The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
Bullshit.....Never does he pass anything from his left to right hand.......He glances back quickly towrds Connelly when he hears his distress. The impact to Kennedy's head occurs, and he turns back towards the front and guns it to the freeway......What you are interpreting as his arm crossing his shoulder is nothing more than the sun reflecting off the top inside door panel as he turns his body..........Notice that there is no puff of smoke anywhere near Greer, or anywhere in the front cockpit.....Nobody in the car reacts to a gunshot from inside the car.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.

And nobody was deafened by the large caliber weapon being fired inches from their ears...but hey, thats a fact and it has no place in a discussion with that shitbrains.

You are such a dumb troll that this question has been asked and answered at least three times. Here it is again for you, candy ass.

So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.
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The jury is out.
OK.......I guess we should throw up a picture of a big yellow corn encrusted turd, and if he starts telling us they are actually green peas planted into said turd by George Bush we'll know.

I really think his only goal is to post as many shocking images as possible and try to get a reaction. Most of his posts are answers to blog posts.

Let me say that again...he has a blog and he answers the questions on this forum.

I think there is a strong stench of mental illness outside of the subject matter.

I really think your only goal is to be a half assed troll who posts some of the most inane bullshit I've seen since posting the truth on Greer.

Let me say this again...I have a blog that has overwhelming proof of Greer's guilt.:eusa_whistle:
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.

.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You are an easily proven liar but that doesn't surprise at all. You have nothing but lies in the face of irrefutable proof.:cuckoo:

Austin Miller's Warren Commission Testimony (back to the list of witnesses)
Posner vs Harris

(Miller was standing on the triple overpass)

Mr. BELIN - Well, describe what happened. Did you see the motorcade come by?
Mr. MILLER - Yes sir; it came down main street and turned north on Houston Street and went over two blocks and turned left on Elm Street. Got about halfway down the hill going toward the underpass and that is when as I recall the first shot was fired.
Mr. BELIN - Did you know it was a shot when you heard it?
Mr. MILLER - I didn't know it. I thought at first the motorcycle backfiring or somebody throwed some firecrackers out.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you hear or see?
Mr. MILLER - After the first one, just a few seconds later, there was two more shots fired, or sounded like a sound at the time. I don't know for sure. And it was after that I saw some man in the car fall forward, and a women next to him grab him and hollered, and just what, I don't know exactly what she said.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see?
Mr. MILLER - About that time I turned to look toward the - there is a little plaza sitting on the hill. I looked over there to see if anything was there, who through the firecracker or whatever it was, or see if anything was up there, and there wasn't nobody standing there, so I stepped back and looked at the tracks to see if anybody run across the railroad tracks, and there was nobody running across the railroad tracks. So I turned right straight back just in time to see the convertible take off fast.
Mr. BELIN - You mean the convertible in which the President was riding?
Mr. MILLER - I wouldn't want to say it was the President. It was a convertible, but I saw a man fall over. I don't know whose convertible it was.
Mr. BELIN - Where did the shots sound like they came from?
Mr. MILLER - Well, the way it sounded like, it came from the, I would say from right there in the car. Would be to my left, the way I was looking at him toward that incline
Mr. BELIN - Is there anything else that you can think of that you saw?
Mr. MILLER - About the time I looked over to the side there, there was a police officer. No; a motorcycle running his motor under against the curb, and jumped off and come up to the hill toward the top and right behind him was some more officers and plainclothesmen, too.
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone that might be, that gave any suspicious movements of any kind over there?
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone when you looked around on the railroad tracks, that you hadn't seen before
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't.
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.

.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.

