The killer did not use an AR-15...he used a Sig....

So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Where did you get 90 wounded from the Colorado springs shooting....?
I didn't say that. I said I would have no problem with passing a law requiring a regulator placed on cars to prevent them from doing so. You asked the question, and I answered it. Since you didn't like my answer, you want to pretend that I claimed something I didn't claim.

Why don't you just admit that you a left wing authoritarian loon and get it over with.

Because that is exactly what you are.
And why don't you just admit that you're a gun nut who thinks that any reasonable restriction on the second amendment equates pissing on the Constitution, because that;s what you are. guys have yet to propose a restriction that is reasonable and we have shown you...through rational thought, why you are wrong.....

You don't like rifles with detachable magazines.....millions of other people those millions of people will be turned into criminals overnight, because you don't like the guns they have.
And that's kind of the point. Any restriction that results in a single weapon not being available to you is "unreasonable" in your mind. You gun nuts have no concept of reasonable.

You are not reasonable......8,000,000 rifles, one is used to commit murder so you want all 8 million gone...

1 rifle 50 dead...

Cars killed 33,000 people every year.....and you don't want to ban them.

33,000 to 50.....
You keep acting like this shooting in Florida was a one time abberation that has never happened before, and that this is all about this one guy.

Ya know what? Never mind. I know that my side has already lost this fight. I knew that after Sandy Hook. When the slaughter of children could not bring us together, as a nation, to find ways of reducing the chances of this happening, nothing would. We, as a nation, have already decided that the frequent mass killings are a price that we are more than willing to pay for our unfettered access to any weapon we want. Continuing this discussion is nothing more than an exercise in futility, as nothing is going to actually change.

Enjoy your guns, and enjoy the next mass assault that is the price you pay for those guns.
Is it fair to punish tens of millions of people for the criminal actions of a few hundred?
Another non sequitur. Want to try and actually answer the question?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

It certainly is not you fool, it is completely apropos.

You are effectively suggesting that millions of people should be deprived of a right because other people have abused theirs.

That's ridiculous.
No one is talking about depriving you of your right, only placing reasonable limits on it. No right is limitless. You wanna test that theory? Go yell fire in a theatre, or tell some FBI agent that you think Obama would be much more attractive with a 9mm hole in the center of his forehead, and see just what limitations are put on your "right" of free speech.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

a ban on semi automatic weapons is not reasonable. No matter how many times you say it , it will never be reasonable.

Let's say you enjoy fast cars and I say "no one needs a car that will do 150 MPH, those are banned, but you can still have a car that does 40 MPH" have your rights been regulated or have they been violated?
They've been regulated. I don't see the need for a car that does 150, so long as we have speed limits, at least not one used for non-racing. Next?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

And yet rich people regularly buy cars that will travel in excess of 200 mph. What YOU see as reasonable doesn't matter. Does it. What matters is that criminal misuse of a product be punished. Banning something has never, and will never work. So why do you insanely keep bashing your head against the wall?
So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.
Why don't you just admit that you a left wing authoritarian loon and get it over with.

Because that is exactly what you are.
And why don't you just admit that you're a gun nut who thinks that any reasonable restriction on the second amendment equates pissing on the Constitution, because that;s what you are. guys have yet to propose a restriction that is reasonable and we have shown you...through rational thought, why you are wrong.....

You don't like rifles with detachable magazines.....millions of other people those millions of people will be turned into criminals overnight, because you don't like the guns they have.
And that's kind of the point. Any restriction that results in a single weapon not being available to you is "unreasonable" in your mind. You gun nuts have no concept of reasonable.

You are not reasonable......8,000,000 rifles, one is used to commit murder so you want all 8 million gone...

1 rifle 50 dead...

Cars killed 33,000 people every year.....and you don't want to ban them.

33,000 to 50.....
You keep acting like this shooting in Florida was a one time abberation that has never happened before, and that this is all about this one guy.

Ya know what? Never mind. I know that my side has already lost this fight. I knew that after Sandy Hook. When the slaughter of children could not bring us together, as a nation, to find ways of reducing the chances of this happening, nothing would. We, as a nation, have already decided that the frequent mass killings are a price that we are more than willing to pay for our unfettered access to any weapon we want. Continuing this discussion is nothing more than an exercise in futility, as nothing is going to actually change.

Enjoy your guns, and enjoy the next mass assault that is the price you pay for those guns.

hey are so full of wonderful ideas......tell us what they are...

Banning assault rifles......

