The lack of common sense in politics is destroying our country!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
More and more politicians are swept up in the emotional "we gotta fix this" or there is a "crisis" mode and as a result trillions of dollars are be totally wasted and our economy is suffering!

All due to a lack of common sense.

Take the Keystone pipeline.
How hard is it to grasp that a tanker carrying 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean is carry one million barrels one mile right?
Now the Keystone pipeline carries The United States section is 1,379 miles long.
At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Folks.. this may sound very very simple..
BUT when you divide 830,000 barrels by 1,379 miles at any one time in one mile of pipe how much oil will be in that one mile of pipeline? 601 barrels.
Can we agree on this simple math?

So where is the common sense missing by most people in that WHICH has the greater potential of happening a storm coming up and like Exxon Valdez
nearly 600,000 barrels spilled over 11,000 square miles?
OR a Pipeline on dry land, that has this project manager for Keystone told me when I asked him this question:
"Will the loss of 5,714 barrels a day through the 1% pinhole go undetected for 2 weeks."
His Answer:
"Ok. First, modern pipelines have more redundant protections on them than an airplane or spacecraft.
Part of that protection is the testing of the fabrication,
part of it is protective coatings,
part of it is an induced current for cathodic protection, and the monitoring can detect hundreds of barrels that go missing (even smaller if it happens quickly).
In other words, the situation you described would be detected within a couple of hours

BUT NOTE.. I used 5,714 barrels..!
Simple common sense question folks!!! Which is a BIGGER number 1 million barrels or 5,714 barrels???
Seems simple but common sense seems to be missing here folks!

Next example of the lack of common sense and the destruction that is happening.
Why would a congress knowing that the primary purpose of ACA was to cover 46 million uninsured... NOT find out the really obvious question who are these 46 million uninsured?

Well if the members had checked with the Census the Census would say 46 million.. OK...
But if they checked further the Census said 10 million are not citizens... so why are they considered part of the problem?
Now if Congress went further and found out that the Census said:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible. "

But Congress obviously didn't have enough common sense to add 10 million illegals and 14 million that were already eligible for Medicaid making 24 million.. !
Finally Congress obviously NEVER asked the 18 million under 34 that could afford their employers' health (make over $50,000) why they shouldn't be part of the "uninsured" didn't
use common sense and say "hmmm if these people don't want insurance and are paying out of pocket already... what purpose is there in counting them as "uninsured"???

But NO common sense here folks!
Proven time and time again there are less then 4 million that truly want and need coverage ACA was passed AND NOW WE HAVE more then 4 million truly uninsured! Because of the stupid wasteful 2,000 pages passed on the bogus phony 46 million number millions of people happy with their coverage are having their insurance CANCELLED!!!

Again why folks? LACK of common sense on the part of Congress!
I am very very tired of this tendency of Congress to think "BIG" To do BIG things!
We can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million and get a true number of uninsured!
The lack of a Canadian leg to the Keystone pipeline has not only hampered much needed crude oil input to domestic markets, it has caused a diversion of rail traffic from food to crude and resulted in an inordinate inflation of grocery prices for Americans.
More and more politicians are swept up in the emotional "we gotta fix this" or there is a "crisis" mode and as a result trillions of dollars are be totally wasted and our economy is suffering!

All due to a lack of common sense.

Take the Keystone pipeline.
How hard is it to grasp that a tanker carrying 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean is carry one million barrels one mile right?
Now the Keystone pipeline carries The United States section is 1,379 miles long.
At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Folks.. this may sound very very simple..
BUT when you divide 830,000 barrels by 1,379 miles at any one time in one mile of pipe how much oil will be in that one mile of pipeline? 601 barrels.
Can we agree on this simple math?

