The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

The parabolic arc being the secondary exit trajectory.

The bullet trace certainly looks to be exiting his right ear.


Original Link:

My biggest fan/troll tells the truth and even shows the right rear protruding after the front right impact on jfk's forehead. Sicknote and $ick3nin.vend3tta are Soupnazi from scams - report the scam here and he secretly wants me to move forward with my work.

FRAME 337 showing right rear exit.

so those 3 guys are sockpuppets of soupnazi just like omamerica is for candycorn right? yeah that soupnazi is the biggest jfk troll,his handlers pay him to go to message boards every posting his propagnda the same way they do with candycorn on 9/11.i have seen that troll soupnazi at about three different boards posting his lies and propaganda.he is so stupid he doesnt realise he gives it away that he is an agent with the name NAZI in his user name.:lol: i love it.
No sicknote, 7forever won't give you an answer.

Why not?.

It debunks his theory clean out of the water.

There is NO right rear bullet exit (which would indicate Greer).

Nix gif above.

No sicknazi, you won't give an answer.

Why not?.

It debunks your delusions clean out of the water.

There is NO right front exit but a right front entrance which incriminates only Greer.

The nix film shows Greer's left arm crossing over his shoulder and in unison his right forehead is struck with a bullet producing a clear smoke at the point of entrance, in this case over the right eye. This is confirmed by the man getting shot in the face with the smoke and him going backwards.


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lol 7forever, the drive is not the shooter. look at the clips you posted carefully. Notice the drivers LEFT hand is on the steering wheel. HTF does he shoot kennedy with his right hand.

What you are seeing the the sun shining on the greasy hair of the passenger not a silver pistol. The sun is even shining off the greasy hair of the driver. Back then it was common for men to grease their hair. I remember my dad using Brylcreem back in the day.

And Rodin, lol, come on man, do you seriously believe Jacky killed her husband.

lol Phantom, the driver is the shooter, always was and always will be. Look at the clips I posted carefully. Notice the driver's LEFT hand is passing the gun to his right hand before he turns the first time.

What you are seeing is a fake blob of white created by a 1963 goon squad.LOL Real hair reflections do not recoil at the exact moment a president is being shot by his driver unless the driver shot that president, which Greer clearly and obviously did. It even separates from Roy's head.LOL

you're misreading the video evidence. bullet smoke trails emit from the barrel of the gun, not the target. the target emits fragments of bone, brain and blood. the fragment evidence shows the exit point, not the entrance point. it shows an exit point consistent with a bullet that originated from jackies position.

You're misreading the video evidence and real life. Clear bullet smoke emits when it hits its target. The bullet struck jfk in the right forehead emitting smoke at that point. Mussolini was executed with a shot to the back of the head and smoke emits from that point. You don't know what you're talking about in the least.
Kennedy shot from the front by the driver, William Greer.


A man shot in the face with smoke at entrance.

Mussolini shot in back of head in the mid 40's.

If you look at frame 9 of that gif of mussolini it clearly shows the smoke appearing behind him as we look at it, ie the front of his head (open it in photoshop & view it full screen.

His head also jerks backwards as a recoil from the exit wound (it initially goes forward, then reappears vertically).

Exactly as Kennedy's head did when it received a bullet in the back of the head and it exited out the front.

Case closed.

If you look at the gif of mussolini it clearly shows the smoke appearing at back of his head where the bullet enters. (open it in photoshop & view it full screen. Mussolini's head jerks forward naturally from the rear shot, the exact opposite of what Kennedy's head did when he received the shot from the front.


case closed
Thats not smoke, it's brain matter.

The Mussolini and nix films mirror each other but simply show the opposite angle from where the shot/bullet came from. Mussolini is shot from the rear with the bullet smoke emitting on the rear while Kennedy shows the smoke from the front. And there heads and bodies go in the correct direction after the shot. You are just pathetic and backed into a corner where you have to disagree with everything I'm saying because everything I'm saying is 100 percent dead nuts on.
A rear shot.

