The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll


THE ONLY STORY left to tell is what I've posted in this thread, destroying the movie and an industry full of LYING conspiracy authors who are ironically the most responsible for keeping the truth from the masses.
GREAT GIF showing his right to left movement. Keep your eyes through the windshield.

FRAME 278 is the last clear view of the fitted gun in Greer's left hand. Logic dictates that Greer would not have put his hand back on the wheel only 2 seconds before he was gonna shoot Kennedy. It's common sense that he moved the gun from lower position in a similar way to resting it on his chest, so all he had to do was raise, straighten and shoot over the seatback. There was no wild motion, flailing of the gun. The gun was rested near his right collarbone before he turned the second time at frame 302 to shoot.
FRAME 278- You can see the fitted gun from frames 242-278 except 64/65 because of the lamp post.

Originally Posted by bravodelta

Although mostly everyone agrees that there had to be more than one shooter. I'm pretty convinced that the driver was one of the assassins. There is footage out there that I saw that shows a hand and gun and a puff of smoke coming from the driver. Anyone seen it?

I don't mean to brag but I turned to be the researcher who picked up where Cooper and Newcomb left off. There is no smoke that I'm aware of but my most significant discovery is showing Greer's left arm crossing over in the nix film. This is the smoking gun of smoking guns.


Originally Posted by bravodelta

Although mostly everyone agrees that there had to be more than one shooter. I'm pretty convinced that the driver was one of the assassins. There is footage out there that I saw that shows a hand and gun and a puff of smoke coming from the driver. Anyone seen it?

This is the closest I got to showing gunsmoke. You can see the fake white extend in unison with the fake red mist.



NO WAY!!! Look how clear that last picture is. There's no way you could say that's anything BUT a gun.

Look how clear that last picture is. There's no way you could say that's anything BUT a gun. You are finally coming around. My Mama didn't raise no dummie.:razz:

NO WAY!!! Look how clear that last picture is. There's no way you could say that's anything BUT a gun.

Look how clear that last picture is. There's no way you could say that's anything BUT a gun. You are finally coming around. My Mama didn't raise no dummie.:razz:


Yes she did; and a blind one at that.

Nobody was deafened by a gun being fired in the car dumbass. What is your fucking problem?
Originally Posted by 7forever
You think I wanted your attention.LOL You are completely delusional. The only people I hoped to debate were fools like pooboy who supposedly believe the grassy knoll is how it happened. The shot came from the front, not the right side and that's the only thing that matters for modern day Kennedy research, debunking the government created conspiracy theory that distracts from the truth about Greer.

You know 7, I think it is more than just people not wanting to see the truth. I think a lot of times they CAN'T accept the truth because of what it would mean ... If powerful people in and above our government had no problem killing a president, they would have no problem killing anyone else, including them, and that is something that a lot of people just can't accept. The average person has a terrible time with evil and violence, and there are limits to how far they will follow some terrible thing, because they know down deep that they can't handle the answer they will find. They don't want to know, because it would destroy their safe little world.

It is the same reason people can't believe the false flag attacks that happened 30 or 40 years ago, even though the evidence has come out which proves that those things happened. It is the same reason that they cannot look at the scientific information relating to the 9-11 event, and even consider the possibility that it was carried out by or with the help of our very own government. If they allowed themselves to believe or accept the fact that the very government that controls them was capable of murdering it's own citizens, it would put them over the edge.

Everyone has to believe in something and once that allegiance is formed, they get locked into believing anything they are told by that entity, without question. And the fact that the news media repeats the stuff over and over is a brain washing technique that psychologists have known about for almost a century. Some may even have crossed over into Stockholm syndrome where they believe and identify with their captors.

Think about that for a moment ...
Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captors that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, essentially mistaking a lack of abuse from their captors as an act of kindness.

They even begin to defend their captors. How is that different from the way some people look at this country and the government? People are taxed to death, their freedoms are taken away, their savings are taken away, their kids are indoctrinated, their food and water is poisoned, the old people and veterans are abused, and yet they cannot look at the possibility that this country and government are now corrupt and capable of anything. They won't believe because they can't believe. It would crumble the very foundation of their belief system, or in the language of youth, it would rock their world!
The strength of the pack is in the wolf; the strength of the wolf is in the pack!
An awesome post about the inside job that killed Kennedy.

JFK was probably the last President the US has had that was trying to rally the country around patriotism and to show everyone the US was a country that wanted peace and equality in the world. Granted, he was the major factor and mitigating force that thrust us into the Vietnam war, but John Kennedy did a few good things before he was murdered.