So where is the common sense missing by most people in that WHICH has the greater potential of happening a storm coming up and like Exxon Valdez
nearly 600,000 barrels spilled over 11,000 square miles?
OR a Pipeline on dry land, that has this project manager for Keystone told me when I asked him this question:
"Will the loss of 5,714 barrels a day through the 1% pinhole go undetected for 2 weeks."
His Answer:
"Ok. First, modern pipelines have more redundant protections on them than an airplane or spacecraft.
Part of that protection is the testing of the fabrication,
part of it is protective coatings,
part of it is an induced current for cathodic protection, and the monitoring can detect hundreds of barrels that go missing (even smaller if it happens quickly).
In other words, the situation you described would be detected within a couple of hours

BUT NOTE.. I used 5,714 barrels..!
Simple common sense question folks!!! Which is a BIGGER number 1 million barrels or 5,714 barrels???
Seems simple but common sense seems to be missing here folks!

Next example of the lack of common sense and the destruction that is happening.
Why would a congress knowing that the primary purpose of ACA was to cover 46 million uninsured... NOT find out the really obvious question who are these 46 million uninsured?

Well if the members had checked with the Census the Census would say 46 million.. OK...
But if they checked further the Census said 10 million are not citizens... so why are they considered part of the problem?
Now if Congress went further and found out that the Census said:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible. "

But Congress obviously didn't have enough common sense to add 10 million illegals and 14 million that were already eligible for Medicaid making 24 million.. !
Finally Congress obviously NEVER asked the 18 million under 34 that could afford their employers' health (make over $50,000) why they shouldn't be part of the "uninsured" didn't
use common sense and say "hmmm if these people don't want insurance and are paying out of pocket already... what purpose is there in counting them as "uninsured"???

But NO common sense here folks!
Proven time and time again there are less then 4 million that truly want and need coverage ACA was passed AND NOW WE HAVE more then 4 million truly uninsured! Because of the stupid wasteful 2,000 pages passed on the bogus phony 46 million number millions of people happy with their coverage are having their insurance CANCELLED!!!

Again why folks? LACK of common sense on the part of Congress!
I am very very tired of this tendency of Congress to think "BIG" To do BIG things!
We can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million and get a true number of uninsured!
I'm normally with you, but it isn't just about the numbers with regard to the oil pipeline.

But as soon as you open up a deep water channel to the center of Canada so that the oil supertankers can get in, fill up and then move out taking that 1 million barrels with it, I'll be on board with your argument.

Whats that you say? We need a means to move the oil from the CENTER of a CONTINENT to the location where big oil tankers can fill up?
It's not just in politics where common sense is lacking it seems to be disappearing from all parts of the country.
What appears to be a societal lack of "common sense" is the result of the atomization of society propelled by the free flow of massive amounts of information and the opportunities to seek out and talk to others online like themselves. I think all of this will lead to a reformation of center and a new consensus by the greater majority on issues.
We're more self-sufficient in fuel than ever before.What we need is a jobs infrastructure bill and no more phoney crises...hater dupes- less screwing up the economy and no compromise obstruction, and of course less bs fear mongering propaganda...
More and more politicians are swept up in the emotional "we gotta fix this" or there is a "crisis" mode and as a result trillions of dollars are be totally wasted and our economy is suffering!

All due to a lack of common sense.

Take the Keystone pipeline.
How hard is it to grasp that a tanker carrying 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean is carry one million barrels one mile right?
Now the Keystone pipeline carries The United States section is 1,379 miles long.
At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Folks.. this may sound very very simple..
BUT when you divide 830,000 barrels by 1,379 miles at any one time in one mile of pipe how much oil will be in that one mile of pipeline? 601 barrels.
Can we agree on this simple math?

So where is the common sense missing by most people in that WHICH has the greater potential of happening a storm coming up and like Exxon Valdez
nearly 600,000 barrels spilled over 11,000 square miles?
OR a Pipeline on dry land, that has this project manager for Keystone told me when I asked him this question:
"Will the loss of 5,714 barrels a day through the 1% pinhole go undetected for 2 weeks."
His Answer:
"Ok. First, modern pipelines have more redundant protections on them than an airplane or spacecraft.
Part of that protection is the testing of the fabrication,
part of it is protective coatings,
part of it is an induced current for cathodic protection, and the monitoring can detect hundreds of barrels that go missing (even smaller if it happens quickly).
In other words, the situation you described would be detected within a couple of hours

BUT NOTE.. I used 5,714 barrels..!
Simple common sense question folks!!! Which is a BIGGER number 1 million barrels or 5,714 barrels???
Seems simple but common sense seems to be missing here folks!

