The Kracken Was Released -- And It Was Dumber Than I Thought


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

" It wasn’t clear what the Kraken was until it was released and we learned that it had taken the form of matching his-and-hers lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan; lawsuits that have redefined rock bottom. You don’t need to read far to see how truly awful these lawsuits are. Start with the simplest and most eye-catchingly obvious: Complaints in federal lawsuits have set formatting—at the top of the first page are the words “IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ____ DISTRICT OF ____.”

Like seriously, how the fuck do you get that wrong?? And who the hell are these mystery witnesses who are supposed to prove that Hugo Chavez was behind all of this election fraud -- because of some diabolical plan he cooked up 7 years ago?? Newsflash, you cannot hide the identity of your "star witness" from the people you’re suing. And no, you cannot hide the identity of the people who will vouch for the veracity of your "star witness" -- they are doing this because they are full of shit.....

Now, it has been over 15 years since I started seeing the first signs of full on Bush sycophants starting to question the Iraq War and the justifications they held onto for the invasion -- today, most of those people admit that the Bush admin and the Iraq War was a complete disaster and they knew it all along -- some have even found a way to claim the Iraq was all the "liberal's idea" despite attacking liberals as Unamerican terrorist traitors for opposing the war all these long before these folks start claiming "liberals" invented this whole election fraud Kracken releasing bullshit to avoid having to admit that they were just fucking wrong...again?

" It wasn’t clear what the Kraken was until it was released and we learned that it had taken the form of matching his-and-hers lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan; lawsuits that have redefined rock bottom. You don’t need to read far to see how truly awful these lawsuits are. Start with the simplest and most eye-catchingly obvious: Complaints in federal lawsuits have set formatting—at the top of the first page are the words “IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ____ DISTRICT OF ____.”
View attachment 423366

Like seriously, how the fuck do you get that wrong?? And who the hell are these mystery witnesses who are supposed to prove that Hugo Chavez was behind all of this election fraud -- because of some diabolical plan he cooked up 7 years ago?? Newsflash, you cannot hide the identity of your "star witness" from the people you’re suing. And no, you cannot hide the identity of the people who will vouch for the veracity of your "star witness" -- they are doing this because they are full of shit.....

Now, it has been over 15 years since I started seeing the first signs of full on Bush sycophants starting to question the Iraq War and the justifications they held onto for the invasion -- today, most of those people admit that the Bush admin and the Iraq War was a complete disaster and they knew it all along -- some have even found a way to claim the Iraq was all the "liberal's idea" despite attacking liberals as Unamerican terrorist traitors for opposing the war all these long before these folks start claiming "liberals" invented this whole election fraud Kracken releasing bullshit to avoid having to admit that they were just fucking wrong...again?

Wow you're only a week late. Get therapy, loon!
Just add it to the pile of embarrassments over the last four years.

It'll be over soon.

" It wasn’t clear what the Kraken was until it was released and we learned that it had taken the form of matching his-and-hers lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan; lawsuits that have redefined rock bottom. You don’t need to read far to see how truly awful these lawsuits are. Start with the simplest and most eye-catchingly obvious: Complaints in federal lawsuits have set formatting—at the top of the first page are the words “IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ____ DISTRICT OF ____.”
View attachment 423366

Like seriously, how the fuck do you get that wrong?? And who the hell are these mystery witnesses who are supposed to prove that Hugo Chavez was behind all of this election fraud -- because of some diabolical plan he cooked up 7 years ago?? Newsflash, you cannot hide the identity of your "star witness" from the people you’re suing. And no, you cannot hide the identity of the people who will vouch for the veracity of your "star witness" -- they are doing this because they are full of shit.....

Now, it has been over 15 years since I started seeing the first signs of full on Bush sycophants starting to question the Iraq War and the justifications they held onto for the invasion -- today, most of those people admit that the Bush admin and the Iraq War was a complete disaster and they knew it all along -- some have even found a way to claim the Iraq was all the "liberal's idea" despite attacking liberals as Unamerican terrorist traitors for opposing the war all these long before these folks start claiming "liberals" invented this whole election fraud Kracken releasing bullshit to avoid having to admit that they were just fucking wrong...again?