He was the man who structured and created the Civil Rights Bill, he made us shoot for the moon literally. He also rallied many nations into our corner because they still remembered the contribution America made in ending world war two. The war was only fifteen years behind people when he became President. It was America's money that rebuilt Europe and Japan and kept Russia from starving to death when their crops failed several times in a row while America's bounty was endless.

He did want to get the Federal Reserve out of doing or having any control of the currency of the US. He did sign an Executive Order instituting a new Silver monetary system. He actually had some of the new money printed and it was circulated. If I recall correctly it was called the United States Silver Note. He had Five, Ten and Twenty Dollar bills printed and put into circulation.

He also was the first Catholic President the US ever had and there were many who were afraid the Pope would be calling the shots in the US. Believe it or not, that was one of the topics of the day. Many people did not like or trust the Catholics.

When Kennedy was elected there was a military plan on the table to have Castro ousted. He was playing ball with the US until he took over Cuba but once he had control he made his political beliefs know to anyone who wanted to hear about them. He was a Communist and he abhorred Capitalists or Capitalism. The Hilton Corporation, Spreckle Sugar and many more mega moneyed corps who lost a bundle in Cuba when Castro took over, and they didn't like it one bit. They wanted their property back. Eisenhower and his people had vowed to do just that and they had formulated the plan to strike Cuba in a military invasion and they would use Cuban Nationals to do it.

Kennedy was assured it was foolproof, it was for the good of those who yearned for liberty and there were thousands of Cuban who wanted their country back. In the meantime the Castro and Che' Guevara firing squads were shooting people around the clock. Men, women and some children were executed. The biggest boosters of the plan was the CIA and of course the corporations that lost huge investments in Cuba. Cuba had been a playground just 90 miles from the States and then everything was shut down virtually overnight. There were a lot of people that didn't like that either. Cuba was a wide open playground if you could afford to spend a little while you were there. Some of the shows were legendary. It seemed like a good idea and Kennedy went along with the plan.

The final approval was to come from the new President and he gave it after he was assured nothing could go wrong. The invasion was launched on the Cuba mainland by Cubans and American mercenaries along with CIA operatives. It was supposed to be covered by US naval forces who had their numbers on the bows painted out, and an air force of World War Two aircraft that was launched out of Central America. The bulk of the attacking forces were landed by boat on the shores of the Bay of Pigs. The navy did nothing, the airplanes flew over and most were shot down and those invaders who came ashore on the beach were killed or captured. That the invasion failed miserably is a matter of history, and Kennedy was left with an embarrassing situation in the eyes of the world, especially the Russians. He didn't like it one bit and vowed to dissolve the CIA at his earliest opportunity. The Russian leader Khrushchev delighted in the fact America failed and took every opportunity to get in front of the cameras and berate America for being war mongers. He stuck out a pudgy hand in help to Cuba. It was a propaganda feeding fest and America was the main course.

Kennedy was consequently murdered by a coupe d'état formulated by big business and aided by the CIA which was a way of salvaging their Golden Parachutes. It was a planned hit and it was successful. Many of the faces we saw in the newsreels and on TV at the time were heavily involved including LBJ who salivated at the mere mention of him becoming the next President. George Bush senior was the senior CIA officer in New Orleans where Oswald was recruited, and of course Allen Dulles, the former OSS head during world war two was in charge of the new CIA at the time.

People forget Senator Arlen Specter and the later President Ford were on the Warren committee. Arlen Specter was the person who invented the story about the Magic Bullet that supposedly went into Governor Connelly's body several times and then wound up on the stretcher where Kennedy's body was delivered to Parkland hospital later, in pristine condition without a mark on it. It still amazes me that anyone could buy that story. It astounds me to this day that the Warren Commission report was ever bought by the American public because of the omissions in it and the blatant cover ups that were swept under the rug by everybody.

After Kennedy was killed, the US began to change radically from a country where freedom was cherished above all else to a country of mass welfare and give aways. It engendered a system where the Roosevelt system of helping the poor escalated into a way of life that carried on to this day. America had the educational system, the health care system and a way of life that was envied in every country of the world. We had factories, steel mills, coal mines, the best cars in the world, and America was truly the land of plenty. Then the Vietnam war was escalated by a made up provocation of an attack on one of our naval ships, the demonstrators at home grew stronger and more brave and the protests became organized sieges on many American cities and on the campuses of many universities. That was when accountability lost its bite in America. Prior to that if you lived in a community and it was discovered you stole from a neighbor you were shunned. You were done and just about had to move away if you ever wanted to get a job or get any kind of a career started. People were accountable for their actions then. The protestors brought that to an end. It was a mindset that basically held, anyone can do anything they want to do and there are no consequences.

