The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.
The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.

Ridiculous the Republicans do not need the minority vote and can never get a significant amount of it no matter how far to the left they tilt.

GOP Does Not Have a Hispanic Problem it has a White Problem

by Peter Brimelow April 16, 2013

Everyone knows that the Republican Party needs to extend amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens in order to win the Hispanic vote. Right?

But, to quote Josh Billings: “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

And it’s not just that Hispanics will never vote Republican anyway–because they are poor and naturally like government redistribution, and because they have eyes and can see that Marco Rubio is a white Cuban, not a Mexican.

Both those things are true, of course, but the real reason the current Hispanic hysteria is wrong is that there simply aren’t that many Hispanic voters. Whites will continue to dominate the U.S. electorate for the foreseeable future.

And it’s whites–especially the white working class, above all in the North–who are up for grabs.

Hispanics cast perhaps 10 percent of the votes in the 2012 presidential election. (All these numbers are a little fuzzy because exit polling is inexact.) Whites cast 72 percent.


But at least everybody knows that Hispanic immigration (legal and–shhh!–illegal) has made California a Democratic stronghold. Right?

Again, incredibly, this is something that “everybody knows” that, to quote Billings again, “just ain’t so.” Romney got just 48 percent of the white vote in California in 2012, according to Reuters/ Ipsos. McCain got a mere 46 percent in 2008.

Quite obviously, the GOP cannot carry California if it can’t carry the white vote.

Indeed, the amazing truth is that the demographics of California are not much more unfavorable to the GOP than the demographics of Texas.

In 2012, 22 percent of California’s votes were cast by Hispanics, 55 percent by whites.

And 20 percent of Texas’ votes were cast by Hispanics, 63 percent by whites. (An estimate based on the 2008 exit polls–exit polls weren’t taken in Texas in 2012.)

But the GOP carried Texas 57 percent vs. 41 percent. It lost California 60 percent to 37 percent. The difference: Texas whites voted 76 percent for the GOP.

Even a small increase in the GOP’s share of the white vote would swamp any conceivable increase in its share of the Hispanic vote.

And there’s plenty of room for an increase. GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney got only about 57 percent of whites in 2012 – fatally less than the 60 percent congressional Republicans got in the tea-party mid-term election in 2010.

In contrast, Ronald Reagan got a 64 percent white share in 1984. Richard Nixon got 67 percent back in 1972.


Indeed, even if immigration continues at current levels, the GOP could still win the 2052 presidential election–if it could increase its white share to 70 percent.

Remember, that would be only 3 points higher that Richard Nixon’s white share in 1972. {snip}

On the other hand, there’s a whole tier of largely white Northern states–basically Greater New England, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Ore.–where Romney underperformed, because his white share was significantly below average.

Thus Romney lost the six key Midwest states–Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin – because his white share averaged 52 percent–6 points below the national average.


Above all, Romney did particularly badly among the white working class in these six states. Thus he did only 2 points worse among whites with college degrees in the six states than he did nationally. But among the white “some college” component, he came in 6 points worse than nationally. And among the white “no college” voters, he performed 11 points worse than across the country–finishing tied with Obama.

So the GOP’s problem is not that it can’t win Hispanics–it’s that it can’t mobilize its white base. Above all, it has lost its grip on the white working class–what used to be called the Reagan Democrats.


But whites have rights, too. And, until Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act opened the floodgates to non-traditional immigration, these “whites” were what was called “Americans.”

For the GOP, immigration is not a problem but a solution. An anti-unemployment immigration moratorium, attrition of the illegal presence through enforcement and closing the anchor-baby loophole, coupled with Official English and the abolition of affirmative action, which (absurdly) currently advantages immigrants, all are exactly what is needed to bring back the Reagan Democrats.

Maybe it can’t happen. But maybe, too, the GOP is doomed.

Original Article
It used to be that the GOP was for small government. They believed that government's job wasn't supposed to be to level the playing field by giving handouts. The believed their job was to referee the game fairly for all, regardless of the talent on the field or the cards one was dealt. Then, one day they drank the MSM koolaid that proposes that government is there to give to some by taking from others. That's how the GOP ended up with presidential candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney. People I call "Liberal Light". As in, a lesser form of extremist liberal ideology.

The GOP lost me but the DNC didn't gain me. If the GOP wants to win elections they need to stop acquiescing to the liberal mindset or "middle of the road" that the MSM is pushing on them. Meanwhile, I'll vote (mostly) Libertarian.

Ever since the Republican Party was founded in 1854 it has favored business subsidies. It favored tariffs until American manufacturers learned how to move production to third world countries with low wages and little in the way of environmental protection.

There is nothing new about libertarianism. It is the same as laissez faire capitalism. Laissez faire capitalism was tried in the nineteenth century. It has been rejected by the voters ever since.

The only people who benefit from libertarianism are people who have reason to be confident about their ability to earn a good income without any help from the government. The number of those people is smaller than the number of people who imagine themselves to be in that category.

If you own a profitable company that receives no business no business subsidies, if you live off of a diversified investment portfolio, and understand the stock market, or if you get job offers over the phone, you may benefit from a libertarian economy.

