The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

This is my forth attempt to post to this thread. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know rather than just erasing my post. I'm a newby at this site.
Here is my original post:

I believe you 7forever. Here is some collaborating information (on the possibility of SS Agent Greer being the source of the final had shot with his nickle plated revolver):

Douglas P. Horne, Chief Analyst for Military Records, Assassination Records Review Board (Pub 2010) details in volume five of this incredibly detailed and well-documented five volume set, how a "prominent researcher" that he knows who requested confidentiality on his identity, describes video taping an interview (shortly before the witness died) with an unnamed black steward on Air Force One, who related an incident on the Air Force One flight back to Washington after the assassination, during which Secret Service Agent Clint Hill "was changing his shirt (which was covered with the President's blood) and in a moment of complete honesty, while being assisted by the steward with his change of wardrobe, confided to the steward that when he jumped onto the back of the limousine, 'the driver had his gun out and it was pointed right at my face'." Horne continues, "As the interview was related to me, Clint Hill was quite shaken by what he saw, for the implications were obvious. Hill's descriptions of the sound of the head shot(s), in both his written statement and in his Warren Commission testimony, were consistently that it resembled the sound a revolver makes when it is fired into a hard object." Horne continues, "The discharging of a firearm inside the limousine could also explain why the triage nurse at Parkland hospital, Bertha Lozano, smelled 'smoke' (i.e. gunpowder) when Kennedy and Connelly were rushed past her on gurneys to the trauma stations for treatment." "The videotaped interview of the steward also provides independent corroboration for Hugh Betzner's account in his Sheriff's Department affidavit of November 22, 1963, that he saw a nickel (plated) revolver in someone’s hand inside the limousine during the assassination, and is consistent with Jean Hill's account in her affidavit of November 22, 1963 that some men in plain clothes were 'shooting back' (at the assassins)."
"One other Chrenshaw quote from High Treason 2 (page 114) is worth of mention here:
'The Secret Service men were there when we started to work on Mr. Kennedy (at Parkland Hospital). Clint Hill had a gun out and cocked and we were afraid he was going to shoot one of us. And Doris Nelson went around saying, 'he's okay, he's okay, he's okay,' and got him finally out of the room. It was sheer bedlam.
This makes sense to me only when I consider the revelation made by Clint Hill to the Air Force One steward. Consider his state of mind in Trauma Room One, given what Hill confided to the steward. He had just seen (and heard) the driver of the President's limousine plug the President, the man they were all sworn to protect, with a coup de grace shot to the head, and from that moment onward (until the end of his career when he was granted early retirement in 1975), his world was turned upside down. He was surrounded by known traitors: William Greer, Roy Kellerman, Floyd Boring, Emory Roberts -- and doubtless others, unknown to him. He didn't know whom to trust, and besides being infused with anger and overcome by sorrow, he might well even have been afraid for his own life, for having heard Greer fire his revolver, and seen it in his hand immediately after the head explosion, he was clearly, 'the man who knew too much'. Hill had enough intestinal fortitude to tell Arlen Specter about Floyd Boring's security stripping role under oath, and enough common sense to suddenly forger Boring's name when he was required to prepare a written statement about the matter later for Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley. The poor man suffered from deep depression and alcoholism for years, and his agony was still apparent, and right on the surface, in 1975 when he was interviewed for the television news magazine 60 Minutes by Mike Wallace. (During that interview, I believe Hill was as upset by what he could not talk about, as he was by what he did talk about. The 'survivor's guilt' that he exhibited during the poignant interview may really have related more to his failure to blow the whistle on the 'dirty' Secret Service agents involved in the assassination, than to his failure to get to the limousine in time to protect the President."

Horne's five volumes, large format paperback set is incredibly inclusive and well documented and is available on both and I strongly recommend it.

Just do you explain Oswald's actions after the shooting then? How do you explain what happened to James Tague?

Oswald, if he did fire a shot, which I'm not convinced he did, purposely shot high of the mark and hit the curb near Teague (either because he was under pressure to participate in the assassination and didn't want to kill Kennedy, or because he was being told he was part of a false assassination attempt in order to blame it on Castro and manipulate the Kennedy administration into going after Castro in revenge).

