The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.

FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.
California has more than 5.2 million republicans. How many states can claim to having that many republicans?

WHO CARES? I have friends in California and they tell me the state is TOTALLY controlled and run by the Democrats. Whatever they say goes and they have ZERO voice in any election.

You mean like republicans that have gerrymandered control of Texas?
LOL you wanna talk about Gerrymandering and only talk about Republicans? Maryland Illinois Massachusetts California and EVERY black district since 92.all done by democrats even at the federal level back up with judges to enforce their gerrymandering.
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.
Voters didn't want Trump

Then it must have been GHOSTS pulling all the levers in 98% of the red voting districts shown on this map!!!

View attachment 256110

The only one's who didn't want Trump, Toots were your sycophant Leftards who would vote an Emu ibnto office if it had the nomination of the DNC!

Yet still 3 million less votes.

Yet still 2.8 million less meaningless undocumented votes. That and a buck will get Hillary her cup of coffee today.
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works

View attachment 256098

Whaaaaa? Nobody home?

What glitch was that, honey? That glitch where you win the popular vote in EACH STATE according to the laws of that state, then the electoral votes go as state law prescribes?

That "glitch" honey, is how every presidential election has been run since 1776. That "glitch" is how every president has ever been elected.

It was no "glitch" that Trump prevailed in 98% of the nation's voting districts, took 30 of the 50 states and 306 electoral votes from that when only 270 were needed to win!

Every contest has RULES, Honey, and Trump, a political NOVICE played by the rules and DESTROYED the career politician Hillary Nobody. Hillary only took the popular vote because you GOONS have all the major populous areas like LA, SanFran and NYC sewn up with untold millions of illegal votes. If it was Hillary's aim to win the national popular vote, well GUESS WHAT? There IS no national popular vote! It MEANS nothing, it COUNTS for nothing and someone in the media merely adds it up state by state out of statistical curiosity.

So PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK all you want Dear that Hillary got a couple million more national votes. That is an unofficial number of statistical interest only. The only glitch here dear is that a dumbass skank like Hillary could get 240 EC votes and take 20 states with only 2% of the voting districts. Which proves the Founder's wisdom:

What if the nation had 360 million people and 185 million of them all lived in California? By your Socialist way of thinking, California would win EVERY election and the other 49 states would have zero representation. That's EXACTLY what the founder's wanted to prevent, for the popular vote counts ON THE STATE LEVEL, baby, from there on in, things are weighted according to the size of each state so that small states have a voice in their government. I can't wait for you goons to LOSE the popular vote but WIN the election---- I'll wait then to see you folks GIVE UP the Presidency because you only won by a "glitch."


But the majority of the country still says he's a pig.

At least he's a pig who loves his country, isn't ashamed of it or wants to fundamentally transform it or sell it out to some foreign power for personal gain and is doing all the things he said he would do that he was elected and put into office for!

You mean like infrastructure, and better healthcare at a lower cost that covers everybody, and Mexico paying for a wall, and releasing his tax returns, and not having time to play golf, and all those other things he said he was going to do?

Since Trump is all for that but needs a cooperative Congress to get it done (unless you're content to give Trump dictatorial powers) then it must be the Congress that is the problem! Just where are the democrats in helping get any of that done? Chasing down Trump's tax returns from ten years ago on some wild goose chase!
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.
FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.
Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.

It's still a lot when you consider less than half of that 330 million voted.
Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works

View attachment 256098

Whaaaaa? Nobody home?

What glitch was that, honey? That glitch where you win the popular vote in EACH STATE according to the laws of that state, then the electoral votes go as state law prescribes?

That "glitch" honey, is how every presidential election has been run since 1776. That "glitch" is how every president has ever been elected.

It was no "glitch" that Trump prevailed in 98% of the nation's voting districts, took 30 of the 50 states and 306 electoral votes from that when only 270 were needed to win!

Every contest has RULES, Honey, and Trump, a political NOVICE played by the rules and DESTROYED the career politician Hillary Nobody. Hillary only took the popular vote because you GOONS have all the major populous areas like LA, SanFran and NYC sewn up with untold millions of illegal votes. If it was Hillary's aim to win the national popular vote, well GUESS WHAT? There IS no national popular vote! It MEANS nothing, it COUNTS for nothing and someone in the media merely adds it up state by state out of statistical curiosity.

So PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK all you want Dear that Hillary got a couple million more national votes. That is an unofficial number of statistical interest only. The only glitch here dear is that a dumbass skank like Hillary could get 240 EC votes and take 20 states with only 2% of the voting districts. Which proves the Founder's wisdom:

What if the nation had 360 million people and 185 million of them all lived in California? By your Socialist way of thinking, California would win EVERY election and the other 49 states would have zero representation. That's EXACTLY what the founder's wanted to prevent, for the popular vote counts ON THE STATE LEVEL, baby, from there on in, things are weighted according to the size of each state so that small states have a voice in their government. I can't wait for you goons to LOSE the popular vote but WIN the election---- I'll wait then to see you folks GIVE UP the Presidency because you only won by a "glitch."