The frontal shot by Greer.
Now they won't move this to the dump or ban this guy. there is not a signle person in the war room that agreed on anything with this agent, yet the thread stays put.

I'm guessing orders from up above.

I'm willing to bet that mods cannot touch this guy.

You are a complete lunatic...LOL

But there is no right front entrance, lol. That is just fantasy.

Can't you see the bullet exiting skywards, ITS NOT EXITING THE REAR. Don't you understand?, that debunks Greer. Debunk: No right rear exit (Greer).

Stare at the top of JFK's head in the Nix gif below. The shot EXITS skywards. (Not backwards), the bullet doesn't exit the rear of his head. IF THE BULLET EXITED THE REAR OF THE HEAD, IT WOULD MEAN GREER or a shot fired from a frontal position.

The bullet DOESN'T exit the rear. The bullet EXITS skywards. Nix gif below proves it.


Can't you see the bullet. It's right there in front of your eyes. EXITING SKYWARDS, NOT REAR WARDS.



The fatal bullet is right there, fired into the sky.

Both images in this post don't contradict the bullet exit.

But there is no right front exit, lol. That's just fantasy.

You do see the bullet entering the right front and slamming him backwards. IT'S ENTERING THE RIGHT FRONT. You do understand, that debunks everything besides Greer.

Stare at the top of JFK's head in the Nix gif below. It enters the right front and knocks him violently backward. (Not forward), the bullet does enter the rigth front. THE BULLET EXITED THE REAR OF THE HEAD, IT MEANS GREER fired from a frontal position, which he clearly did.

The bullet does enter the right front. Nix gif below proves it.


You can see greer turn and shoot jfk in the right forehead. It's right there in front of your eyes.

The Greer theory is deliberate dis-information because:

-The 'Greer did it' theory was first introduced to the world by William Cooper, a former US naval intelligence officer who was trained in photographic alteration and editing.

-Cooper rather oddly claimed beforehand that his never-seen-before footage was 'crystal clear'. What he showed was an edited version of the Zapruder film, which when it comes to detail is about as clear as mud

Even if it isn't disinfo, he couldn't have done it because:

-At no point does anything resembling a gun appear in any of Greer's hands

-Neither of Greer's hands are seen to be in a position to have fired the fatal shot

Most importantly:

-At the moment of the fatal shot, Mrs. Connelly is leaning across towards her husband, thus blocking Greer's line of sight to JFK

-Greer firing the fatal shot is an obvious untold truth which is now being told.

-The 'Greer did it' truth has been given beyond any doubt in the last year and a half and continues to be unchallenged by anyone even remotely.

-For two full seconds we can see Greer passing a covered object between frames 242-278 and that object is the gun which Greer used to shoot jfk at point blank range.

-Both of Greer's hands are off the wheel at frame 241 right before his left hand passes the gun to his right.
Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
FRAME 241 showing both hands close together right before he passes gun.

Greer passes gun and frame 258 showing covered gun by driver's door.


Most importantly: Greer killed Kennedy and that has been proven beyond any and all doubt.

Originally Posted by 7forever

If I am wrong then why post anything? Greer passes the gun which is clear and his left arm crosses in Nix. Those two facts prove his guilt beyond any doubt. You are board trolling because your obsession is controlling you. It's like an addiction. The same could be said for me but at least I'm obsessed with exposing a very, very obvious truth.

But this is the whole point: Greer's arm crosses, but you can't see his hand. The gun is certainly not clear, only you choose to say it is because you want a gun there because it fits your theory. This is what makes your 'facts' pure speculation.

Your so called 'obvious truth' is nothing of the sort; I see you resort to personal attacks again for the thrid post in a row? That says it all about your argument. YOU are the troll here, and I have no qualms in showing you up for what you are, disrupting this thread with your constant spamming and false claims of proof.

