Tax Returns...

Trump is a known liar just like his buddy Bill and his other buddy Hillary...

Yes I forgave him. I could forgive Trump too if he had any sense of shame to ever appologise for any of his discusting behavior and never ending lies.

Opinion | Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Nobody cares, snowflake.
IRS had a choice to give Trumps tax returns now, or give them later.

So we’ll just get them later. Sometime towards second half of 2020 would be perfect.

We'll or Congress?

Unless you are part of Congress you will never see his returns.

You do understand this, right?

Democrats believe that the IRS is their private tool to scare and intimidate people. We went through this during the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama.

It goes back much further, to Kennedy and Johnson, who were illegally checking IRS files of their opponents.
Yes I forgave him. I could forgive Trump too if he had any sense of shame to ever appologise for his discusting behaviour.

Opinion | Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That

Yes, Trump is a womanizer, liar, charlatan, mad tweeter, and does things that normal people usually do not do and will he apologize?

As soon as you apologize for calling me a Trump supporter, which is never...

never called you a supporter, I called you his abeiter, because you refuse to call him on his lies.


When someone calls him a charlatan as much as I have since his run in 2016 and you keep on making your asinine comments about me, fuck you have more in common with Trump than me!

Hey, don't ask me about the compartmentalization in your head.

You have no problem with calling him a charlatan but are refusing to agree that it's wrong for Trump to withhold his tax returns after many rounds of expedient promises to release them.

Holy shit!

Trump broke a damn promise!!


Did you know Trump has been married three times, has a child out of wedlock and has been sued many times!?!

No really, so would he lie?

Of course he does but still you have no right to see his damn returns and that is the fact!

Do you understand?

Of course not!

Technically, he didn't break promise. First of all, it was not a promise.

Second, he said, hell do it when audits are done. As we keep hearing, audits are not done.
President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal.

His lawyer's guilty plea states otherwise.

You mean the guy who lied to Congress repeatedly? Yeah, I trust that guy.

No one would trust that guy, and that's why the idea of the actually prosecuting President Trump is such a nonstarter.
Can you imagine Rudy grilling that loser Cohen on the stand?

In this case the laweyr's guilty plea is not based on his word, it's based on well proven EVIDENCE and the only reason "candidate 1" aka Trump is not headed for jail right along with his lawyer is due to the temporary fact that he is the slightly-above-the-law POTUS.
"temporary fact" LOL

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