Wow you're only a week late. Get therapy, loon!
Actually, I predicted this was full of shit weeks ago.....

And the new pipe dream Trump's legal team will be feeding you sycophants this week -- will also be full of shit....and folks like you will keep pretending you aren't the ones in need of therapy......

There is no Executive Order that will overturn the
And that's pretty dumb.

I wish I could post the entire article, because it is hilarious at noting how stupid the lawsuits are. It details the spelling mistakes and lack of using a space bar, making the document almost "unreadable."

But to hit the highlights as they pertain to the courts.

Powell had been threatening to release the Kraken for the last week, which she spent “practicing law on her own” after being unpersoned by the Trump legal team following a press conference in which she spouted conspiracy theories so insane that even Giuliani’s hair dye was trying to get out of the room. It wasn’t clear what the Kraken was until it was released and we learned that it had taken the form of matching his-and-hers lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. Lawsuits that have redefined rock bottom. ...​
The two lawsuits, which are very similar to each other, reiterate more or less the same meritless claims that just got Rudy et al. unceremoniously tossed out of the Third Circuit. ...​

But as specious the legal arguments are and as incomprehensible as the copy is, the craziest thing about the case is the substance. This complaint reads like it was drafted at the afterparty for a three-day QAnon convention. And it might have been, given that one of Powell’s more absurd “witnesses” is Ronald Watkins who, alongside his father, runs the imageboard where “Q” drops his messages. Hmmmm. The reason Watkins is part of this case is unclear. Powell is claiming him as an expert in Dominion’s voting software, but you would hope that she could find someone better—like I don’t know, someone who has worked with it maybe?​
The basis of Watkins’s alleged expertise is the fact that he claims to have read the manual. This may come as a surprise but reading a software manual does not qualify you to testify as an expert witness in a federal courtroom.​
If you can believe this, Watkins isn’t even the strangest witness. The award would go to Mystery Man Lord Tensai. Powell redacted this witness’s name from all the filings, including those sent to the defendants. The Mystery Witness proclaims that he/she/it wants to “let the world know the truth about the corruption, manipulation, and lies being committed by a conspiracy of people and companies” that “began more than a decade ago in Venezuela and has spread to countries all over the world.” Our Mystery Witness, whom the declaration assures us is “an adult of sound mine” [sic . . . lmao] claims to have gathered the information about this conspiracy while serving on long-dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez’s security detail. We don’t know this person’s name, but they tell us that if we doubt the veracity of their claims, we only have to—well, see for yourself.​
Ah so the Mystery Witness also has a Mystery Corroborator!​
For those who are not versed in the particulars of high-stakes lawsuits of this nature, let me affirm that, no, you cannot hide the identity of your star witness from the people you’re suing. And no, you cannot hide the identity of the people who will vouch for the veracity of your star witness. ...​

There is zero chance of this succeeding.

But that's not the point of the lawsuits. The point of the lawsuits is to further convince Trump's voters that the election was stolen, even though there is no evidence that can be held up in a court of law.

It's Kabuki Theater.
How many threads do we need on the same article?

These Chinese bots are getting out of hand.
I mean you literally use the same title:
How many threads do we need on the same article?

These Chinese bots are getting out of hand.
I mean you literally use the same title:

Give Toro a break he likes playing around with the dead.




  • 1606749742409.png
    5.5 KB · Views: 15
How many threads do we need on the same article?

Good question... it seems the answer would be... just as many as we need about how the election was rigged, how Biden stole it, or how Trump won by a "landslide."
How many threads do we need on the same article?

These Chinese bots are getting out of hand.
I mean you literally use the same title:

They're not people, they're bots
So it is ridiculous because...

they hid a name from the lawsuit that is publicly readable?

Can't be...

Folks, this is all they got!

Even my thread where two lawyers explain the situation has more valid criticism of the Kraken. And I love the Kraken.
How many threads do we need on the same article?

These Chinese bots are getting out of hand.
I mean you literally use the same title:
As many as it takes to get rightwing nitwits to give up this 'rigged election' nonsense.

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