The job stealing immigrant is a far right nativist myth


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009

Even Tea Party folks are in favor of a path of to citizenship for illegal workers.

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather lately, because there are signs that 2015 could bring about the beginning of a truce — or at least a reconfiguration — in the politics of immigration. Several of the potential Republican presidential candidates, most notably Jeb Bush, have expressed pro-immigration views. Even self-identified Tea Party Republicans respond three to two in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Every other group — Republicans in general, independents and especially Democrats — is largely pro-immigrant. According to Pew, roughly as many people (18 percent of Americans) believed in 2010 that President Obama was a Muslim as believe today that undocumented immigrants should be expelled from the United States. Of course, that 18 percent can make a lot of noise. But for everyone else, immigration seems to be going the way of same-sex marriage, marijuana and the mohawk — it’s something that a handful of people freak out about but that the rest of us have long since come to accept.

Even Tea Party folks are in favor of a path of to citizenship for illegal workers.

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather lately, because there are signs that 2015 could bring about the beginning of a truce — or at least a reconfiguration — in the politics of immigration. Several of the potential Republican presidential candidates, most notably Jeb Bush, have expressed pro-immigration views. Even self-identified Tea Party Republicans respond three to two in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Every other group — Republicans in general, independents and especially Democrats — is largely pro-immigrant. According to Pew, roughly as many people (18 percent of Americans) believed in 2010 that President Obama was a Muslim as believe today that undocumented immigrants should be expelled from the United States. Of course, that 18 percent can make a lot of noise. But for everyone else, immigration seems to be going the way of same-sex marriage, marijuana and the mohawk — it’s something that a handful of people freak out about but that the rest of us have long since come to accept.

So where exactly are these immigrants working? Do they commute to mexico everyday?
For probably the tenth time...I watched machine shops go from maybe 3% mexican to over 75% mexican over the course of the last twenty years and wages went stagnant and still are.
You idiots keep crying about no jobs and stagnant wages yet you claim letting in millions of immigrants has no effect on the job market...that takes a very special kind of stupid.
I hope you dont have young children because they're fucked.
yeah , I'm not in favor of any immigration so no legal path to citizenship for anyone is my opinion JAKE . Deportation is the way to go plus a WALL plus harsh sanction on employers of illegals . And of course , illegals and new immigrants take the jobs that Americans do !! Where else would they get jobs if they didn't displace Americans ?? As far as the poll , well , just more BS imo JAKE !!
Yep , STAGNANT WAGES !! Actually , I do hope that JAKE and other lib dems do have kids 'herewego' . It'll be delicious when the kids realize that it was their liberal old man that messed up the USA that the kids inherit !!
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No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.
I don't think so JAKE !! I think that the poll that you are using is BS but doesn't matter anyway . USA is not supposed to be run by polls , democracy or other forms of 'mob rule' !! Plus as Herewego mentioned , USA has stagnant wage due to mass immigration of all types and as he asks , do the imported commute to their jobs in mexico or Canada to work ??
No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.

So you're opposed to jobs for Americans? Why am I not surprised.
Look here dumbass,when we dont have enough jobs and wages are stagnant you dont bring in more people to compete for those jobs.
That you cant comprehend that is staggering.
Everybody is taking the white mans job....its not that they lack marketable skills...nope, its the minorities fault aka "The Man"

Even Tea Party folks are in favor of a path of to citizenship for illegal workers.

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather lately, because there are signs that 2015 could bring about the beginning of a truce — or at least a reconfiguration — in the politics of immigration. Several of the potential Republican presidential candidates, most notably Jeb Bush, have expressed pro-immigration views. Even self-identified Tea Party Republicans respond three to two in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Every other group — Republicans in general, independents and especially Democrats — is largely pro-immigrant. According to Pew, roughly as many people (18 percent of Americans) believed in 2010 that President Obama was a Muslim as believe today that undocumented immigrants should be expelled from the United States. Of course, that 18 percent can make a lot of noise. But for everyone else, immigration seems to be going the way of same-sex marriage, marijuana and the mohawk — it’s something that a handful of people freak out about but that the rest of us have long since come to accept.
FYI - Illegal immigrants live and work in this country, that's a fact. It isn't a myth that they are working in jobs that American citizens could be working in. Where is the myth? Does anyone honestly believe that millions live here, yet do not work? In addition, their care and support cost the American taxpayers' hundreds of $Billions. Many of them get "free" health care, their kids go to "our" schools, and we have spent $millions printing bi-lingual literature and signs to better accommodate them. We have hired thousands of border patrol agents to handle the massive influx. We've spent $billions on the stupid "fence" along out southern border. We have criminals here illegally. Our jails and prisons are holding them and providing care for them. Our courts are funded with tax dollars, and they are constantly in our courts.

Where is the benefit(s) to the American citizens? How are American citizens directly benefitting from Illegal immigrants in this country? Where is the return on all of that money we're spending for their care and support? Yes, they are working in jobs that otherwise employers would have to hire Americans to do, else fold and go out of business. So, again, where's the "myth"?

Even Tea Party folks are in favor of a path of to citizenship for illegal workers.

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather lately, because there are signs that 2015 could bring about the beginning of a truce — or at least a reconfiguration — in the politics of immigration. Several of the potential Republican presidential candidates, most notably Jeb Bush, have expressed pro-immigration views. Even self-identified Tea Party Republicans respond three to two in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Every other group — Republicans in general, independents and especially Democrats — is largely pro-immigrant. According to Pew, roughly as many people (18 percent of Americans) believed in 2010 that President Obama was a Muslim as believe today that undocumented immigrants should be expelled from the United States. Of course, that 18 percent can make a lot of noise. But for everyone else, immigration seems to be going the way of same-sex marriage, marijuana and the mohawk — it’s something that a handful of people freak out about but that the rest of us have long since come to accept.

