The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns

Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?

Oh, I see. By adding the "credible" operator in there, it is your intention to simply deny ANY documentation supporting illegal votes as being NOT credible! BULLDOG playing her usual candyass childish word games again.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

The entire Russia story was made up just to keep the real election tamperers off the front page.
You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?

Oh, I see. By adding the "credible" operator in there, it is your intention to simply deny ANY documentation supporting illegal votes as being NOT credible! BULLDOG playing her usual candyass childish word games again.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

The entire Russia story was made up just to keep the real election tamperers off the front page.

Your list of right wing propaganda sites is not credible. Judicial Watch? Really? You should have included Alex Jones and Glenn Beck if you included Judicial Watch.
Again dumb ass Hillary won the popular vote because of ONE State.

OK. California didn't like Trump so you want to just forget they exist. Lets forget Texas too. Trump loses the electoral college without that one state.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?

Oh, I see. By adding the "credible" operator in there, it is your intention to simply deny ANY documentation supporting illegal votes as being NOT credible! BULLDOG playing her usual candyass childish word games again.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

The entire Russia story was made up just to keep the real election tamperers off the front page.

Your list of right wing propaganda sites is not credible.

:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Lie. Deny. Lie. Deny. :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

You are so predictable.

In the end, all it will get you is 4 more years of Trump.
Again dumb ass Hillary won the popular vote because of ONE State.

OK. California didn't like Trump so you want to just forget they exist.

You mean the way you keep trying to deny and exclude the roughly 40 states not along the east and west coast?

Oh and BTW, California LOVED Trump. Just not along the SanFran / LA coast.


Seems that AS SOON AS someone gets out of earshot of the Leftist-controlled fascist media to think for themselves, they suddenly like the GOP better.

As a buddy of mine in the Sacramento valley just said:

"California is effectively a one-party state and is ruled by heavily fascist Democrats."

Nuff said.
Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?

Oh, I see. By adding the "credible" operator in there, it is your intention to simply deny ANY documentation supporting illegal votes as being NOT credible! BULLDOG playing her usual candyass childish word games again.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

The entire Russia story was made up just to keep the real election tamperers off the front page.

Your list of right wing propaganda sites is not credible.

:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Lie. Deny. Lie. Deny. :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

You are so predictable.

In the end, all it will get you is 4 more years of Trump.
If lies can get him elected again like they did the first time, he will win. I doubt that will happen again.
It's a fiction. It also amounts to a few city blocks in NYC. Not only did she not get 3 million votes, since she probably got 4-5 million illegal undocumented votes, the entire claim is a fraud just like everything else the Left claims! And for the eleven-hundredth time, the number is MEANINGLESS.

NOTHING is tabulated based on a national popular vote for all of the reasons already given. This is a country of many united STATES, not a nation of mob rule.

Credible documentation for those illegal votes?

Oh, I see. By adding the "credible" operator in there, it is your intention to simply deny ANY documentation supporting illegal votes as being NOT credible! BULLDOG playing her usual candyass childish word games again.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes - Judicial Watch

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

The entire Russia story was made up just to keep the real election tamperers off the front page.

Your list of right wing propaganda sites is not credible.

:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Lie. Deny. Lie. Deny. :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

You are so predictable.

In the end, all it will get you is 4 more years of Trump.
If lies can get him elected again like they did the first time, he will win. I doubt that will happen again.

At least Hillary never lied. She either avoided the press for months at a time with a rope cordoned around her or she consulted CNN and Donna Brazille for the answers first.
So toxic he literally CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in a 2016 landslide and is even more popular today!

3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.

FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.

Enough did in the right places.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.

No sane reason to exclude any states voters.
Doesn't change the fact that before California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 million votes and after he was behind, again for the slow and stupid ONE State does not get to elect our President.

So Trump wasn't liked in California. SURPRISE!! I don't see you wanting to ignore the votes in Texas. Why not?

Nobody wants to ignore the votes in California either. But if Trump won because the overage in Texas, you would have a point. It didn't matter either. The only thing that matters is the EC vote.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.

It's still a lot when you consider less than half of that 330 million voted.

So 150 million with 3 million more votes. Still not that great nor any reason to change the successful system we have.
You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.

It's still a lot when you consider less than half of that 330 million voted.

So 150 million with 3 million more votes. Still not that great nor any reason to change the successful system we have.

Fulldog doesn't get it that Hillary could have won by 30 million votes in California, that once you win the state you win the state, that with few exceptions, you don't get any brownie points whether that win was by just ONE vote of a MILLION.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.

It's still a lot when you consider less than half of that 330 million voted.

So 150 million with 3 million more votes. Still not that great nor any reason to change the successful system we have.

Fulldog doesn't get it that Hillary could have won by 30 million votes in California, that once you win the state you win the state, that with few exceptions, you don't get any brownie points whether that win was by just ONE vote of a MILLION.
not that the dog doesn't get it - the dog don't care.

they right - everyone else wrong. total lib but here we are.
3 million less votes is hardly a landslide, and Trump's base (about 1/3 of the voters) hasn't changed since the election.

FIRST OF ALL, IT NEVER WAS THREE MILLION VOTES! It was only 2.8 million but you filthy liars take everything and round it up to suit yourself.

SECOND, an undetermined number of them were illegal votes by uncertified non-citizens. We all know that, don't deny it, but the exact number cannot be determined because you keep fighting voter ID for OBVIOUS REASONS.

THIRD and MOST IMPORTANT, those "3 million votes" don't count for SHIT! If they did, Hillary would be president, but she's not. Not even close. She got skunked BY EVERY ELECTION LAW IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE NATION WAS BEGUN.

Either Hillary didn't want to win or she was the dumbest m-fkr to run for office to be beaten the tar out of by a guy so obviously as dumb and stupid and fat and orange as you idiots keep telling us Donald Trump is!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Trump won because of a glitch in how the electoral college works, but you still want to pretend he was the voter's choice. I understand completely. Pretend all you want.
Until California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 MILLION votes. One State NO MATTER how big does NOT elect our President.

You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.

Enough did in the right places.

Yes, he did get lucky.
Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.
Not if you exclude California voters.

No sane reason to exclude any states voters.
Doesn't change the fact that before California voted Trump was ahead by over 1 million votes and after he was behind, again for the slow and stupid ONE State does not get to elect our President.

So Trump wasn't liked in California. SURPRISE!! I don't see you wanting to ignore the votes in Texas. Why not?

Nobody wants to ignore the votes in California either. But if Trump won because the overage in Texas, you would have a point. It didn't matter either. The only thing that matters is the EC vote.

Then quit whining about the California vote dumb ass.
You're grabbing at straws there bubba. Voters didn't want Trump, and no amount of spin will change that.
Actually MORE voters wanted Trump then Hillary in 30 of 50 States. And except for California a majority of Americans in 49 States wanted him as well.

Yet still 3 million less votes. That's a lot.

It would be a lot in a country of 50 million, but not a country of 330 million.

It's still a lot when you consider less than half of that 330 million voted.

So 150 million with 3 million more votes. Still not that great nor any reason to change the successful system we have.

The majority of the country disagrees with you, and has since about 2000..

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