The Joy Stick


Sep 23, 2010
Good lord! The Weiners are tight with the Clintons. That’s why this is so scary:

In a raunchy tell-all interview with Howard Stern, Anthony Weiner's former virtual gal pal Sydney Leathers says the peter-tweeting poll used to call her up to five times a day - and almost every day - to have phone sex. And that still wasn't enough!

"He could have 12 girls talking to him, beating off 15 times a day and that wouldn't be enough," Leathers said. "You would think his d--k would hurt by the end of it."

Weiner sext pal in raunchy tell-all interview: Phone sex '15 times a day wouldn't be enough' for obsessed pol -

I suppose Huma forgiving masturbation is more understandable than Hillary forgiving Bill for putting his pecker where it shouldn’t be.

If it’s nothing but a matter of solo sex, I can’t understand why Bill dumped Jocelyn Elders:

[ame=]Clinton's Surgeon-General says Masturbation should be taught in school [Dec 1994] - YouTube[/ame]​

Oh well, somebody should ask Weiner’s virtual gal pals if they heard him singing this oldie while he was wailing away on the old joy stick:

[ame=]"I Tried" - Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra (1941) - YouTube[/ame]​
[ame=]Mission: Impossible Opening Montage 1 - YouTube[/ame]​

"As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."

Bill Clinton thinks he is Jim Phelps! He disavowed Weiner to protect the “Secretary” because Weenie Weiner got caught:

Bill and Hillary Clinton are 'livid' at comparisons to Weiner’s sexcapades and Huma’s forgiveness
Last Updated: 9:30 AM, July 29, 2013
Posted: 1:40 AM, July 29, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Clintons livid at comparison of them to Weiners -

This could backfire on the Clintons. Degenerates and perverts are their rock solid base. Disavowing a jerk-off artist won’t sit well with the freakazoids.
Last edited:

"As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."

Bill Clinton thinks he is Jim Phelps! He disavowed Weiner to protect the “Secretary” because Weenie Weiner got caught:

Bill and Hillary Clinton are 'livid' at comparisons to Weiner’s sexcapades and Huma’s forgiveness
Last Updated: 9:30 AM, July 29, 2013
Posted: 1:40 AM, July 29, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Clintons livid at comparison of them to Weiners -

This could backfire on the Clintons. Degenerates and perverts are their rock solid base. Disavowing a jerk-off artist won’t sit well with the freakazoids.

Liberals highlight and camouflage issues and events at will. Any issue or event is relative as to how effects the liberal agenda. Unconventional sex/morals/thinking/etc can be a plus or a minus depending on the direction that the political breeze is blowing.
Integrity has about a 5 minute half live. Hillary will be elected. That should be evident to everyone by now.
Liberals highlight and camouflage issues and events at will. Any issue or event is relative as to how effects the liberal agenda. Unconventional sex/morals/thinking/etc can be a plus or a minus depending on the direction that the political breeze is blowing.
Integrity has about a 5 minute half live. Hillary will be elected. That should be evident to everyone by now.

To dilloduck: She has big lead in getting her party’s nomination. Joe Biden being her only “serious” rival says a lot about the Democrats. I make her even money in the general election if Republicans blow it —— AGAIN —— by putting up another stiff like Romney. Any true conservative Republican will blow Hillary out of the water.

Judi McLeod nails Hillary pretty good in today’s piece, but it’s so far from the election the media has time to make all of Hillary’s warts look like beauty marks:

Hillary the Movie’s already owned by Benghazi Posterity
By Judi McLeod Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hillary the Movie?s already owned by Benghazi Posterity

Incidentally, the Clintons stealing the election with voter fraud should be a serious concern for Republicans and the country. I have not heard that Karl Rove and his crowd are taking steps to insure a fair count any more than they did in 2012.
Liberals highlight and camouflage issues and events at will. Any issue or event is relative as to how effects the liberal agenda. Unconventional sex/morals/thinking/etc can be a plus or a minus depending on the direction that the political breeze is blowing.
Integrity has about a 5 minute half live. Hillary will be elected. That should be evident to everyone by now.

To dilloduck: She has big lead in getting her party’s nomination. Joe Biden being her only “serious” rival says a lot about the Democrats. I make her even money in the general election if Republicans blow it —— AGAIN —— by putting up another stiff like Romney. Any true conservative Republican will blow Hillary out of the water.

Judi McLeod nails Hillary pretty good in today’s piece, but it’s so far from the election the media has time to make all of Hillary’s warts look like beauty marks:

Hillary the Movie’s already owned by Benghazi Posterity
By Judi McLeod Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hillary the Movie?s already owned by Benghazi Posterity

Incidentally, the Clintons stealing the election with voter fraud should be a serious concern for Republicans and the country. I have not heard that Karl Rove and his crowd are taking steps to insure a fair count any more than they did in 2012.

The Republicans have nobody. They're dead in the water.
The Republicans have nobody. They're dead in the water.

To dilloduck: Not so. The Republican party is in transition, while Democrats are drowning in their long-running Socialist, anti-America, agenda. In addition to the top three ——Hillary Clinton, Barack Taqiyya, and Joe Biden —— being accomplished liars their policies are identical.

Old guard Republicans are fighting a last ditch battle. They can’t win elections without the conservative vote.

Conservative candidates are emerging. Right now Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are looking good. The trick for conservatives at the nominating convention will be to draw more voters from the Republican base than Karl Rove’s candidate(s) can muster with the same old bullcrap.

Hardcore Democrats will never vote for a Republican in the general election, but independents and disgruntled Democrats will respond to conservative goals if they are clearly defined.

There are Weiner Dogs and weiner dogs.
This is the only kind we care about.
I am a nonpartisan. I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. But I'll tell you what, if the Democrats can't come up with anyone better than Hilary Clinton to run, I'll be voting Republican this time. Unless, of course, the Republicans come up with someone stupid also. (Sarah Palin comes to mind...I'd vote for Hilary over Sarah). But I think I'd vote for an Independent candidate or write-in before I'd vote for either of those bitches.

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