The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

why don't you just give up?

as someone said, 99% of ppl here still don't believe this.

sorry for the things i said, i get nervous easily

but dude, that's enough, you had your time, you did your job, now it's about us to believe or not

no more.

You joined 13 days ago and you're asking me to leave.LOL You are off your fucking rocker...
Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
Greer passes the gun starting at frame 242 with both his hands off the wheel at frame 241. The last frame you see the fitted gun is 278 and then the film pans upward with zero evidence his left hand ever returned to the wheel. We know it didn't because he killed Kennedy and his left arm crosses his right shoulder in nix proving that as factual. The hand popping off the wheel at 304 is 100 percent fake and that you are denying. So, instead of admitting that Greer killed jfk you are gonna leave? Why not just admit this obvious fact? You are simply stating the same old denials that are now totally invalid. The only thing you can do is continue denying reality or admit that Greer killed Kennedy and the zfilm was heavily altered to hide that fact.

Frame 241 shows both hands off the wheel just before he passes gun..

Greer passes the gun to his left hand.

Greer passes gun; his left hand goes missing because they panned upward during the frames which Greer transferred the gun from the lower position to near his shoulder before he turned the second time to shoot jfk.

The gun in Greer's hand was near his right collarbone when he turned to shoot kennedy. He simply pushed it up, over and shot jfk in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear, totally consistent with the evidence and correct wound path.
Not actually against your theory but at least give us a motive for each person in the car to make it more interesting.....:D

Jackie would have wanted him dead for publically humiliating him with his tarts....
the others...paid off perhaps?

Then there's the mafia, the CIA and everyone else that wanted him not much of a conspiracy.

But if it was done openly in public like this, my point is, surely it would have been a spur of the moment murder...because otherwise it is the most ridiculous assassination idea an open top car, get the passenger to kill him and the rest of us say it was a shooter in the hills.....but what about the crowds that will see it?

So yes, I get what you are saying, you think it was someone in the car...I get that. But why? What motive? And was it spur of the moment or deliberately planned?
Even if you don't know - just give me your theory, that's all I was asking...:rolleyes:

Jackie wasn't look at him, so she didn't see Greer shoot although she may have realized it but who knows. Connally saw Greer shoot jfk and took it to his grave. They didn't say anything because it was a massive cover-up. Just imagine the governor of TX going against the media and government in the 60's. A complete joke. Of course it was ridiculous and that's the very reason why millions of americans should know about it. So, they can laugh at how retarded government can really be when their arrogance allows such an epic blunder.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot Kennedy.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.
The driver shot JFK clearly and obviously but the zapruder film needed to be picked apart and analyzed by someone and that someone turned out to be me.
Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video

Nix film close-up shows Greer's left arm crossing over.

I got this gif from this clip. Start it at 1:09 and see Greer quickly moving his left arm over his shoulder in unison with the headshot. The nix film was not shown close-up but when this sequence is zoomed in on the limo, this whopper is revealed. The goons covered those movements with fakery in the zfilm but could not or didn't bother with the nix film.


THE FAKE GREY STREAK covered Greer's arm movement in the zfilm and the nix film proves that alteration beyond any doubt. Case Closed, finally. This old copy shows the fake reflection recoiling and pushing back in unison with the headshot very clearly.

The driver killed Kennedy and the Nix film provides conclusive proof to this inevitable truth.
I stand by my initial research as to the major upper level players.

The inside the car shot in my opinion if accurate does not preclude an accidental discharge of the firearm.

I do not have instant recall at the moment but I seem to remember some vague accusations regarding the upper level people subbing inexperienced guys on the detail.

The shots from behind are a given. Also other shots in the plaza. The truth is always stranger than fiction.

In this scenario they had a "hit" in the back from long range. They had a hit from the front still. Also potentially from the front hitting the Governor. Both he and his wife swore until they day they died that shots came from the front. In the crossfire it would be understandable if the agent driving freaks out and pulls a revolver and attempts a shot to the rear. Ask yourself what would you do if you were in that drivers seat with a weapon at the ready?

Whether intentional or unintentional this scenario is supported by the actions afterward whereby the car is "wiped". If an agent was involved they HAD to cover that up immediately. I should clarify each participant AFTER the fact has no need to be "in on" the murder at all to cover up after the fact with zeal and complicity. Prevention of an open revolution, prevention of WWIII, general career CYA are all the potential unintended consequences if the truth gets out.

Greer shooting Kennedy by accident is a patently absurd theory but really is the only defense if Greer ever took the stand. He would admit to shooting jfk by accident in the commission of shooting back at the assassins and that explains why he lied about even seeing Kennedy let alone saying he turned only once. He died in 85. The buffoon's on the right.
Kennedy's head jerks forwards as he's hit with that fatal shot, the flap in his head breaks forwards and the pink mist moves back to front. He was shot from the rear. Your gif backs that up.

Kennedy was shot from the front because the driver shot Kennedy. That has been proven beyond any doubt without even a minute challenge in 14 months of posting this no-brainer. Your post is ignorant, asinine and just plain childish.