--France did this and criminals get them whenever they want them....terrorists on government watch lists got them and murdered 140 people...

What else do you have?
Why don't you just admit that you a left wing authoritarian loon and get it over with.

Because that is exactly what you are.
And why don't you just admit that you're a gun nut who thinks that any reasonable restriction on the second amendment equates pissing on the Constitution, because that;s what you are. guys have yet to propose a restriction that is reasonable and we have shown you...through rational thought, why you are wrong.....

You don't like rifles with detachable magazines.....millions of other people those millions of people will be turned into criminals overnight, because you don't like the guns they have.
And that's kind of the point. Any restriction that results in a single weapon not being available to you is "unreasonable" in your mind. You gun nuts have no concept of reasonable.

You are not reasonable......8,000,000 rifles, one is used to commit murder so you want all 8 million gone...

1 rifle 50 dead...

Cars killed 33,000 people every year.....and you don't want to ban them.

33,000 to 50.....
You keep acting like this shooting in Florida was a one time abberation that has never happened before, and that this is all about this one guy.

Ya know what? Never mind. I know that my side has already lost this fight. I knew that after Sandy Hook. When the slaughter of children could not bring us together, as a nation, to find ways of reducing the chances of this happening, nothing would. We, as a nation, have already decided that the frequent mass killings are a price that we are more than willing to pay for our unfettered access to any weapon we want. Continuing this discussion is nothing more than an exercise in futility, as nothing is going to actually change.

Enjoy your guns, and enjoy the next mass assault that is the price you pay for those guns.

Yes, it is a terrible price to pay. However, care to guess how many people the Soviet Union murdered when they disarmed their populace? Or how about the Armenians? Or what about the Chinese, the Cambodians, the Rwandans, or what about those pesky Jews?
So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
What difference does it make what kind of gun was used? Would the victims be any less dead?
So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No, you haven't. You have only shown you are a one dimensional thinker. And you behave like a petulant child. That's all you have proven. Nowhere have you shown that an outright ban on anything would work. You merely say it is a good first step. How many times have we already heard that? How many "good first steps" do you need before you figure out that bans don't prevent crime?

And, if preventing crime isn't your goal....what is? Just disarming the populace so you can more easily murder those you don't like?
So.....let's say they ban rifles....with a stroke of a pen...people who own rifles with detachable magazines, and pistols with magazines of more than 15 rounds will become criminals..........

Because 1 guy used 1 rifle to commit murder.....

And you guys are fine with that......when those 8 million gun owners, who never fired a shot in the commission of a crime or mass shooting...are now enemies of the state for possessing a rifle that moments before were legal......

You think that is rational?
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

The thing don't care that the shooter had the weapon and murdered do we know...because you do not support ending gun free zones....I have shown, from survivor statements from inside the club, that people with guns could have killed the shooter and saved actual way to stop these mass shootings...but you focus on the gun..which we have show would not have changed the death count because he could have used 1 pistol...the virginia tech guy used 2 pistols and murdered 32 people....

All you care about are the 8 million guns in law abiding hands. Since the owners of those gun will never use them to commit crime.....they are out of your cannot get your hands on them. Because those people are not criminals....

So you have to come up with a way to get make those people hand over those guns...and if you can punish them for owning those guns on top of that much the better for you......

So with a stroke of the pen you want to ban those 8 million guns that never fired a shot that murdered anyone.....and you want to turn those owners into felons if they don't hand over those legal weapons over to you....

you guys are nuts...we have seen you throughout history...and we will resist you...
One guy used 1 rifle?!?!? You realize that of the last 12 mass shootings - all within the last two years - 8 of them employed an assault rifle? But this is about one guy with one rifle....

Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.
Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

hey asshole......if you are still short on your count....I gave you the list...should be easy.....

And tell me genius......if you banned rifles back then....those shootings wouldn't have happened..? You better tell the 32 dead people at Virginia Tech that they are actually still alive because the guy didn't use a rifle....

Apparently, they weren't shot because he didn't use a rifle...

So this guy at the club.....if you banned rifles....he would have just killed all of those people with a pistol........

You will solve nothing...but you will make 8 million law abiding people who have done nothing wrong...into felons....
Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

again.....where do you get 90 wounded at the Planned murderhood attack?
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

hey asshole......if you are still short on your count....I gave you the list...should be easy.....

And tell me genius......if you banned rifles back then....those shootings wouldn't have happened..? You better tell the 32 dead people at Virginia Tech that they are actually still alive because the guy didn't use a rifle....

Apparently, they weren't shot because he didn't use a rifle...