Next example of the lack of common sense and the destruction that is happening.
Why would a congress knowing that the primary purpose of ACA was to cover 46 million uninsured... NOT find out the really obvious question who are these 46 million uninsured?

Well if the members had checked with the Census the Census would say 46 million.. OK...
But if they checked further the Census said 10 million are not citizens... so why are they considered part of the problem?
Now if Congress went further and found out that the Census said:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible. "

But Congress obviously didn't have enough common sense to add 10 million illegals and 14 million that were already eligible for Medicaid making 24 million.. !
Finally Congress obviously NEVER asked the 18 million under 34 that could afford their employers' health (make over $50,000) why they shouldn't be part of the "uninsured" didn't
use common sense and say "hmmm if these people don't want insurance and are paying out of pocket already... what purpose is there in counting them as "uninsured"???

But NO common sense here folks!
Proven time and time again there are less then 4 million that truly want and need coverage ACA was passed AND NOW WE HAVE more then 4 million truly uninsured! Because of the stupid wasteful 2,000 pages passed on the bogus phony 46 million number millions of people happy with their coverage are having their insurance CANCELLED!!!

Again why folks? LACK of common sense on the part of Congress!
I am very very tired of this tendency of Congress to think "BIG" To do BIG things!
We can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million and get a true number of uninsured!
I'm normally with you, but it isn't just about the numbers with regard to the oil pipeline.

But as soon as you open up a deep water channel to the center of Canada so that the oil supertankers can get in, fill up and then move out taking that 1 million barrels with it, I'll be on board with your argument.

Whats that you say? We need a means to move the oil from the CENTER of a CONTINENT to the location where big oil tankers can fill up?

Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels (41,000 to 119,000 m3) of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters. The Valdez spill was the largest ever in U.S. waters until the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in terms of volume released. However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, and boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response.
The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline, and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.
Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Folks these are two perfect examples of how much common sense is lacking in both the Congress and American people.
Which has a greater chance and a larger area of damage???
1 million barrels floating 1 mile on the open ocean or.
700 barrels traveling in one mile of pipe on dry land?
Common sense folks.
The lack of common sense lies with the voters. Stop electing people with no common sense!
What we see are politicians voting based on polls.
Polls based on surveys done by the MSM that has,
reported in a bias fashion information.
This information is taken as true by the uninformed and uneducated low information voter who believes a source that donated
85% of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
So we have uninformed politicians depending on polls produced by biased news organizations that write/produce the biased content that the uninformed voter considers the truth in answers that lack both common sense and definitely no intelligence.

I mean seriously how can anyone say there are 46 millions (now 30 million because they aren't counting illegals) when the Census says 14 million were eligible before ACA for Medicaid? Or why was it so lacking in common sense to count 18 million that don't WANT or need health insurance?
See this is the point of the lack of common sense!
Folks these are two perfect examples of how much common sense is lacking in both the Congress and American people.
Which has a greater chance and a larger area of damage???
1 million barrels floating 1 mile on the open ocean or.
700 barrels traveling in one mile of pipe on dry land?
Common sense folks.

Is it common sense to believe that a tanker spill in the ocean is the same thing as a pipeline leak into the worlds largest and most important aquifer?

Do you even know what an aquifer is?
Folks these are two perfect examples of how much common sense is lacking in both the Congress and American people.
Which has a greater chance and a larger area of damage???
1 million barrels floating 1 mile on the open ocean or.
700 barrels traveling in one mile of pipe on dry land?
Common sense folks.

Is it common sense to believe that a tanker spill in the ocean is the same thing as a pipeline leak into the worlds largest and most important aquifer?

Do you even know what an aquifer is?


The attached map will now make you one of the “informed,” as it identifies the nearly 20,000 miles energy transmission pipelines that already crisscross the region, and have for years.

Keystone XL Pipeline: One of many pipelines that cross the Ogallala Aquifer » The More You Dig

So what were you saying dummy???
AN EXPERT not you cockeyed ignorant people.. AN Hydrologist!

