The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

two farts in a row from you candyfag,congrats.
Wow, you are still the little shit stain.:lol::lol:

Whats really funny is that for 2 years; that cocksucker never mentioned the word "Greer" at all swearing that it was 2 guys from the CIA who confessed to the murder. Now some doofus who responds to his personal blog on THIS FORUM mentions Greer and rimjob is giving his customary Lewinsky; just like he used to do to Sword of Perjury and Oldman.

Slop it up there Monica. In the meantime; eat shit and die; as always.
I've bumped so many Martin Timothy threads.:lol: It's been an honor to prove such an obvious untold truth in american history. It's been a crazy and vicious ride but well worth it.
10 thousand views for the win.
I thouht you said it was fake!

I used your tail splash theory to prove the shot entered the right front. Something similar happens in muchmore but it's not red, so I don't know but it doesn't make any difference either way. The bullet entered the right front and exited the right rear. What I did was debunk the right side and place the entrance in the correct location.

The area similar to Zapruder is circled. The clear smoke is above and in front. No break in the rear skull here but there is in Zapruder.

The exaggerated mist with his head still down and the clear gape on right rear.
Christ, I can't believe I missed this stupid thread.

Fuckin' CT's are nuts...............Absolutely fuckin' nuts.

Wonder how many of these fools are Ron Paulettes?
right on, and thank u for not taking the "easy way out" and instantly bashing someone who doesnt agree with u ALA "Hollywood Nicky." im not saying ur right or im wrong, etc. i didnt read through every page/post in this thread, ergo, im always open to new evidence or peoples theories. i try to always keep an open mind, but all i saw was the video and someone saying "the driver did it." in which i look but dont see what they were trying to establish. anyways, so please give me ur take on what happened with JFK/ur theory so i can look at all the facts/ur thoughts and draw my own conclusion, thx.


At least you're not an asshole. Good for you. Here is the basic and irrefutable proof that Greer was the assassin who fired the fatal headshot. Everything I will post would have to be challenged directly in a court or real life debate. No asking stupid questions but challenging and dealing with evidence that is visually factual.

What an opposition would have to do is impossible. They would have to prove that Greer's fake hand popping off the wheel in zframe 304 is real. In other words they would fail because Greer's left hand/arm were crossing his right shoulder in both nix and muchmore during the critical frames right before jfk received the headshot. The first thing that happens is, Greer is passing a large covered object from his right to left hand 4 seconds before he fired back. This visual fact has been ignored and in some cases researchers have outright lied about his hands even leaving the wheel.

The covered gun is seen perfectly in 258 with his right suited arm distinguishable.

Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder because during the alteration they panned upward to hide when Greer moved his left hand with the gun to near his shoulder, so when he turned the second time to shoot, he just pushed up, over and fired.

Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in perfect unison with the headshot in nix, proving Zapruder was altered to hide Greer as the real assassin. The same movement happens in muchmore but there's an obstructed view running forward.

The fake hand is very obvious without even looking at nix because of Bob Harris's brightening of this footage. No evidence exists that his left hand ever returned to the wheel and all researchers did was ignore that he passed the gun, therefore ignoring he shot jfk and supported a very obviously altered Zfilm because they felt it was politically incorrect to prove this shocking and pathetic fact against american government.

NO HAND OR ARM...there is nothing but some grey thing that tried and failed to mimic a hand but there's one huge problem there. THEY DIDN'T ATTACH A FAKE ARM TO THE FAKE HAND.LOL

If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place. If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films. If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand. If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head. In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.

My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world. Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.
I guess the Warren commission was a success after all. The commission wasn't intended to find the truth and uncover corruption and negligence. It was intended to deflect attention from the people involved. While conspiracy theorists have been hopping from one foot to the other for the last 45 years worrying about the "grassy knoll", the gross negligence and corruption remains in the background. Why did the CIA allow Oswald back in the Country with a new wife who was the daughter of a KGB officer after he defected to Russia and renounced his citizenship? Was Oswald a CIA informant? Did the federal government hire Jack Ruby to kill Oswald so he couldn't talk? Those are the real issues not phantoms on the grassy knoll.
You either didn't view that video at all or you didn't understand it. Which?

You either didn't view that video at all or you covered your eyes. Which is it? I've been mocking denialists hardcore for around a year now.:D Do a google search and you'll see what a truth this powerful brings out in people. That is, the people who deny it and the sleuth who slayed it.
If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place. If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films. If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand. If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head. In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.

My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world. Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.

And all the passengers in the limo were too busy picking their noses to see the driver making such an obvious move and, of course, these people were all too deaf to hear a gun go off a few feet from their ears.:lol:
right on, and thank u for not taking the "easy way out" and instantly bashing someone who doesnt agree with u ALA "Hollywood Nicky." im not saying ur right or im wrong, etc. i didnt read through every page/post in this thread, ergo, im always open to new evidence or peoples theories. i try to always keep an open mind, but all i saw was the video and someone saying "the driver did it." in which i look but dont see what they were trying to establish. anyways, so please give me ur take on what happened with JFK/ur theory so i can look at all the facts/ur thoughts and draw my own conclusion, thx.