However, the economy changes rapidly, so a company that is profitable now might still go out of business several years from now. No one can predict which stocks will rise and fall over the long term.

It is not enough to get requests to go in for an interview. You need to get calls from people who say, "How much are those people paying you anyway? Is that all?! We can pay you far more than that." Not many people hear that over the phone.
The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.

The Republican Party has nothing to offer to those who are not rich, and who lack the talent to become rich. Most people will never become rich no matter how hard they work.
The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.

The Republican Party has nothing to offer to those who are not rich, and who lack the talent to become rich. Most people will never become rich no matter how hard they work.

Exactly......and they have no real constituency...they managed to deceive the Reagan Democrats for awhile...but the truth is finally being outed....the White Working Class(for that matter no working class) has any business being in the Republican Party.
But whites have rights, too. And, until Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act opened the floodgates to non-traditional immigration, these “whites” were what was called “Americans.”

For the GOP, immigration is not a problem but a solution. An anti-unemployment immigration moratorium, attrition of the illegal presence through enforcement and closing the anchor-baby loophole, coupled with Official English and the abolition of affirmative action, which (absurdly) currently advantages immigrants, all are exactly what is needed to bring back the Reagan Democrats.

Maybe it can’t happen. But maybe, too, the GOP is doomed.

The only people who really matter in the Republican Party are those in the employer - investor class. When they talk Republican politicians listen, and do what they say in return for campaign contributions.

Those in the employer investor class benefit from a high rate of immigration, because it enables them to keep the lid on pay increases.
Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.

The Republican Party has nothing to offer to those who are not rich, and who lack the talent to become rich. Most people will never become rich no matter how hard they work.

Exactly......and they have no real constituency...they managed to deceive the Reagan Democrats for awhile...but the truth is finally being outed....the White Working Class(for that matter no working class) has any business being in the Republican Party.

I sort of agree with you, but I am unwilling to rule out non whites and Jews who obey the law and play the game by the rules. The Democrats need to keep them, while winning most of the white working class vote.
In a country as heterogeneous as the United States it is difficult to attract a majority coalition. Policies favored by part of the coalition are likely to be opposed by other parts.

One should not get carried away with political principles claiming universal and eternal validity. One should think in terms of different economic interests, and different likes and dislikes. One should also realize that what one feels deeply is unlikely to be felt deeply or at all by the majority.
The Republican Party has nothing to offer to those who are not rich, and who lack the talent to become rich. Most people will never become rich no matter how hard they work.

Exactly......and they have no real constituency...they managed to deceive the Reagan Democrats for awhile...but the truth is finally being outed....the White Working Class(for that matter no working class) has any business being in the Republican Party.

I sort of agree with you, but I am unwilling to rule out non whites and Jews who obey the law and play the game by the rules. The Democrats need to keep them, while winning most of the white working class vote.

The democrats don't need a majority of the White Working Class vote to win as demonstrated in the last Presidential Election.....Romney actually got most of the White Working Class Vote....just not the huge percentage of it he needed.

Obama needed a certain percentage of the White Working Class vote and he got it...particularly in the North and in the Mid-west. That coupled with the fact many Working Class Voters did not show up at the polls because of a dislike for Romney insured the democratic victory.
The Key To Victory...The White Working Class

Actually it’s a key to certain defeat for the GOP/TPM to ignore the Black and Hispanic working class, and indeed provides further confirmation as to the racist elements that exist in both.

The Republican Party has nothing to offer to those who are not rich, and who lack the talent to become rich. Most people will never become rich no matter how hard they work.

In other words, you are not only ignorant on the subject of the Republican Party, but you recognize and admit that you are a loser who will never amount to anything.
Exactly......and they have no real constituency...they managed to deceive the Reagan Democrats for awhile...but the truth is finally being outed....the White Working Class(for that matter no working class) has any business being in the Republican Party.

I sort of agree with you, but I am unwilling to rule out non whites and Jews who obey the law and play the game by the rules. The Democrats need to keep them, while winning most of the white working class vote.

The democrats don't need a majority of the White Working Class vote to win as demonstrated in the last Presidential Election.....Romney actually got most of the White Working Class Vote....just not the huge percentage of it he needed.

Obama needed a certain percentage of the White Working Class vote and he got it...particularly in the North and in the Mid-west. That coupled with the fact many Working Class Voters did not show up at the polls because of a dislike for Romney insured the democratic victory.

You do realize that much of that 'dislike' was because he was liberal light, not conservative.
If the GOP wants to win elections, they need to stop being liberal.
I sort of agree with you, but I am unwilling to rule out non whites and Jews who obey the law and play the game by the rules. The Democrats need to keep them, while winning most of the white working class vote.

The democrats don't need a majority of the White Working Class vote to win as demonstrated in the last Presidential Election.....Romney actually got most of the White Working Class Vote....just not the huge percentage of it he needed.

Obama needed a certain percentage of the White Working Class vote and he got it...particularly in the North and in the Mid-west. That coupled with the fact many Working Class Voters did not show up at the polls because of a dislike for Romney insured the democratic victory.

You do realize that much of that 'dislike' was because he was liberal light, not conservative.
If the GOP wants to win elections, they need to stop being liberal.

Oh definitely.........politically correct and being a Mormon did not help him either.

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