The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

You have posted plenty of repeats of the same information over and over again, including a small number of witness statements which do nothing to PROVE, or even suggest, greer fired any shots. In fact, what you have posted corroborates the statements from James Files and those others, including assistant perpetrators and witnesses, whose statements confirmed that Files was where he said he was, and did what he said he did.

In short, you have only proved that Greer may possibly have been 'in on it' and the only real evidence for this is the slowing down of the motorcade.

Go check a dictionary, you're confusing proof with speculative evidence.

I have posted overwhelming evidence of Greer's guilt and Zfilm alteration without a morsel of any challenge from a single soul in one year of posting. In fact, what I have posted corroborates that Greer's arm/hand movements in Zapruder and Nix are 100 percent consistent with him shooting jfk in the right forehead with the logical and well documented right rear exit wound. In short, I have proved that Greer fired the fatal shot.
You have posted plenty of repeats of the same information over and over again, including a small number of witness statements which do nothing to PROVE, or even suggest, greer fired any shots. In fact, what you have posted corroborates the statements from James Files and those others, including assistant perpetrators and witnesses, whose statements confirmed that Files was where he said he was, and did what he said he did.

In short, you have only proved that Greer may possibly have been 'in on it' and the only real evidence for this is the slowing down of the motorcade.

Go check a dictionary, you're confusing proof with speculative evidence.

I have posted overwhelming evidence of Greer's guilt and Zfilm alteration without a morsel of any challenge from a single soul in one year of posting. In fact, what I have posted corroborates that Greer's arm/hand movements in Zapruder and Nix are 100 percent consistent with him shooting jfk in the right forehead with the logical and well documented right rear exit wound. In short, I have proved that Greer fired the fatal shot.
I did NOT write this. From another poster/forum.

Funny thing about conspiracies, and theories, is that often times the other parts of the "plan" are important parts, but made to DISTRACT from a very simple truth!

This is how it has always been, and this is the most important aspect of it all. If you confront people with the "simple" evidence (which is the driver landed fatal blow) people will reject it having been so used to such a complex conspiracy theory that no one will ever figure out!

It is Genius when you think about it, formulate a massive plan to take out JFK who was a threat to national security of the secret government. But the one thing they were counting on was the man hiding in plain sight, with the means to finish him directly. While everyone around the grassy knoll, the buildings, and even people within the car were panicking, they had no idea what was going on, greer took the final shot. It was the perfect distraction.

edit the film that proves it.

And viola you have a perfect crime

You then have conspiracy theorists and others trying to unravel the mystery of the event for decades...while one little tidbit of information, the most important, was missing.
The HSCA said there were 4 shots and gave two scenarios based on the dpd radio analysis. One of their scenarios had a shot coming after the fatal shot which is what the evidence suggests.

1st shot = Z157 - Z161 TSBD

2nd shot = Z188 - Z191 TSBD

3rd shot = Z295 - Z296 Grassy Knoll (MISSSED...LOL)

4th shot = Z312 TSBD

The HSCA went with the above scenario in the late 70's.

1st shot = Z173 - Z177 TSBD

2nd shot = Z205 -Z208 TSBD

3rd shot = Z312 Grassy Knoll

4th shot = Z328 - Z329 TSBD

This was their way of rewarding people like Robert Groden for covering up the truth about Greer. Groden is the pathetic slob on the right.
Mocking an entire generation of baby boomers whose 47 year reign on covering up Jfk's real assassin has ended

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "

Over the past 24 hours a certain Robert Hanson was successful in penetrating the Deep Politics Forum with the obvious truth about the driver killing Kennedy and I banned him because the truth raped my soul so I used my power to censor the truth that has been known by Fetzer, Groden and hundreds of other researchers for decades.

In doing so, Hanson hosted a most enlightening workshop in the craft of sleuthing.

About a half-hour ago I discovered Hanson's blog, "The Driver Killed Kennedy." It seems to have been created on November 19 of this year.

From his blog there is his thread titled "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back."

In classic sleuthing style, Hanson cites a lengthy segment of Hill's WC testimony given to Arlen Specter so as to A) demonstrate his own familiarity with the record, and B) appeal to reading comprehension and general Kennedy sleuthing.