Personally, I believe Oswald was not on the sixth floor during the shootings, was waiting in the luncheon room for a phone call as per instructions from his handler. I think he got that phone call and was told to go back to his rooming house, get his revolver, then go to the Texas Theater to meet his new contact who would then get him to a plane to head for Cuba to add to the false assassination theory by heading for Cuba as a way to not only blame Castro for the attempt and pressure the administration to invade Cuba, but also to give Oswald access to Cuba and Castro for yet another assassination attempt on Castro - this time with a highly contagious mutated cancer virus that would cause Castro to die within a month if properly exposed.

Oswald heads for his boarding room, meanwhile an Oswald look alike and a tall dark Cuban looking guy are picked up by the Rambler station wagon in front of the TSBD building and driven to near the site of the Officer Tippit killing where the Oswald look alike and possible the other man murder Tippet and then flee the area, the Oswald look alike making his way to the Texas Theater where he make a big show of hiding in store front recessions when police cars go by and attracts the attention of a store owner who sees him enter the Texas Theater without paying.

Previously, the real Oswald returns to his rooming house, gets his revolver and while there the landlady sees a police car out front that honks its horn twice then turns around the corner and stops. Oswald leaves and is given a ride to the Texas Theater, enters (paying his ticket) goes into the main part of the theater and is seen sitting down immediately next to first one person then after a minute or two moving to sit right next to another person for a minute or two and so on, in a theater that only has about 20 people in a bank of several hundred seats.

Oswald in his luncheon room call was told to go to the theater and meet another contact. He was trying to establish contact with his new handler by sitting next to them and waiting for the right code word, but without success (I wonder why? He was sent there and the fake Oswald drew the police there for the purpose of shooting and killing the real Oswald by the police - Oh yeah, Jack Ruby was sitting in the back row of the theater watching to make sure it worked - but it didn't). Oswald then goes out into the lobby and buys pop corn at 1:15pm, according to the concession sales person, and this is exactly the same time that Officer Tippet was being murdered. Then the real Oswald returns to the main part of the theater and starts again to sit next to people looking for his contact. In the meanwhile after the Oswald look alike arrives and draws attention to himself before entering the theater without paying and goes up into the balcony where he hides. The store keeper tells the ticket taker about the man sneaking in and they call the police.

When the police arrive on mass within 10 minutes they arrest the real Oswald and take him out the front of the theater. Moments later the Oswald look alike is found in the balcony, arrested, and taken out the back door where witness saw him placed in a police car and driven away. He is driven a short distance away and released and was seen around 2:30pm sitting in a car waiting for someone. The license plate number was noted by a witness and traced to a CIA employee but was actually for a different car then the one the look alike Oswald was waiting in. Later he is joined by the tall dark skinned Cuban looking guy and drives across the river to a makeshift air strip where they are seen boarding an unmarked CIA plane which takes off and flies to the CIA air force base "Area 51".

The witness to this a military man who was inadvertently sent on board that plane through a secretarial mix-up for an in-service flight back to his home base (on clearly the wrong plane), he was in that plane when it landed in Dallas November 22, 1963, and saw the two men including the Oswald look alike come on board and then flew with he, the pilot and the co-pilot on to the CIA air force base. He didn't know where he was and saw an office and went in and asked where he was and was told CIA air force base area 51. He asked where to get a bus to go back home and was told he couldn't leave the base because it was on lock down. After two hours he was released and given directions to a bus stop. The following year he learned that the FBI was asking his neighbors all about him. He was then called in by the CIA and given numerous interviews and tests and was then told he was going to be offered a job with the CIA, he declined. Several months later he was ordered to return to the CIA offices and then ordered to change jobs and work for the CIA which included taking oaths of secrecy for everything both before and after his hiring. Thirty years later he finally told the story of his strange air flight to pick up the Oswald look alike.

All of what I have described, starting with Oswald leaving the TSBD building by first bus then taxi is documented in detail with all of the witnesses named and documented in "JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters" by James W. Douglass (pub. 2008). I highly recommend it.