So this guy at the club.....if you banned rifles....he would have just killed all of those people with a pistol........

You will solve nothing...but you will make 8 million law abiding people who have done nothing wrong...into felons....
Heay said Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, and Aurora were the only three. Instead of calling me an asshole, and mnoving on to some new argument, like you were right all along, how about you just admit you were full of shit, and move on?

Or don't. I'm done with your ignorant ass. feel free to go fuck yourself. With your sig saur.
Name them........Sandy Hook and Aurora, and then San Bernadino.....and there haven't been 12 mass shootings in the last 2 them....
Excel Industries shooting, resulted in 3 deaths, and 14 wounded. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree: 6 dead, 2 wounded. Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs: 3 dead, 90 wounded. Shall I go on?

Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

Do you fucking understand that France did what you want...they banned rifles....fully automatic rifles and AR-15s...and their criminals get them easily....

Do you fucking understand that point?

France banned those guns....just like you want.....and terrorists got them easily and didn't murder 49 people...they murdered 140 people....

Do you fucking understand that point.......

Banning these guns only keeps normal people from having them...what is the fucking point to that?
Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

hey asshole......if you are still short on your count....I gave you the list...should be easy.....

And tell me genius......if you banned rifles back then....those shootings wouldn't have happened..? You better tell the 32 dead people at Virginia Tech that they are actually still alive because the guy didn't use a rifle....

Apparently, they weren't shot because he didn't use a rifle...

So this guy at the club.....if you banned rifles....he would have just killed all of those people with a pistol........

You will solve nothing...but you will make 8 million law abiding people who have done nothing wrong...into felons....
Heay said Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, and Aurora were the only three. Instead of calling me an asshole, and mnoving on to some new argument, like you were right all along, how about you just admit you were full of shit, and move on?

Or don't. I'm done with your ignorant ass. feel free to go fuck yourself. With your sig saur.

Two years you said....Sandy hook...2012 asshole.....Aurora...2012 asshole....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

hey asshole......if you are still short on your count....I gave you the list...should be easy.....

And tell me genius......if you banned rifles back then....those shootings wouldn't have happened..? You better tell the 32 dead people at Virginia Tech that they are actually still alive because the guy didn't use a rifle....

Apparently, they weren't shot because he didn't use a rifle...

So this guy at the club.....if you banned rifles....he would have just killed all of those people with a pistol........

You will solve nothing...but you will make 8 million law abiding people who have done nothing wrong...into felons....
Heay said Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, and Aurora were the only three. Instead of calling me an asshole, and mnoving on to some new argument, like you were right all along, how about you just admit you were full of shit, and move on?

Or don't. I'm done with your ignorant ass. feel free to go fuck yourself. With your sig saur.

Two years you said....Sandy hook...2012 asshole.....Aurora...2012 asshole....
Hey, you brought those up, asswipe. The three I mentioned off the top of my head were all within the last year. So, again feel free to go fuck yourself. With your sig saur.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Yep....go on....cause you are wrong....
You're an idiot. I just proved that you are wrong, about there only being three, and you claim I'm...

Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. I'm done.

No you didn' fucking stopped because I gave you the actual list of mass shootings from Mother Jones....a left wing, anti gun, anti American magazine...who researched mass shootings all the way back to 1982......and they show you are wrong...not me.....
So...the mass shooting at Excel Industries didn't happen? The Kalamazoo shooting spree didn't happen? The Planned Parenthood attack didn't happen? Someone really should tell those twelve people to get the fuck up, then. They shouldn't be dead, because those events never happened.

hey asshole......if you are still short on your count....I gave you the list...should be easy.....

And tell me genius......if you banned rifles back then....those shootings wouldn't have happened..? You better tell the 32 dead people at Virginia Tech that they are actually still alive because the guy didn't use a rifle....

Apparently, they weren't shot because he didn't use a rifle...

So this guy at the club.....if you banned rifles....he would have just killed all of those people with a pistol........

You will solve nothing...but you will make 8 million law abiding people who have done nothing wrong...into felons....
Heay said Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, and Aurora were the only three. Instead of calling me an asshole, and mnoving on to some new argument, like you were right all along, how about you just admit you were full of shit, and move on?

Or don't. I'm done with your ignorant ass. feel free to go fuck yourself. With your sig saur.

Sandy Hook and Colorado theater were in you have to go back 4 years.......and they were both gun free zones specifically chosen by the shooters because they were gun free zones...

Your great wisdom in supporting gun free zones have allowed more people to be murdered than any law we support...

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