You are an easily proven liar but that doesn't surprise at all. You have nothing but lies in the face of irrefutable proof.:eusa_whistle:


Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22 day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Hugh William Betzner, Jr., Address 5922 Velasco, Dallas, Age 22 , Phone No. TA 7-9761
Deposes and says:
I was standing on Houston Street near the intersection of Elm Street. I took a picture of President Kennedy's car as it passed along Houston Street. I have an old camera. I looked down real quick and rolled the film to take the next picture. I then ran down to the corner of Elm andHouston [sic] Streets, this being the southwest corner. I was standing back from the corner and had to take the pictures through some of the crowd. I ran on down Elm a little more and President Kennedy's car was starting to go down the hill to the triple underpass. I was running trying to keep the President's car in my view and was winding my film as I ran. I was looking down at my camera to see the number of the film as I ran. I took another picture as the President's car was going down the hill on Elm Street. I started to wind my film again and I heard a loud noise. I thought that this noise was either a firecracker or a car had backfired. I looked up and it seemed like there was another loud noise in the matter of a few seconds. I looked down the street and I could see the President's car and another one and they looked like the cars were stopped. Then I saw a flash of pink like someone standing up and then sitting back down in the car. Then I ran around so I could look over the back of a monument and I either saw the following then or when I was sitting back down on the corner of Elm Street. I cannot remember exactly where I was when I saw the following: I heard at least two shots fired and I saw what looked like a firecracker going off in the president's car. My assumption for this was because I saw fragments going up in the air. I also saw a man in either the President's car or the car behind his and someone down in one of those cars pull out what looked like a rifle. I also remember seeing what looked like a nickel revolver in someone's hand in the President's car or somewhere immediately around his car. Then the President's car sped on under the underpass. Police and a lot of spectators started running up the hill on the opposite side of the street from me to a fence of wood. I assumed that was where the shot was fired from at that time. I kept watching the crowd. Then I came around the monument over to Main Street. I walked down toward where the President's car had stopped. I saw a Police Officer and some men in plain clothes. I don't know who they were. These Police Officers and the men in plain clothes were digging around in the dirt as if they were looking for a bullet. I walked back around the monument over to Elm Street where they were digging in the dirt. I went on across the street and up the embankment to where the fence is located. By this time almost all of the people had left. There were quite a few people down on the street and crowded around a motorcycle. I was looking around the fence as the rumor had spread that that was where the shot had come from. I started figuring where I was when I had taken the third picture and it seemed to me that the fence row would have been in the picture. I saw a group of men who looked like they might be officers and one of them turned out to be Deputy Sheriff Boone. I told him about the picture I had taken. Deputy Sheriff Boone contacted superiors and was told to bring me over to the Sheriff's Office. Deputy Sheriff Boone took my camera and asked me to wait. I waited in the Sheriff's Office and some time later, an hour or two, he brought my camera back and told me that as soon as they got through with the film and they were dry that they would give me the film. A little later he came in and gave me the negatives and told me that they were interested in a couple of pictures and implied that the negatives was all I was going to get back. To the best of my knowledge, this is all I know about this incident. /s/ Hugh William Betzner, Jr.
JFK: Eyewitness statements, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, murder of J. D. Tippit and arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald: Hugh William Betzner
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it. Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

An early report of Greer firing fatal shot.

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
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As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it. Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

An early report of Greer firing fatal shot.

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
So, why can't you show ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE in those clips and photos, of Kennedy actually being shot from inside the car?

And, are you a 9/11 truther?

Serious question.
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"Everyone heard two shots ring out. One shot made Liberty fall."

From the song "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence"...Gene Pitney
During the alteration of Zapruder they compressed the impact and the rear skull gape into one frame and did their best to hide skull detaching in between subsequent frames.

312, no gape.

313, complete rear gape.

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.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it. Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

An early report of Greer firing fatal shot.

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
So, why can't you show ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE in those clips and photos, of Kennedy actually being shot from inside the car?

And, are you a 9/11 truther?

Serious question.

If he doesn't have any evidence, he is almost certainly a twoofer.
Who shot JFK.

Well, if you ask any one in the world, they will tell you a highly trained killing machine put JFK down.

If you ask a Marine, he will tell you an normal rifleman put one in his head, just like any other Marine could do.