At the point of impact, clear smoke emits as it does on jfk's forehead, the bank robber's face, and the man shot in the back of the head. Kennedy's head simply absorbs the impact and he's logically slammed backward.

Smoke comes off face.

Smoke at back of head.
So you cant explain it is the answer you're giving then?

You can't explain how JFK's head defy's physics by lurching forwards when the bullet impact hits. Instead you put your fingers in your ears, stamp your feet and act like a child. Name calling and using insults rather than debating the theories are how you want to go about things.

You can't explain how JFK's head 'could' defy physics by lurching forward when the bullet impact hits, then stops and changes direction, violently backwards.LOL You can't explain it because it's not possible and has never happened. Instead you put your fingers in your ears, stamp your feet and act like a child. Show us one headshot that shows what you are lying about. Goes forward, stops, then violently backward. You are a pathetic troll with nothing but bullshit. This man's head and body go forward from the shot to the back of the head. If jfk had been shot from the rear he would have went forward. These stupid posts of yours make you an idiot...Congrats.

Are these posts meant to be serious? Do you really believe that Secret Service Greer shot and killed Kennedy while simultaneously driving the limousine? When I determine you are being serious I will respond further.
There is nothing the fools in the so-called "intelligence" and federal law enforcement like more than conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination because it deflects attention from their gross and borderline criminal negligence. Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and defected to Russia. Why was he allowed back into the US with his bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer in the middle of the Cold War? Because the intelligence network thought they could use Oswald as a double agent while Oswald was using them. Oswald killed JFK and everyone knows it. The Grassy Knoll is just eyewash.
Are these posts meant to be serious? Do you really believe that Secret Service Greer shot and killed Kennedy while simultaneously driving the limousine? When I determine you are being serious I will respond further.

He's responding to his own I knew where he lived, I'd send some guys over to his house with a padded truck. He's in need of serious help.
Are these posts meant to be serious? Do you really believe that Secret Service Greer shot and killed Kennedy while simultaneously driving the limousine? When I determine you are being serious I will respond further.

obviously you havent looked at the evidence:cuckoo:
There is nothing the fools in the so-called "intelligence" and federal law enforcement like more than conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination because it deflects attention from their gross and borderline criminal negligence. Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and defected to Russia. Why was he allowed back into the US with his bride who was the daughter of a KGB officer in the middle of the Cold War? Because the intelligence network thought they could use Oswald as a double agent while Oswald was using them. Oswald killed JFK and everyone knows it. The Grassy Knoll is just eyewash.

as usual,you have nothing but insane ramblings to post and prove as usual,what a brainwashed dumbfuck you are.:lol::lol:
Do you feel that even a .45 caliber pistol, even at close range, would be capable of causing the head wound suffered by JFK?

You posted several witnesses before who claimed to have seen a gun in the car (including a rifle) or who claimed that the sound of the shots seemed to have come from the car, or who thought they saw 'firecrackers' going off in the car. Did anyone claim to have seen the driver shoot JFK?

Yes, everyone whose seen the nix film close-up has seen Greer kill jfk. The damage is exaggerated in Zapruder. The red blotch is fake on the right side. The back of his head opens up at the moment of front right impact.


The rear skull detaches between 313-314.

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I'm going to put on my serious moderator hat now;

7forever, until you came along, I actually gave some credit to the Greer theory. You have certainly proven to me,at least, that it's just another distraction.

The truth about the driver killing Kennedy is a distraction for idiotic theories like Jackie and the only real conspiracy theory, the grassy knoll.
Are these posts meant to be serious? Do you really believe that Secret Service Greer shot and killed Kennedy while simultaneously driving the limousine? When I determine you are being serious I will respond further.

How he operated the bolt of the Mannlicher Carcano rifle must have been a real trick.:lol:
Are these posts meant to be serious? Do you really believe that Secret Service Greer shot and killed Kennedy while simultaneously driving the limousine? When I determine you are being serious I will respond further.

How he operated the bolt of the Mannlicher Carcano rifle must have been a real trick.:lol:

especially since the rifle was discovered to be a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and investigaters found the tree which has been trimmed since,was blocking the view and no expert marksmen have been able to duplicate the feat .:lol: the photos taken back then prove it as well.:lol:
There is zero evidence of any exit on the right side or front. There is no evidence which holds up to scrutiny that supports a right side entrance because it would've exited the left side not right rear. The grassy knoll is a clever red herring that was easily debunked by simple geometry. The rear skull opens up at the moment of front right impact.

This is just before 313. The top and bottom of the skull is distinguishable with the hole in between.

FRAME 313 is more difficult to decipher the top of the skull but the same thing appears and the zoom makes it clear. There appears to be a tail at the bottom break in the skull, which confuses things without the zoom.

The old copies of Zapruder always show incriminating evidence of the rear exit and film alteration more clearly.
Frame 312 shows no fake red mist and his head intact. Frame 313 shows the rear gape clearly in this copy without any confusion. The eye can easily distinguish the top and bottom skull and the hole in between.



Riddler said:
7Forever could be some NSA computer program that's not working very effectively.

that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

it won't stop.

Riddler could be some NSA computer program that's not working very effectively.

that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

he won't stop posting nonsense.

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