In essence, Hill states that she simply saw the Secret Service shooting back which is totally obvious to everyone looking at Greer's left arm crossing his right shoulder in the nix film. SHE STATES THAT SHE SAW THE SS SHOOT BACK AND SHE CLEARLY STATES THAT SHE HEARD GUNFIRE FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL. This, in the real world is called corroboration. Greer is the only ss agent who shot back, so she could not have meant anyone else.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?
Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back

Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back,"

It's that simple.


Here's what Hill told Specter -- as published by Hanson on his own blog:

Mr. SPECTER - What was your impression as to the source of the second group of shots which you have described as the fourth, perhaps the fifth, and perhaps the sixth shot?

Mrs. HILL - Well, nothing, except that I thought that they were fired by someone else.

Mr. SPECTER - And did you have any idea where they were coming from?

Mrs. HILL - No; as I said, I thought they were coming from the general direction of that knoll.

Mr. SPECTER - Well, did you think that the Secret Service was firing them from that knoll?

Mrs. HILL - I said I didn't know-I really don't.

Specter was trying to make her sound crazy but she was simply describing the confusion of gunshots coming from all directions. She saw Greer shoot back and she heard what she thought were multiple shots from the knoll although there was only one fired immediately after Greer shot Kennedy to provide a distraction for Greer. The last shot arguably did come from the north knoll but was was fired to only confuse people as to who shot Kennedy. Without the last shot that followed Greer's, people would have thrown their hands up like the agents did after Roberts called them off jfk's limo. It was a dummie shot to confuse and give witnesses an alternative account for where the fatal shot really came from, the ss agent driving Kennedy's limo.

Mr. SPECTER - You just had the general impression that shots were coming from the knoll?

Mrs. HILL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - And you had the general impression that the Secret Service was firing the second group of shots at the man who fired the first group of shots?

Mrs. HILL - That's right

Mr. SPECTER - But you had no specific impression as to the source of those shots?

Mrs. HILL - No.

What could have prompted Hill to conclude that the SS was shooting in Dealey Plaza? Because she was looking right at Greer when he shot back at jfk's forehead.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?

Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back."

Mrs. Hill - ... I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know[.]

In point of FACT:

Hill offers eyewitness evidence for a Greer Shot.

Hill offers compelling ear witness testimony for a Grassy Knoll shot which is the red herring promoted by Hollywood and disinfo clowns like Groden and Fetzer

And so we're left with this:

For the third time, Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back." I see no other viable interpretations for his obvious claim.

It's that simple.

Expect more of this sort of truth movement as we move closer to the 50th anniversary of the Dealey Plaza coup d'etat. I am afraid but I know just beneath the surface that Greer killed Kennedy.
Charles Drago
Co-Founder, Deep Politics Forum
Notice that since you have owned candytrolls ass in this thread that he is coming back posting under his sockpuppet Obamerica? lol:lol:
You have posted plenty of repeats of the same information over and over again, including a small number of witness statements which do nothing to PROVE, or even suggest, greer fired any shots. In fact, what you have posted corroborates the statements from James Files and those others, including assistant perpetrators and witnesses, whose statements confirmed that Files was where he said he was, and did what he said he did.

In short, you have only proved that Greer may possibly have been 'in on it' and the only real evidence for this is the slowing down of the motorcade.

Go check a dictionary, you're confusing proof with speculative evidence.

I have posted overwhelming evidence of Greer's guilt and Zfilm alteration without a morsel of any challenge from a single soul in one year of posting. In fact, what I have posted corroborates that Greer's arm/hand movements in Zapruder and Nix are 100 percent consistent with him shooting jfk in the right forehead with the logical and well documented right rear exit wound. In short, I have proved that Greer fired the fatal shot.