This was 1970 and James Goeke had just joined the team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Conservation and Survey Division where he still works as a hydrologist.
He never would have guessed it, but someday he would own a chunk of western Nebraska and cherish it as much as any person could.

Scattered around the state are close to 6,000 holes each about 5 inches in diameter drilled to the base of the Ogallala Aquifer. During the 1970s, Goeke drilled about 1,000 of those holes in the deepest part of the aquifer.

He said TransCanada could answer every question and was honest and forthcoming. That didn’t immediately quiet all his reluctance, so he continued his research until he came to a conclusion: The Keystone XL pipeline is not a serious threat to the Ogallala Aquifer.

“A lot of people in the debate about the pipeline talk about how leakage would foul the water and ruin the entire water supply in the state of Nebraska and that’s just a false,” he said.

His explanation is simple.

Seventy-five to 80 percent of the aquifer lies west of the proposed pipeline route.

The aquifer is sloped downward going east. If there were a spill, that entire section is unavailable to be harmed because water cannot move uphill. The 15 to 20 percent left, Goeke says, is in very little risk thanks to abundant fine-grain clays, sediment and sandstone separating the aquifer and potential contaminants from the pipeline.

While Goeke agrees 20 percent would be a problem, he thinks the chances of a leak reaching the aquifer are very minimal.

UNL expert: Ogallala Aquifer has little risk of Keystone pipeline oil spills - Daily Nebraskan: Endowment

AGAIN perfect example of how people with very little knowledge and obviously a hysterical irrational thinking process exhibit very LITTLE COMMON SENSE!!!
More and more politicians are swept up in the emotional "we gotta fix this" or there is a "crisis" mode and as a result trillions of dollars are be totally wasted and our economy is suffering!

All due to a lack of common sense.

Take the Keystone pipeline.
How hard is it to grasp that a tanker carrying 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean is carry one million barrels one mile right?
Now the Keystone pipeline carries The United States section is 1,379 miles long.
At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Folks.. this may sound very very simple..
BUT when you divide 830,000 barrels by 1,379 miles at any one time in one mile of pipe how much oil will be in that one mile of pipeline? 601 barrels.
Can we agree on this simple math?

So where is the common sense missing by most people in that WHICH has the greater potential of happening a storm coming up and like Exxon Valdez
nearly 600,000 barrels spilled over 11,000 square miles?
OR a Pipeline on dry land, that has this project manager for Keystone told me when I asked him this question:
"Will the loss of 5,714 barrels a day through the 1% pinhole go undetected for 2 weeks."
His Answer:
"Ok. First, modern pipelines have more redundant protections on them than an airplane or spacecraft.
Part of that protection is the testing of the fabrication,
part of it is protective coatings,
part of it is an induced current for cathodic protection, and the monitoring can detect hundreds of barrels that go missing (even smaller if it happens quickly).
In other words, the situation you described would be detected within a couple of hours

BUT NOTE.. I used 5,714 barrels..!
Simple common sense question folks!!! Which is a BIGGER number 1 million barrels or 5,714 barrels???
Seems simple but common sense seems to be missing here folks!

Next example of the lack of common sense and the destruction that is happening.
Why would a congress knowing that the primary purpose of ACA was to cover 46 million uninsured... NOT find out the really obvious question who are these 46 million uninsured?

Well if the members had checked with the Census the Census would say 46 million.. OK...
But if they checked further the Census said 10 million are not citizens... so why are they considered part of the problem?
Now if Congress went further and found out that the Census said:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible. "

But Congress obviously didn't have enough common sense to add 10 million illegals and 14 million that were already eligible for Medicaid making 24 million.. !
Finally Congress obviously NEVER asked the 18 million under 34 that could afford their employers' health (make over $50,000) why they shouldn't be part of the "uninsured" didn't
use common sense and say "hmmm if these people don't want insurance and are paying out of pocket already... what purpose is there in counting them as "uninsured"???

But NO common sense here folks!
Proven time and time again there are less then 4 million that truly want and need coverage ACA was passed AND NOW WE HAVE more then 4 million truly uninsured! Because of the stupid wasteful 2,000 pages passed on the bogus phony 46 million number millions of people happy with their coverage are having their insurance CANCELLED!!!

