The job stealing immigrant is a far right nativist myth

A google search reveals the GOP and TP, the majority anyway, are lefities according to Yurt the far right reactionary.

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Web Results
On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ ...
On immigration Republicans favor path to legal status but differ over citizenship Pew Research Center
Jan 28, 2014 ... Roughly-two thirds of Americans favor either a pathway to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants (54%) or a way to stay in the U.S. legally ...
Majority of U.S.—GOP voters, too—support pathway to citizenship...
Majority of U.S. GOP voters too support pathway to citizenship MSNBC
Jun 10, 2014 ... By the parties, 70% of Democrats, 61% of Independents, and 51% ofRepublicans support a pathway to citizenship with requirements like ...
Republican voters change their minds about a path to citizenship...
Republican voters change their minds about a path to citizenship - The Washington Post
Dec 3, 2014 ... A year ago, Quinnipiac University polls show, Republican voters narrowly supported a path to citizenship over deportation, by 43 percent to 38 ...
Poll: 62 percent support pathway to citizenship - Seung Min Kim ...
No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.
and your kids and other American kids will be the PAST Jake , ok with me , you are responsible !! I'm an adult , set up as good as I'll ever be . I didn't have to compete with low wage expectations with hordes of imported foreigners Jake .
No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.
and your kids and other American kids will be the PAST Jake , ok with me , you are responsible !! I'm an adult , set up as good as I'll ever be . I didn't have to compete with low wage expectations with hordes of of imported foreigners Jake .
Life is not a freebie, son. Your kids and my kids have to compete, just as you and I did.Plenty of great jobs exist in America; folks have to train for them. And certain portion of America thinks high school and speaking English is enuff, bubba.
good to see that you to kids Jake , makes me smile , yeah , let them train and compete , ok with me . Make sure they know a few different languages and know how to fight in the third world that you are creating in the USA .
good to see that you to kids Jake , makes me smile , yeah , let them train and compete , ok with me . Make sure they know a few different languages and know how to fight in the third world that you are creating in the USA .
Edit it so we can understand it.
No more than you do yourself, Tipsy or pismoe.

The great majority of Americans oppose your types of nativisim.

You are the past.
and your kids and other American kids will be the PAST Jake , ok with me , you are responsible !! I'm an adult , set up as good as I'll ever be . I didn't have to compete with low wage expectations with hordes of of imported foreigners Jake .
Life is not a freebie, son. Your kids and my kids have to compete, just as you and I did.Plenty of great jobs exist in America; folks have to train for them. And certain portion of America thinks high school and speaking English is enuff, bubba.

You know Jakeass, your diatribes against the base, if anything, are driving us away from you supposed RINO Republicans. You and only a small handful of others do this, making me believe that YOU and those others, aren't Republicans at all, but as I keep mentioning are PLANTS for the subversive movement.... Have you ever said, or started a thread about how bad the OTHER side is.... I can't remember one for the year I've been here. Just a little reminder to REAL Patriots that you are the scum of America, and to take whatever you post with the reality that you are that Manchurian Republican.
good to see that you to kids Jake , makes me smile , yeah , let them train and compete , ok with me . Make sure they know a few different languages and know how to fight in the third world that you are creating in the USA .
Edit it so we can understand it.

What's the matter Jakeass, the man makes perfect sense, you on the other hand, are a subversive scumbag that gets caught by many different poster for what you are!
All of the nativistic anti-illegal yelling means nothing, folks.

They are here. They will stay here. There will be a path to citizenship.

You can't change it.

And they will vote come the day, and they will remember you as Republicans.
i got news for you jake....many will remember how the democrats looked at them too.....there just might be a whole bunch added to the "i cant stand both parties" party...
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.

You have any idea, IF we use your figures, how many MILLIONS of us Patriots there are?.... enough to swing elections....but THIS is why I warn Republicans about what you try to do, You're a Commie bastard, Jakeass, and you're MORE transparent than Obuma's Socialism!
Sorry thats the democrat way. Stock options ya little bitch,stock options.
Either your lying (and I suspect that is the case based on your anger) or telling the truth, so why do you care? You don't add up, son.

Oh I add up all right,and so do those options.
The only reason I care is I hate to see my country turn third world and we're well on our way.
And If I'm going to be surrounded by foreigners? I'll do it on the beach in the Caribbean.
Sure. ;)

No need to be jealous fakey.
I retired almost three years ago in City Creek condos in SLC.

Yeah, I am suffering.:lol:

So you're what 68?
I retired in a 5000 sq ft custom home on the golf course that I paid cash for at 35 and recently sold my weekend place on the river in prep for our move to the country,or out of the country depending on the direction this country goes in.:lol:
Have fun in your little box of joy.
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.

You have any idea, IF we use your figures, how many MILLIONS of us Patriots there are?.... enough to swing elections....but THIS is why I warn Republicans about what you try to do, You're a Commie bastard, Jakeass, and you're MORE transparent than Obuma's Socialism!
I am a real Republican, and you are nothing more than an ersatz John Bircher. :lol:
Good for you, HGWA. Look up City Creek, son. The difference is that your place is on the Monopoly Board and mine is the real thing.
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.

You have any idea, IF we use your figures, how many MILLIONS of us Patriots there are?.... enough to swing elections....but THIS is why I warn Republicans about what you try to do, You're a Commie bastard, Jakeass, and you're MORE transparent than Obuma's Socialism!
I am a real Republican, and you are nothing more than an ersatz John Bircher. :lol:

You're no republican. Hell,RINO Jeb Bush makes you look like Joseph Stalin.
Good for you, HGWA. Look up City Creek, son. The difference is that your place is on the Monopoly Board and mine is the real thing.

A real cracker box. Let me know when you can pay cash for a 600 acre ranch with out buildings and a home on it.
The only time you'll see me living in a condo type place is when I'm shitting myself and need help to wipe my ass.
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.

You have any idea, IF we use your figures, how many MILLIONS of us Patriots there are?.... enough to swing elections....but THIS is why I warn Republicans about what you try to do, You're a Commie bastard, Jakeass, and you're MORE transparent than Obuma's Socialism!
I am a real Republican, and you are nothing more than an ersatz John Bircher. :lol:

You're a piece of fecal matter, I've pointed out your treachery, now you may stew in it, as NO ONE with an IQ over 100 will ever believe you again!
That will be fine as well.

The point is that the far right nativists like Vigi and the rest are small in %, probably less than 30% in the GOP alone, that oppose it.

You have any idea, IF we use your figures, how many MILLIONS of us Patriots there are?.... enough to swing elections....but THIS is why I warn Republicans about what you try to do, You're a Commie bastard, Jakeass, and you're MORE transparent than Obuma's Socialism!
I am a real Republican, and you are nothing more than an ersatz John Bircher. :lol:

You're a piece of fecal matter, I've pointed out your treachery, now you may stew in it, as NO ONE with an IQ over 100 will ever believe you again!

Hell,I dont believe her now.

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