I clearly posted enough evidence to convict 10 OJ's and you ignored every bit of it. The driver passed the gun in Zapruder with both hands off the wheel four seconds before the fatal shot. The nix film contradicts the Zfilm by showing that Greer's left arm/hand really do cross over just the way they appear to in Zapruder but at closer examination fake reflections are causing the headshot in Zapruder. The FAKE reflection you keep referring to is old news and is an invalid argument at this point because Greer's arm crosses in Nix, which explains why it looks exactly like Greer shoots jfk in Zapruder because he really did.
I have posted overwhelming evidence of Greer's guilt and Zfilm alteration without a morsel of any challenge from a single soul in one year of posting. In fact, what I have posted corroborates that Greer's arm/hand movements in Zapruder and Nix are 100 percent consistent with him shooting jfk in the right forehead with the logical and well documented right rear exit wound. In short, I have proved that Greer fired the fatal shot.

I clearly posted enough evidence to convict 10 OJ's and you ignored every bit of it. The driver passed the gun in Zapruder with both hands off the wheel four seconds before the fatal shot. The nix film contradicts the Zfilm by showing that Greer's left arm/hand really do cross over just the way they appear to in Zapruder but at closer examination fake reflections are causing the headshot in Zapruder. The FAKE reflection you keep referring to is old news and is an invalid argument at this point because Greer's arm crosses in Nix, which explains why it looks exactly like Greer shoots jfk in Zapruder because he really did.

the troll agent candycorn is just doing what his handlers pay him to do,blatantly ignore evidence and toot the horn of the governments,he does that for ALL government conspiracys.hey did you get my pm i sent ya?
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I clearly posted enough evidence to convict 10 OJ's and you ignored every bit of it. The driver passed the gun in Zapruder with both hands off the wheel four seconds before the fatal shot. The nix film contradicts the Zfilm by showing that Greer's left arm/hand really do cross over just the way they appear to in Zapruder but at closer examination fake reflections are causing the headshot in Zapruder. The FAKE reflection you keep referring to is old news and is an invalid argument at this point because Greer's arm crosses in Nix, which explains why it looks exactly like Greer shoots jfk in Zapruder because he really did.

the troll agent candycorn is just doing what his handlers pay him to do,blatantly ignore evidence and toot the horn of the governments,he does that for ALL government conspiracys.hey did you get my pm i sent ya?

Damn you're illiterate; did you buy your stuff from Korey?

I clearly posted enough evidence to convict 10 OJ's and you ignored every bit of it. The driver passed the gun in Zapruder with both hands off the wheel four seconds before the fatal shot. The nix film contradicts the Zfilm by showing that Greer's left arm/hand really do cross over just the way they appear to in Zapruder but at closer examination fake reflections are causing the headshot in Zapruder. The FAKE reflection you keep referring to is old news and is an invalid argument at this point because Greer's arm crosses in Nix, which explains why it looks exactly like Greer shoots jfk in Zapruder because he really did.

the troll agent candycorn is just doing what his handlers pay him to do,blatantly ignore evidence and toot the horn of the governments,he does that for ALL government conspiracys.hey did you get my pm i sent ya?
Nobody talks to you, ya fucking worm.:lol::lol:
I knew last year the only battle left to fight was the truth against the red herring and the grassy knoll is the devil in sheeps clothing. The zapruder film was altered to make it look like the fatal shot came from the right side but it came from the front like most say but they leave out the little fact that the fence is a right side shot, totally inconsistent with a wound path necessary to cause the right rear exit.

The goons could make certain alterations to the film but nothing drastic, like making jfk go forward, the direction he would have went had the shot really come from the rear. They knew early on that witnesses reported shots from the grassy knoll so they went with that type of deception for the altered film that we all see today.

It's obvious they did NOT want the film to appear like the shot came from the driver even though it really does look that way if you are researching it but most people just saw it once or twice or people like Oliver Stone used the altered film to peddle the lie that is the grassy snow job. Make no mistake, Hollywood played a very important role in giving Americans an alternative to the absurd conclusions of the Warren Commission and covering up the real truth for the government, and of course making millions of $$$.

The red mist or blood spray is fake as many here have seen by seeing it form between 312-313. I've said it was painted in for two reasons. One, to prevent anyone from seeing the bullet enter jfk's right forehead and two, it gives the illusion that the right side of his head explodes. The Nix film is crucial in solving this case but so is the Muchmore film which provides a greater angle than nix or Z at the time of the headshot. In Muchmore, no red mist is showing and her angle is the best out of the three. Also, we see in zframe 319, the bleached gun going to the floor. Well, something similar happens in the other two films.