Again why folks? LACK of common sense on the part of Congress!
I am very very tired of this tendency of Congress to think "BIG" To do BIG things!
We can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million and get a true number of uninsured!

To be honest, suffer from a lack information. And likewise an uninformed votership.
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So you dumb ignorant people hysterical about Keystone are proving my point! YOU and many of the politicians have little if ANY common sense!

A) You idiots would rather have 1 million barrels floating in a tanker traveling thousands of miles then 700 barrels traveling 1,739 miles over dry secured land!

B) You idiots get all excited and sky is falling about leaks in the Ogallala Aquifer but you don't ask the common sense question of the people who ARE experts like Mr. Goeke above!

C) I've showed you a map where 20,000 miles of pipeline cross the Ogallala Aquifer today! Where was your excitement about those 20,000 miles???

What does it take to get some simple common sense into your pea brains or is that the problem... you have pea brains???

I've pointed out the simple math there NEVER were 46 million uninsured.. YET idiots that can't subtract still argue... NO common sense!

And now Mr. Goeke who lives there and has been their for 30 years... HE understands common sense !
I am asking two questions that illustrate the lack of common sense in Obamacare supporters and in Keystone critics.

Q1_ Obamacare supporters.. simple add and subtract question that should have a common sense answer.
If included in the 46 million hypothetical and phony uninsured figure Obama has said "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
is he NOW excluding them in Obamacare?

March 6,2014 President Obama allayed fears within the immigrant community that information gathered about undocumented immigrant family members while signing up for health care would not be used for deportation enforcement.
In the process, he stated that only U.S. citizens and those with "legal presence" would be able to apply for subsidized health care, noting that "it's true that the undocumented are not eligible -- that's how the law was written."

So why did he INCLUDE them as part of the "46 million uninsured"???

Why did Obama count 14 million people that under his administration QUALIFY for Medicaid.. why hasn't he got them enrolled BEFORE ACA?
Yet these 14 million are counted as part of the bogus 46 million uninsured!
So 24 million from the bogus 46 million leaves 22 million.
Why did OBAMA count 18 million people THAT DON"T WANT health insurance, make over $50,000 a year and spend less on health services then the cost of their employers' health plan?

That leaves 4 million. Truly uninsured that want and need.. NOT the 46 million most people think including those that voted by just 7 votes the destructive ACA!

Q2_ I am asking for the Keystone critics to answer my question which would you rather have 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean that if a wreck occurred 11,000 square miles of ocean (like Exxon Valdez) polluted or 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land springing a leak that is detected within hours and repaired within days?

I've shown experts describing leaks in pipelines as being detected spilling less the 4/10ths of one percent.
I've shown experts on the Ogallala Aquifer that says even though 20,000 miles of pipe cross Ogallala now, the Keystone will be in less then 20% of the aquifer.

Both of these simple questions require nothing more then simple arithmetic. Adding and subtracting.

Why is there any question then there were never 46 million uninsured when Obama doesn't count 10 million illegals but he used them in the phony number?
Why is there any question 14 million of the phony 46 million are already eligible and need only register with Medicaid?
And why are 18 million people THAT don't WANT, DON"T NEED counted as "uninsured" when they choose not to have employers' health plan??
4 million not 46 million.
Why is there any question that 1 million barrels floating one mile on the open ocean is more then 700 barrels in one mile of pipe on dry land?
The lack of common sense in politics is destroying our country!

I disagree. Common sense, or the lack of it, isn't what is destroying America. Politicians that lie, don't uphold the Constitution, and will say and do anything just to get re-elected is what is destroying America. You can be the dumbest SOB in the world and it makes no difference but for God's sake, at least tell us the truth about what's going on so we can make informed choices at the polls.
Thank you! My two examples are totally perfect examples of the lack of common sense!
We are spending trillions on Obamacare,destroying tax paying companies in the process and for what?
Certainly not 46 million "uninsured"!

We are willing to accept 1 million barrels floating on the ocean for one mile when common sense
would say.. why not use a 700 barrel per mile pipeline on dry land joining the other 50,000 miles of pipeline 20,000 in the Ogallala Aquifer!

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