The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
How many Millions are you worth?
Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.

SORRY, CUPCAKE. Didn't mean to catch the Left in ANOTHER BIG LIE. Trump CURRENTLY has 515 business interests, not sixteen, as your snowflake leftard propaganda mislead you to believe!

A list of everything Donald Trump runs that has his name on it
Nobody is surprised. The request had to be made and denied before it could go to court. It's no where near over.

Have you considered that if he is forced to have them released that the House cannot use them as evidence in any impeachment case?

Maybe the smart thing to do if there were something nefarious in those returns to drop them in Nadler's lap, so he can fondle them for his pleasure and then they will be useless as they cannot be used as evidence.
Why not, impeachment is not a legal but political process.

The only reason they would be in possession of the tax returns is legislative. As you pointed out, impeachment is a political process, not a legislative one.
The responsibilities of congress goes beyond just legislation. Congress has the responsibility of oversight of the executive branch which includes the IRS.
no they don't.
Have you considered that if he is forced to have them released that the House cannot use them as evidence in any impeachment case?

Maybe the smart thing to do if there were something nefarious in those returns to drop them in Nadler's lap, so he can fondle them for his pleasure and then they will be useless as they cannot be used as evidence.
Why not, impeachment is not a legal but political process.

The only reason they would be in possession of the tax returns is legislative. As you pointed out, impeachment is a political process, not a legislative one.
The responsibilities of congress goes beyond just legislation. Congress has the responsibility of oversight of executive branch which includes the IRS.
They may get the returns but only in closed executive session and if any of them leak the info they will be charged with a Federal Felony.
True. However, if information in the return points to other areas which need investigating they can certain follow it and that is the value of having the of a return.
no, that isn't how are laws work. one needs probable cause, can't just open the trunk of a car without it.
The IRS has no choice but to turn over the tax returns.


(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(2) Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request by the Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish him with any return or return information specified in such request. Such Chief of Staff may submit such return or return information to any committee described in paragraph (1), except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

(3) Other committees
Pursuant to an action by, and upon written request by the chairman of, a committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives (other than a committee specified in paragraph (1)) specially authorized to inspect any return or return information by a resolution of the Senate or the House of Representatives or, in the case of a joint committee (other than the joint committee specified in paragraph (1)) by concurrent resolution, the Secretary shall furnish such committee, or a duly authorized and designated subcommittee thereof, sitting in closed executive session, with any return or return information which such resolution authorizes the committee or subcommittee to inspect. Any resolution described in this paragraph shall specify the purpose for which the return or return information is to be furnished and that such information cannot reasonably be obtained from any other source.

It says "shall" not if, and or but. They will have to comply or go to jail.
And the Congress has to keep the info private and can only let those in the Executive meeting see it on penalty of a Felony charge.
the Congress, must first make a charge against why they need to see them. Period, and it has to be due to active legislation. i highly doubt that is occurring on an individual. just saying, please, don't feed the fish.
Democrats Funny: Now they are giving the IRS until 4/23 to "comply" OR ELSE. This is gonna be good.

House panel chairman gives IRS April 23 deadline on Trump taxes - Reuters

They don't know who dey screwin' with!
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
The reasonable assumption is that there is so much dirt in those returns that they'll just try to keep hiding them 'till doomsday.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!
anything goes when the ends justify the means for a leftist.
Apparently whatever is IN those returns must be totally legal and on the up and up, otherwise the IRS would have a big problem with it! So the only reasonable assumption left as to why the Dems are after it so hot and heavy is they're in another wild goose egg hunt for details on the President's personal life you can try to spin against him in the media. No can do.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..

Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.


it's the lefts effort to smear/demonize anyone in their path. it's just what they do and how they try to justify all the crap they put on others.

trump was never a racist until he was going against hillary - then he was every bad thing the left needed him to be to slow the roll of votes going his way. the more TOXIC it becomes is more a sign of the left losing it than it is trump being toxic.
So if those returns are on the up & up, then there should be no problem to release them to congress. Ah, but the answer is here: lawmakers incapable of understanding them!
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.
What now libs? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

First, find Mnuchin and the head of the IRS in contempt of Congress. Second, impeach Mnuchin and the head of the IRS.

Third, go to the courts to force the IRS to hand them over.

Since it's clearly mandated by law that the IRS must hand over the tax returns,

Find both of them in contempt of court and put them in jail until they comply.

Finally, have the courts issue an order directly to Trump to hand over the returns or do the same to him.

This issue shows that Trump and his people are undermining the most fundamental principals on which our government is based. The separate and equal branches of government. I have no doubt that the courts will side with congress. Then it will be both Congress and the justice system against the administration. The administration will lose. All they can do is stonewall...the law AND the Constitution is against them.
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.
Hmmm 30 states over 20 states, that is a landslide. electoral college elects a president. wow, here I didn't think you knew anything. oh, you don't.
What now libs? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

First, find Mnuchin and the head of the IRS in contempt of Congress. Second, impeach Mnuchin and the head of the IRS.

