The Key Reason we did not prevail in Afghanistan

I’ve never met a German who apologises for the War.
They got a bad rap. USA had no business entering the European theatre and if we did....
JoeB131 you fkd up!!!!!!!! we had a REASON and every right to go into Afghanistan....we had no right and no reason to go into Vietnam ...if fact, the Dems backed the corrupt Vietnamese government/etc
I have long maintained that we should have allied with India rather than Pakistan.

First of all Pakistan is muslim with far too many radicals in its intelligence agencies.

Does anyone remember how they alerted bin laden that bill clinton was going to attack their camp?

The Key Reason the U.S. Lost in Afghanistan
Supporting a Hindi invasion of a muslim country would probably solve all human problems.
@JoeB131 you fkd up!!!!!!!! we had a REASON and every right to go into Afghanistan....we had no right and no reason to go into Vietnam ...if fact, the Dems backed the corrupt Vietnamese government/etc

Hey, stupid, if Afghanistan was so fucking important, whey did Bush abandon it to go after Saddam.

The war might have been winnable in 2002.

By 2009 or 2021, it wasn't.
JoeB131 sorry--fk up by you--the people that murdered more Americans than at PHarbor were in Afghanistan ....

And if we went in to kill them, that would be awesome. That's not what we did. Al Qaeda largely dispersed and we spent the next 20 years proving the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

It's like if we were chasing a known killer into a house, he somehow gave us the slip, and our immediate response was to start doing home improvements on the house we chased him into, without even questioning why he went into that house to start with.
JoeB131 more bullshit from you---that has nothing to do with Afghanistan being a legitimate battle area---and ---again, you people think it's a board game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's's complex/etc ---I've explained your argument in my thread:
more bullshit from you---that has nothing to do with Afghanistan being a legitimate battle area---and ---again, you people think it's a board game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's's complex/etc ---I've explained your argument in my thread:

Actually, it isn't complex at all.

The Soviet union failed to subdue Afghanistan despite spending a decade there, having much closer logistics, and spending a lot more capital to do so, not to mention being a lot more ruthless than we were...

Why did you think we were going to succeed? I mean, do you suffer from a learning disability?
Combination of war for money, ignorance, and self serving world leaders. People keep posting about how they know how other people think. but don't know there culture language or customs. And those who say it the most have never even been in their country.
Key reason we didn't prevail in Afghanistan.

We were never at war in Afghanistan. Not most of us, anyway. Most of us forgot there was a war in Afghanistan by 2003, when we all put away our yellow ribbons and our flag lapel pins and got on with our lives.

We never had the kind of commitment of shared sacrifice we had in World War II or even Vietnam. No rationing, no conscription, if the news didn't tell you about it once in a while, usually when there was some big helicopter crash or some such shit, you'd have forgotten it was a thing.
Hey, stupid, if Afghanistan was so fucking important, whey did Bush abandon it to go after Saddam.

The war might have been winnable in 2002.

By 2009 or 2021, it wasn't.
The dates are irrelevant, the war was winnable at anytime.

In order to win it would have required going into the tribal lands of Pakistan. It was that simple.

The powers that be were not willing to alienate Pakistan, claiming that Pakistan was a key component of our war against terrorism.

All the while admitting that Pakistan was playing a 'double game' harboring bin laden, giving support and refuge to the taliban etc.

Thus in a nutshell the war was winnable but the powers that be refused to do what was required to win the war because it would have alienated our ally (supposed) Pakistan.
I have long maintained that we should have allied with India rather than Pakistan.

First of all Pakistan is muslim with far too many radicals in its intelligence agencies.

Does anyone remember how they alerted bin laden that bill clinton was going to attack their camp?

The Key Reason the U.S. Lost in Afghanistan

You have to ask the question, why Afghanistan. What did the US get out of Afghanistan to spend 20 years and trillions of dollars there. Why not leave it like Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and many other countries the US didn't give a flying fork about?
Key reason we didn't prevail in Afghanistan.

We were never at war in Afghanistan. Not most of us, anyway. Most of us forgot there was a war in Afghanistan by 2003, when we all put away our yellow ribbons and our flag lapel pins and got on with our lives.

We never had the kind of commitment of shared sacrifice we had in World War II or even Vietnam. No rationing, no conscription, if the news didn't tell you about it once in a while, usually when there was some big helicopter crash or some such shit, you'd have forgotten it was a thing.
All true but irrelevant.
You have to ask the question, why Afghanistan. What did the US get out of Afghanistan to spend 20 years and trillions of dollars there. Why not leave it like Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and many other countries the US didn't give a flying fork about?
The rationale was that if we did not stay there the terrorists would move back in and use Afghanistan once again as a base for terroristic operations.
Our allegiance with Pakistan goes back to The Cold War. India chose Russia as their protector and naturally Pakistan, their mortal enemy, chose us.
Sure. That's what 'unaligned' meant to the US. And the US chose Pakistan, not the other way around.
Sure. That's what 'unaligned' meant to the US. And the US chose Pakistan, not the other way around.

I'm pretty sure we didn't force them to take our aid and weapons.

We might have seduced them, but the relationship was consensual.
And if we went in to kill them, that would be awesome. That's not what we did. Al Qaeda largely dispersed and we spent the next 20 years proving the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

It's like if we were chasing a known killer into a house, he somehow gave us the slip, and our immediate response was to start doing home improvements on the house we chased him into, without even questioning why he went into that house to start with.
You are more than a tad confused. We did not chase the Taliban into Afghanistan, we chased them into the tribal lands of Pakistan and did not pursue them because we did not want to alienate Pakistan...thus we abandoned any hope of ultimate victory.

Instead we opted to maintain the status quo in Afghanistan and whilst doing that we made the huge mistake of trying to turn them into a democracy.

Still yet we could have maintained the status quo without much difficulty....our casualties were very low and with the use of drones and the air force it was relatively easy to keep the taliban out.

Unfortunately Trump got the idea we had been there too long and he wanted to end it. Big mistake, which was compouned and really turned into a disaster by Biden.

If biden had not thrown Trumps plan out the window we could have exited Afghanistan without the chaos and loss of life made possible by bidens lack of planning.
The rationale was that if we did not stay there the terrorists would move back in and use Afghanistan once again as a base for terroristic operations.

I'd disagree with this. There are plenty of place to use for terrorist operations, like Syria and Libya and Yemen.

Afghanistan has no resources, which makes it strange that the US stayed so long.

Perhaps it's as simple as, the US went in to get ibn Laden, and stayed because he hadn't succeeded in taming the country, and couldn't accept failure when it was so easy.

Somalia, for example, was easy to get out of, because it turned into a disaster, but Afghanistan was always a slow burner.

Also what strategic position does Afghanistan hold? The US had bases near Pakistan, but especially Iran.

When the US invaded Iraq, it wanted to also invade Iran. But Iraq got bogged down. Imagine being able to invade from two sides. Instead policy went to sanctions because the US never got to the point where an invasion met the Powell Doctrine.
Actually, it isn't complex at all.

The Soviet union failed to subdue Afghanistan despite spending a decade there, having much closer logistics, and spending a lot more capital to do so, not to mention being a lot more ruthless than we were...

Why did you think we were going to succeed? I mean, do you suffer from a learning disability?
The Soviet Union was like America is becoming under biden: Incompetent.

We ran the taliban out of Afghanistan with around 200 special ops working with our air force....something Russia was not capable of.

But then we stopped. We did not pursue the taliban and destroy them. We let them have a safe haven in Pakistan.

Utterly foolish.

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