The jerk that harrassed Ivanka may have lost his job

You're (DW lest there be any doubt) absolutely determined to make this thread about me aren't you.
Says the person who posted these off-topic personal attacks:
I've watched his posts. He's an apologist for the liberal POV.
I said he's an apologist for libtard POV.

Of course that "he" is DW.
That's an OBSERVATION. Not a "personal attack."

Now answer the question. Where did I say THIS:

Wow. Not only do you condone adultery and divorce
Ahh, so in your mind it's okay to go off topic and label others homosexual and complain personal remarks about you, but when you do it, it's an "OBSERVATION". Thanks for the clarification. Now I know you exactly how you roll.

You refuse to recognize the scripture I quoted. What Christian disregards scripture?
Dude, the topic of the thread is the harassment of Ivanka and her family, not your homophobia or hatred of me.
Only homosexuals and those who support that "lifestyle" would ever use terms like "homophobia"
You're gay arent you?...
Nope, but you're determined to both derail this thread and make it about me. Interesting. Not unusual for a liar and false Christian homophobe, but still interesting.

Can we now get back to how it was wrong for this person to attack Ivanka and her family or do you want to keep attacking gays and labeling anyone who doesn't agree with you as being homosexual?
The guy shouldn't have his life ruined for his outburst. He should be called out for his ridiculous and inappropriate tactics...

Outburst? The word "outburst" implies a certain amount of spontaneity. This yoyo and his husband tweeted his intention to harass Ivanka about an hour before he did it, it was no outburst...


But just an hour prior to that Lasner wrote on Twitter: 'Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil'
Why are these asshole lovers <--- (literally) not behind bars?
What a BS post. Nothing in the link about losing a job.

Yours is the BS post. The title is correct. As stated in the article he may have lost his employment with the school.
You'll get over it. Although I don't think he should get fired. He deserved to get kicked off the plane.

I'll get over it? Blaming me for your own ignorance, huh. Class act, pal.
The beginning of that write up says that a child was with them two guys and so when they were booted, the child was booted as well. What a great example them two guys set for the kid!

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Hopefully that child now knows that not only actions but words too have consequences. :) :) :)

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