But the majority of the country still says he's a pig.

At least he's a pig who loves his country, isn't ashamed of it or wants to fundamentally transform it or sell it out to some foreign power for personal gain and is doing all the things he said he would do that he was elected and put into office for!

You mean like infrastructure, and better healthcare at a lower cost that covers everybody, and Mexico paying for a wall, and releasing his tax returns, and not having time to play golf, and all those other things he said he was going to do?

Since Trump is all for that but needs a cooperative Congress to get it done (unless you're content to give Trump dictatorial powers) then it must be the Congress that is the problem! Just where are the democrats in helping get any of that done? Chasing down Trump's tax returns from ten years ago on some wild goose chase!

I firmly believe the left should help Trump with his agenda just like the right helped Obama with his.
Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?
How about the fact that millions voted that were NOT on the rolls?
Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.

No sane reason to exclude any states voters.
You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?
How about the fact that millions voted that were NOT on the rolls?

Credible proof of that?
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.

No sane reason to exclude any states voters.
Doesn't change the fact that before California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 million votes and after he was behind, again for the slow and stupid ONE State does not get to elect our President.
View attachment 256098

Whaaaaa? Nobody home?

What glitch was that, honey? That glitch where you win the popular vote in EACH STATE according to the laws of that state, then the electoral votes go as state law prescribes?

That "glitch" honey, is how every presidential election has been run since 1776. That "glitch" is how every president has ever been elected.

It was no "glitch" that Trump prevailed in 98% of the nation's voting districts, took 30 of the 50 states and 306 electoral votes from that when only 270 were needed to win!

Every contest has RULES, Honey, and Trump, a political NOVICE played by the rules and DESTROYED the career politician Hillary Nobody. Hillary only took the popular vote because you GOONS have all the major populous areas like LA, SanFran and NYC sewn up with untold millions of illegal votes. If it was Hillary's aim to win the national popular vote, well GUESS WHAT? There IS no national popular vote! It MEANS nothing, it COUNTS for nothing and someone in the media merely adds it up state by state out of statistical curiosity.

So PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK all you want Dear that Hillary got a couple million more national votes. That is an unofficial number of statistical interest only. The only glitch here dear is that a dumbass skank like Hillary could get 240 EC votes and take 20 states with only 2% of the voting districts. Which proves the Founder's wisdom:

What if the nation had 360 million people and 185 million of them all lived in California? By your Socialist way of thinking, California would win EVERY election and the other 49 states would have zero representation. That's EXACTLY what the founder's wanted to prevent, for the popular vote counts ON THE STATE LEVEL, baby, from there on in, things are weighted according to the size of each state so that small states have a voice in their government. I can't wait for you goons to LOSE the popular vote but WIN the election---- I'll wait then to see you folks GIVE UP the Presidency because you only won by a "glitch."


But the majority of the country still says he's a pig.

At least he's a pig who loves his country, isn't ashamed of it or wants to fundamentally transform it or sell it out to some foreign power for personal gain and is doing all the things he said he would do that he was elected and put into office for!

You mean like infrastructure, and better healthcare at a lower cost that covers everybody, and Mexico paying for a wall, and releasing his tax returns, and not having time to play golf, and all those other things he said he was going to do?

Since Trump is all for that but needs a cooperative Congress to get it done (unless you're content to give Trump dictatorial powers) then it must be the Congress that is the problem! Just where are the democrats in helping get any of that done? Chasing down Trump's tax returns from ten years ago on some wild goose chase!

I firmly believe the left should help Trump with his agenda just like the right helped Obama with his.

We did. We gave that bum 8 years to prove to us that he wasn't a worthless america-hater who could lead the country. He proved us very wrong.
You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.

No sane reason to exclude any states voters.
Doesn't change the fact that before California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 million votes and after he was behind, again for the slow and stupid ONE State does not get to elect our President.

So Trump wasn't liked in California. SURPRISE!! I don't see you wanting to ignore the votes in Texas. Why not?
But the majority of the country still says he's a pig.

At least he's a pig who loves his country, isn't ashamed of it or wants to fundamentally transform it or sell it out to some foreign power for personal gain and is doing all the things he said he would do that he was elected and put into office for!

You mean like infrastructure, and better healthcare at a lower cost that covers everybody, and Mexico paying for a wall, and releasing his tax returns, and not having time to play golf, and all those other things he said he was going to do?

Since Trump is all for that but needs a cooperative Congress to get it done (unless you're content to give Trump dictatorial powers) then it must be the Congress that is the problem! Just where are the democrats in helping get any of that done? Chasing down Trump's tax returns from ten years ago on some wild goose chase!

I firmly believe the left should help Trump with his agenda just like the right helped Obama with his.

We did. We gave that bum 8 years to prove to us that he wasn't a worthless america-hater who could lead the country. He proved us very wrong.

That is exactly the amount of help Trump should expect from the left, only I doubt it will last 8 years.

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