The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
No they want. Have you ever met a CPA nose to nose? They don't tolerate no snot.

HERE'S THE DEAL Trump ought to offer: He turns over his tax returns for the Democrats turning over what was in Hillary's 33,000 hidden emails.

Too easy. I say Trump reveals his tax returns in exchange for 8 billion dollars to be used for a southern wall. That would shut them up.
Here's the deal: the Democrats straighten up and cough up what is needed to secure the border according to the executive branch of this country we share with many types of people. It's their job to accept executive leadership. President Trump, in addition to being the President is not pleased that they beat him up for 2 years, and neither are those who voted for him plus a lot who are sick of the sorry way lies were created just to destroy Donald Trump, his staff, and his family. He is not willing to nor does he deserve to go through another two years of false charges because he hires the best certified accountants in his area to do his taxes. He puts his cards on top of the table and follows the advice of men and women who know the tax laws, keep up to date on them, and do their best to make sure he never gets in trouble by doing the right thing. The chances of them finding an error on his tax return is .0000000000000001% which means they want to spend another 35 million on hounding him to death with a 1 trillionth of a chance there is an error on his return that is reduced by the 50% chance the teeny error if ever one was found would be if he overpaid or underpaid a few pennies. You expect me to sign on to another $35,000,000 expensive witch hunt, which would bring 4 years of aggravation to President Trump, his wife, his teenaged son, his grown children, his White House Staff, his friends, his employees, and the entire Republican Party. No, we're not going there so that your creepy Congresscritters who became coldblooded animals in the last 2 years, so they can thump their chests saying "see, he owes Uncle twenty five cents because a stamp fell off his envelope. We're outraged, and he's a thief, no, he's a thief of the American people, and he broke the Constitutional law for a measly $,.25 (whether true or not) and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, not to worry. We have a copy of all those files. And we're not going to tell you how we got them. Hillary is toast.

No, there would not be any investigation. Pelosi can't reveal whats in those returns without Trump's permission which of course, he won't give. So they are going to use those returns to lie to the public like they always do; claiming they found something, but by law, cannot disclose what it is.

They will carry that lie into 2020 elections because the only thing they have are lies. They don't have anything to offer Americans other than hate. So they will do that, or pressure Trump into signing a release to prove their lies wrong.

That's what this tax return thing is all about, lies. Just like when Harry Weed told the public he had extremely reliable sources that Romney didn't pay any income tax. He pressured Romney into releasing those returns. And when it was found that nothing was amiss, they just shrugged their shoulders and the MSM quickly dropped the story never to be told again.
No it is not. Just because Trump is President doesn't mean he gave up his right to free speech. Trump is allowed to have an opinion just like you and I. Tweets are just words. Policy is taking action.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one, my friend.
I have nothing to tow. Some people gave her a problem about taxes so at 82, she simply retired.
Wrong. She quit to avoid being prosecuted for tax fraud. Just like her brother will be.

If that's the case, then you have a point. But you can't say she was going to be prosecuted. You need evidence for that, and obviously there isn't enough evidence to bother with Donald or any of his siblings.
Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
No they want. Have you ever met a CPA nose to nose? They don't tolerate no snot.

HERE'S THE DEAL Trump ought to offer: He turns over his tax returns for the Democrats turning over what was in Hillary's 33,000 hidden emails.

Too easy. I say Trump reveals his tax returns in exchange for 8 billion dollars to be used for a southern wall. That would shut them up.
$25 billion

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using mobile app

Well yeah.........he could do that. But we all know how concerned Democrats are about taxpayer money.

So maybe there is something else he can trade for. Let Congress make being here illegal a first degree felony punishable by a minimum of 5 years in prison. I would go for that. In fact, I would demand that Trump give his last five years of returns for a gem like prison.
Damn soon they will be down to trying to defeat him with a democrat that acts normal and actually has an idea for running the government.

Lol can't help it I could not keep myself from almost laughing myself to death at the thought of a dem acting normal and with an idea.


“Crooked Hillary” released a decade of her tax returns when she ran. Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep you from seeing his. Ever wonder why?

There is no law that require a Presidential candidate to show their tax returns, I also thought traditions were something progressives didn’t like.
Just like there's no law that require a Presidential candidate to not be a rapist of young girls. Fortunate for donnie.
Link that shows trump has raped.....anyone??
Gee, what a surprise, the LA Times.