That's, how good they are.
Who shot JFK.

Well, if you ask any one in the world, they will tell you a highly trained killing machine put JFK down.

If you ask a Marine, he will tell you an normal rifleman put one in his head, just like any other Marine could do.

That's, how good they are.

except there has never been any evidence or proof that oswald did it.:cuckoo:
You can't have a gaping hole without something being ejected!

Connally described being sprayed with a clear liquid which is something more logical than some fake red blotch. It's also not likely that fluid would show up in these old films but the back of his head popping off would, especially if t opens up just the way it does in Zapruder. These are in sequential order with the first being just before 313, showing the perfect gape up close. Jfk's skull did what it logically had to do with the right rear exit wound he suffered. The back of his head was blown off just like forty witnesses saw with their own eyes, including Clint Hill, Jackie, and Jfk's killer, Bill Greer.


Between 313-314


Who shot JFK.

Well, if you ask any one in the world, they will tell you a highly trained killing machine put JFK down.

If you ask a Marine, he will tell you an normal rifleman put one in his head, just like any other Marine could do.

That's, how good they are.

except there has never been any evidence or proof that oswald did it.:cuckoo:

The Warren Commission Report ring a bell? I'm not saying it's true, but Oswald did kill a cop and put the noose around his own neck.
Who shot JFK.

Well, if you ask any one in the world, they will tell you a highly trained killing machine put JFK down.

If you ask a Marine, he will tell you an normal rifleman put one in his head, just like any other Marine could do.

That's, how good they are.

except there has never been any evidence or proof that oswald did it.:cuckoo:

The Warren Commission Report ring a bell? I'm not saying it's true, but Oswald did kill a cop and put the noose around his own neck.

And he did that only after leaving work in the middle of the day, taking a bus and a cab to go home, getting his gun.

After popping the cop, he then walks into a movie theater in the middle of a viewing.

Yeah, sounds REAL innocent.
Who shot JFK.

Well, if you ask any one in the world, they will tell you a highly trained killing machine put JFK down.

If you ask a Marine, he will tell you an normal rifleman put one in his head, just like any other Marine could do.

That's, how good they are.

except there has never been any evidence or proof that oswald did it.:cuckoo:

The Warren Commission Report ring a bell? I'm not saying it's true, but Oswald did kill a cop and put the noose around his own neck.

Dude obviously that is the ONLY thing you have ever read in this case is the fairy tale warren commission which has been shreaded to pieces too many times to remember:cuckoo: you have obviously never interviewed witnesses over the years who were there that day like I have.If you did,you would know that the warren commission ignored many witnesses,oh and there was never any proof that he killed Tippet either.the cop you are talking about.

this next part isnt for you so ignore it.

That now makes FIVE farts from you candyfag.:lol:
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OK.......I guess we should throw up a picture of a big yellow corn encrusted turd, and if he starts telling us they are actually green peas planted into said turd by George Bush we'll know.

I really think his only goal is to post as many shocking images as possible and try to get a reaction. Most of his posts are answers to blog posts.

Let me say that again...he has a blog and he answers the questions on this forum.

I think there is a strong stench of mental illness outside of the subject matter.

I really think your only goal is to be a half assed troll who posts some of the most inane bullshit I've seen since posting the truth on Greer.

Let me say this again...I have a blog that has overwhelming proof of Greer's guilt.:eusa_whistle:

Candyfag is a paid shill sent here to derail threads about government corruption.
.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it. Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

An early report of Greer firing fatal shot.

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
So, why can't you show ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE in those clips and photos, of Kennedy actually being shot from inside the car?

And, are you a 9/11 truther?

Serious question.

He cant show it to you when you cover your eyes to the evidence.:cuckoo:the same EXACT same thing you wo when evidence is presented to you that 9/11 was an inside job.:cuckoo: He cant do anything for you when your too adfraid to take off the blinders and look at the evidence and only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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