At least you're not an asshole. Good for you. Here is the basic and irrefutable proof that Greer was the assassin who fired the fatal headshot. Everything I will post would have to be challenged directly in a court or real life debate. No asking stupid questions but challenging and dealing with evidence that is visually factual.

What an opposition would have to do is impossible. They would have to prove that Greer's fake hand popping off the wheel in zframe 304 is real. In other words they would fail because Greer's left hand/arm were crossing his right shoulder in both nix and muchmore during the critical frames right before jfk received the headshot. The first thing that happens is, Greer is passing a large covered object from his right to left hand 4 seconds before he fired back. This visual fact has been ignored and in some cases researchers have outright lied about his hands even leaving the wheel.

The covered gun is seen perfectly in 258 with his right suited arm distinguishable.

Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder because during the alteration they panned upward to hide when Greer moved his left hand with the gun to near his shoulder, so when he turned the second time to shoot, he just pushed up, over and fired.

Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in perfect unison with the headshot in nix, proving Zapruder was altered to hide Greer as the real assassin. The same movement happens in muchmore but there's an obstructed view running forward.

The fake hand is very obvious without even looking at nix because of Bob Harris's brightening of this footage. No evidence exists that his left hand ever returned to the wheel and all researchers did was ignore that he passed the gun, therefore ignoring he shot jfk and supported a very obviously altered Zfilm because they felt it was politically incorrect to prove this shocking and pathetic fact against american government.

NO HAND OR ARM...there is nothing but some grey thing that tried and failed to mimic a hand but there's one huge problem there. THEY DIDN'T ATTACH A FAKE ARM TO THE FAKE HAND.LOL

If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place. If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films. If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand. If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head. In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.

My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world. Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.
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right on, and thank u for not taking the "easy way out" and instantly bashing someone who doesnt agree with u ALA "Hollywood Nicky." im not saying ur right or im wrong, etc. i didnt read through every page/post in this thread, ergo, im always open to new evidence or peoples theories. i try to always keep an open mind, but all i saw was the video and someone saying "the driver did it." in which i look but dont see what they were trying to establish. anyways, so please give me ur take on what happened with JFK/ur theory so i can look at all the facts/ur thoughts and draw my own conclusion, thx.


At least you're not an asshole. Good for you. Here is the basic and irrefutable proof that Greer was the assassin who fired the fatal headshot. Everything I will post would have to be challenged directly in a court or real life debate. No asking stupid questions but challenging and dealing with evidence that is visually factual.

What an opposition would have to do is impossible. They would have to prove that Greer's fake hand popping off the wheel in zframe 304 is real. In other words they would fail because Greer's left hand/arm were crossing his right shoulder in both nix and muchmore during the critical frames right before jfk received the headshot. The first thing that happens is, Greer is passing a large covered object from his right to left hand 4 seconds before he fired back. This visual fact has been ignored and in some cases researchers have outright lied about his hands even leaving the wheel.

The covered gun is seen perfectly in 258 with his right suited arm distinguishable.

Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder because during the alteration they panned upward to hide when Greer moved his left hand with the gun to near his shoulder, so when he turned the second time to shoot, he just pushed up, over and fired.

Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in perfect unison with the headshot in nix, proving Zapruder was altered to hide Greer as the real assassin. The same movement happens in muchmore but there's an obstructed view running forward.

The fake hand is very obvious without even looking at nix because of Bob Harris's brightening of this footage. No evidence exists that his left hand ever returned to the wheel and all researchers did was ignore that he passed the gun, therefore ignoring he shot jfk and supported a very obviously altered Zfilm because they felt it was politically incorrect to prove this shocking and pathetic fact against american government.

NO HAND OR ARM...there is nothing but some grey thing that tried and failed to mimic a hand but there's one huge problem there. THEY DIDN'T ATTACH A FAKE ARM TO THE FAKE HAND.LOL

If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place. If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films. If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand. If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head. In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.

My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world. Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
At least you're not an asshole. Good for you. Here is the basic and irrefutable proof that Greer was the assassin who fired the fatal headshot. Everything I will post would have to be challenged directly in a court or real life debate. No asking stupid questions but challenging and dealing with evidence that is visually factual.

What an opposition would have to do is impossible. They would have to prove that Greer's fake hand popping off the wheel in zframe 304 is real. In other words they would fail because Greer's left hand/arm were crossing his right shoulder in both nix and muchmore during the critical frames right before jfk received the headshot. The first thing that happens is, Greer is passing a large covered object from his right to left hand 4 seconds before he fired back. This visual fact has been ignored and in some cases researchers have outright lied about his hands even leaving the wheel.

The covered gun is seen perfectly in 258 with his right suited arm distinguishable.

Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder because during the alteration they panned upward to hide when Greer moved his left hand with the gun to near his shoulder, so when he turned the second time to shoot, he just pushed up, over and fired.

Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in perfect unison with the headshot in nix, proving Zapruder was altered to hide Greer as the real assassin. The same movement happens in muchmore but there's an obstructed view running forward.