Well, 7forever, I did post videos: you said they were fake. And that's okay with me. Whatever floats your boat. You don't have to try to convince me that Greer shot Kennedy. It's a lost cause. Without a CLEAR image of Greer with a gun, I'm just not going to believe it, and honestly: you're not going to be able to post that image. You're going to be able to see the gun, but I won't: and HEY, those are just the two worlds we live in, and that's okay. So as far as I'm concerned: do what makes you happy.

You do see Greer pass the covered object just like every person who has viewed my work showing frames in Zapruder. All they did was put something over it but it's there in his left hand. It's not debatable that Greer passed the covered's a visual fact.


Greer passes gun, seen perfectly in Z.
How on earth can you honestly say that is a gun..?..That's a visual blur..

What is he passing? And why is he passing anything? And why have researchers ignored and lied about these facts for decades? Because the driver shot Kennedy and the conspiracy theorists are most responsible for covering this fact up for the government...that's why.
We will never really know what happened. I dont think it was just one guy who did this, but to think the driver did it? Jackie O did hear the gun shot from the front seat? The guy sitting next to him didnt hear it either? REally?

wrong.we already know the CIA/military industrial complex did it.theres moutains of evidence of that.Greer was connected to the CIA. Like his fellow secret service buddy is REALLY going to be truthful.yeah right.:lol:
Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver As Shooter Theory
This conpsiracy kook who promotes obvious nonsense published an article (a year ago) that blatantly lies about a very important fact in the film. GREER HAS BOTH HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEL 4 seconds before he fires the fatal shot. He also places the gun in his left hand. This obvious truth is so scary to these kooks that they publish articles as recent as May, 2010. They are dreading the day when millions of people find out this shocking truth.

I have studied first-generation clear prints of the Zapruder film and it is apparent that while it may be questionable as to why Greer turned and looked back at Kennedy and then could not recall that fact for the Warren Commission, at no time did his two hands leave the steering wheel of the limousine. There are plenty of real conspiracies out there without dragging this old wheezer up again.


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How on earth can you honestly say that is a gun..?..That's a visual blur..

What is he passing? And why is he passing anything? And why have researchers ignored and lied about these facts for decades? Because the driver shot Kennedy and the conspiracy theorists are most responsible for covering this fact up for the government...that's why.

Next thing he will be saying is that silver object he is holding is a visual blur as well.:lol: not saying thats his gun,it could be his hand in this photo that he is talking about,but the thing that proves he did shoot him is the photo that from the left side you have shown many times which shows Greer turning around and his left arm leaving the wheel getting ready to shoot him.
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Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver As Shooter Theory
This conpsiracy kook who promotes obvious nonsense published an article (just a few months ago) that blatantly lies about a very important fact in the film. GREER HAS BOTH HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEL 4 seconds before he fires the fatal shot. He also places the gun in his left hand. This obvious truth is so scary to these kooks that they publish articles as recent as May, 2010. They are dreading the day when millions of people find out this shocking truth.

I have studied first-generation clear prints of the Zapruder film and it is apparent that while it may be questionable as to why Greer turned and looked back at Kennedy and then could not recall that fact for the Warren Commission, at no time did his two hands leave the steering wheel of the limousine. There are plenty of real conspiracies out there without dragging this old wheezer up again.



I know an american history teacher that has researched the case since 67 and he must have been taken in by Marrs lies in what he said because i was talking to him about it once and he said he looked into it for a while that Greer shot Kennedy and he said the same thing Marrs did,that his hands were on the steering wheel all the time.Yep he got taken in by Marrs.

