The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Considering that Trump has been perpetually audited for ages, your hope that he has cheated on his taxes is beyond futile.
Then why doesn't he just show his returns?

Because he doesn't want to. You can ask why all day long, but that's what it boils down to.
Your diaper is full, go change it.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.

Let's see your taxes and your financials, it seems you know a lot about tax cheats and hiding financials, you must be guilty of something and we need to find out what crimes you have committed.
Your diaper is full, go change it.

I know you have nothing but your butt hurt, it is fun to watch you melt down with moronic childish statements. LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Would I like to see his returns? I couldn't care less, but lets say after all this fuss, yes I would. And why I would like to see his returns? The answer is somewhere below.

Just because I would like to see his returns, that still doesn't give me right to see them. Since I have no right to it, I'm not losing my mind over it.

"Why won't he just show them?" you ask? Well, why he should? You're not entitled to it, you have no business seeing it, and more you demand and screaming over it, more ridiculous you look. Trump not releasing his tax returns may give you impression that he's hiding "something". Is he really? What if he's not hiding it, but just doing it to drive you nutz? Obviously it's working, therefore why not keep doing it?

And last, there was one of his tax returns that was "leaked" to MSNBC. What have we learn from it? Nothing really, except that he paid his taxes and gave money to charities. Don't forget, his taxes were done by lawyers, or team of lawyers that are required to do everything by law. What chances are that they cheated on his taxes and did anything against the law?

Just imagine how stupid left will look, once his tax returns are released and we all find out that there is nothing there. The reason I'd like to see his tax return is pure desire to see leftist lose their minds again. For some reason, I can't get enough if it.
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.

Let's see your taxes and your financials, it seems you know a lot about tax cheats and hiding financials, you must be guilty of something and we need to find out what crimes you have committed.

I doubt he's show anyone his tax returns or his portfolio but he demands Trump show his??

He's like the other lefty loons. Mueller's report cleared Trump so now they are grasping and anything and everything looking for something to hang the man with.

I wish em luck. They will need it. LOL
Your diaper is full, go change it.

Your brain is missing. Go look for it.
After you change your diaper. :10:

Nah. I'll wait till you find your brain.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.

Let's see your taxes and your financials, it seems you know a lot about tax cheats and hiding financials, you must be guilty of something and we need to find out what crimes you have committed.
Your diaper is full, go change it.

I know you have nothing but your butt hurt, it is fun to watch you melt down with moronic childish statements. LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
Thanks for voting in a clown, he's very funny. (btw, I agree with some of his policies)
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Would I like to see his returns? I couldn't care less, but lets say after all this fuss, yes I would. And why I would like to see his returns? The answer is somewhere below.

Just because I would like to see his returns, that still doesn't give me right to see them. Since I have no right to it, I'm not losing my mind over it.

"Why won't he just show them?" you ask? Well, why he should? You're not entitled to it, you have no business seeing it, and more you demand and screaming over it, more ridiculous you look. Trump not releasing his tax returns may give you impression that he's hiding "something". Is he really? What if he's not hiding it, but just doing it to drive you nutz? Obviously it's working, therefore why not keep doing it?

And last, there was one of his tax returns that was "leaked" to MSNBC. What have we learn from it? Nothing really, except that he paid his taxes and gave money to charities. Don't forget, his taxes were done by lawyers, or team of lawyers that are required to do everything by law. What chances are that they cheated on his taxes and did anything against the law?

Just imagine how stupid left will look, once his tax returns are released and we all find out that there is nothing there. The reason I'd like to see his tax return is pure desire to see leftist lose their minds again. For some reason, I can't get enough if it.
If the Left will look stupid (again), then he'd release them in a second. I want him to do just that!
To see whether he's a crook or not. He must have something to hide... like you do as well.

Let's see your taxes and your financials, it seems you know a lot about tax cheats and hiding financials, you must be guilty of something and we need to find out what crimes you have committed.
Your diaper is full, go change it.

I know you have nothing but your butt hurt, it is fun to watch you melt down with moronic childish statements. LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
Thanks for voting in a clown, he's very funny. (btw, I agree with some of his policies)

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump, two really bad choices, I also agree with some of his policies but I also don't care for some of his policies or the way he uses social media.
I doubt he's show anyone his tax returns or his portfolio but he demands Trump show his??

He's like the other lefty loons. Mueller's report cleared Trump so now they are grasping and anything and everything looking for something to hang the man with.

I wish em luck. They will need it. LOL
Your diaper is full, go change it.

Your brain is missing. Go look for it.
After you change your diaper. :10:

Nah. I'll wait till you find your brain.
Thanks for admitting that your diaper is full but that you prefer to sit in your own shit. :biggrin:

Sticking with the childish bathroom humor I see.
Considering that Trump has been perpetually audited for ages, your hope that he has cheated on his taxes is beyond futile.
Then why doesn't he just show his returns?

You first, bub. If you have nothing to hide, post your on the web for everyone to see.
Scapegoating a liar and a cheat. Hmmm....

Your self-awareness is refreshingly surprising!
Your diaper is full, go change it.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal and Odiferous Projection^^^
He can be impeached for just about anything Democrats will say he ought to be impeached for. The legal standard is wide open and with a pathological liar and anything-goes opportunist like Trump you don't have to look very far.