The fake hand is very obvious without even looking at nix because of Bob Harris's brightening of this footage. No evidence exists that his left hand ever returned to the wheel and all researchers did was ignore that he passed the gun, therefore ignoring he shot jfk and supported a very obviously altered Zfilm because they felt it was politically incorrect to prove this shocking and pathetic fact against american government.

NO HAND OR ARM...there is nothing but some grey thing that tried and failed to mimic a hand but there's one huge problem there. THEY DIDN'T ATTACH A FAKE ARM TO THE FAKE HAND.LOL

If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place. If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films. If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand. If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head. In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.

My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world. Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.
Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
Bullshit.....Never does he pass anything from his left to right hand.......He glances back quickly towrds Connelly when he hears his distress. The impact to Kennedy's head occurs, and he turns back towards the front and guns it to the freeway......What you are interpreting as his arm crossing his shoulder is nothing more than the sun reflecting off the top inside door panel as he turns his body..........Notice that there is no puff of smoke anywhere near Greer, or anywhere in the front cockpit.....Nobody in the car reacts to a gunshot from inside the car.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.
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Dude, as fully proven in your film links. What you are claiming to be his arm moving back towards Kennedy, is nothing but the sun reflecting off the top of the inside door panel.....It's as clear as day.

What you are trying to present as a hidden gun in the hand in the still of the film, is nothing more than the hand on the steering wheel.

You conspiracy loons have a lot of nerve completely mis-representing what is in visual images.

Seriously, you people need to get a fucking life.

As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
Bullshit.....Never does he pass anything from his left to right hand.......He glances back quickly towrds Connelly when he hears his distress. The impact to Kennedy's head occurs, and he turns back towards the front and guns it to the freeway......What you are interpreting as his arm crossing his shoulder is nothing more than the sun reflecting off the top inside door panel as he turns his body..........Notice that there is no puff of smoke anywhere near Greer, or anywhere in the front cockpit.....Nobody in the car reacts to a gunshot from inside the car.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.

And nobody was deafened by the large caliber weapon being fired inches from their ears...but hey, thats a fact and it has no place in a discussion with that shitbrains.
As is fully proven in the film links, his arm is crossing his right shoulder in nix towards Kennedy, you are nothing but a bug I squash with my's as clear as day.:eusa_whistle:

What I pointed out is Greer passing the gun from his right to left hand in Zapruder. You are nothing more than a silly little child who keeps lying after getting caught with your little hands in the cookie jar.:eusa_liar:

You government goons have alot of nerve completely lying about what is visual reality.

Seriously, you need to get your eyes and head checked.
Bullshit.....Never does he pass anything from his left to right hand.......He glances back quickly towrds Connelly when he hears his distress. The impact to Kennedy's head occurs, and he turns back towards the front and guns it to the freeway......What you are interpreting as his arm crossing his shoulder is nothing more than the sun reflecting off the top inside door panel as he turns his body..........Notice that there is no puff of smoke anywhere near Greer, or anywhere in the front cockpit.....Nobody in the car reacts to a gunshot from inside the car.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.

And nobody was deafened by the large caliber weapon being fired inches from their ears...but hey, thats a fact and it has no place in a discussion with that shitbrains.
And the damage to Kennedys head would have had to have been a large caliber weapon.

Is he a 9/11 twoofer also?
Bullshit.....Never does he pass anything from his left to right hand.......He glances back quickly towrds Connelly when he hears his distress. The impact to Kennedy's head occurs, and he turns back towards the front and guns it to the freeway......What you are interpreting as his arm crossing his shoulder is nothing more than the sun reflecting off the top inside door panel as he turns his body..........Notice that there is no puff of smoke anywhere near Greer, or anywhere in the front cockpit.....Nobody in the car reacts to a gunshot from inside the car.......No eyewitnesses on either side of the car has ever stated they watched Greer shoot the president......There were a lot of people whose eyes were focused on that car.....Not one has stated it.

You people need to get a fuckin' life.

Are you one of the 9/11 loons also?......Serious question.

And nobody was deafened by the large caliber weapon being fired inches from their ears...but hey, thats a fact and it has no place in a discussion with that shitbrains.
And the damage to Kennedys head would have had to have been a large caliber weapon.

Is he a 9/11 twoofer also?

The jury is out.
And nobody was deafened by the large caliber weapon being fired inches from their ears...but hey, thats a fact and it has no place in a discussion with that shitbrains.
And the damage to Kennedys head would have had to have been a large caliber weapon.

Is he a 9/11 twoofer also?

The jury is out.
OK.......I guess we should throw up a picture of a big yellow corn encrusted turd, and if he starts telling us they are actually green peas planted into said turd by George Bush we'll know.
And the damage to Kennedys head would have had to have been a large caliber weapon.

Is he a 9/11 twoofer also?

The jury is out.
OK.......I guess we should throw up a picture of a big yellow corn encrusted turd, and if he starts telling us they are actually green peas planted into said turd by George Bush we'll know.

I really think his only goal is to post as many shocking images as possible and try to get a reaction. Most of his posts are answers to blog posts.

Let me say that again...he has a blog and he answers the questions on this forum.

I think there is a strong stench of mental illness outside of the subject matter.

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