Man I am really dissapointed in Marrs for making such an ignorant comment.I have met him before and he has done some excellent research on the JFK and 9/11 as well and his book Crossfire is one of the very best on the kennedy assassination.Thats why these ignorant comments of his dissapoint me.for one thing,no those SS agents would not have whispered about it for years because they participated in the coverup,destroying the evidence and removing it and violating SS protection policys and procedures,not to mention Connoly was involved up to his ears in the assassiantion so thats just plain moronic to say that SHE would say something.:cuckoo: and as we have talked about before,thats why they had the shooters on the grassy knoll was to get everybodys attention focused on them instead of Greer.everybody is going to be looking at JFK,NOT the driver.:cuckoo:

Marrs also contradicts himself there because there is a recent book that came out written by a couple of agents that worked his detail called THE KENNEDY DETAIL.These agents lie about everything which is not surrising since the book ENDORCES the warren commission that so oswald killed kennedy and Marrs goes by what these AGENTS are saying? :lol::lol:

great logic there Marrs.
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How on earth can you honestly say that is a gun..?..That's a visual blur..

What is he passing? And why is he passing anything? And why have researchers ignored and lied about these facts for decades? Because the driver shot Kennedy and the conspiracy theorists are most responsible for covering this fact up for the government...that's why.

Next thing he will be saying is that silver object he is holding is a visual blur as well.:lol: not saying thats his gun,it could be his hand,but the thing that proves he did shoot him is the photo that from the left side you have shown many times which shows Greer turning around and his left arm leaving the wheel getting ready to shoot him.

Don't forget the visual proof of the fake hand (with no fake arm) after Greer passes the gun.


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What is he passing? And why is he passing anything? And why have researchers ignored and lied about these facts for decades? Because the driver shot Kennedy and the conspiracy theorists are most responsible for covering this fact up for the government...that's why.

Next thing he will be saying is that silver object he is holding is a visual blur as well.:lol: not saying thats his gun,it could be his hand,but the thing that proves he did shoot him is the photo that from the left side you have shown many times which shows Greer turning around and his left arm leaving the wheel getting ready to shoot him.

Don't forget the visual proof of the fake hand (with no fake arm) after Greer passes the gun.



thats a great photo right there,especially that third photo at the bottom.You can clearly see that that is a silver object he is holding and that his right hand is on the wheel and his left hand is not.The photo that I was talking about before of course was your first photo you posted on this page.That object could be his hand but this photo,that third one below,you can clearly see that is a silver object he is holding which is obviously the gun.thanks for posting that.will be interesting to see the people that are so afraid of the truth,what THEY come on here and say about that photo,the Greer apologists.:lol::lol:
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This is my forth attempt to post to this thread. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know rather than just erasing my post. I'm a newby at this site.
Here is my original post:

I believe you 7forever. Here is some collaborating information (on the possibility of SS Agent Greer being the source of the final had shot with his nickle plated revolver):

Douglas P. Horne, Chief Analyst for Military Records, Assassination Records Review Board (Pub 2010) details in volume five of this incredibly detailed and well-documented five volume set, how a "prominent researcher" that he knows who requested confidentiality on his identity, describes video taping an interview (shortly before the witness died) with an unnamed black steward on Air Force One, who related an incident on the Air Force One flight back to Washington after the assassination, during which Secret Service Agent Clint Hill "was changing his shirt (which was covered with the President's blood) and in a moment of complete honesty, while being assisted by the steward with his change of wardrobe, confided to the steward that when he jumped onto the back of the limousine, 'the driver had his gun out and it was pointed right at my face'." Horne continues, "As the interview was related to me, Clint Hill was quite shaken by what he saw, for the implications were obvious. Hill's descriptions of the sound of the head shot(s), in both his written statement and in his Warren Commission testimony, were consistently that it resembled the sound a revolver makes when it is fired into a hard object." Horne continues, "The discharging of a firearm inside the limousine could also explain why the triage nurse at Parkland hospital, Bertha Lozano, smelled 'smoke' (i.e. gunpowder) when Kennedy and Connelly were rushed past her on gurneys to the trauma stations for treatment." "The videotaped interview of the steward also provides independent corroboration for Hugh Betzner's account in his Sheriff's Department affidavit of November 22, 1963, that he saw a nickel (plated) revolver in someone’s hand inside the limousine during the assassination, and is consistent with Jean Hill's account in her affidavit of November 22, 1963 that some men in plain clothes were 'shooting back' (at the assassins)."
"One other Chrenshaw quote from High Treason 2 (page 114) is worth of mention here:
'The Secret Service men were there when we started to work on Mr. Kennedy (at Parkland Hospital). Clint Hill had a gun out and cocked and we were afraid he was going to shoot one of us. And Doris Nelson went around saying, 'he's okay, he's okay, he's okay,' and got him finally out of the room. It was sheer bedlam.
This makes sense to me only when I consider the revelation made by Clint Hill to the Air Force One steward. Consider his state of mind in Trauma Room One, given what Hill confided to the steward. He had just seen (and heard) the driver of the President's limousine plug the President, the man they were all sworn to protect, with a coup de grace shot to the head, and from that moment onward (until the end of his career when he was granted early retirement in 1975), his world was turned upside down. He was surrounded by known traitors: William Greer, Roy Kellerman, Floyd Boring, Emory Roberts -- and doubtless others, unknown to him. He didn't know whom to trust, and besides being infused with anger and overcome by sorrow, he might well even have been afraid for his own life, for having heard Greer fire his revolver, and seen it in his hand immediately after the head explosion, he was clearly, 'the man who knew too much'. Hill had enough intestinal fortitude to tell Arlen Specter about Floyd Boring's security stripping role under oath, and enough common sense to suddenly forger Boring's name when he was required to prepare a written statement about the matter later for Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley. The poor man suffered from deep depression and alcoholism for years, and his agony was still apparent, and right on the surface, in 1975 when he was interviewed for the television news magazine 60 Minutes by Mike Wallace. (During that interview, I believe Hill was as upset by what he could not talk about, as he was by what he did talk about. The 'survivor's guilt' that he exhibited during the poignant interview may really have related more to his failure to blow the whistle on the 'dirty' Secret Service agents involved in the assassination, than to his failure to get to the limousine in time to protect the President."