They can impeach if they want, but even Piglosi knows that's a bad route to go. Besides, what goes around comes around, and there will eventually be another Democrat President in the future with a Republican Congress.
That's irrelevant. Of course republicans are going to try to impeach the next democrat president. It doesn't matter who he is or what he does. They tried to impeach the last one and got a bill of impeachment against the previous one.
son you so full of shit you gonna splode.
Every since Nixon, republicans have been trying impeach democrat presidents and I'm sure it will continue regardless how Trump is treated.
he said "hi, imma dumbass"
LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

I doubt that. The man has been audited both personally and professionally many times. If there were something to find the IRS would have found it.

Oh I'm not afraid of it but you sound like you are depending on it.

Good luck with that. LOL
Not a Dem so I don't care in the end. It's just fun to see you all squirm. Him too.

The only people squirming are the Democrats in the House, and Trump is laughing his ass off watching them.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Why should he?? I wouldn't show mine and I'd bet you wouldn't show anyone yours either.

There is no law that says anyone has to show their tax returns to anyone.

If you and the other lefty loons weren't so fixated on finding something, anything you think you could hang on the man you wouldn't give shit one about his tax returns.

Too funny.
When someone won't show them as is tradition, there's something being hidden. You sound afraid of that.

Trump is breaking tradition. I thought you lefties would be happy about that. You love breaking traditions.

It used to be tradition that only a man and woman marry.
It used to be tradition that men went to the mens room and women in the women's room.
It used to be tradition boys wear boy's clothing and girls wear girls clothing.
It used to be tradition if you wanted healthcare coverage or not.
Sure it does. One more time:

In the 1881 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, the Supreme Court held that Congress can’t use its powers to delve into someone’s private financial matters unless there is a proper legislative purpose.
The guy's sister just retired under accusations of "tax fraud" and you think there is no legislative purpose? Maybe that's why the piece of shit puppet Barr is refusing to release the Mueller report un-redacted, because I bet there's plenty of legislative purpose in that document.

This is just more proof you care more about your party, than you do the country.

What guys sister retired under the accusation of tax fraud, and what would that have to do with Trump's tax returns?

Barr is not releasing the report un-redacted because it's against the law to release it un-redacted. The Democrats know this quite well, but they also know the sheep don't.

Now if you ever bother to read my link, you won't post stupid shit like what gives the right for Congress to look at his taxes. In the link, it was ruled by the court that the Congress is not an investigative body, therefore they have no legal ability to look at Trump's taxes for any illegal activities.

Strike Three! You're out!
Not quite. It must be relevant either to Congress' legislative function or its oversight of government function. Trump's taxes are relevant to neither, therefore Congress has no right to demand them.
Seeing whether the Big Mac in Chief has been cheating on his taxes is relevant to the oversight of government. What's he got to hide anyways?

Considering that Trump has been perpetually audited for ages, your hope that he has cheated on his taxes is beyond futile.
Then why doesn't he just show his returns?

Because he doesn't want to. You can ask why all day long, but that's what it boils down to.
Your diaper is full, go change it.

Wow, I see what you did there. You realized you didn't have a good response, so you asked your older brother what insults he uses when the 6 year old kids bully him in the sandbox and you repeated them here. Bravo. You totally failed to cover up the fact that you completely ran out of adult.

And you still have zero impact on Trump's decision to keep his taxes away from the jackals.
why would they think that? When you see someone you go, that guys a crook? without any evidence to support the thought? too fking funny. thanks for being honest.
The guy's a train wreck, a funny one, but still...

LMAO for a train wreck he's doing a damned fine job.

Oh and there is no law that says anyone has to release their tax returns. Why should he??

I wouldn't release mine and I'd bet your ass you wouldn't release yours either.

Past presidents have released theirs because they wanted to. No one ordered them to. Trump doesn't have to release his nor should he. The only people who want to see them are those who think they will find something to hang him with.

Good luck with that. You can bet he's been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago.

Then why won't he just show them? You Trumpets are falling all over yourselves to come up with reasons why he shouldn't show them. Too funny.

Would I like to see his returns? I couldn't care less, but lets say after all this fuss, yes I would. And why I would like to see his returns? The answer is somewhere below.

Just because I would like to see his returns, that still doesn't give me right to see them. Since I have no right to it, I'm not losing my mind over it.

"Why won't he just show them?" you ask? Well, why he should? You're not entitled to it, you have no business seeing it, and more you demand and screaming over it, more ridiculous you look. Trump not releasing his tax returns may give you impression that he's hiding "something". Is he really? What if he's not hiding it, but just doing it to drive you nutz? Obviously it's working, therefore why not keep doing it?

And last, there was one of his tax returns that was "leaked" to MSNBC. What have we learn from it? Nothing really, except that he paid his taxes and gave money to charities. Don't forget, his taxes were done by lawyers, or team of lawyers that are required to do everything by law. What chances are that they cheated on his taxes and did anything against the law?

Just imagine how stupid left will look, once his tax returns are released and we all find out that there is nothing there. The reason I'd like to see his tax return is pure desire to see leftist lose their minds again. For some reason, I can't get enough if it.
If the Left will look stupid (again), then he'd release them in a second. I want him to do just that!

Why to take the fun out of it? It's like watching the favorite show, and can't wait for the next episode to air, that's how fun is to watch your leftist butthurt screams. It works... look at you, you're eating yourself from inside out, helpless to do anything about it.

The law says that ONLY in closed executive session can specific tax information be disclosed if it identifies a specific person. It further states that if it is leaked or released with out the taxpayers permission it is a FEDERAL Felony.
Wrong. It says you shall turn them over and if you don't, you can go to prison for 5 years.

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