Kennedy was a real war hero. When his PT Boat was rammed by a Japanese Destroyer which cut the boat in half and sank it. Most of Kennedy's men made it to a small Pacific Island. Several of his men were wounded in the attack and one in particular was burned. When Kennedy decided to move to the next Island in hopes of being seen by a passing PT Boat he took one of the wounded men in his teeth and swam to the next island. He was also injured and suffered the rest of his life from the back injury he received during the sinking of his boat. He thought of his own men first. They were rescued consequently because of his actions. However, when Kennedy died, America began to die as well. It has never stopped since that day, November 22, 1963. I was a young Naval Officer and I remember it well. I also remember how it used to be and find it nearly unbelieveable that it has accelerated to such an extent as it has. If I hadn't been there I would almost challenge you it didn't happen, but it did because I experienced it first hand.

I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.


The Certified Idiot himself.
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.

I thought you were here to provide comedy. You're good at it.

Everybody in the car would have been deafened by the pistol being fired inches from their mellon you stupid assed piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself.
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.

I thought you were here to provide comedy. You're good at it.

Everybody in the car would have been deafened by the pistol being fired inches from their mellon you stupid assed piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself.

You are here to provide nothing but bullshit.

Connally was deafened by the shot and so was Greer. And Connally saw Greer's gun before he pulled it down in the car you ignorant piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself, you little fuckin' twit.:cuckoo:
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.

I thought you were here to provide comedy. You're good at it.

Everybody in the car would have been deafened by the pistol being fired inches from their mellon you stupid assed piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself.
So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.

I thought you were here to provide comedy. You're good at it.

Everybody in the car would have been deafened by the pistol being fired inches from their mellon you stupid assed piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself.

Mr. SPECTER - Describe as best you can the types of sound of the second report, as distinguished from the first noise which you said was similar to a motorcycle backfire?

Mr. GREER - The second one didn't sound any different much than the first one but I kind of got, by turning around, I don't know whether I got a little concussion of it, maybe when it hit something or not, I may have gotten a little concussion that made me think there was something different to it. But so far as the noise is concerned, I haven't got any memory of any difference in them at all.

Greer fired the fatal shot right next to his head and this testimony confirms that clearly along with a mountain of other evidence, you little schmuck.LOL:clap2:
Cervantes said:
Except your evidence is false.

Oh, and by the way, wrong thread. Start a new thread to discuss this topic. You will get more replies.

Anyone that says the evidence against Greer is false without challenging the visual proof is pissing in the wind. There is no way to challenge what is basically survelliance footage of Greer killing Kennedy. So, people claim this delusional authority that you are spewing. People can censor the truth on forums but cannot debunk the fact that Greer clearly and obviously is and always will be jfk's real assassin. I don't care if anyone replies. The point of my forum work is showing how delusional people can be by denying unpleasant facts.

I thought you were here to provide comedy. You're good at it.

Everybody in the car would have been deafened by the pistol being fired inches from their mellon you stupid assed piece of shit.

There I gave you 15 seconds of attention; call your day a success and go fuck yourself.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot Kennedy.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.
I'm not arguing with any person. I am mocking countless idiots who are denying reality. Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in nix which contradicts Zapruder in the most important way. This fact can only be denied or simply ignored.

I'm not arguing with any person. I am mocking countless idiots who are denying reality. Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in nix which contradicts Zapruder in the most important way. This fact can only be denied or simply ignored.

YOU are a repetitive fucking ****. Your man "edited" the video to show the TRUTH????? Fuck you and your fucking editor. You fucking ***** are editing the ORIGINAL film to suit your own agenda.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Seeing how we got one tainted film,,and one fuzzy film,,,all you can do (as with EVERYONE ELSE) is SPECULATE on what really happened that day....

You"ve repeatedly jumped up and down saying you have proved something when you absolutely have not.(because of the poor quality "evidence")

You cannot absolutely prove this,,,nor can I,,or ANYONE else!

Until the Shriver film is ever shown to the public,,we will never know.

(Yes there IS another film!)

Sometimes you gotta face facts,man.....Case Closed!!!!

Seeing how the Zfilm can be shown to be altered independent of the nix film, your argument is invalid. The films are NOT fuzzy or blurry but very clear in regards to Greer's arm and hand movements which are 100 percent consistent with him shooting jfk. The driver killing jfk is a fact while the grassy knoll is speculation that was in fact created by the government themselves to distract from Greer.

I have repeatedly posted video evidence and plenty of other corroborative proof which has been mostly ignored because there is no real challenge to pose against facts, only simple, childish denials.

I did absolutely prove this and you nor anyone else can change that fact!

Sometimes you gotta face facts, man.....Case Closed!!!!

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