Horne's five volumes, large format paperback set is incredibly inclusive and well documented and is available on both and I strongly recommend it.

Just do you explain Oswald's actions after the shooting then? How do you explain what happened to James Tague?

Oswald, if he did fire a shot, which I'm not convinced he did, purposely shot high of the mark and hit the curb near Teague (either because he was under pressure to participate in the assassination and didn't want to kill Kennedy, or because he was being told he was part of a false assassination attempt in order to blame it on Castro and manipulate the Kennedy administration into going after Castro in revenge).

Personally, I believe Oswald was not on the sixth floor during the shootings, was waiting in the luncheon room for a phone call as per instructions from his handler. I think he got that phone call and was told to go back to his rooming house, get his revolver, then go to the Texas Theater to meet his new contact who would then get him to a plane to head for Cuba to add to the false assassination theory by heading for Cuba as a way to not only blame Castro for the attempt and pressure the administration to invade Cuba, but also to give Oswald access to Cuba and Castro for yet another assassination attempt on Castro - this time with a highly contagious mutated cancer virus that would cause Castro to die within a month if properly exposed.

Oswald heads for his boarding room, meanwhile an Oswald look alike and a tall dark Cuban looking guy are picked up by the Rambler station wagon in front of the TSBD building and driven to near the site of the Officer Tippit killing where the Oswald look alike and possible the other man murder Tippet and then flee the area, the Oswald look alike making his way to the Texas Theater where he make a big show of hiding in store front recessions when police cars go by and attracts the attention of a store owner who sees him enter the Texas Theater without paying.

Previously, the real Oswald returns to his rooming house, gets his revolver and while there the landlady sees a police car out front that honks its horn twice then turns around the corner and stops. Oswald leaves and is given a ride to the Texas Theater, enters (paying his ticket) goes into the main part of the theater and is seen sitting down immediately next to first one person then after a minute or two moving to sit right next to another person for a minute or two and so on, in a theater that only has about 20 people in a bank of several hundred seats.

Oswald in his luncheon room call was told to go to the theater and meet another contact. He was trying to establish contact with his new handler by sitting next to them and waiting for the right code word, but without success (I wonder why? He was sent there and the fake Oswald drew the police there for the purpose of shooting and killing the real Oswald by the police - Oh yeah, Jack Ruby was sitting in the back row of the theater watching to make sure it worked - but it didn't). Oswald then goes out into the lobby and buys pop corn at 1:15pm, according to the concession sales person, and this is exactly the same time that Officer Tippet was being murdered. Then the real Oswald returns to the main part of the theater and starts again to sit next to people looking for his contact. In the meanwhile after the Oswald look alike arrives and draws attention to himself before entering the theater without paying and goes up into the balcony where he hides. The store keeper tells the ticket taker about the man sneaking in and they call the police.