It looks like the shot came from the right side because that's what they wanted you to believe and everyone bought it hook, line and sinker. But, it's an obvious lie that was pretty easy to expose if you were researching it like myself and of course were willing to tell the truth if you found it. Everyone watching this close-up thinks it comes from the right side.


At closer examination, by looking at slow-motion clips, the alteration is crystal clear by viewing the fake red mist forming between frames 312-313.

The idiot, Bob Harris plays a very important role in exposing this all -important alteration to hide the front right entrance and Kennedy's real assassin, the driver. The fake reflection and fake mist are working in perfect sync to cause and hide the front right entrance but thanks to Bob, it's easy to see.

oh btw candytroll, AKA Obamamerica.since you missed this before over at AWE,this is something you said to CD over there below.

this was your question to CD
How many socks are going to back you up here?

and here BELOW was my reply to you on that.

oh the irony.:lol::lol::lol::lol: "rolls on floor laughing." what a hypocrite.:lol::lol:
you sure are good for laughs agent.:lol:
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At trial, the kooks could NOT explain away the grey steak which is obviously a fake covering for Greer's forearm extention. The grey steak is 100% fake and covers Greer's forearm and elbow extention when he shoots jfk. The grey is over his shoulder first and then across when it's needed.


GOON SQUAD ALTERATION creates perfect view of gun when it's fired.
oh btw candytroll, AKA Obamamerica.since you missed this before over at AWE,this is something you said to CD over there below.

this was your question to CD
How many socks are going to back you up here?

and here BELOW was my reply to you on that.

oh the irony.:lol::lol::lol::lol: "rolls on floor laughing." what a hypocrite.:lol::lol:
you sure are good for laughs agent.:lol:

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about which is a good thing because nobody gives a fuck you illiterate piece of shit.

Speaking of being full of shit... here is what you wrote earlier dickweed:

The Kennedy assassination by the CIA is no theory.that was what woke me up to how corrupt our government is after I saw the movie JFK.people think that just because its a movie its not true,thats bullshit because most of what happened in that movie is based on actual events that happened,and sworn testimonys,evidence and facts.I have read over a hundred books on the kennedy assassination and have been fortunate enough to have intereviewed witnesses that were there that day over the years to know that movie IS the truth.also have been to many november in dallas conferences over the years to know it is true as well.the evidence is even more overhwhelming in 9/11 that 9/11 was an inside job even more so than with the kennedy assassination.okay so you another time.

Funny, you said the movie is true but now you say the driver killed Kennedy which is mentioned no where in the movie. So were you lying then or lying now?
So tell us..which of the 100 books you read (giggle) mention the driver killing Kennedy? Zippo. Which of the witnesses you interviewed (laughs) mentioned the driver killing Kennedy? Zippo.

Face it, you just tag along to whatever dickweed says "government-bad" and applaud them. I would ask you to state something factual but I honestly believe you have no idea how to do it and would be too much of a coward to do it anyway. Remember the noob on the other board that sent you into hiding? Yeah; you were his bitch.

The fact that you base the failure you call a life on a movie says quite a bit too.
Last edited: Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
The parabolic arc being the secondary exit trajectory.

The bullet trace certainly looks to be exiting his right ear.


Original Link:

My biggest fan/troll tells the truth and even shows the right rear protruding after the front right impact on jfk's forehead. Sicknote and $ick3nin.vend3tta are Soupnazi from scams - report the scam here and he secretly wants me to move forward with my work.

FRAME 337 showing right rear exit.
7forever, Why is there NO right rear bullet exit?.

Why isn't there any brain/skull debris exiting the back of JFK's head?. (Nix gif below).

Can you give me an answer?.

Kind Regards.

7forever, Why is there NO right rear bullet exit?.

Why isn't there any brain/skull debris exiting the back of JFK's head?. (Nix gif below).

Can you give me an answer?.

Kind Regards.

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