Greer's arm crossing in Nix is proof the government altered those movements in Zapruder. That fact all by itself proves the illusion that Greer did NOT shoot Kennedy is just that, an illusion. He clearly shoots jfk from the driver's seat and even without all my work, a good prosecutor could have convicted Greer with just the Zapruder film.

The disinfo tactic this Nazi **** is using is as follows: Admit the fact but not the conclusion of what that fact helps conclude. Showing Greer's arm cross in Nix is the best piece of Kennedy research in the history of this case
. No doubt whatsover. It makes the best defense for Greer NOT shooting jfk invalid. Since it looks exactly like Greer shoots Kennedy in Zapruder, if his left arm really does cross then Greer shot Kennedy.
25 Tactics for Truth Suppression Tactics used by disinformation agents stooges for the elite |

Notice the timing of the headshot in Zapruder and Nix films. The fake reflection extends in unison with the headshot while Greer's arm crosses his shoulder in unison with the headshot in Nix.



William Greer assassinated JFK on 11-22-1963
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.

I cannot show what type of handgun Greer used because the alteration covered the gun with white and grey but it's in Zapruder before and after the shot. This would be like a judge requiring a video tape of the killer, killing their victim even though there's tons of dna evidence against them. It's message board horseshit.

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
FRAME 241 showing both hands close together right before he passes gun.

Greer passes gun and frame 258 showing covered gun by driver's door.


The altered gun is visible before, during and after the shot.
318 is the fake reflection and 319 is the gun bleached in white


They could NOT edit out the gun so they covered it with white and grey. The driver killing Kennedy was always THE TRUTH but was universally ignored and covered-up.

case closed
Everyone can see, even the Kennedy Kooks that Greer's left arm is swiftly jerking over his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. CASE CLOSED, with no challenge from any lone nutter or ct'er like Groden and Marrs.
RaininThrees said:
This is some impressive dedication to a topic no one really cares about.

According to the cable networks there were 1000 books published on jfk. Alot of people cared and still care about this case. They just don't want the obvious truth about Greer to come out but it has, even if only in a small way.
It's hard to imagine a better comparable to the Kennedy forehead shot. You can see the bullet smoke when it strikes his face which is mirrored by the nix gif showing the bullet strike his right forehead consistent with my work placing the entrance over the right eye and logically exiting the right rear, supported by 40 witnesses including Greer and Jackie Kennedy.



You can literally see skull detaching from his rear skull. Also, notice as his goes back you can see the white lane through the back of his head.LOL
Kellerman moved his head forward, backward and forward again in the space of 1 second (frames 296-314) in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of elm street and after to look like he's ducking bullets. Watch him look to his left towards Greer's chest. He was following the movement of the gun and Greer's arm. When Greer turned the second time, the gun was near his right collarbone, so all he did was push it up, over and shoot jfk directly in the forehead. Kellerman even throws his hand up to signal, it's time to shoot jfk. That is how ridiculously obvious it is. Minor things like that are normally ignored or written off as anomalies.


Watch the fake reflection recoil and separate from Roy's head.
With this old copy you can see the cartoon gun, arm and hand form perfectly before the fake reflection jolts backward in perfect unison with the headshot.
I don't have the video editing skills that you folks do, however, I do have an understanding of video, and 1963 Lincolns. I think I finally see what you think is an arm of the driver, and no, sorry, it's the upper part of the driver's door. Plus, the top of the passenger's head, with the grease, is of course going to move some... there was a high powered rifle shot just shot in his general direction, and just as a final thought, you do understand that this film, even when new, was approximately 7.5mp resolution for still pictures, right? Not counting "Z's" movement during the shooting? Plus the low frame rate doesn't help matters at all.

Not trying to sound trollish, just saying is all. No offense to anyone.

Greer's left arm crosses over in the nix film which completely destroys any hope that this idiotic cover-up could continue on indefinitely. The arm is fake in Zapruder because it crosses in nix and muchmore.

Advance to 1:09 and see for yourself where this gif came from.
Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video

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