When the police arrive on mass within 10 minutes they arrest the real Oswald and take him out the front of the theater. Moments later the Oswald look alike is found in the balcony, arrested, and taken out the back door where witness saw him placed in a police car and driven away. He is driven a short distance away and released and was seen around 2:30pm sitting in a car waiting for someone. The license plate number was noted by a witness and traced to a CIA employee but was actually for a different car then the one the look alike Oswald was waiting in. Later he is joined by the tall dark skinned Cuban looking guy and drives across the river to a makeshift air strip where they are seen boarding an unmarked CIA plane which takes off and flies to the CIA air force base "Area 51".

The witness to this a military man who was inadvertently sent on board that plane through a secretarial mix-up for an in-service flight back to his home base (on clearly the wrong plane), he was in that plane when it landed in Dallas November 22, 1963, and saw the two men including the Oswald look alike come on board and then flew with he, the pilot and the co-pilot on to the CIA air force base. He didn't know where he was and saw an office and went in and asked where he was and was told CIA air force base area 51. He asked where to get a bus to go back home and was told he couldn't leave the base because it was on lock down. After two hours he was released and given directions to a bus stop. The following year he learned that the FBI was asking his neighbors all about him. He was then called in by the CIA and given numerous interviews and tests and was then told he was going to be offered a job with the CIA, he declined. Several months later he was ordered to return to the CIA offices and then ordered to change jobs and work for the CIA which included taking oaths of secrecy for everything both before and after his hiring. Thirty years later he finally told the story of his strange air flight to pick up the Oswald look alike.

All of what I have described, starting with Oswald leaving the TSBD building by first bus then taxi is documented in detail with all of the witnesses named and documented in "JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters" by James W. Douglass (pub. 2008). I highly recommend it.

yes one of the very best books on the Kennedy assassination.But trust me,you might as well be talking to a brick wall.This guy is a a paid shill who will defend ANY government conspiracy no matter how insane it is and is just here seeking will find out as do all people,that he blatantly ignores evidence and facts like this and always endorces the governments version of events on EVERYTHING.
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thats a great photo right there,especially that third photo at the bottom.You can clearly see that that is a silver object he is holding and that his right hand is on the wheel and his left hand is not.The photo that I was talking about before of course was your first photo you posted on this page.That object could be his hand but this photo,that third one below,you can clearly see that is a silver object he is holding which is obviously the gun.thanks for posting that.will be interesting to see the people that are so afraid of the truth,what THEY come on here and say about that photo,the Greer apologists.:lol::lol:

His hand is not by the wheel because it's going over his shoulder in nix and muchmore. The hand is fake and is supposed to give plausible denial to the visual of Greer shooting jfk in Zapruder. His hand cannot be by the door when it's going over his shoulder in Nix.

great link there Dougar.I have seen that photo of that guy standing at the texas school book depository before ENHANCED as well and if thats not George Bush sr there,then its his identical twin brother.Dont think he has an identical twin brother though so it must be his clone then.:lol:

Wait a second...I thought you said the driver killed Kennedy on this board. On other boards your story is different but on this board your polluted stream of consciousness has the driver popping Kennedy.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Did the driver shoot JFK? (revised)‬‏[/ame]
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that Zapruder had in fact been altered to hide the fact that Greer shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.

You can see the back of the head start to gape with the fake mist and open entirely with the fake red blotch.



The Certified Idiot himself.
YouTube - ‪Did the driver shoot JFK? (revised)‬‏
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that Zapruder had in fact been altered to hide the fact that Greer shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.

You can see the back of the head start to gape with the fake mist and open entirely with the fake red blotch.



The Certified Idiot himself.

He is a disinfo failure like candyfag.:lol:

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