Third, go to the courts to force the IRS to hand them over.

Since it's clearly mandated by law that the IRS must hand over the tax returns,

Find both of them in contempt of court and put them in jail until they comply.

Finally, have the courts issue an order directly to Trump to hand over the returns or do the same to him.

This issue shows that Trump and his people are undermining the most fundamental principals on which our government is based. The separate and equal branches of government. I have no doubt that the courts will side with congress. Then it will be both Congress and the justice system against the administration. The administration will lose. All they can do is stonewall...the law AND the Constitution is against them.
I call this deranged. dude, you're totally deranged. your sense of objectivity must never have existed. no way anyone could be this way with it.
Successfully ran over 200 multi-million dollar companies. And you?
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.

FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:
200 my ass..
Here is the list.
Only success is a few of his towers, and most of those want his name removed due to the toxic brand.
and for the most part it's the unending lies and bullshit from the left that are making his brand "toxic".
Its Trump's own statements and actions that make the brand toxic.

So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.

FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:
right, and he won.
What now libs? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

First, find Mnuchin and the head of the IRS in contempt of Congress. Second, impeach Mnuchin and the head of the IRS.

Third, go to the courts to force the IRS to hand them over.

Since it's clearly mandated by law that the IRS must hand over the tax returns,

Find both of them in contempt of court and put them in jail until they comply.

Finally, have the courts issue an order directly to Trump to hand over the returns or do the same to him.

This issue shows that Trump and his people are undermining the most fundamental principals on which our government is based. The separate and equal branches of government. I have no doubt that the courts will side with congress. Then it will be both Congress and the justice system against the administration. The administration will lose. All they can do is stonewall...the law AND the Constitution is against them.
I call this deranged. dude, you're totally deranged. your sense of objectivity must never have existed. no way anyone could be this way with it.
I keep waiting JC, for these ravenous loons to produce this "law" they keep saying is clearly on their side! Can't you just wait to hear all the whining and squealing when the IRS does NOT turn the papers over and no court forces them either! :auiqs.jpg: Suuuueeey! Suuuuueeeey! Watch the little piggies squeal!
What now libs? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

First, find Mnuchin and the head of the IRS in contempt of Congress. Second, impeach Mnuchin and the head of the IRS.

Third, go to the courts to force the IRS to hand them over.

Since it's clearly mandated by law that the IRS must hand over the tax returns,

Find both of them in contempt of court and put them in jail until they comply.

Finally, have the courts issue an order directly to Trump to hand over the returns or do the same to him.

This issue shows that Trump and his people are undermining the most fundamental principals on which our government is based. The separate and equal branches of government. I have no doubt that the courts will side with congress. Then it will be both Congress and the justice system against the administration. The administration will lose. All they can do is stonewall...the law AND the Constitution is against them.
I call this deranged. dude, you're totally deranged. your sense of objectivity must never have existed. no way anyone could be this way with it.
I keep waiting JC, for these ravenous loons to produce this "law" they keep saying is clearly on their side! Can't you just wait to hear all the whining and squealing when the IRS does NOT turn the papers over and no court forces them either! :auiqs.jpg: Suuuueeey! Suuuuueeeey! Watch the little piggies squeal!
ahh the gif that keeps on giving. Suueeey
What now libs? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

First, find Mnuchin and the head of the IRS in contempt of Congress. Second, impeach Mnuchin and the head of the IRS.

Third, go to the courts to force the IRS to hand them over.

Since it's clearly mandated by law that the IRS must hand over the tax returns,

Find both of them in contempt of court and put them in jail until they comply.

Finally, have the courts issue an order directly to Trump to hand over the returns or do the same to him.

This issue shows that Trump and his people are undermining the most fundamental principals on which our government is based. The separate and equal branches of government. I have no doubt that the courts will side with congress. Then it will be both Congress and the justice system against the administration. The administration will lose. All they can do is stonewall...the law AND the Constitution is against them.
I call this deranged. dude, you're totally deranged. your sense of objectivity must never have existed. no way anyone could be this way with it.
I keep waiting JC, for these ravenous loons to produce this "law" they keep saying is clearly on their side! Can't you just wait to hear all the whining and squealing when the IRS does NOT turn the papers over and no court forces them either! :auiqs.jpg: Suuuueeey! Suuuuueeeey! Watch the little piggies squeal!

DONALD TRUMP, the most jacked off, ignorant, inexperienced, pompous ass to ever run for office! Except he was 66 Electoral votes, 10 states and 3,084 election districts SMARTER than Hillary Clinton, every poll, every paper, and every liberal election pundit and Hollywood Jackal COMBINED. :1peleas:

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