Well I say go ahead. I want to see Trump use this abuse of power for his campaign in 2020. It will assist in his reelection and perhaps turning the Congress back to the right people--the Republicans.

It isn't bad enough that this Democrat led Congress got absolutely nothing done since they took over, but their mad witch hunt that's been taking place since before Trump was elected. People are not only sick of it, they're angry about it. Why would you put a party in power who's only mission is to destroy the President of the opposite party?

Well good luck Democrats "trying" to get those returns without a years long fight. Because this so called law was already heard by the courts and ruled un-constitutional; it's just that it's never been challenged before. I also hope that Trump follows through with a lawsuit. Oh, and if Democrats actually do something besides harass this President, good luck getting him to sign any bill they put forward.

It has never been ruled unconstitutional. The fact is that specific ruling does not apply. Congress has the oversight authority to examine Trump's tax returns. Voters I suspect are far more worried about Trump's abuse of powers. Voters will never trust Republicans enough to give them complete control again.

The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
It has never been ruled unconstitutional. The fact is that specific ruling does not apply. Congress has the oversight authority to examine Trump's tax returns. Voters I suspect are far more worried about Trump's abuse of powers. Voters will never trust Republicans enough to give them complete control again.

The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Used the laws to his advantage. Don't like it - change the laws.
Just like there's no law that require a Presidential candidate to not be a rapist of young girls. Fortunate for donnie.
Link that shows trump has raped.....anyone??

TYPICAL assclown booger talk from the left. Ask for the law that gives congress authority to seize tax records for no legislative reason?


There is no law against rape?


The president has to be a moral, honest person?


Link to connect Trump to rape, tax evasion, tampering with election, being an actual puppet of Putin?


It has never been ruled unconstitutional. The fact is that specific ruling does not apply. Congress has the oversight authority to examine Trump's tax returns. Voters I suspect are far more worried about Trump's abuse of powers. Voters will never trust Republicans enough to give them complete control again.

The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress./QUOTE]

Except for one little thing. They are private, personal property and no one's business..

If there WASN'T something right about those returns, then you are ACCUSING THE IRS of incompetence at least and COMPLICITY at worst!

Go ahead. DO IT.
It has never been ruled unconstitutional. The fact is that specific ruling does not apply. Congress has the oversight authority to examine Trump's tax returns. Voters I suspect are far more worried about Trump's abuse of powers. Voters will never trust Republicans enough to give them complete control again.

The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
It has never been ruled unconstitutional. The fact is that specific ruling does not apply. Congress has the oversight authority to examine Trump's tax returns. Voters I suspect are far more worried about Trump's abuse of powers. Voters will never trust Republicans enough to give them complete control again.

The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!

Trump owned or operated over 500 companies in his career. That means he filed bankruptcy one time for every 125 companies he ran. Who else has a better record than that?????
The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?


The Left had the most dishonest, crooked, immoral presidents in the history of this country, Bill Clinton and Barry Obama, so what do they decide to do?
Attack Trump on his integrity.
The Left had the most corrupt, evasive candidate in all of history, Hillary Clinton who committed fraud and treason hiding 33,000 government files! So what are they gonna do?
Attack Trump on his lack of transparency.
The Left ran the most invasive investigation of all time against a president with no evidence and it came up empty! So what are their plans now?
Claim Trump must be hiding an unspecified crime in unspecified papers with unspecified grounds for suspicion!

While Trump spends the next year lining up a killer reelection campaign for the people with funding out the wazoo, the Left will be busy chasing after skeletons in closets trying to find some kind of dirt on Trump.

Come election time: No funding, 30 wishy-washy candidates and no message on what they offer better than Hillary Clinton. :auiqs.jpg:
The Congress does not have unrestricted access to those records according to past court rulings. The court ruled that Congress can only obtain those returns IF they can demonstrate how those records are needed for legislative purposes. They cannot confiscate those records because "Well.......the Muller thing didn't work out so well for us" which is all this is.

Furthermore it was ruled that the US Congress is a legislative body, not an investigative body. Therefore they cannot make the claim they are looking for illegal activity.

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
Ray, there’s no objectivity. Can’t argue against that. A rock is more reasonable
I'm one of the few posters around here who have admitted they were wrong. I am willing to change my position if you have a good enough argument. You don't. I am the most objective poster at this website.
Naw, you need to look up objective

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