So where exactly are these immigrants working? Do they commute to mexico everyday?
For probably the tenth time...I watched machine shops go from maybe 3% mexican to over 75% mexican over the course of the last twenty years and wages went stagnant and still are.
You idiots keep crying about no jobs and stagnant wages yet you claim letting in millions of immigrants has no effect on the job market...that takes a very special kind of stupid.
I hope you dont have young children because they're fucked.
BRAVO !!!! AMEN !!!!!!! ------------ I agree 110%.

Even Tea Party folks are in favor of a path of to citizenship for illegal workers.

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather lately, because there are signs that 2015 could bring about the beginning of a truce — or at least a reconfiguration — in the politics of immigration. Several of the potential Republican presidential candidates, most notably Jeb Bush, have expressed pro-immigration views. Even self-identified Tea Party Republicans respond three to two in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Every other group — Republicans in general, independents and especially Democrats — is largely pro-immigrant. According to Pew, roughly as many people (18 percent of Americans) believed in 2010 that President Obama was a Muslim as believe today that undocumented immigrants should be expelled from the United States. Of course, that 18 percent can make a lot of noise. But for everyone else, immigration seems to be going the way of same-sex marriage, marijuana and the mohawk — it’s something that a handful of people freak out about but that the rest of us have long since come to accept.

Where in the paragraph you provided does it dispel the truth about illegals taking jobs from Americans?
So where exactly are these immigrants working? Do they commute to mexico everyday?
For probably the tenth time...I watched machine shops go from maybe 3% mexican to over 75% mexican over the course of the last twenty years
How can that be, the Right says the lazy slackers come here for the "FREE STUFF."

No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.

So you're opposed to jobs for Americans? Why am I not surprised.
Look here dumbass,when we dont have enough jobs and wages are stagnant you dont bring in more people to compete for those jobs.
That you cant comprehend that is staggering.
Some people never think. It's almost like they have absolutely no idea as to what is actually going on outside their front door. They must never leave the house. Illegals are working in this country, taking jobs that American citizens could do, and they're driving wages down, in addition to forcing us into a lower standard of living. How blind can folks be? Go figure.
I don't think so JAKE !! I think that the poll that you are using is BS but doesn't matter anyway . USA is not supposed to be run by polls , democracy or other forms of 'mob rule' !! Plus as Herewego mentioned , USA has stagnant wage due to mass immigration of all types and as he asks , do the imported commute to their jobs in mexico or Canada to work ??

Here is the deal with polls. Most people do no object to things that do not effect them directly. For example, the Unions pushed for Obamacare not knowing how it would effect them. So if you polled them THEN they would be in a majority in favor of Obamacare. Poll them now that they see they are getting the short end and I think the results would be quite different.

Same with illegals taking American jobs. Those whose jobs they are taking make up a small proportion of the population. Thus if you ask everyone most will just say, so what, but those actually effected would care a whole lot.

Which is interesting when one thinks about gay issues. A very small percentage of the population is gay but their influence is much greater then their numbers should dictate. Probably because the majority no longer cares about gay style sodomy.
So where exactly are these immigrants working? Do they commute to mexico everyday?
For probably the tenth time...I watched machine shops go from maybe 3% mexican to over 75% mexican over the course of the last twenty years
How can that be, the Right says the lazy slackers come here for the "FREE STUFF."


And lefties are constantly saying they're only doing the jobs Americans wont do,which is a blatant lie.
Everybody is taking the white mans job....its not that they lack marketable skills...nope, its the minorities fault aka "The Man"
Well, exactly how many skills do illegal immigrants have, aside from crime and dealing illegal drugs? Oh, yes, they do know how to work in produce fields, stack pallets in meat processing plants, and can mow grass and work in motels. Also, they can do labor on construction crews.

I hope that you're not saying or implying that illegal immigrants come here with tons of education and are highly skilled. If so, exactly what skills do they bring with them when they illegally cross our borders?
The one thing they don't do is complain....they're very quiet and they do their job, something most employers enjoy.
No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.

So you're opposed to jobs for Americans? Why am I not surprised.
Look here dumbass,when we dont have enough jobs and wages are stagnant you dont bring in more people to compete for those jobs.
That you cant comprehend that is staggering.
Some people never think. It's almost like they have absolutely no idea as to what is actually going on outside their front door. They must never leave the house. Illegals are working in this country, taking jobs that American citizens could do, and they're driving wages down, in addition to forcing us into a lower standard of living. How blind can folks be? Go figure.

I worked with a mexican guy who was born in the US and he called me a racist for being against immigration. So I asked him if he was happy with his pay. Of course he said no. So I explained to him why he shouldnt expect it to get any better because those immigrants are undercutting him.
He changed his tune real quick ......
So where exactly are these immigrants working? Do they commute to mexico everyday?
For probably the tenth time...I watched machine shops go from maybe 3% mexican to over 75% mexican over the course of the last twenty years
How can that be, the Right says the lazy slackers come here for the "FREE STUFF."


And lefties are constantly saying they're only doing the jobs Americans wont do,which is a blatant lie.

I'm not a hater of anybody, I do however agree that its an unfair assumption that illegals do jobs that Americans won't do, that utter bs. There's not one Burger King or hotel job in my neck of the woods that don't exclusively hire illegals and they do so because they'll work for that min. dollar and never complain about it. It all boils down to profit and anyone denying this is only fooling themselves and providing amnesty to yet another crop of millions will only bring more to this country, because corporate America and small business owners want cheap labor on their payrolls, its as simple as that.

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